#include #include "xinecontrol.h" #include "mediaplayerstate.h" extern MediaPlayerState *mediaPlayerState; XineControl::XineControl( QObject *parent, const char *name ) : QObject( parent, name ) { libXine = new XINE::Lib(); connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( pausedToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( pause(bool) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( positionChanged( int position ) ), mediaPlayerState, SLOT( updatePosition( long p ) ) ); connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( playingToggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( stop( bool ) ) ); connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( fullscreenToggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( setFullscreen( bool ) ) ); } XineControl::~XineControl() { delete libXine; } void XineControl::play( const QString& fileName ) { libXine->play( fileName ); mediaPlayerState->setPlaying( true ); // default to audio view until we know how to handle video // MediaDetect mdetect; char whichGui = mdetect.videoOrAudio( fileName ); if (whichGui == 'f') { qDebug("Nicht erkannter Dateityp"); return; } // determine if slider is shown // mediaPlayerState->setIsStreaming( mdetect.isStreaming( fileName ) ); mediaPlayerState->setIsStreaming( libXine->isSeekable() ); // which gui (video / audio) mediaPlayerState->setView( whichGui ); } void XineControl::stop( bool isSet ) { if ( !isSet) { libXine->stop(); mediaPlayerState->setList(); //mediaPlayerState->setPlaying( false ); } else { // play again } } void XineControl::pause( bool isSet) { libXine->pause(); } int XineControl::currentTime() { // todo: jede sekunde überprüfen m_currentTime = libXine->currentTime(); return m_currentTime; } void XineControl::length() { m_length = libXine->length(); mediaPlayerState->setLength( m_length ); } int XineControl::position() { m_position = (m_currentTime/m_length*100); mediaPlayerState->setPosition( m_position ); return m_position; emit positionChanged( m_position ); QTimer::singleShot( 1000, this, SLOT( position ) ); } void XineControl::setFullscreen( bool isSet ) { libXine-> showVideoFullScreen( isSet); }