IMAPconfigUI QDialog name IMAPconfigUI geometry 0 0 425 428 caption Configure IMAP layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 3 spacing 3 QLineEdit name serverLine QLabel name portLabel text Port QLabel name serverLabel text Server QLineEdit name portLine QLineEdit name accountLine toolTip Name of the Account QLabel name accountLabel text Account Line name line1 orientation Horizontal name spacer orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QLineEdit name userLine QLineEdit name passLine echoMode Password QLabel name prefixLabel text Prefix QLineEdit name prefixLine QLabel name userLabel text User Line name line2 enabled true caption orientation Horizontal layoutMargin layoutSpacing Line name Line3 orientation Horizontal QLabel name passLabel text Password QLineEdit name CommandEdit text ssh $SERVER exec QComboBox name ComboBox1 QLabel name TextLabel1 text Use secure sockets: accountLine serverLine portLine userLine passLine