/**************************************************************************** ** Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'interfaceedit.ui' ** ** Created: Mon Sep 23 12:18:55 2002 ** by: The User Interface Compiler (uic) ** ** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! ****************************************************************************/ #include "interfaceedit.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qwidget.h" #include #include #include #include /* * Constructs a InterfaceConfiguration which is a child of 'parent', with the * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f' */ InterfaceConfiguration::InterfaceConfiguration( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : QWidget( parent, name, fl ) { if ( !name ) setName( "InterfaceConfiguration" ); resize( 177, 306 ); setCaption( tr( "Interface Configuration" ) ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout = new QGridLayout( this ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->setSpacing( 6 ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->setMargin( 11 ); profile = new QComboBox( FALSE, this, "profile" ); profile->insertItem( tr( "All" ) ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addWidget( profile, 2, 1 ); TextLabel1 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel1" ); TextLabel1->setText( tr( "Profile:" ) ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addWidget( TextLabel1, 2, 0 ); Line1 = new QFrame( this, "Line1" ); Line1->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addMultiCellWidget( Line1, 1, 1, 0, 1 ); CheckBox3 = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox3" ); CheckBox3->setText( tr( "Automaticly bring up" ) ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addMultiCellWidget( CheckBox3, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); dhcpCheckBox = new QCheckBox( this, "dhcpCheckBox" ); dhcpCheckBox->setText( tr( "DHCP" ) ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addMultiCellWidget( dhcpCheckBox, 3, 3, 0, 1 ); TextLabel3_3_2 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel3_3_2" ); TextLabel3_3_2->setText( tr( "Lease Hours" ) ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addWidget( TextLabel3_3_2, 4, 0 ); SpinBox1_2 = new QSpinBox( this, "SpinBox1_2" ); SpinBox1_2->setMaxValue( 336 ); SpinBox1_2->setMinValue( 1 ); SpinBox1_2->setValue( 24 ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addWidget( SpinBox1_2, 4, 1 ); QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addItem( spacer, 11, 1 ); TextLabel4 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel4" ); TextLabel4->setText( tr( "IP Address" ) ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addWidget( TextLabel4, 6, 0 ); ipAddressEdit = new QLineEdit( this, "ipAddressEdit" ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addWidget( ipAddressEdit, 6, 1 ); TextLabel5 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel5" ); TextLabel5->setText( tr( "Subnet Mask" ) ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addWidget( TextLabel5, 7, 0 ); firstDNSLineEdit = new QLineEdit( this, "firstDNSLineEdit" ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addWidget( firstDNSLineEdit, 9, 1 ); TextLabel3 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel3" ); TextLabel3->setText( tr( "Second DNS" ) ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addWidget( TextLabel3, 10, 0 ); subnetMaskEdit = new QLineEdit( this, "subnetMaskEdit" ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addWidget( subnetMaskEdit, 7, 1 ); gatewayEdit = new QLineEdit( this, "gatewayEdit" ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addWidget( gatewayEdit, 8, 1 ); TextLabel7 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel7" ); TextLabel7->setText( tr( "Gateway" ) ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addWidget( TextLabel7, 8, 0 ); TextLabel2 = new QLabel( this, "TextLabel2" ); TextLabel2->setText( tr( "First DNS" ) ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addWidget( TextLabel2, 9, 0 ); secondDNSLineEdit = new QLineEdit( this, "secondDNSLineEdit" ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addWidget( secondDNSLineEdit, 10, 1 ); GroupBox2 = new QGroupBox( this, "GroupBox2" ); GroupBox2->setTitle( tr( "Static Ip Configuration" ) ); InterfaceConfigurationLayout->addMultiCellWidget( GroupBox2, 5, 5, 0, 1 ); // signals and slots connections connect( dhcpCheckBox, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), SpinBox1_2, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); connect( dhcpCheckBox, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), GroupBox2, SLOT( setDisabled(bool) ) ); } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ InterfaceConfiguration::~InterfaceConfiguration() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us }