#include #include #include #include #include "mainwindow.h" #include "ircservertab.h" #include "dcctransfertab.h" #include "ircserverlist.h" #include "ircsettings.h" #include QString MainWindow::appCaption() { return QObject::tr("Opie IRC"); } MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags) : QMainWindow(parent, name, WStyle_ContextHelp) { setCaption(tr("IRC Client")); m_tabWidget = new IRCTabWidget(this); QWhatsThis::add(m_tabWidget, tr("Server connections, channels, queries and other things will be placed here")); connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget*)), this, SLOT(selected(QWidget*))); setCentralWidget(m_tabWidget); setToolBarsMovable(FALSE); QMenuBar *menuBar = new QMenuBar(this); QPopupMenu *irc = new QPopupMenu(this); menuBar->insertItem(tr("IRC"), irc); QAction *a = new QAction(tr("New connection"), Resource::loadPixmap("pass"), QString::null, 0, this, 0); connect(a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(newConnection())); a->setWhatsThis(tr("Create a new connection to an IRC server")); a->addTo(irc); a = new QAction(tr("Settings"), Resource::loadPixmap("SettingsIcon"), QString::null, 0, this, 0); a->setWhatsThis(tr("Configure OpieIRC's behavior and appearance")); connect(a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(settings())); a->addTo(irc); m_dccTab = 0; loadSettings(); } /*IRCTabWidget MainWindow::getTabWidget(){ return m_tabWidget; } */ void MainWindow::loadSettings() { Config config("OpieIRC"); config.setGroup("OpieIRC"); IRCTab::m_backgroundColor = config.readEntry("BackgroundColor", "#FFFFFF"); IRCTab::m_textColor = config.readEntry("TextColor", "#000000"); IRCTab::m_errorColor = config.readEntry("ErrorColor", "#FF0000"); IRCTab::m_selfColor = config.readEntry("SelfColor", "#CC0000"); IRCTab::m_otherColor = config.readEntry("OtherColor", "#0000BB"); IRCTab::m_serverColor = config.readEntry("ServerColor", "#0000FF"); IRCTab::m_notificationColor = config.readEntry("NotificationColor", "#AA3300"); IRCTab::m_maxLines = config.readNumEntry("Lines", 100); IRCTab::setUseTimeStamps( config.readBoolEntry("DisplayTime", false ) ); } void MainWindow::selected(QWidget *) { m_tabWidget->setTabColor(m_tabWidget->currentPageIndex(), black); emit updateScroll(); } void MainWindow::addTab(IRCTab *tab) { connect(tab, SIGNAL(changed(IRCTab*)), this, SLOT(changeEvent(IRCTab*))); connect(tab, SIGNAL(ping (const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotPing(const QString&))); connect(tab, SIGNAL(nextTab()), this, SLOT(slotNextTab())); connect(tab, SIGNAL(prevTab()), this, SLOT(slotPrevTab())); m_tabWidget->addTab(tab, tab->title()); m_tabWidget->showPage(tab); tab->setID(m_tabWidget->currentPageIndex()); m_tabs.append(tab); } void MainWindow::changeEvent(IRCTab *tab) { if (tab->id() != m_tabWidget->currentPageIndex()) m_tabWidget->setTabColor(tab->id(), blue); } void MainWindow::killTab(IRCTab *tab, bool imediate) { if (tab == m_dccTab) m_dccTab = 0; m_toDelete.append( tab ); if ( imediate ) slotKillTabsLater(); else QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotKillTabsLater()) ); } void MainWindow::slotKillTabsLater() { for ( QListIterator it(m_toDelete); it.current(); ++it ) { m_tabWidget->removePage( it.current() ); odebug << it.current() << oendl; m_tabs.remove( it.current() ); } m_toDelete.setAutoDelete( true ); m_toDelete.clear(); m_toDelete.setAutoDelete( false ); } void MainWindow::newConnection() { IRCServerList list(this, "ServerList", TRUE); if (list.exec() == QDialog::Accepted && list.hasServer()) { IRCServerTab *serverTab = new IRCServerTab(list.server(), this, m_tabWidget); addTab(serverTab); serverTab->doConnect(); } } void MainWindow::settings() { IRCSettings settings(this, "Settings", TRUE); if (settings.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QListIterator it(m_tabs); for (; it.current(); ++it) { /* Inform all tabs about the new settings */ it.current()->settingsChanged(); } } } void MainWindow::slotNextTab() { int i = m_tabWidget->currentPageIndex (); m_tabWidget->setCurrentPage ( i+1 ); int j = m_tabWidget->currentPageIndex (); if ( i == j ) m_tabWidget->setCurrentPage ( 1 ); } void MainWindow::slotPrevTab() { int i = m_tabWidget->currentPageIndex (); if ( i > 1 ) m_tabWidget->setCurrentPage ( i-1 ); } void MainWindow::slotPing( const QString& /*channel*/ ) { raise(); } void MainWindow::addDCC(DCCTransfer::Type type, Q_UINT32 ip4Addr, Q_UINT16 port, const QString &filename, const QString &nickname, unsigned int size) { if (!m_dccTab) { m_dccTab = new DCCTransferTab(this); addTab(m_dccTab); m_dccTab->show(); } m_dccTab->addTransfer(type, ip4Addr, port, filename, nickname, size); }