The Design of the Eye Caramba Opie Image Viewer. It consists out of several Parts: 1.) A interface for Getting Information, Files and Requesting Pixmap and the Full Image 2.) A ImageCache which uses the current Interface to request the Pixmap in the given side (the gui will listen to the slot and insert the image ) 3.) A small library which gives the Image Info and Pixmap. Internally it'll have a forked slave to do the actual work. It'll also write thumbnails. 4.) The Interface parts are designed for stuff like FileSystem View or Digi Cam support which would read thumbnail from different locations TODO: - Special QIconListViewItem painting routines to include BEAM,Rename,Delete,Rotate buttons - Create SlideShows -Add from View. Will ask to add to a slide show -And special slideshow widget for the order -Save in Config within AppDir of eyecaramba