//-*-c++-*- /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 by Fred Schaettgen * * kdebluetooth@schaettgen.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Opietooth2; #define max(a,b) (((a)>(b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define min(a,b) (((a)>(b)) ? (b) : (a)) OTInquiry::OTInquiry( OTDriver * Drv ) : QObject( Drv ) { reset(); InquiryTimeoutTimer = new QTimer(this); connect( InquiryTimeoutTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotInquiryTimeout())); Driver = Drv; Socket = Drv->openSocket(); Socket->open(); connect( Socket, SIGNAL( event(unsigned char, QByteArray)), this, SLOT(slotHCIEvent(unsigned char, QByteArray))); } OTInquiry::~OTInquiry() { stopInquiring(); } void OTInquiry::stopInquiring( void ) { if( Socket ) { owarn << "Stop inquiry" << oendl; Driver->closeSocket(); Socket = 0; } } bool OTInquiry::inquire( double timeout, int numResponses, int lap) { QByteArray cmdBuf(5); cmdBuf[0] = lap & 0xFF; cmdBuf[1] = (lap >> 8) & 0xFF; cmdBuf[2] = (lap >> 16) & 0xFF; cmdBuf[3] = max(0x01, min(0x30, int(timeout/1.28))); cmdBuf[4] = (unsigned char)numResponses; owarn << "Send HCI inquiry command. wait for " << cmdBuf[3] << oendl; Socket->sendCommand(0x01, 0x0001, cmdBuf); int status; if( Socket->readStatus(0x01, 0x0001, &status)) { if (status == 0) { SuccessfullyStarted = true; InquiryTimeoutTimer->start( int(1000*(timeout+1.0)), true); return true; } else { QString S =QString().sprintf( "%x", status ); owarn << "OTInquiry::inquiry() failed: 0x" << S << oendl; emit finished(); return false; } } else { owarn << "OTInquiry::inquiry(): Timeout." << oendl; return false; } } bool OTInquiry::isInquiring() { return InquiryTimeoutTimer->isActive(); } bool OTInquiry::isFinished() { return SuccessfullyStarted && SuccessfullyEnded; } void OTInquiry::reset() { SuccessfullyStarted = false; SuccessfullyEnded = false; //addrCache.clear(); //infoQueue.clear(); } void OTInquiry::onPeerFound( OTPeer * Peer, bool IsNew ) { emit peerFound( Peer, IsNew ); } void OTInquiry::slotInquiryTimeout() { emit error( tr( "Timeout while waiting for end of inquiry.") ); } void OTInquiry::slotHCIEvent(unsigned char eventCode, QByteArray buf) { owarn << "OTInquiry: hci packet received: eventCode=" << (unsigned int)eventCode << " packetLength=" << (unsigned int)buf.size() << oendl; unsigned char *data = (unsigned char*)buf.data(); switch (eventCode) { case EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE: { unsigned char status = data[0]; owarn << "EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE status=" << status << oendl; InquiryTimeoutTimer->stop(); if (status == 0) { if( SuccessfullyStarted == true) { owarn << "OTInquiry ended successfully" << oendl; SuccessfullyEnded = true; } emit finished(); } else { emit error( tr( "OTInquiry completed with error (code %1)" ). arg(status)); } } break; case EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT: { int numResults = data[0]; OTPeer * P = 0; bool IsNew; OTDeviceAddress Addr; QString N; inquiry_info *results = (inquiry_info*)(data+1); for (int n=0; ngateway()->findPeer( Addr ); if( P ) { // peer known if( P->state() != OTPeer::Peer_Up ) { P->setState( OTPeer::Peer_Up ); } IsNew = 0; } else { IsNew = 1; // push the address to the address queue // where it can be consumed by nextNeighbour() P = new OTPeer( Driver->gateway() ); P->setState( OTPeer::Peer_Up ); // we just detected it P->setAddress( Addr ); //if( addrCache.find(info.addr) == addrCache.end()) { // addrCache.insert(info.addr); P->setDeviceClass( (results[n].dev_class[0] << 16) | (results[n].dev_class[1] << 8) | (results[n].dev_class[2] << 0) ); // infoQueue.push_back(info); P->setName( Driver->getPeerName( Addr ) ); } // call the handler. Emits a signal if not overwritten onPeerFound( P, IsNew ); // } } } break; case EVT_CMD_STATUS : { int status = data[0]; int numHciCmdPkts = data[1]; int cmdOpcode = *((uint16_t*)(data+2)); owarn << "EVT_CMD_STATUS status=" << status << " numPkts=" << numHciCmdPkts << " cmdOpcode=" << cmdOpcode << oendl; if (cmdOpcode == OCF_INQUIRY) { } } break; } }