/******************************************************************** /* This is an overview of the opielibs 1.2 project /********************************************************************/ Origin: opielibs is about creating classes to * optimize Qt classes for the embedded environment * provide sophisticated abstractions for developers * provide complete documentation and working examples * provide end users with a common look and feel * reduce memory footprint through sharing code * reduce possible bugs through reusing tested code -------------------------------------------------------- 1. General Overview -------------------------------------------------------- Separation into the following libraries: - libopiecore - libopieui - libopiepim - libopienet 1.1 Contents of libopiecore [ opiecore ] -------------------------------------------------------- - oprocctrl - oprocess - odevice - odevicebutton - oconfig - oconfiggroupsaver - ocompletionbase - ocompletion - ocomptreenodelist - ocomptreenode - ocompletionwrapper - oglobal - oglobalsettings - osortableitem - osortablevaluelist 1.2 Contents of libopieui [ opieui ] -------------------------------------------------------- - oapplication - ofiledialog - colordialog - oclickablelabel - ocolorbutton - colorpopupmenu - otabinfo - otabbar - otabwidget - ofontmenu - ofontselector - ofileview - oticker - olistview - olistviewitem - oversatileview - oversatileviewitem - ocompletionbox - olineedit - ocombobox - ohistorycombo - omessagebox - odialogbase - todayconfigwidget (rather into opiepim?) - orecurrancewidget (rather into opiepim?) - otimepicker (rather into opiepim?) 1.3 Contents of libopiepim [ opiepim ] -------------------------------------------------------- - ocheckitem - todoevent - todoresource - todayplugininterface - todovcalresource 1.4 Contents of libopiedb [ opiedb ] -------------------------------------------------------- - tododb - xmltree 1.5 Contents of libopienet [ opienet ] -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 Feature Description -------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 libopiecore ... 2.2 libopieui ... 2.2.x OListView, OListViewItem, OListViewFactory ... 2.3 libopiepim ... 2.4 libopiedb ... 2.5 libopienet