/*                =. This file is part of the OPIE Project              .=l. Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Kurt Korbatits            .>+-= Copyright (c) 2005 L. Potter  _;:,     .>    :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_,   >  .   <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.--   : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i,     .._ License as published by the Free Software  - .   .-<_>     .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,      ._= =}       : or (at your option) any later version.     .%`+i>       _;_.     .i_,=:_.      -`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.=       =       ; General Public License for more ++=   -.     .`     .: details.  :     =  ...= . :.=-  -.   .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU   -_. . .   )=.  = General Public License along with     --        :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.BIN. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "qsmb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include // using namespace Opie::Core; Qsmb::Qsmb( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : FormQPESMBBase( parent, name, fl ) { connect(CBHost, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(hostSelected(int))); connect(DoItBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(DoItClicked())); connect(UnmountBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(umountIt())); connect(BtnScan, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(scanClicked())); connect(BtnClear, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clear())); connect(ListViewScan, SIGNAL(clicked(QListViewItem*)), this, SLOT(TextViewClicked(QListViewItem*))); mountpt->setEditable(true); mountpt->insertItem("/mnt/samba1",-1); mountpt->insertItem("/mnt/samba2",-1); mountpt->insertItem("/mnt/samba3",-1); setTabOrder(BtnScan, username); setTabOrder(username, password); setTabOrder(password, CBHost); setTabOrder(CBHost, TextViewOutput); setTabOrder(TextViewOutput, mountpt); setTabOrder(mountpt, DoItBtn); setTabOrder(DoItBtn, UnmountBtn); top_element = NULL; scanning = false; } Qsmb::~Qsmb() { } void Qsmb::clear() { if (scanning) return; ListViewScan->clear(); TextViewOutput->setText(""); CBHost->clear(); top_element = NULL; } void Qsmb::scanClicked() { if (scanning) return; pthread_create(&tpid, NULL, runit, (void *)this); } void Qsmb::DoItClicked() { if( !ListViewScan->selectedItem()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"),tr("

No share selected!

")); return; } if (scanning) return; pthread_create(&tpid, NULL, runitm, (void *)this); } void* runit(void* arg) { Qsmb* caller = (Qsmb*)arg; caller->scan(); return(0); } void* runitm(void* arg) { Qsmb* caller = (Qsmb*)arg; caller->DoIt(); return(0); } void Qsmb::scan() { clear(); // if (scanning) return; scanning = true; QString match; QString cmd; LScan->setText("Scanning..."); qApp->processEvents(); sockaddr_in my_addr; get_myaddress( &my_addr); QString ip = inet_ntoa( my_addr.sin_addr); qWarning("IP Address : "+ip); match = ip.left(5); QStringList ccmd; TextViewOutput->append("smbfind"); QFile lmhosts("/etc/samba/lmhosts"); QTextStream lms(&lmhosts); lmhosts.open(IO_WriteOnly); lms << " localhost\n"; /* parse output and display in ListViewScan */ ccmd = "smbfind"; runCommand(ccmd); QTextStream s(&out, IO_ReadOnly); while ( !s.atEnd() ) { QString ip_addr, host, output; QString tmp = s.readLine(); bool ok; tmp.left(1).toInt( &ok, 10 ); if(ok) { QStringList token = QStringList::split(' ', tmp ); ip_addr = token[0]; host = token[1]; CBHost->insertItem( host, -1); lms << ip_addr+" "+host+"\n"; } } lmhosts.close(); TextViewOutput->append("\n\n============================================\n"); LScan->setText(""); scanning = false; } void Qsmb::hostSelected(int /*index*/ ) { QListViewItem *element; // QListViewItem *parent; QString text = CBHost->currentText(); ListViewScan->clear(); if (scanning) return; scanning = true; QString cmd; QStringList ccmd; LScan->setText("Scanning..."); ccmd << "/usr/bin/smbclient"; ccmd << "-L"; ccmd << CBHost->currentText(); ccmd << "-N"; if(username->text().isEmpty()) { //do nothing } else { ccmd << "-U"; ccmd << username->text()+"\%"+ password->text(); } runCommand(ccmd); QTextStream s(&out, IO_ReadOnly); while ( !s.atEnd() ) { QString share; QString comment; QString mount; QString tmp = s.readLine(); if( tmp.find("$") == -1 && tmp.find("Disk") != -1) { QStringList token = QStringList::split(' ', tmp ); share = token[0]; comment = token[2]; share = share.stripWhiteSpace(); comment = comment.stripWhiteSpace(); // if(isMounted(share)) mount = getMount(share); element = new QListViewItem(ListViewScan, share, comment, mount); element->setOpen(true); // top_element = element; // parent = element; } } // owarn << "i="<< index << "cmd:" << cmd << oendl; TextViewOutput->append(cmd); /* run smbclient & read output */ // if ((pipe = popen(cmd.latin1(), "r")) == NULL) { // snprintf(result, 256, "Error: Can't run %s", cmd.latin1()); // // cmd = "Error: Can't run "+cmd; // TextViewOutput->append(result); // return; // } /* parse output and display in ListViewScan */ // while(fgets(result, 256, pipe) != NULL) { // /* put result into TextViewOutput */ // TextViewOutput->append(result); // if( strchr(result, '$') == NULL ) { // char share[256], *ptr1; // strcpy(share,result); // ptr1 = strchr(share,' '); // share[ptr1 - share]='\0'; // owarn<< "add share: " << share << oendl; // if(top_element != NULL) { // bool found = false; // element = top_element; // while(element != NULL && !found) { // if(strcmp( element->text(0).ascii(), share)==0) { // parent = element; // found = true; // } // element = element->nextSibling(); // } // if(!found) { // element = new QListViewItem(ListViewScan,share); // element->setOpen(true); // parent=element; // } // } else { // element = new QListViewItem(ListViewScan,share); // element->setOpen(true); // top_element = element; // parent = element; // } // } // } TextViewOutput->append("\n\n============================================\n"); LScan->setText(""); scanning = false; } void Qsmb::DoIt() { QListViewItem *element; element = ListViewScan->selectedItem(); if(!element) { return; } if (scanning) return; scanning = true; QString mount = mountpt->currentText(); if(isMounted(mount)) { qWarning(mount +" is already mounted"); TextViewOutput->append(mount +" is already mounted"); return; } bool noerr = false; QString share; QString cmd; QString cmd2; QString text = mountpt->currentText(); QStringList ccmd; LScan->setText("Mounting..."); qApp->processEvents(); if( !QFileInfo(text).exists()) { ccmd << "mkdir"; ccmd << "-p"; ccmd << text; qWarning( "cmd: "+ ccmd.join(" ")); runCommand(ccmd); } share = element->text(0); qWarning("selected share is "+share); QString service = CBHost->currentText(); service = service.stripWhiteSpace(); if(mount.left(1) != "/") mount = QDir::currentDirPath()+"/"+mount; mount = mount.stripWhiteSpace(); ccmd.clear(); ccmd << "/usr/bin/smbmount"; ccmd << "//"+ service+"/"+share; ccmd << mount; ccmd << "-o"; ccmd << "username="+username->text()+",password="+password->text()+""; if(onbootBtn->isChecked()) { qWarning("Saving Setting permanently..."); QFile sambenv("/opt/QtPalmtop/etc/samba.env"); QTextStream smbv(&sambenv); sambenv.open(IO_WriteOnly); smbv << ccmd.join(" ") ; sambenv.close(); } noerr = runCommand(ccmd); LScan->setText(""); if(noerr && isMounted(mount)) { element->setText(2, mount); TextViewOutput->append("\n\n================CheckMounts==================\n"); ccmd = "/bin/mount"; runCommand(ccmd); TextViewOutput->append("\n\n============================================\n"); qApp->processEvents(); } else { //do nothing } scanning = false; } void Qsmb::umountIt() { QListViewItem *element; element = ListViewScan->selectedItem(); if(!element) { return; } QString mount = mountpt->currentText(); if(!isMounted(mount)) { qWarning(mount +" is not mounted"); TextViewOutput->append(mount +" is not mounted"); return; } QStringList ccmd; QString share; share = element->text(0); qWarning("selected share is "+share); if(mount.left(1) != "/") mount = QDir::currentDirPath()+"/"+mount; mount = mount.stripWhiteSpace(); ccmd << "/usr/bin/smbumount"; ccmd << mount; runCommand(ccmd); element->setText(2, ""); ccmd = "/bin/mount"; runCommand(ccmd); } bool Qsmb::runCommand(const QStringList & command) { qWarning( "runCommand " + command.join(" ") ); TextViewOutput->append(command.join(" ")); out = ""; Process ipkg_status( command); bool r = ipkg_status.exec("",out); qWarning("result is %d"+ r ); qWarning("Output " + out ); TextViewOutput->append(out); //very hacky if(out.find("failed") !=-1) { r = false; } return r; } bool Qsmb::isMounted(const QString &mountPoint) { struct mntent *me; bool mounted = false; FILE *mntfp = setmntent( "/etc/mtab", "r" ); if ( mntfp ){ while ( (me = getmntent( mntfp )) != 0 ) { QString deviceName = me->mnt_fsname; QString mountDir = me->mnt_dir; QString fsType = me->mnt_type; if( fsType == "smbfs" && (mountDir.find(mountPoint) != -1 | deviceName.find(mountPoint) != -1)) mounted = true; } } endmntent( mntfp ); return mounted; } QString Qsmb::getMount(const QString &shareName) { struct mntent *me; QString mount; FILE *mntfp = setmntent( "/etc/mtab", "r" ); if ( mntfp ){ while ( (me = getmntent( mntfp )) != 0 ) { QString deviceName = me->mnt_fsname; QString mountDir = me->mnt_dir; QString fsType = me->mnt_type; if( fsType == "smbfs" && deviceName.find(shareName) != -1) mount = mountDir; } } endmntent( mntfp ); return mount; } void Qsmb::TextViewClicked(QListViewItem* item) { if(item == NULL) return; QString text = item->text(2); qWarning(text); if( !text.isEmpty()) mountpt->insertItem(text,0); }