#include #include "defines.h" #include "editaccounts.h" AccountListItem::AccountListItem( QListView *parent, Account *a) : QListViewItem( parent ) { account = a; setText( 0, account->getAccountName() ); setText( 1, account->getType() ); } EditAccounts::EditAccounts( Settings *s, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags flags ) : EditAccountsUI( parent, name, modal, flags ) { qDebug( "New Account Configuration Widget" ); settings = s; mailList->addColumn( tr( "Account" ) ); mailList->addColumn( tr( "Type" ) ); newsList->addColumn( tr( "Account" ) ); connect( newMail, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotNewMail() ) ); connect( editMail, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotEditMail() ) ); connect( deleteMail, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotDeleteMail() ) ); connect( newNews, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotNewNews() ) ); connect( editNews, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotEditNews() ) ); connect( deleteNews, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotDeleteNews() ) ); slotFillLists(); } void EditAccounts::slotFillLists() { mailList->clear(); newsList->clear(); QList accounts = settings->getAccounts(); Account *it; for ( it = accounts.first(); it; it = accounts.next() ) { if ( it->getType().compare( "NNTP" ) == 0 ) { (void) new AccountListItem( newsList, it ); } else { (void) new AccountListItem( mailList, it ); } } } void EditAccounts::slotNewMail() { qDebug( "New Mail Account" ); QString *selection = new QString(); SelectMailType selType( selection, this, 0, true ); selType.show(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == selType.exec() ) { slotNewAccount( *selection ); } } void EditAccounts::slotNewAccount( const QString &type ) { if ( type.compare( "IMAP" ) == 0 ) { qDebug( "-> config IMAP" ); IMAPaccount *account = new IMAPaccount(); IMAPconfig imap( account, this, 0, true ); imap.showMaximized(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == imap.exec() ) { settings->addAccount( account ); account->save(); slotFillLists(); } else { account->remove(); } } else if ( type.compare( "POP3" ) == 0 ) { qDebug( "-> config POP3" ); POP3account *account = new POP3account(); POP3config pop3( account, this, 0, true ); pop3.showMaximized(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == pop3.exec() ) { settings->addAccount( account ); account->save(); slotFillLists(); } else { account->remove(); } } else if ( type.compare( "SMTP" ) == 0 ) { qDebug( "-> config SMTP" ); SMTPaccount *account = new SMTPaccount(); SMTPconfig smtp( account, this, 0, true ); smtp.showMaximized(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == smtp.exec() ) { settings->addAccount( account ); account->save(); slotFillLists(); } else { account->remove(); } } else if ( type.compare( "NNTP" ) == 0 ) { qDebug( "-> config NNTP" ); NNTPaccount *account = new NNTPaccount(); NNTPconfig nntp( account, this, 0, true ); nntp.showMaximized(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == nntp.exec() ) { settings->addAccount( account ); account->save(); slotFillLists(); } else { account->remove(); } } } void EditAccounts::slotEditAccount( Account *account ) { if ( account->getType().compare( "IMAP" ) == 0 ) { IMAPaccount *imapAcc = static_cast(account); IMAPconfig imap( imapAcc, this, 0, true ); imap.showMaximized(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == imap.exec() ) { slotFillLists(); } } else if ( account->getType().compare( "POP3" ) == 0 ) { POP3account *pop3Acc = static_cast(account); POP3config pop3( pop3Acc, this, 0, true ); pop3.showMaximized(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == pop3.exec() ) { slotFillLists(); } } else if ( account->getType().compare( "SMTP" ) == 0 ) { SMTPaccount *smtpAcc = static_cast(account); SMTPconfig smtp( smtpAcc, this, 0, true ); smtp.showMaximized(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == smtp.exec() ) { slotFillLists(); } } else if ( account->getType().compare( "NNTP" ) == 0 ) { NNTPaccount *nntpAcc = static_cast(account); NNTPconfig nntp( nntpAcc, this, 0, true ); nntp.showMaximized(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == nntp.exec() ) { slotFillLists(); } } } void EditAccounts::slotDeleteAccount( Account *account ) { if ( QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Question" ), tr( "

Do you really want to delete the selected Account?

" ), tr( "Yes" ), tr( "No" ) ) == 0 ) { settings->delAccount( account ); slotFillLists(); } } void EditAccounts::slotEditMail() { qDebug( "Edit Mail Account" ); if ( !mailList->currentItem() ) { QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "

Please select an account.

" ), tr( "Ok" ) ); return; } Account *a = ((AccountListItem *) mailList->currentItem())->getAccount(); slotEditAccount( a ); } void EditAccounts::slotDeleteMail() { if ( !mailList->currentItem() ) { QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "

Please select an account.

" ), tr( "Ok" ) ); return; } Account *a = ((AccountListItem *) mailList->currentItem())->getAccount(); slotDeleteAccount( a ); } void EditAccounts::slotNewNews() { qDebug( "New News Account" ); slotNewAccount( "NNTP" ); } void EditAccounts::slotEditNews() { qDebug( "Edit News Account" ); if ( !newsList->currentItem() ) { QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "

Please select an account.

" ), tr( "Ok" ) ); return; } Account *a = ((AccountListItem *) newsList->currentItem())->getAccount(); slotEditAccount( a ); } void EditAccounts::slotDeleteNews() { qDebug( "Delete News Account" ); if ( !newsList->currentItem() ) { QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "

Please select an account.

" ), tr( "Ok" ) ); return; } Account *a = ((AccountListItem *) newsList->currentItem())->getAccount(); slotDeleteAccount( a ); } void EditAccounts::slotAdjustColumns() { int currPage = configTab->currentPageIndex(); configTab->showPage( mailTab ); mailList->setColumnWidth( 0, mailList->visibleWidth() - 50 ); mailList->setColumnWidth( 1, 50 ); configTab->showPage( newsTab ); newsList->setColumnWidth( 0, newsList->visibleWidth() ); configTab->setCurrentPage( currPage ); } void EditAccounts::accept() { settings->saveAccounts(); QDialog::accept(); } /** * SelectMailType */ SelectMailType::SelectMailType( QString *selection, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags flags ) : SelectMailTypeUI( parent, name, modal, flags ) { selected = selection; selected->replace( 0, selected->length(), typeBox->currentText() ); connect( typeBox, SIGNAL( activated( const QString & ) ), SLOT( slotSelection( const QString & ) ) ); } void SelectMailType::slotSelection( const QString &sel ) { selected->replace( 0, selected->length(), sel ); } /** * IMAPconfig */ IMAPconfig::IMAPconfig( IMAPaccount *account, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags flags ) : IMAPconfigUI( parent, name, modal, flags ) { data = account; fillValues(); connect( sslBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( slotSSL( bool ) ) ); } void IMAPconfig::slotSSL( bool enabled ) { if ( enabled ) { portLine->setText( IMAP_SSL_PORT ); } else { portLine->setText( IMAP_PORT ); } } void IMAPconfig::fillValues() { accountLine->setText( data->getAccountName() ); serverLine->setText( data->getServer() ); portLine->setText( data->getPort() ); sslBox->setChecked( data->getSSL() ); userLine->setText( data->getUser() ); passLine->setText( data->getPassword() ); prefixLine->setText(data->getPrefix()); } void IMAPconfig::accept() { data->setAccountName( accountLine->text() ); data->setServer( serverLine->text() ); data->setPort( portLine->text() ); data->setSSL( sslBox->isChecked() ); data->setUser( userLine->text() ); data->setPassword( passLine->text() ); data->setPrefix(prefixLine->text()); QDialog::accept(); } /** * POP3config */ POP3config::POP3config( POP3account *account, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags flags ) : POP3configUI( parent, name, modal, flags ) { data = account; fillValues(); connect( sslBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( slotSSL( bool ) ) ); } void POP3config::slotSSL( bool enabled ) { if ( enabled ) { portLine->setText( POP3_SSL_PORT ); } else { portLine->setText( POP3_PORT ); } } void POP3config::fillValues() { accountLine->setText( data->getAccountName() ); serverLine->setText( data->getServer() ); portLine->setText( data->getPort() ); sslBox->setChecked( data->getSSL() ); userLine->setText( data->getUser() ); passLine->setText( data->getPassword() ); } void POP3config::accept() { data->setAccountName( accountLine->text() ); data->setServer( serverLine->text() ); data->setPort( portLine->text() ); data->setSSL( sslBox->isChecked() ); data->setUser( userLine->text() ); data->setPassword( passLine->text() ); QDialog::accept(); } /** * SMTPconfig */ SMTPconfig::SMTPconfig( SMTPaccount *account, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags flags ) : SMTPconfigUI( parent, name, modal, flags ) { data = account; connect( loginBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), userLine, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); connect( loginBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), passLine, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); fillValues(); connect( sslBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( slotSSL( bool ) ) ); } void SMTPconfig::slotSSL( bool enabled ) { if ( enabled ) { portLine->setText( SMTP_SSL_PORT ); } else { portLine->setText( SMTP_PORT ); } } void SMTPconfig::fillValues() { accountLine->setText( data->getAccountName() ); serverLine->setText( data->getServer() ); portLine->setText( data->getPort() ); sslBox->setChecked( data->getSSL() ); loginBox->setChecked( data->getLogin() ); userLine->setText( data->getUser() ); passLine->setText( data->getPassword() ); } void SMTPconfig::accept() { data->setAccountName( accountLine->text() ); data->setServer( serverLine->text() ); data->setPort( portLine->text() ); data->setSSL( sslBox->isChecked() ); data->setLogin( loginBox->isChecked() ); data->setUser( userLine->text() ); data->setPassword( passLine->text() ); QDialog::accept(); } /** * NNTPconfig */ NNTPconfig::NNTPconfig( NNTPaccount *account, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags flags ) : NNTPconfigUI( parent, name, modal, flags ) { data = account; connect( loginBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), userLine, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); connect( loginBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), passLine, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); fillValues(); connect( sslBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( slotSSL( bool ) ) ); } void NNTPconfig::slotSSL( bool enabled ) { if ( enabled ) { portLine->setText( NNTP_SSL_PORT ); } else { portLine->setText( NNTP_PORT ); } } void NNTPconfig::fillValues() { accountLine->setText( data->getAccountName() ); serverLine->setText( data->getServer() ); portLine->setText( data->getPort() ); sslBox->setChecked( data->getSSL() ); loginBox->setChecked( data->getLogin() ); userLine->setText( data->getUser() ); passLine->setText( data->getPassword() ); } void NNTPconfig::accept() { data->setAccountName( accountLine->text() ); data->setServer( serverLine->text() ); data->setPort( portLine->text() ); data->setSSL( sslBox->isChecked() ); data->setLogin( loginBox->isChecked() ); data->setUser( userLine->text() ); data->setPassword( passLine->text() ); QDialog::accept(); }