#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "composemail.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace Opie::Core; using namespace Opie::Ui; ComposeMail::ComposeMail( Settings *s, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags flags ) : ComposeMailUI( parent, name, modal, flags ) { settings = s; m_replyid = ""; QString vfilename = Global::applicationFileName("addressbook", "businesscard.vcf"); Contact c; if (QFile::exists(vfilename)) { c = Contact::readVCard( vfilename )[0]; } QStringList mails = c.emailList(); QString defmail = c.defaultEmail(); if (defmail.length()!=0) { fromBox->insertItem(defmail); } QStringList::ConstIterator sit = mails.begin(); for (;sit!=mails.end();++sit) { if ( (*sit)==defmail) continue; fromBox->insertItem((*sit)); } senderNameEdit->setText(c.firstName()+" "+c.lastName()); Config cfg( "mail" ); cfg.setGroup( "Compose" ); checkBoxLater->setChecked( cfg.readBoolEntry( "sendLater", false ) ); attList->addColumn( tr( "Name" ) ); attList->addColumn( tr( "Size" ) ); QList accounts = settings->getAccounts(); Account *it; for ( it = accounts.first(); it; it = accounts.next() ) { if ( it->getType()==MAILLIB::A_SMTP ) { SMTPaccount *smtp = static_cast(it); smtpAccountBox->insertItem( smtp->getAccountName() ); smtpAccounts.append( smtp ); } } if ( smtpAccounts.count() > 0 ) { fillValues( smtpAccountBox->currentItem() ); } else { QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Problem" ), tr( "

Please create an SMTP account first.

" ), tr( "Ok" ) ); return; } connect( smtpAccountBox, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( fillValues(int) ) ); connect( toButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressTo() ) ); connect( ccButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressCC() ) ); connect( bccButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressBCC() ) ); connect( replyButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressReply() ) ); connect( addButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( addAttachment() ) ); connect( deleteButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( removeAttachment() ) ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddress( QLineEdit *line ) { QString names = AddressPicker::getNames(); if ( line->text().isEmpty() ) { line->setText( names ); } else if ( !names.isEmpty() ) { line->setText( line->text() + ", " + names ); } } void ComposeMail::setTo( const QString & to ) { toLine->setText( to ); } void ComposeMail::setSubject( const QString & subject ) { subjectLine->setText( subject ); } void ComposeMail::setInReplyTo( const QString & messageId ) { m_replyid = messageId; } void ComposeMail::setMessage( const QString & text ) { message->setText( text ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressTo() { pickAddress( toLine ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressCC() { pickAddress( ccLine ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressBCC() { pickAddress( bccLine ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressReply() { pickAddress( replyLine ); } void ComposeMail::fillValues( int ) { #if 0 SMTPaccount *smtp = smtpAccounts.at( current ); ccLine->clear(); if ( smtp->getUseCC() ) { ccLine->setText( smtp->getCC() ); } bccLine->clear(); if ( smtp->getUseBCC() ) { bccLine->setText( smtp->getBCC() ); } replyLine->clear(); if ( smtp->getUseReply() ) { replyLine->setText( smtp->getReply() ); } sigMultiLine->setText( smtp->getSignature() ); #endif } void ComposeMail::slotAdjustColumns() { int currPage = tabWidget->currentPageIndex(); tabWidget->showPage( attachTab ); attList->setColumnWidth( 0, attList->visibleWidth() - 80 ); attList->setColumnWidth( 1, 80 ); tabWidget->setCurrentPage( currPage ); } void ComposeMail::addAttachment() { DocLnk lnk = OFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 1, "/" ); if ( !lnk.name().isEmpty() ) { Attachment *att = new Attachment( lnk ); (void) new AttachViewItem( attList, att ); } } void ComposeMail::removeAttachment() { if ( !attList->currentItem() ) { QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "

Please select a File.

" ), tr( "Ok" ) ); } else { attList->takeItem( attList->currentItem() ); } } void ComposeMail::accept() { if ( checkBoxLater->isChecked() ) { odebug << "Send later" << oendl; } #if 0 qDebug( "Sending Mail with " + smtpAccounts.at( smtpAccountBox->currentItem() )->getAccountName() ); #endif Opie::Core::OSmartPointer mail=new Mail; SMTPaccount *smtp = smtpAccounts.at( smtpAccountBox->currentItem() ); mail->setMail(fromBox->currentText()); if ( !toLine->text().isEmpty() ) { mail->setTo( toLine->text() ); } else { QMessageBox::warning(0,tr("Sending mail"), tr("No Receiver spezified" ) ); return; } mail->setName(senderNameEdit->text()); mail->setCC( ccLine->text() ); mail->setBCC( bccLine->text() ); mail->setReply( replyLine->text() ); mail->setSubject( subjectLine->text() ); if (!m_replyid.isEmpty()) { QStringList ids; ids.append(m_replyid); mail->setInreply(ids); } QString txt = message->text(); if ( !sigMultiLine->text().isEmpty() ) { txt.append( "\n--\n" ); txt.append( sigMultiLine->text() ); } mail->setMessage( txt ); AttachViewItem *it = (AttachViewItem *) attList->firstChild(); while ( it != NULL ) { mail->addAttachment( it->getAttachment() ); it = (AttachViewItem *) it->nextSibling(); } SMTPwrapper wrapper( smtp ); wrapper.sendMail( mail,checkBoxLater->isChecked() ); QDialog::accept(); } void ComposeMail::reject() { int yesno = QMessageBox::warning(0,tr("Store message"), tr("Store message into drafts?"), tr("Yes"), tr("No"),QString::null,0,1); if (yesno == 0) { Opie::Core::OSmartPointer mail=new Mail(); mail->setMail(fromBox->currentText()); mail->setTo( toLine->text() ); mail->setName(senderNameEdit->text()); mail->setCC( ccLine->text() ); mail->setBCC( bccLine->text() ); mail->setReply( replyLine->text() ); mail->setSubject( subjectLine->text() ); if (!m_replyid.isEmpty()) { QStringList ids; ids.append(m_replyid); mail->setInreply(ids); } QString txt = message->text(); if ( !sigMultiLine->text().isEmpty() ) { txt.append( "\n--\n" ); txt.append( sigMultiLine->text() ); } odebug << txt << oendl; mail->setMessage( txt ); /* only use the default drafts folder name! */ Storemail wrapper(AbstractMail::draftFolder()); wrapper.storeMail(mail); AttachViewItem *it = (AttachViewItem *) attList->firstChild(); /* attachments we will ignore! */ if ( it != NULL ) { QMessageBox::warning(0,tr("Store message"), tr("
Attachments will not be stored in \"Draft\" folder
")); } } QDialog::reject(); } ComposeMail::~ComposeMail() { } void ComposeMail::reEditMail(const RecMailP¤t) { RecMailP data = current; message->setText(data->Wrapper()->fetchBody(current)->Bodytext()); subjectLine->setText( data->getSubject()); toLine->setText(data->To().join(",")); ccLine->setText(data->CC().join(",")); bccLine->setText(data->Bcc().join(",")); replyLine->setText(data->Replyto()); } AttachViewItem::AttachViewItem( QListView *parent, Attachment *att ) : QListViewItem( parent ) { attachment = att; odebug << att->getMimeType() << oendl; setPixmap( 0, attachment->getDocLnk().pixmap().isNull() ? Resource::loadPixmap( "UnknownDocument-14" ) : attachment->getDocLnk().pixmap() ); setText( 0, att->getName().isEmpty() ? att->getFileName() : att->getName() ); setText( 1, QString::number( att->getSize() ) ); }