BackupAndRestoreBase QWidget name BackupAndRestoreBase geometry 0 0 231 275 caption Backup And Restore layoutMargin margin 0 spacing 6 QTabWidget name tabWidget layoutMargin QWidget name Widget2 title Backup margin 11 spacing 6 QLabel name TextLabel1 text Save To QComboBox name storeToLocation QPushButton name backupButton text &Backup QListView text Applications clickable true resizeable true name backupList allColumnsShowFocus true rootIsDecorated true QWidget name Widget3 title Restore margin 11 spacing 6 QComboBox name restoreSource QListView text Column 1 clickable true resizeable true name restoreList minimumSize 0 100 QPushButton name restoreButton text &Restore QLabel name TextLabel1_2 text Select Source QPushButton name updateList text Update Filelist