#ifndef OTGATEWAY_H #define OTGATEWAY_H #include #include #include #include #include class QPixmap; namespace Opietooth2 { class OTDriverList; class OTDriver; class OTDevice; class OTPeer; class OTInquiry; class OTPANConnection; class OTLinkKey; typedef QVector PeerVector; typedef QVector PANConnectionVector; typedef QArray LinkKeyArray; class OTLinkKey { public : OTLinkKey( const OTDeviceAddress & F, const OTDeviceAddress & T ) { From = F; To = T; } const OTDeviceAddress & to() { return To; } const OTDeviceAddress & from() { return From; } OTDeviceAddress From; OTDeviceAddress To; }; class OTPANConnection { public : OTPANConnection( const QString & Dev, const QString & CT ) { Device = Dev; ConnectedTo = CT; } QString Device; QString ConnectedTo; }; class OTGateway : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public : // single instance static OTGateway * getOTGateway( void ); static void releaseOTGateway( void ); // convert device type as class to name for that class static const char * deviceTypeToName( int Cls ); // open bluetooth system OTGateway( void ); // close bluetooth system ~OTGateway( void ); // get access to system device OTDevice * getOTDevice(); // return true if this device needs enabling of bluetooth bool needsEnabling(); // return true if system is running bool isEnabled(); void setRefreshTimer( int MilleSecs ); // return socket to HCI raw layer inline int getSocket() { return HciCtl; } OTDriverList & getDriverList() { return AllDrivers; } OTDriver * driver( int nr ) { return AllDrivers.count() == 0 ? 0 : AllDrivers[nr]; } void updateDrivers(); PANConnectionVector getPANConnections(); // scan neighbourhood using device void scanNeighbourhood( OTDriver * D = 0 ); void stopScanOfNeighbourhood(void ); void setScanWith( OTDriver * D = 0 ) { ScanWith = (D) ? D : (AllDrivers.count() ) ? AllDrivers[0] : 0; } OTDriver * scanWith( void ) { return ScanWith; } // get list of all detected peers inline const PeerVector & peers( void ) { return AllPeers; } // ping peer to see if it is up bool isPeerUp( const OTDeviceAddress & PAddr, int timeoutInSec = 1, int timeoutInUSec = 0, int retry = 1 ); OTPeer * findPeer( const OTDeviceAddress & Addr ); void removePeer( OTPeer * P ); void addPeer( OTPeer * P ); OTDriver * findDriver( const OTDeviceAddress & Addr ); inline const LinkKeyArray & getLinkKeys() const { return AllKeys; } bool removeLinkKey( unsigned int index ); // return device number if we are connected over any device // to the channel // else returns -1 int connectedToRFCommChannel( const OTDeviceAddress & Addr, int channel ); int getFreeRFCommDevice( void ); // return 0 if properly released int releaseRFCommDevice( int DevNr ); public slots : // start bluetooth system void SLOT_SetEnabled( bool ); void SLOT_Enable(); void SLOT_Disable(); // show error void SLOT_ShowError( const QString & ); void SLOT_Enabled( int, bool ); void SLOT_DriverDisappeared( OTDriver * ); void SLOT_PeerDetected( OTPeer *, bool ); void SLOT_FinishedDetecting(); signals : // any error void error( const QString & ); // signal state of bluetooth driver void stateChange( OTDriver * D, bool State ); // sent when list of drivers changees void driverListChanged(); // sent when bluetooth on device is enabled void deviceEnabled( bool ); // sent when a (new if bool = TRUE) peer is detected void detectedPeer( OTPeer *, bool ); // end of detection process void finishedDetecting(); protected : void connectNotify( const char * Signal ); void disconnectNotify( const char * Signal ); void timerEvent( QTimerEvent * ); private : void loadActiveConnections( void ); void loadKnownPeers( void ); void saveKnownPeers( void ); bool isConnectedTo( int devid, const OTDeviceAddress & Address ); void readLinkKeys(); static OTGateway * SingleGateway; static int UseCount; OTDriver * ScanWith; OTDriverList AllDrivers; OTDevice * TheOTDevice; int HciCtl; int ErrorConnectCount; int RefreshTimer; OTInquiry * Scanning; bool AllPeersModified; PeerVector AllPeers; LinkKeyArray AllKeys; }; } #endif