//-*-c++-*- /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 by Fred Schaettgen * * kdebluetooth@schaettgen.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include // #include "deviceaddress.h" #include #include using namespace Opietooth2; OTHCISocket::OTHCISocket( OTDriver * D ) : QObject( D, D->devname() ) { BStatusSet = false; Driver = D; HCIReadNotifier = 0; } OTHCISocket::~OTHCISocket() { close(); } void OTHCISocket::close() { owarn << "OTHCISocket::close()" << oendl; if( HCIReadNotifier ) { delete HCIReadNotifier; } if( HCISocket.isValid() ) { HCISocket.close(); } } bool OTHCISocket::open() { owarn << "OTHCISocket::open()" << oendl; int s; s = ::socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_RAW, BTPROTO_HCI); if (s < 0) { emit error( tr( "Error creating socket on %1 : %2 %3"). arg( Driver->devname() ). arg( errno ). arg( strerror(errno) ) ); return false; } /* Bind socket to the HCI device */ struct sockaddr_hci sa; sa.hci_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; sa.hci_dev = Driver->devId(); if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0) { ::close(s); emit error( tr( "Error binding to socket to %1 : %2 %3"). arg( Driver->devname() ). arg( errno ). arg( strerror(errno) ) ); return false; } struct hci_filter flt; hci_filter_clear(&flt); hci_filter_set_ptype(HCI_EVENT_PKT, &flt); hci_filter_all_events(&flt); if( setsockopt(s, SOL_HCI, HCI_FILTER, &flt, sizeof(flt)) < 0 ) { ::close(s); emit error( tr( "HCI filter setup failed on %1 : %2 %3"). arg( Driver->devname() ). arg( errno ). arg( strerror(errno) ) ); return false; } if( HCIReadNotifier ) { delete HCIReadNotifier; } HCISocket.setSocket(s, QSocketDevice::Datagram); HCIReadNotifier = new QSocketNotifier( s, QSocketNotifier::Read, this); connect( HCIReadNotifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotSocketActivated()) ); //connect(hciSocket, SIGNAL(error(int)), // this, SLOT(slotSocketError(int))); //connect(hciSocket, SIGNAL(connectionClosed()), // this, SLOT(slotConnectionClosed())); //hciSocket->setSocket(s); return true; } void OTHCISocket::slotSocketError(int e) { close(); emit error( tr( "HCI socket error 0x%1 on %1 : %2 %3"). arg(e,2,16). arg( Driver->devname() ). arg( errno ). arg( strerror(errno) ) ); } void OTHCISocket::slotSocketActivated() { QSocketDevice::Error err = HCISocket.error(); if( (err == QSocketDevice::NoError ) && ( HCISocket.isValid() ) ) { //kdDebug() << "HCI socket ready read." << endl; unsigned char buf[512]; int psize = HCISocket.readBlock((char*)buf, 512); if (psize <= 0) { slotSocketError(HCISocket.error()); HCISocket.close(); return; } //unsigned char packetType = buf[0]; unsigned char eventCode = buf[1]; unsigned char len = buf[2]; if (psize-3 == len) { QByteArray databuf; databuf.duplicate((char*)(buf+3), len); emit event(eventCode, databuf); if (eventCode == EVT_CMD_STATUS) { updateStatus( databuf ); } } else { owarn << "Error reading hci packet: packetSize(" << psize << ")-3 != dataSize(" << len << ")" << oendl; } } else if (err == QSocketDevice::NoError) { slotConnectionClosed(); } else { HCISocket.close(); slotSocketError(err); } } void OTHCISocket::updateStatus(const QByteArray& data) { QDataStream stream(data, IO_ReadOnly); stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); Q_UINT8 status, dummy; Q_UINT16 opcode; BStatusSet = true; stream >> status >> dummy >> opcode; //kdDebug() << "updatestatus opcode=" << uint32_t(opcode) << endl; LastStatus = status; LastStatusOgf = cmd_opcode_ogf(opcode); LastStatusOcf = cmd_opcode_ocf(opcode); } void OTHCISocket::slotConnectionClosed() { owarn << "HCI connection closed." << oendl; emit connectionClosed(); } void OTHCISocket::readEvent() { if (HCIReadNotifier) { slotSocketActivated(); } } bool OTHCISocket::sendCommand( unsigned char ogf, unsigned short ocf, QByteArray buf ) { QBuffer packet; QDataStream stream(&packet); stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); packet.open(IO_WriteOnly); if (buf.size() > 255) return false; //kdDebug() << "sendCommand. ogf=" << ogf << " ocf=" << ocf << endl; Q_UINT16 opcode = cmd_opcode_pack(ogf, ocf); Q_UINT8 pType = HCI_COMMAND_PKT; Q_UINT8 buflen = buf.size(); stream << pType << opcode << buflen; stream.writeRawBytes(buf.data(), buflen); packet.close(); HCISocket.writeBlock((const char*)packet.buffer(), packet.buffer().size()); return true; } bool OTHCISocket::readStatus( unsigned char ogf, unsigned short ocf, int *status, int timeout_ms) { QTimer timer; timer.start(timeout_ms, true); BStatusSet = false; while (timer.isActive() && HCISocket.isValid()) { owarn << "OTHCISocket::readStatus()" << oendl; bool timeout = false; if( HCISocket.bytesAvailable() == 0) { int rv = HCISocket.waitForMore(timeout_ms); timeout = (rv == 0); } if (!timeout) { slotSocketActivated(); } if( BStatusSet == true && ogf == LastStatusOgf && ocf == LastStatusOcf) { *status = LastStatus; owarn << "OTHCISocket::readStatus(ogf=" << ogf << ",ocf=" << ocf << ",timeout=" << LastStatus << ")" << oendl; return true; } } owarn << "OTHCISocket::readStatus(ogf=" << ogf << ",ocf=" << ocf << ",timeout=" << LastStatus << ") : timeout " << oendl; return false; } int OTHCISocket::socket() { return HCISocket.socket(); }