#include "infoimp.h" #include "wextensions.h" #include #include #include /** * Constructor. If wireless extensions are enabled on device name then * start a timer that every second will update the information. */ WlanInfoImp::WlanInfoImp( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl): WlanInfo(parent, name, fl){ WExtensions *wExtensions = new WExtensions(name); if(!wExtensions->doesHaveWirelessExtensions()){ delete wExtensions; odebug << "WlanInfoImp::No wireless extension" << oendl; return; } delete wExtensions; timer = new QTimer( this ); connect( timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update())); timer->start( 1000, false ); } /** * Updates the information about the wireless device. */ void WlanInfoImp::update(){ WExtensions *wExtensions = new WExtensions(this->name()); if(!wExtensions->doesHaveWirelessExtensions()){ odebug << "No extension" << oendl; delete wExtensions; timer->stop(); return; } essidLabel->setText(wExtensions->essid()); apLabel->setText(wExtensions->ap()); stationLabel->setText(wExtensions->station()); modeLabel->setText(wExtensions->mode()); channelLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(wExtensions->channel())); int signal = 0; int noise = 0; int quality = 0; wExtensions->stats(signal, noise, quality); if(signalProgressBar->progress() != signal) signalProgressBar->setProgress(signal); if(noiseProgressBar->progress() != noise) noiseProgressBar->setProgress(noise); if(qualityProgressBar->progress() != quality) qualityProgressBar->setProgress(quality); rateLabel->setText(QString("%1 Mb/s").arg(wExtensions->rate())); delete wExtensions; } // infoimp.cpp