#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rfcommhelper.h" using namespace OpieTooth; bool RfCommHelper::terminate = false; pid_t RfCommHelper::m_pid; RfCommHelper::RfCommHelper() : m_connected( false ) { signal( SIGCHLD, signal_handler ); } RfCommHelper::~RfCommHelper() { detach(); } QCString RfCommHelper::attachedDevice() const { return m_device; } void RfCommHelper::detach() { if (m_connected ) ::kill( m_pid, 9 ); if ( m_in2out[0] ) close(m_in2out[0] ); if ( m_in2out[1] ) close(m_in2out[1] ); if ( m_out2in[0] ) close(m_out2in[0] ); if ( m_out2in[1] ) close(m_out2in[1] ); } bool RfCommHelper::attach( const QString& bd_addr, int port ) { int i =0; bool ok = false; while (!ok ) { if (i == 4) break; ok = connect( i, bd_addr, port ); i++; } return ok; } /* * not implemented yet */ void RfCommHelper::regroup() { } bool RfCommHelper::connect(int devi, const QString& bdaddr, int port) { m_connected = false; if ( pipe(m_fd) < 0 ) m_fd[0] = m_fd[1] = 0; if ( pipe(m_in2out) < 0 ) m_in2out[0] = m_in2out[1] = 0; if ( pipe(m_out2in ) < 0 ) m_out2in[0] = m_out2in[1] = 0; m_pid = fork(); switch( m_pid ) { case -1: return false; break; /* * This is the child code. * We do some fd work * and then we'll execlp * to start it up */ case 0:{ // child code setupComChild(); char por[15]; char dev[15]; sprintf( por, "%d", port ); sprintf( dev, "%d", devi ); execlp( "rfcomm", "rfcomm", dev, bdaddr.latin1(), por, NULL ); char resultByte = 1; if ( m_fd[1] ) write(m_fd[1], &resultByte, 1 ); _exit( -1 ); break; } /* * The Parent. We'll first wait for fd[0] to fill * up. * Then we will wait for out2in[0] to fill up and then * we will parse it. * maybe the signal handler gets it's turn in this case we return * false * otheriwse we will parse the Output and either return true * or false */ default: { if ( m_fd[1] ) close( m_fd[1] ); if ( m_fd[0] ) for (;;) { char resultByte; int len; len = read(m_fd[0], &resultByte, 1 ); if ( len == 1 ) { // it failed to execute return false; } if ( len == -1 ) if ( (errno == ECHILD ) || (errno == EINTR ) ) continue; // the other process is not yet ready? break; } if ( m_fd[0] ) close( m_fd[0] ); terminate = false; fd_set fds; struct timeval timeout; int sel; while (!terminate ) { FD_ZERO( &fds ); FD_SET( m_in2out[0], &fds ); timeout.tv_sec = 5; timeout.tv_usec = 0; sel = select( m_in2out[0]+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout ); if ( sel ) if (FD_ISSET(m_in2out[0], &fds ) ) { char buf[2048]; int len; buf[0] = 0; len = read( m_in2out[0], buf, sizeof(buf) ); if ( len > 0 ) { QCString string( buf ); if (string.left(9) == "Connected" ) { m_connected = true; m_device = m_device.sprintf("/dev/tty%d", devi ); break; // we got connected }; } // now parese it }else {// time out // 5 seconds without input check terminate? // ; } } break; } } return !terminate; } void RfCommHelper::setupComChild() { if ( m_fd[0] ) close(m_fd[0]); if ( m_fd[1] ) fcntl( m_fd[1] , F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); /* duplicating pipes and making them STDIN and STDOUT * of the new process * [0] is for reading * [1] is for writing */ dup2( m_out2in[0], STDIN_FILENO ); dup2( m_in2out[1], STDOUT_FILENO ); }; void RfCommHelper::signal_handler(int) { int status; terminate = true; signal( SIGCHLD, signal_handler ); waitpid( m_pid, &status, WNOHANG ); }