#include "noticeplugin.h" #include #include #include using Opie::Security::MultiauthPluginObject; using Opie::Security::MultiauthConfigWidget; /// creates and initializes the m_config Config object NoticePlugin::NoticePlugin() : MultiauthPluginObject(), noticeW(0) { m_config = new Config("Security"); m_config->setGroup("NoticePlugin"); } /// deletes the m_config Config object and noticeW if necessary NoticePlugin::~NoticePlugin() { delete m_config; if (noticeW != 0) delete noticeW; } /// Simply return its name (Notice plugin) QString NoticePlugin::pluginName() const { return "Notice plugin"; } /// return the Notice widget configuration widget /** * \return noticeW, the NoticeConfigWidget */ MultiauthConfigWidget * NoticePlugin::configWidget(QWidget * parent) { if (noticeW == 0) noticeW = new NoticeConfigWidget(parent, "Notice configuration widget"); return noticeW; } /// return the path of the small tab icon QString NoticePlugin::pixmapNameConfig() const { return "security/noticeplugin_small"; } /// return the path of the big icon for the active/order checklist QString NoticePlugin::pixmapNameWidget() const { return "security/noticeplugin"; } /// Displays the configured message and an 'Accept' button /** * \return the outcome code of this authentication (can be only success) */ int NoticePlugin::authenticate() { QMessageBox noticeDialog("Notice plugin", getNoticeText(), QMessageBox::Warning, QMessageBox::Yes, 0, 0, 0, "notice plugin dialog", true, Qt::WStyle_NoBorder | Qt::WStyle_Customize | Qt::WStyle_StaysOnTop); noticeDialog.setButtonText(QMessageBox::Yes, tr("I accept")); QRect desk = oApp->desktop()->geometry(); noticeDialog.setGeometry( 0, 0, desk.width(), desk.height() ); switch (noticeDialog.exec()) { case QMessageBox::Yes: return MultiauthPluginObject::Success; } return 255; //should not be returned anyway } /// get the notice text from our m_config config file (with true new lines) /** * if no text has been defined yet returns defaultNoticeText */ QString NoticePlugin::getNoticeText() { // Note: C++ processes '\' character, so we have to type \\\\ to mean \\ to QRegExp return m_config->readEntry("noticeText", defaultNoticeText).replace( QRegExp("\\\\n"), "\n" ); }