#include "imagescrollview.h" #include using namespace Opie::Core; #include #include ImageScrollView::ImageScrollView( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f ) :QScrollView(parent,name,f|Qt::WRepaintNoErase ),_image_data(),_original_data(),scale_to_fit(true), rotate_to_fit(true),first_resize_done(false) { init(); } ImageScrollView::ImageScrollView (const QImage&img, QWidget * parent, const char * name, WFlags f,bool always_scale,bool rfit) :QScrollView(parent,name,f|Qt::WRepaintNoErase),_image_data(),_original_data(img),scale_to_fit(always_scale), rotate_to_fit(rfit),first_resize_done(false) { init(); } ImageScrollView::ImageScrollView (const QString&img, QWidget * parent, const char * name, WFlags f,bool always_scale,bool rfit) :QScrollView(parent,name,f|Qt::WRepaintNoErase),_image_data(),_original_data(img),scale_to_fit(always_scale), rotate_to_fit(rfit),first_resize_done(false) { init(); } void ImageScrollView::setImage(const QImage&img) { _image_data = QImage(); _original_data=img; first_resize_done = false; init(); } void ImageScrollView::setImage( const QString& path ) { } /* should be called every time the QImage changed it content */ void ImageScrollView::init() { viewport()->setBackgroundColor(white); if (_original_data.size().isValid()) { resizeContents(_original_data.width(),_original_data.height()); } last_rot = Rotate0; } ImageScrollView::~ImageScrollView() { } void ImageScrollView::rescaleImage(int w, int h) { if (_image_data.width()==w && _image_data.height()==h) { return; } double hs = (double)h / (double)_image_data.height() ; double ws = (double)w / (double)_image_data.width() ; double scaleFactor = (hs > ws) ? ws : hs; int smoothW = (int)(scaleFactor * _image_data.width()); int smoothH = (int)(scaleFactor * _image_data.height()); _image_data = _image_data.smoothScale(smoothW,smoothH); } void ImageScrollView::rotate_into_data(Rotation r) { /* realy - we must do this that way, 'cause when acting direct on _image_data the app will segfault :( */ QImage dest; int x, y; if ( _original_data.depth() > 8 ) { unsigned int *srcData, *destData; switch ( r ) { case Rotate90: dest.create(_original_data.height(), _original_data.width(), _original_data.depth()); for ( y=0; y < _original_data.height(); ++y ) { srcData = (unsigned int *)_original_data.scanLine(y); for ( x=0; x < _original_data.width(); ++x ) { destData = (unsigned int *)dest.scanLine(x); destData[_original_data.height()-y-1] = srcData[x]; } } break; case Rotate180: dest.create(_original_data.width(), _original_data.height(), _original_data.depth()); for ( y=0; y < _original_data.height(); ++y ) { srcData = (unsigned int *)_original_data.scanLine(y); destData = (unsigned int *)dest.scanLine(_original_data.height()-y-1); for ( x=0; x < _original_data.width(); ++x ) destData[_original_data.width()-x-1] = srcData[x]; } break; case Rotate270: dest.create(_original_data.height(), _original_data.width(), _original_data.depth()); for ( y=0; y < _original_data.height(); ++y ) { srcData = (unsigned int *)_original_data.scanLine(y); for ( x=0; x < _original_data.width(); ++x ) { destData = (unsigned int *)dest.scanLine(_original_data.width()-x-1); destData[y] = srcData[x]; } } break; default: dest = _original_data; break; } } else { unsigned char *srcData, *destData; unsigned int *srcTable, *destTable; switch ( r ) { case Rotate90: dest.create(_original_data.height(), _original_data.width(), _original_data.depth()); dest.setNumColors(_original_data.numColors()); srcTable = (unsigned int *)_original_data.colorTable(); destTable = (unsigned int *)dest.colorTable(); for ( x=0; x < _original_data.numColors(); ++x ) destTable[x] = srcTable[x]; for ( y=0; y < _original_data.height(); ++y ) { srcData = (unsigned char *)_original_data.scanLine(y); for ( x=0; x < _original_data.width(); ++x ) { destData = (unsigned char *)dest.scanLine(x); destData[_original_data.height()-y-1] = srcData[x]; } } break; case Rotate180: dest.create(_original_data.width(), _original_data.height(), _original_data.depth()); dest.setNumColors(_original_data.numColors()); srcTable = (unsigned int *)_original_data.colorTable(); destTable = (unsigned int *)dest.colorTable(); for ( x=0; x < _original_data.numColors(); ++x ) destTable[x] = srcTable[x]; for ( y=0; y < _original_data.height(); ++y ) { srcData = (unsigned char *)_original_data.scanLine(y); destData = (unsigned char *)dest.scanLine(_original_data.height()-y-1); for ( x=0; x < _original_data.width(); ++x ) destData[_original_data.width()-x-1] = srcData[x]; } break; case Rotate270: dest.create(_original_data.height(), _original_data.width(), _original_data.depth()); dest.setNumColors(_original_data.numColors()); srcTable = (unsigned int *)_original_data.colorTable(); destTable = (unsigned int *)dest.colorTable(); for ( x=0; x < _original_data.numColors(); ++x ) destTable[x] = srcTable[x]; for ( y=0; y < _original_data.height(); ++y ) { srcData = (unsigned char *)_original_data.scanLine(y); for ( x=0; x < _original_data.width(); ++x ) { destData = (unsigned char *)dest.scanLine(_original_data.width()-x-1); destData[y] = srcData[x]; } } break; default: dest = _original_data; break; } } _image_data = dest; } void ImageScrollView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e) { odebug << "ImageScrollView resizeEvent" << oendl; QScrollView::resizeEvent(e); Rotation r = Rotate0; if (width()>height()&&_original_data.width()<_original_data.height() || width()_original_data.height()) { if (rotate_to_fit) r = Rotate90; } odebug << " r = " << r << oendl; if (scale_to_fit) { if (!_image_data.size().isValid()||width()>_image_data.width()||height()>_image_data.height()) { if (r==Rotate0) { _image_data = _original_data; } else { rotate_into_data(r); } } rescaleImage(width(),height()); resizeContents(width()-10,height()-10); } else if (!first_resize_done||r!=last_rot) { if (r==Rotate0) { _image_data = _original_data; } else { rotate_into_data(r); } last_rot = r; resizeContents(_image_data.width(),_image_data.height()); } first_resize_done = true; } void ImageScrollView::drawContents(QPainter * p, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph) { int w = clipw; int h = cliph; int x = clipx; int y = clipy; bool erase = false; if (!_image_data.size().isValid()) { p->fillRect(clipx,clipy,clipw,cliph,white); return; } if (w>_image_data.width()) { w=_image_data.width(); x = 0; erase = true; } else if (x+w>_image_data.width()){ x = _image_data.width()-w; } if (h>_image_data.height()) { h=_image_data.height(); y = 0; erase = true; } else if (y+h>_image_data.height()){ y = _image_data.height()-h; } if (erase||_image_data.hasAlphaBuffer()) { p->fillRect(clipx,clipy,clipw,cliph,white); } p->drawImage(clipx,clipy,_image_data,x,y,w,h); } /* using the real geometry points and not the translated points is wanted! */ void ImageScrollView::viewportMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { int mx, my; mx = e->x(); my = e->y(); int diffx = _mouseStartPosX-mx; int diffy = _mouseStartPosY-my; scrollBy(diffx,diffy); _mouseStartPosX=mx; _mouseStartPosY=my; } void ImageScrollView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * e) { _mouseStartPosX = e->x(); _mouseStartPosY = e->y(); } void ImageScrollView::contentsMousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e) { _mouseStartPosX = e->x(); _mouseStartPosY = e->y(); } void ImageScrollView::setDestructiveClose() { WFlags fl = getWFlags(); /* clear it just in case */ fl &= ~WDestructiveClose; fl |= WDestructiveClose; setWFlags( fl ); } /* for testing */ ImageDlg::ImageDlg(const QString&fname,QWidget * parent, const char * name) :QDialog(parent,name,true,WStyle_ContextHelp) { QVBoxLayout*dlglayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); dlglayout->setSpacing(2); dlglayout->setMargin(1); ImageScrollView*inf = new ImageScrollView(fname,this); dlglayout->addWidget(inf); odebug << "Imagedlg constructor end" << oendl; } ImageDlg::~ImageDlg() { }