/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "settime.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if ( defined Q_WS_QWS || defined(_WS_QWS_) ) && !defined(QT_NO_COP) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include SetDateTime::SetDateTime(QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f ) : NtpBase( parent, name, true, f ) { setCaption( tr("System Time") ); QVBoxLayout *vb = new QVBoxLayout( FrameSystemTime, 5 ); // TextLabelMainPredTime = new QLabel( FrameSystemTime ); // vb->addWidget( TextLabelMainPredTime, 1, 0 ); timeButton = new SetTime( FrameSystemTime ); vb->addWidget( timeButton ); QHBoxLayout *db = new QHBoxLayout( vb ); QLabel *dateLabel = new QLabel( tr("Date"), FrameSystemTime ); db->addWidget( dateLabel, 1 ); dateButton = new DateButton( TRUE, FrameSystemTime ); db->addWidget( dateButton, 2 ); ButtonSetTime = new QPushButton( FrameSystemTime ); vb->addWidget( ButtonSetTime, 1, 0 ); QFrame *hline = new QFrame( FrameSystemTime ); hline->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken ); vb->addWidget( hline ); QHBoxLayout *hb = new QHBoxLayout( vb, -1, "timezone layout" ); QLabel *lblZone = new QLabel( tr( "Time Zone" ), FrameSystemTime, "timezone label" ); lblZone->setMaximumSize( lblZone->sizeHint() ); hb->addWidget( lblZone ); tz = new TimeZoneSelector( FrameSystemTime, "Timezone choices" ); tz->setMinimumSize( tz->sizeHint() ); hb->addWidget( tz ); hline = new QFrame( FrameSystemTime ); hline->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken ); vb->addWidget( hline ); QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); vb->addItem( spacer ); Config config("qpe"); config.setGroup( "Time" ); QHBoxLayout *hb1 = new QHBoxLayout( vb ); QLabel *l = new QLabel( tr("Time format"), FrameSystemTime ); hb1->addWidget( l, 1 ); ampmCombo = new QComboBox( FrameSystemTime ); ampmCombo->insertItem( tr("24 hour"), 0 ); ampmCombo->insertItem( tr("12 hour"), 1 ); hb1->addWidget( ampmCombo, 2 ); int show12hr = config.readBoolEntry("AMPM") ? 1 : 0; ampmCombo->setCurrentItem( show12hr ); timeButton->show12hourTime( show12hr ); connect(ampmCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), timeButton, SLOT(show12hourTime(int))); QHBoxLayout *hb2 = new QHBoxLayout( vb ); l = new QLabel( tr("Weeks start on" ), FrameSystemTime ); //l->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter ); hb2->addWidget( l, 1 ); weekStartCombo = new QComboBox( FrameSystemTime ); weekStartCombo->insertItem( tr("Sunday"), 0 ); weekStartCombo->insertItem( tr("Monday"), 1 ); hb2->addWidget( weekStartCombo, 2 ); int startMonday = config.readBoolEntry("MONDAY") ? 1 : 0; dateButton->setWeekStartsMonday( startMonday ); weekStartCombo->setCurrentItem( startMonday ); connect( weekStartCombo, SIGNAL( activated(int)), dateButton, SLOT(setWeekStartsMonday(int))); QHBoxLayout *hb3 = new QHBoxLayout( vb ); l = new QLabel( tr("Date format" ), FrameSystemTime ); hb3->addWidget( l, 1 ); dateFormatCombo = new QComboBox( FrameSystemTime ); hb3->addWidget( dateFormatCombo, 2 ); config.setGroup( "Date" ); DateFormat df(QChar(config.readEntry("Separator", "/")[0]), (DateFormat::Order)config .readNumEntry("ShortOrder", DateFormat::DayMonthYear), (DateFormat::Order)config.readNumEntry("LongOrder", DateFormat::DayMonthYear)); int currentdf = 0; date_formats[0] = DateFormat('/', DateFormat::MonthDayYear); dateFormatCombo->insertItem( tr( date_formats[0].toNumberString()) ); date_formats[1] = DateFormat('.', DateFormat::DayMonthYear); if (df == date_formats[1]) currentdf = 1; dateFormatCombo->insertItem( tr( date_formats[1].toNumberString() ) ); date_formats[2] = DateFormat('-', DateFormat::YearMonthDay, DateFormat::DayMonthYear); if (df == date_formats[2]) currentdf = 2; dateFormatCombo->insertItem( tr( date_formats[2].toNumberString() ) ); //ISO8601 date_formats[3] = DateFormat('/', DateFormat::DayMonthYear); if (df == date_formats[3]) currentdf = 3; dateFormatCombo->insertItem( tr( date_formats[3].toNumberString() ) ); dateFormatCombo->setCurrentItem( currentdf ); dateButton->setDateFormat( df ); connect( dateFormatCombo, SIGNAL( activated(int)), SLOT(formatChanged(int))); QHBoxLayout *hb4 = new QHBoxLayout( vb ); l = new QLabel( tr("Applet format" ), FrameSystemTime ); hb4->addWidget( l, 1 ); clockAppletCombo = new QComboBox( FrameSystemTime ); clockAppletCombo->insertItem( tr("hh:mm"), 0 ); clockAppletCombo->insertItem( tr("D/M hh:mm"), 1 ); clockAppletCombo->insertItem( tr("M/D hh:mm"), 2 ); hb4->addWidget( clockAppletCombo, 2 ); int clockApplet = config.readNumEntry("ClockApplet",0); clockAppletCombo->setCurrentItem( clockApplet ); vb->addStretch( 0 ); // hline = new QFrame( FrameSystemTime ); // hline->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken ); // vb->addWidget( hline ); // // ButtonSetTime = new QPushButton( FrameSystemTime ); // vb->addWidget( ButtonSetTime, 1, 0 ); QObject::connect( tz, SIGNAL( signalNewTz( const QString& ) ), timeButton, SLOT( slotTzChange( const QString& ) ) ); QObject::connect( tz, SIGNAL( signalNewTz( const QString& ) ), SLOT( tzChange( const QString& ) ) ); // QObject::connect( weekStartCombo, SIGNAL( activated ( int )), // SLOT(updateSystem(int ) )); // QObject::connect( ampmCombo, SIGNAL( activated ( int )), // SLOT(updateSystem(int ) )); // QObject::connect( dateFormatCombo, SIGNAL( activated ( int )), // SLOT(updateSystem(int ) )); // QObject::connect( clockAppletCombo, SIGNAL( activated ( int )), // SLOT(updateSystem(int ) )); } SetDateTime::~SetDateTime() { } void SetDateTime::writeSettings() { Config config("qpe"); config.setGroup( "Time" ); config.writeEntry( "AMPM", ampmCombo->currentItem() ); config.writeEntry( "MONDAY", weekStartCombo->currentItem() ); config.setGroup( "Date" ); DateFormat df = date_formats[dateFormatCombo->currentItem()]; config.writeEntry( "Separator", QString(df.separator())); config.writeEntry( "ShortOrder", df.shortOrder()); config.writeEntry( "LongOrder", df.longOrder()); config.writeEntry( "ClockApplet", clockAppletCombo->currentItem() ); Config lconfig("locale"); lconfig.setGroup( "Location" ); lconfig.writeEntry( "Timezone", tz->currentZone() ); } void SetDateTime::commitTime() { Config cfg("ntp",Config::User); cfg.setGroup("lookups"); cfg.writeEntry("lastNtp",false); tz->setFocus(); // Need to process the QCOP event generated above before proceeding qApp->processEvents(); // before we progress further, set our TZ! setenv( "TZ", tz->currentZone(), 1 ); // now set the time... QDateTime dt( dateButton->date(), timeButton->time() ); if ( dt.isValid() ) setTime(dt); } void SetDateTime::setTime(QDateTime dt) { // really turn off the screensaver before doing anything { // Needs to be encased in { } so that it deconstructs and sends QCopEnvelope disableScreenSaver( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverIntervals(int,int,int)" ); disableScreenSaver << 0 << 0 << 0; } Config cfg("ntp",Config::User); cfg.setGroup("correction"); int t = TimeConversion::toUTC(dt); struct timeval myTv; myTv.tv_sec = t; cfg.writeEntry("time", t ); myTv.tv_usec = 0; if ( myTv.tv_sec != -1 ) ::settimeofday( &myTv, 0 ); Global::writeHWClock(); // since time has changed quickly load in the datebookdb // to allow the alarm server to get a better grip on itself // (example re-trigger alarms for when we travel back in time) DateBookDB db; //QCopEnvelope timeApplet( "QPE/TaskBar", "reloadApplets()" ); //timeApplet << ""; // Restore screensaver QCopEnvelope enableScreenSaver( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverIntervals(int,int,int)" ); enableScreenSaver << -1 << -1 << -1; } void SetDateTime::updateSystem() { // really turn off the screensaver before doing anything { // Needs to be encased in { } so that it deconstructs and sends QCopEnvelope disableScreenSaver( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverIntervals(int,int,int)" ); disableScreenSaver << 0 << 0 << 0; } qDebug("SetDateTime::updateSystem()"); writeSettings(); // set the timezone for everyone else... QCopEnvelope setTimeZone( "QPE/System", "timeChange(QString)" ); setTimeZone << tz->currentZone(); // AM/PM setting and notify time changed QCopEnvelope setClock( "QPE/System", "clockChange(bool)" ); setClock << ampmCombo->currentItem(); // Notify everyone what day we prefer to start the week on. QCopEnvelope setWeek( "QPE/System", "weekChange(bool)" ); setWeek << weekStartCombo->currentItem(); // Notify everyone what date format to use QCopEnvelope setDateFormat( "QPE/System", "setDateFormat(DateFormat)" ); setDateFormat << date_formats[dateFormatCombo->currentItem()]; // Restore screensaver QCopEnvelope enableScreenSaver( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverIntervals(int,int,int)" ); enableScreenSaver << -1 << -1 << -1; // since time has changed quickly load in the datebookdb // to allow the alarm server to get a better grip on itself // (example re-trigger alarms for when we travel back in time) DateBookDB db; } void SetDateTime::tzChange( const QString &tz ) { // set the TZ get the time and leave gracefully... QString strSave; strSave = getenv( "TZ" ); setenv( "TZ", tz, 1 ); QDate d = QDate::currentDate(); // reset the time. if ( !strSave.isNull() ) { setenv( "TZ", strSave, 1 ); } dateButton->setDate( d ); updateSystem(); } void SetDateTime::formatChanged(int i) { dateButton->setDateFormat(date_formats[i]); } static const int ValueAM = 0; static const int ValuePM = 1; SetTime::SetTime( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ) { clock = new QTimer(this, "clock" ); connect(clock, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT(slotClockTick()) ); clock->start( 1000 * 60 ); use12hourTime = FALSE; _time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); hour = _time.time().hour(); minute = _time.time().minute(); QHBoxLayout *hb2 = new QHBoxLayout( this ); hb2->setSpacing( 3 ); QLabel *l = new QLabel( tr("Hour"), this ); // l->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter ); hb2->addWidget( l ); sbHour = new QSpinBox( this ); sbHour->setMinimumWidth( 30 ); if(use12hourTime) { sbHour->setMinValue(1); sbHour->setMaxValue( 12 ); int show_hour = hour; if (hour > 12) show_hour -= 12; if (show_hour == 0) show_hour = 12; sbHour->setValue( show_hour ); } else { sbHour->setMinValue( 0 ); sbHour->setMaxValue( 23 ); sbHour->setValue( hour ); } sbHour->setWrapping(TRUE); connect( sbHour, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(hourChanged(int)) ); hb2->addWidget( sbHour ); hb2->addStretch( 1 ); l = new QLabel( tr("Minute"), this ); //l->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter ); hb2->addWidget( l ); sbMin = new QSpinBox( this ); sbMin->setMinValue( 0 ); sbMin->setMaxValue( 59 ); sbMin->setWrapping(TRUE); sbMin->setValue( minute ); sbMin->setMinimumWidth( 30 ); connect( sbMin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(minuteChanged(int)) ); hb2->addWidget( sbMin ); hb2->addStretch( 1 ); ampm = new QComboBox( this ); ampm->insertItem( tr("AM"), ValueAM ); ampm->insertItem( tr("PM"), ValuePM ); connect( ampm, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(checkedPM(int)) ); hb2->addWidget( ampm ); hb2->addStretch( 1 ); } QTime SetTime::time() const { return QTime( hour, minute, 0 ); } void SetTime::hourChanged( int value ) { if(use12hourTime) { int realhour = value; if (realhour == 12) realhour = 0; if (ampm->currentItem() == ValuePM ) realhour += 12; hour = realhour; } else hour = value; } void SetTime::minuteChanged( int value ) { minute = value; } void SetTime::show12hourTime( int on ) { use12hourTime = on; ampm->setEnabled(on); int show_hour = hour; if ( on ) { /* this might change the value of hour */ sbHour->setMinValue(1); sbHour->setMaxValue( 12 ); /* so use one we saved earlier */ if (show_hour >= 12) { show_hour -= 12; ampm->setCurrentItem( ValuePM ); } else { ampm->setCurrentItem( ValueAM ); } if (show_hour == 0) show_hour = 12; } else { sbHour->setMinValue( 0 ); sbHour->setMaxValue( 23 ); } sbHour->setValue( show_hour ); } void SetTime::checkedPM( int c ) { int show_hour = sbHour->value(); if (show_hour == 12) show_hour = 0; if ( c == ValuePM ) show_hour += 12; hour = show_hour; } void SetTime::slotTzChange( const QString &tz ) { // set the TZ get the time and leave gracefully... QString strSave; strSave = getenv( "TZ" ); setenv( "TZ", tz, 1 ); QTime t = QTime::currentTime(); // reset the time. if ( !strSave.isNull() ) { setenv( "TZ", strSave, 1 ); } // just set the spinboxes and let it propage through if(use12hourTime) { int show_hour = t.hour(); if (t.hour() >= 12) { show_hour -= 12; ampm->setCurrentItem( ValuePM ); } else { ampm->setCurrentItem( ValueAM ); } if (show_hour == 0) show_hour = 12; sbHour->setValue( show_hour ); } else { sbHour->setValue( t.hour() ); } sbMin->setValue( t.minute() ); } void SetTime::setTime( QDateTime dt ) { _time = dt; QTime t = dt.time(); // just set the spinboxes and let it propage through if(use12hourTime) { int show_hour = t.hour(); if (t.hour() >= 12) { show_hour -= 12; ampm->setCurrentItem( ValuePM ); } else { ampm->setCurrentItem( ValueAM ); } if (show_hour == 0) show_hour = 12; sbHour->setValue( show_hour ); } else { sbHour->setValue( t.hour() ); } sbMin->setValue( t.minute() ); } void SetTime::slotClockTick() { setTime( _time.addSecs(60) ); qDebug("SetTime::slotClockTick %s",_time.toString().latin1()); }