WellenreiterConfigBase QDialog name WellenreiterConfigBase geometry 0 0 236 342 caption Form1 layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 6 spacing 5 QLayoutWidget name Layout5 layoutSpacing margin 0 spacing 2 QLabel name TextLabel3_2 sizePolicy 4 1 text Sniffer Line name Line9 orientation Horizontal QComboBox name interfaceName enabled true whatsThis Choose the interface used for sniffing. QComboBox text <select> text cisco text wlan-ng text hostap text orinoco text <manual> text <file> name deviceType enabled true whatsThis Choose the type of driver used for sniffing. QSpinBox name hopInterval enabled true suffix ms maxValue 2000 minValue 100 lineStep 100 whatsThis Choose the channel hop interval. QLabel name TextLabel3_3 enabled true text Hop Interval QLabel name TextLabel2_3 enabled true text Device Type QLabel name TextLabel1_2 enabled true text Interface Name QLabel name TextLabel1_5 text Fake MAC: QLineEdit name MAC enabled false text 44:44:44:44:44:44 QCheckBox name activeScanning enabled false text Active Scanning (caution!) QLayoutWidget name Layout5 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name TextLabel1 text sound on new net QComboBox text Ignore text Touch text Key text Alarm name beaconSound QComboBox text Ignore text Touch text Key text Alarm name netSound QLabel name TextLabel1_3 text sound on beacon QLayoutWidget name Layout7 margin 0 spacing 6 QCheckBox name writeCaptureFile enabled true text Write Capture File QToolButton name getCaptureFileName enabled false text ... QLayoutWidget name Layout6 layoutSpacing margin 0 spacing 2 QLabel name TextLabel3_2_2 sizePolicy 4 1 text GUI Line name Line9_2 orientation Horizontal name Spacer1 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QLayoutWidget name Layout7 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name TextLabel1_4 text CaptureFile: QLineEdit name captureFileName enabled false writeCaptureFile toggled(bool) getCaptureFileName setEnabled(bool) activeScanning toggled(bool) MAC setEnabled(bool) writeCaptureFile toggled(bool) captureFileName setEnabled(bool)