PPP QDialog name PPP geometry 0 0 277 340 caption Dial-up layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 1 spacing 0 QTabWidget name TabWidget2 layoutMargin layoutSpacing QWidget name tab title Account margin 6 spacing 4 QLineEdit name password echoMode Password QLineEdit name username QLabel name TextLabel1 text Username QLabel name TextLabel2 text Password QLabel name TextLabel1_2_2 text Phone # QLineEdit name phone Line name Line3 orientation Horizontal QLineEdit name acname QLabel name TextLabel1_2 text Name Line name Line4 orientation Horizontal name Spacer4 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QWidget name tab title Modem margin 6 spacing 4 QLabel name TextLabel3_2_2 text AT-dial QComboBox text ATDT text ATDP name atdial editable true QLabel name TextLabel1_4 text Speed QComboBox text 4800 text 9600 text 19200 text 38400 text 57600 text 115200 name speed currentItem 5 QSlider name connectdelay minValue 1 maxValue 180 value 6 orientation Horizontal QLabel name TextLabel1_3 text Wait time QLabel name connectdelay_text minimumSize 15 0 text 6 alignment AlignVCenter|AlignRight hAlign QLabel name TextLabel5 text sec QLabel name TextLabel3 text Flow control QCheckBox name crtscts text Hardware flow control checked true name Spacer5 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QButtonGroup name dialmode title Demand Dialing margin 11 spacing 6 QRadioButton name dial_manual text Manual connect and disconnect QSpinBox name idletime suffix seconds maxValue 3600 lineStep 30 value 120 QLabel name TextLabel1_5 sizePolicy 7 1 text Idle timeout: alignment AlignVCenter|AlignRight hAlign QRadioButton name dial_demand text Automatic connect and disconnect checked true buttonGroupId 2 QRadioButton name dial_idle text Manual connect, automatic disconnect buttonGroupId 1 QWidget name tab title Network margin 6 spacing 4 name Spacer8 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QCheckBox name usepeerdns text Auto-detect name servers checked true QGroupBox name gatewaybox enabled false title margin 11 spacing 6 QLabel name TextLabel4_2 text Gateway QLineEdit name gateway text QCheckBox name defaultroute text Auto-detect routing checked true QGroupBox name dnsbox enabled false title margin 11 spacing 6 QLineEdit name dns1 text QLineEdit name dns2 text QLabel name TextLabel1_2_3 text First DNS QLabel name TextLabel1_2_2_2 text Second DNS defaultroute toggled(bool) gatewaybox setDisabled(bool) usepeerdns toggled(bool) dnsbox setDisabled(bool) dial_manual toggled(bool) idletime setDisabled(bool) connectdelay valueChanged(int) connectdelay_text setNum(int) TabWidget2 acname username password phone atdial speed crtscts connectdelay dial_manual dial_idle dial_demand idletime defaultroute gateway usepeerdns dns1 dns2