/* * GPLv2 zecke@handhelds.org * No WArranty... */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "iconview.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "mainwindow.h" OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory ) PMainWindow::PMainWindow(QWidget* wid, const char* name, WFlags style) : QMainWindow( wid, name, style ), m_cfg("phunkview") { setCaption( QObject::tr("Opie Eye Caramba" ) ); m_cfg.setGroup("Zecke_view" ); /* * Initialize ToolBar and IconView * And Connect Them */ QToolBar *bar = new QToolBar( this ); bar->setHorizontalStretchable( true ); setToolBarsMovable( false ); m_view = new PIconView( this, &m_cfg ); setCentralWidget( m_view ); QToolButton *btn = new QToolButton( bar ); btn->setIconSet( Resource::loadIconSet( "up" ) ); connect( btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_view, SLOT(slotDirUp()) ); btn = new PFileSystem( bar ); connect( btn, SIGNAL( changeDir( const QString& ) ), m_view, SLOT(slotChangeDir( const QString& ) ) ); btn = new QToolButton( bar ); btn->setIconSet( Resource::loadIconSet( "edit" ) ); connect( btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_view, SLOT(slotRename()) ); if ( Ir::supported() ) { btn = new QToolButton( bar ); btn->setIconSet( Resource::loadIconSet( "beam" ) ); connect( btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_view, SLOT(slotBeam()) ); } btn = new QToolButton( bar ); btn->setIconSet( Resource::loadIconSet( "trash" ) ); connect( btn, SIGNAL(clicked() ), m_view, SLOT(slotTrash() ) ); btn = new QToolButton( bar ); btn->setIconSet( Resource::loadIconSet( "SettingsIcon" ) ); connect( btn, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT(slotConfig() ) ); } PMainWindow::~PMainWindow() { } void PMainWindow::slotConfig() { QDialog dlg(this, 0, true); dlg.setCaption( tr("Phunk View - Config" ) ); QHBoxLayout *lay = new QHBoxLayout(&dlg); OTabWidget *wid = new OTabWidget(&dlg ); lay->addWidget( wid ); ViewMap *vM = viewMap(); ViewMap::Iterator _it = vM->begin(); QMap lst; for( ; _it != vM->end(); ++_it ) { PDirView *view = (_it.data())(m_cfg); PInterfaceInfo *inf = view->interfaceInfo(); QWidget *_wid = inf->configWidget( m_cfg ); _wid->reparent(wid, QPoint() ); lst.insert( view, _wid ); wid->addTab( _wid, QString::null, inf->name() ); } dlg.showMaximized(); bool act = ( dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ); QMap::Iterator it; for ( it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) { if ( act ) it.key()->interfaceInfo()->writeConfig(it.data(), m_cfg); delete it.key(); } if ( act ) m_view->resetView(); }