wl_sock #include int wl_setupsock(const char *host, int port, struct sockaddr_in *) int wl_send(const char *host, int port, const char *string, ...) int wl_recv(int *socket, struct sockaddr_in *, char *out, int len) wl_setupsock() returns the number of the activated udp socket. wl_send() sends string to the given host. wl_recv() checks for incoming data on a socket (created using wl_setupsock()). It writes the incoming data to out with a maxlen of len. wl_setupsock() returns -1 on error and the number of socket on success. wl_send() returns 0 on error and 1 on success. wl_recv() returns -1 on error and the type of the received packet on success. Note: To use this function you have to set a sockaddr_in structure and pass it to wl_setupsock and wl_receive.