BackupAndRestoreBase QWidget name BackupAndRestoreBase geometry 0 0 290 243 caption Backup And Restore layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 0 spacing 0 QTabWidget name tabWidget layoutMargin layoutSpacing QWidget name Widget2 title Backup margin 4 spacing 4 QLabel name TextLabel1 text Save To QComboBox name storeToLocation QPushButton name backupButton text &Backup QListView text Applications clickable true resizeable true name backupList allColumnsShowFocus true rootIsDecorated true QWidget name Widget3 title Restore margin 4 spacing 4 QComboBox name restoreSource QPushButton name restoreButton text &Restore QLabel name TextLabel1_2 text Select Source QListView text Column 1 clickable true resizeable true name restoreList minimumSize 0 100 QWidget name tab title Locations margin 4 spacing 4 QLineEdit name locationEdit QToolButton name locationSelectBtn maximumSize 20 30 text ... QListView text Locations clickable true resizeable true name locationList QPushButton name addLocationButton text Add QPushButton name removeLocationButton text Remove QPushButton name saveLocationsButton text Save