SMTPconfigUI QDialog name SMTPconfigUI geometry 0 0 253 342 caption Configure SMTP layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 0 spacing 0 QTabWidget name smtpTab caption layoutMargin layoutSpacing QWidget name serverTab title Server margin 4 spacing 3 QLabel name portLabel text Port QLineEdit name serverLine toolTip Name of the SMTP Server QLabel name serverLabel text Server QLineEdit name portLine toolTip Port of the SMTP Server QLabel name accountLabel text Account QLineEdit name accountLine toolTip Name of the Account Line name line1 orientation Horizontal QCheckBox name sslBox text Use SSL Line name line2 orientation Horizontal QLineEdit name passLine enabled false echoMode Password QCheckBox name loginBox text Use Login QLabel name passLabel text Password QLabel name userLabel text User QLineEdit name userLine enabled false name spacer orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QWidget name identityTab title Identity margin 4 spacing 3 QMultiLineEdit name sigMultiLine name Spacer3 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 toolTip Name of the Account QLabel name sigLabel text Signature QLineEdit name replyLine enabled false QLineEdit name bccLine enabled false QLineEdit name ccLine enabled false QCheckBox name bccBox text BCC QCheckBox name replyBox text Reply-To QCheckBox name ccBox text CC QLabel name mailLabel text E-Mail QLineEdit name nameLine toolTip Your Full Name QLabel name nameLabel text Name QLabel name orgLabel text Org. layoutMargin layoutSpacing QLineEdit name orgLine toolTip Your Organisation QLineEdit name mailLine toolTip Your E-Mail Adress Line name line3 orientation Horizontal Line name line4 orientation Horizontal accountLine serverLine portLine sslBox loginBox userLine passLine smtpTab nameLine mailLine orgLine ccBox ccLine bccBox bccLine replyBox replyLine sigMultiLine