#include "gif_slave.h" #include "thumbnailtool.h" #include #include #include #include PHUNK_VIEW_INTERFACE( "Gif", GifSlave ); namespace { /* ** $Id$ ** ** Minimal GIF parser, for use in extracting and setting metadata. ** Modified for standalone & KDE calling by Bryce Nesbitt ** ** TODO: ** Support gif comments that span more than one comment block. ** Verify that Unicode utf-8 is fully unmolested by this code. ** Implement gif structure verifier. ** ** Based on: GIFtrans v1.12.2 ** Copyright (C) 24.2.94 by Andreas Ley ** ******************************************************************************* ** ** Original distribution site is ** ftp://ftp.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/pub/net/www/tools/giftrans/giftrans.c ** A man-page by knordlun@fltxa.helsinki.fi (Kai Nordlund) is at ** ftp://ftp.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/pub/net/www/tools/giftrans/giftrans.1 ** An online version by taylor@intuitive.com (Dave Taylor) is at ** http://www.intuitive.com/coolweb/Addons/giftrans-doc.html ** To compile for MS-DOS or OS/2, you need getopt: ** ftp://ftp.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/pub/net/www/tools/giftrans/getopt.c ** MS-DOS executable can be found at ** ftp://ftp.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/pub/net/www/tools/giftrans/giftrans.exe ** OS/2 executable can be found at ** ftp://ftp.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/pub/net/www/tools/giftrans/giftrans.os2.exe ** A template rgb.txt for use with the MS-DOS version can be found at ** ftp://ftp.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/pub/net/www/tools/giftrans/rgb.txt ** Additional info can be found on ** http://melmac.corp.harris.com/transparent_images.html ** ** The GIF file format is documented in ** ftp://ftp.uu.net/doc/literary/obi/Standards/Graphics/Formats/gif89a.doc.Z ** A good quick reference is at: ** http://www.goice.co.jp/member/mo/formats/gif.html ** ******************************************************************************* ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ** */ #define SUCCESS (0) #define FAILURE (1) #define READ_BINARY "r" #define WRITE_BINARY "w" static long int pos; static char skipcomment,verbose; char *global_comment; #define readword(buffer) ((buffer)[0]+256*(buffer)[1]) #define readflag(buffer) ((buffer)?true:false) #define hex(c) ('a'<=(c)&&(c)<='z'?(c)-'a'+10:'A'<=(c)&&(c)<='Z'?(c)-'A'+10:(c)-'0') static bool debug = false; static bool output= false; void dump(long int, unsigned char *, size_t) { } void skipdata(FILE *src) { unsigned char size,buffer[256]; do { pos=ftell(src); (void)fread((void *)&size,1,1,src); if (debug) dump(pos,&size,1); if (debug) { pos=ftell(src); (void)fread((void *)buffer,(size_t)size,1,src); dump(pos,buffer,(size_t)size); } else (void)fseek(src,(long int)size,SEEK_CUR); } while (!feof(src)&&size>0); } void transdata(FILE *src, FILE *dest) { unsigned char size,buffer[256]; do { pos=ftell(src); (void)fread((void *)&size,1,1,src); pos=ftell(src); (void)fread((void *)buffer,(size_t)size,1,src); if (debug) dump(pos,buffer,(size_t)size); if (output) (void)fwrite((void *)buffer,(size_t)size,1,dest); } while (!feof(src)&&size>0); } void transblock(FILE *src, FILE* dest) { unsigned char size,buffer[256]; pos=ftell(src); (void)fread((void *)&size,1,1,src); if (debug) dump(pos,&size,1); if (output) (void)fwrite((void *)&size,1,1,dest); pos=ftell(src); (void)fread((void *)buffer,(size_t)size,1,src); if (debug) dump(pos,buffer,(size_t)size); if (output) (void)fwrite((void *)buffer,(size_t)size,1,dest); } void dumpcomment(FILE *src, QCString& str) { unsigned char size; pos=ftell(src); (void)fread((void *)&size,1,1,src); if (debug) dump(pos,&size,1); str.resize( size+1 ); (void)fread((void *)str.data(),size,1,src); (void)fseek(src,(long int)pos,SEEK_SET); } int giftrans(FILE *src, FILE* dest, QString& str, bool full) { unsigned char buffer[3*256],lsd[7],gct[3*256]; unsigned int size,gct_size; /* Header */ pos=ftell(src); (void)fread((void *)buffer,6,1,src); if (strncmp((char *)buffer,"GIF",3)) { str = QObject::tr("Not a GIF file"); (void)fprintf(stderr,"Not GIF file!\n"); return(1); } /* Logical Screen Descriptor */ pos=ftell(src); (void)fread((void *)lsd,7,1,src); //(void)fprintf(stderr,"Logical Screen Descriptor:\n"); str += QObject::tr("Dimensions: %1x%2\n").arg( readword(lsd) ).arg( readword(lsd+2 ) ); //(void)fprintf(stderr,"Global Color Table Flag: %s\n",readflag(lsd[4]&0x80)); str += QObject::tr("Depth: %1 bits\n").arg( (lsd[4]&0x70>>4 )+1); //(void)fprintf(stderr,"Depth : %d bits\n",(lsd[4]&0x70>>4)+1); if (lsd[4]&0x80 && full) { str += QObject::tr("Sort Flag: %1\n" ).arg(readflag(lsd[4]&0x8) ); str += QObject::tr("Size of Global Color Table: %1 colors\n" ).arg( 2<<(lsd[4]&0x7)); str += QObject::tr("Background Color Index: %1\n" ).arg(lsd[5]); } if (lsd[6] && full) str += QObject::tr("Pixel Aspect Ratio: %1 (Aspect Ratio %2)\n" ).arg( lsd[6] ). arg( ((double)lsd[6]+15)/64 ); /* Global Color Table */ if (lsd[4]&0x80) { gct_size=2<<(lsd[4]&0x7); pos=ftell(src); (void)fread((void *)gct,gct_size,3,src); } do { pos=ftell(src); (void)fread((void *)buffer,1,1,src); switch (buffer[0]) { case 0x2c: /* Image Descriptor */ (void)fread((void *)(buffer+1),9,1,src); /* Local Color Table */ if (buffer[8]&0x80) { size=2<<(buffer[8]&0x7); pos=ftell(src); (void)fread((void *)buffer,size,3,src); } /* Table Based Image Data */ pos=ftell(src); (void)fread((void *)buffer,1,1,src); transdata(src,dest); break; case 0x21: /* Extension */ (void)fread((void *)(buffer+1),1,1,src); switch (buffer[1]) { case 0xfe: /* Comment Extension */ if (true) { QCString st; dumpcomment(src, st); str += QObject::tr("Comment: %1\n" ).arg( st ); } if (skipcomment) skipdata(src); else { transdata(src,dest); } break; case 0x01: /* Plain Text Extension */ case 0xf9: /* Graphic Control Extension */ case 0xff: /* Application Extension */ default: transblock(src,dest); transdata(src,dest); break; } break; case 0x3b: /* Trailer (write comment just before here) */ break; default: (void)fprintf(stderr,"0x%08lx: Error, unknown block 0x%02x!\n",ftell(src)-1,buffer[0]); return(1); } } while (buffer[0]!=0x3b&&!feof(src)); return(buffer[0]==0x3b?SUCCESS:FAILURE); } /****************************************************************************/ extern void get_gif_info( const char * original_filename, QString& str, bool full =false) { FILE * infile; if ((infile = fopen(original_filename, READ_BINARY)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open gif image '%s'\n", original_filename); return ; } output = FALSE; verbose = TRUE; debug = FALSE; skipcomment = FALSE; giftrans( infile, NULL, str, full ); fclose( infile ); } } GifSlave::GifSlave() : SlaveInterface(QStringList("gif")) {} GifSlave::~GifSlave() { } QString GifSlave::iconViewName(const QString& str) { QString st; get_gif_info(QFile::encodeName( str ).data(), st ); return st; } QString GifSlave::fullImageInfo( const QString& str) { QString st; get_gif_info(QFile::encodeName( str ).data(), st, true ); return st; } QPixmap GifSlave::pixmap(const QString& path, int width, int height ) { static QImage img; img.load( path ); if ( img.isNull() ) { QPixmap pix; return pix; } return ThumbNailTool::scaleImage( img, width,height ); }