#include #include #include using namespace Opie::Core; using namespace Opie::Ui; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Opietooth2; namespace Opietooth2 { class PeerLVI : public QListViewItem { public : PeerLVI( OTPeer * P, QListView * it ) : QListViewItem (it) { Peer = P; } ~PeerLVI( void ) { } inline OTPeer * peer( void ) { return Peer; } private : OTPeer * Peer; }; class ChannelLVI : public QListViewItem { public : ChannelLVI( int Ch, QListViewItem * it ) : QListViewItem (it) { Channel = Ch; } ~ChannelLVI( void ) { } inline int channel( void ) { return Channel; } private : int Channel; }; class DriverLVI : public QListViewItem { public : DriverLVI( OTDriver * P, QListView * it ) : QListViewItem (it) { Driver = P; } ~DriverLVI( void ) { } inline OTDriver * driver( void ) { return Driver; } private : OTDriver * Driver; }; class LinkKeyLVI : public QListViewItem { public : LinkKeyLVI( int Ch, QListView * it ) : QListViewItem (it) { LinkKey = Ch; } ~LinkKeyLVI( void ) { } inline int index( void ) { return LinkKey; } private : int LinkKey; }; }; // // // // // OTSniffing::OTSniffing( QWidget * parent ) : OTSniffGUI( parent ) { OT = OTGateway::getOTGateway(); HciDump = 0; } OTSniffing::~OTSniffing() { SLOT_Trace( 0 ); } void OTSniffing::SLOT_Trace( bool Run ) { if( ! Run ) { if ( HciDump ) { HciDump->process().kill(); delete HciDump; } HciDump = 0; return; } HciDump = new MyProcess(); QStringList SL; SL << "/usr/sbin/hcidump"; switch( DataFormat_CB->currentItem() ) { case 0 : // Hex SL << "-x"; break; case 1 : // Ascii SL << "-a"; break; case 2 : // both SL << "-X"; break; } SL << "-i"; SL << OT->scanWith()->devname(); connect( HciDump, SIGNAL( stdoutLine( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( SLOT_Show( const QString & ) ) ); connect( HciDump, SIGNAL(processExited(MyProcess*) ), this, SLOT( SLOT_ProcessExited(MyProcess*) ) ); HciDump->process() << SL; if( ! HciDump->process().start( OProcess::DontCare, OProcess::AllOutput ) ) { QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("Run hcidump"), tr("Cannot start %1").arg(SL.join(" ")) ); delete HciDump; HciDump = 0; } } void OTSniffing::SLOT_Show( const QString & S ) { printf( "%s\n", S.latin1() ); Output_TV->setText( Output_TV->text() + S + "\n" ); QScrollBar *scroll = Output_TV->verticalScrollBar(); scroll->setValue(scroll->maxValue()); //Output_LB->insertItem( S ); //Output_LB->setCurrentItem( Output_LB->count()-1 ); //Output_LB->ensureCurrentVisible(); } void OTSniffing::SLOT_ProcessExited( MyProcess * ) { printf( "Exited\n" ); delete HciDump; HciDump = 0; } void OTSniffing::SLOT_Save( void ) { QString S = OFileDialog::getSaveFileName( OFileSelector::Extended, QDir::home().path(), QString::null, MimeTypes(), this ); if( ! S.isEmpty() ) { QFile F( S ); if( ! F.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("Save log"), tr("Cannot open %1").arg(S) ); return; } QTextStream TS( &F ); TS << S << endl; } } void OTSniffing::SLOT_Load( void ) { QString S = OFileDialog::getOpenFileName( OFileSelector::Extended, QDir::home().path(), QString::null, MimeTypes(), this ); if( ! S.isEmpty() ) { QFile F( S ); if( ! F.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("Save log"), tr("Cannot open %1").arg(S) ); return; } QTextStream TS ( &F ); SLOT_ClearLog(); S = TS.read(); // Output_LB->insertStringList( QStringList::split( "\n", S ) ); Output_TV->setText( S ); } } void OTSniffing::SLOT_ClearLog( void ) { // Output_LB->clear(); Output_TV->setText( "" ); } // // // // // OTPairing::OTPairing( QWidget * parent, OTIcons * _IC ) : OTPairingGUI( parent ) { OT = OTGateway::getOTGateway(); Icons = (_IC ) ? _IC : new OTIcons(); MyIcons = (_IC == 0 ); // unpairing can only be done if bluetooth is disabled Unpair_But->setEnabled( ! OT->isEnabled() ); if( ! OT->isEnabled() ) { Unpair_LBL->hide(); } else { Unpair_LBL->show(); } // open linkkey file and load pairs LinkKeyArray Keys = OT->getLinkKeys(); LinkKeyLVI * it; OTPeer * P; OTDriver * D; for( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < Keys.count(); i ++ ) { it = new LinkKeyLVI( i, Pairs_LV ); P = 0; D = OT->findDriver( Keys[i].from() ); if( D ) { it->setText( 0, D->devname() ); // we are source P = OT->findPeer( Keys[i].to() ); if( P ) { // put name it->setText( 1, P->name() ); } else { // unknown it->setText( 1, Keys[i].to().toString() ); } // and put address as sub QListViewItem * Sub = new QListViewItem( it ); Sub->setText( 0, D->address().toString() ); Sub->setText( 1, Keys[i].to().toString() ); } else { // perhaps we are destination D = OT->findDriver( Keys[i].to() ); if( D ) { it->setText( 1, D->devname() ); // we are source P = OT->findPeer( Keys[i].from() ); if( P ) { // put name it->setText( 0, P->name() ); } else { // unknown it->setText( 0, Keys[i].from().toString() ); } // and put address as sub QListViewItem * Sub = new QListViewItem( it ); Sub->setText( 0, Keys[i].from().toString() ); Sub->setText( 1, D->address().toString() ); } else { // nor source nor destination -> unknown it->setText( 0, Keys[i].from().toString() ); it->setText( 1, Keys[i].to().toString() ); } } } } OTPairing::~OTPairing() { if( MyIcons ) delete Icons; OTGateway::releaseOTGateway(); } void OTPairing::SLOT_Unpair( ) { // find selected pair QListViewItem * it = Pairs_LV->firstChild(); while( it ) { if( it->isSelected() ) { // confirm ? if( QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("Break pairing"), tr("Sure ?"), tr("Yes, break"), tr("No, don't break") ) == 0 ) { LinkKeyLVI * KPIt = (LinkKeyLVI *)it; // break OT->removeLinkKey( KPIt->index() ); delete KPIt; } return; } it= it->nextSibling(); } } // // // // // OTScan::OTScan( QWidget * parent, OTIcons * _IC ) : OTScanGUI( parent ), Filter() { OT = OTGateway::getOTGateway(); Icons = (_IC ) ? _IC : new OTIcons(); MyIcons = (_IC == 0 ); DetectedPeers_LV->header()->hide(); Current = 0; SelectedPeer = 0; SelectedChannel = 0; StrengthTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( StrengthTimer, SIGNAL( timeout()), this, SLOT( SLOT_UpdateStrength()) ); connect( OT, SIGNAL( detectedPeer( OTPeer *, bool )), this, SLOT( SLOT_NewPeer( OTPeer *, bool )) ); connect( OT, SIGNAL( finishedDetecting()), this, SLOT( SLOT_FinishedDetecting()) ); // populate with peers we already know about const PeerVector & P = OT->peers(); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < P.count(); i ++ ) { SLOT_NewPeer( P[i], TRUE ); } // populate State fram { QHBoxLayout * H =new QHBoxLayout( State_Frm ); Paired_Led = new OLedBox( green, State_Frm ); QLabel * L1 = new QLabel( tr( "Paired" ), State_Frm ); H->addWidget( Paired_Led ); H->addWidget( L1 ); H->addStretch( 1 ); } } OTScan::~OTScan() { if( MyIcons ) delete Icons; OTGateway::releaseOTGateway(); // send all peers that we do not care about states QListViewItem * Lit = DetectedPeers_LV->firstChild(); while( Lit ) { ((PeerLVI *)Lit)->peer()->stopFindingOutState( ); Lit = Lit->nextSibling(); } } // static scan dialog function int OTScan::getDevice( OTPeer *& Peer, int & Channel, OTGateway * OT, const UUIDVector & Filter, QWidget* Parent ) { bool IsUp = 0; unsigned int i; // check if bluetooth is up OTDriverList & DL = OT->getDriverList(); for( i = 0; i < DL.count(); i ++ ) { if( DL[i]->isUp() ) { // one device that is up found IsUp = 1; break; } } // use this driver OT->setScanWith( OT->driver(i) ); // create dialog QDialog * Dlg = new QDialog( Parent, 0, TRUE ); QVBoxLayout * V = new QVBoxLayout( Dlg ); OTScan * Scn = new OTScan( Dlg ); connect( Scn, SIGNAL( selected() ), Dlg, SLOT( accept() ) ); if( Filter ) { Scn->setScanFilter( Filter ); } V->addWidget( Scn ); Dlg->setCaption( tr("Scan Neighbourhood" ) ); Dlg->showMaximized(); int rv = Dlg->exec(); if( rv == QDialog::Accepted ) { // get peer Peer = Scn->selectedPeer(); if( Peer == 0 ) { // no peer selected rv = QDialog::Rejected; } else { Channel = Scn->selectedChannel(); } } delete Dlg; return rv; } void OTScan::setScanFilter( const UUIDVector & V ) { Filter = V; } void OTScan::resetScanFilter( void ) { Filter.truncate(0); } void OTScan::SLOT_DoScan( bool DoIt ) { if( DoIt ) { OT->scanNeighbourhood(); } else { OT->stopScanOfNeighbourhood(); } scanMode( DoIt ); } // double clicked on a device void OTScan::SLOT_Selected( QListViewItem * it ) { if( ! it ) return; if( Filter.count() > 0 ) { // filter on service if( it->depth() == 0 ) { // select a service and not a device return; } // store result SelectedPeer = ((PeerLVI *)it->parent())->peer(); SelectedChannel = ((ChannelLVI *)it)->channel(); } else { // click on device if( it->depth() != 0 ) { return; } SelectedPeer = ((PeerLVI *)it)->peer(); SelectedChannel = 0; } owarn << "Selected " << SelectedPeer->address().toString() << " Channel " << SelectedChannel << oendl; emit selected(); } void OTScan::SLOT_FinishedDetecting( ) { scanMode( false ); } void OTScan::SLOT_CleanupOld( ) { // iterate over all peers and find those that // are down and have no pairing info OTPeer * TheP; const LinkKeyArray & Keys = OT->getLinkKeys(); QListViewItem * Lit = DetectedPeers_LV->firstChild(); while( Lit ) { TheP = ((PeerLVI *)Lit)->peer(); if( TheP->state() == OTPeer::Peer_Down ) { unsigned int k; // what about linkkeys ? for( k = 0; k < Keys.count(); k ++ ) { if( TheP->address() == Keys[k].to() || TheP->address() == Keys[k].from() ) { // part of linkkey owarn << "LINKKEY " << TheP->address().toString() << oendl; break; } } if( k == Keys.count() ) { owarn << "RM LINKKEY " << TheP->address().toString() << oendl; // not found -> remember to remove this peer QListViewItem * Nit; OT->removePeer( TheP ); Nit = Lit->nextSibling(); delete Lit; Lit = Nit; continue; } } else { owarn << "NODOWN " << TheP->address().toString() << oendl; } Lit = Lit->nextSibling(); } } void OTScan::SLOT_NewPeer( OTPeer * P, bool IsNew ){ PeerLVI * it = 0; if( IsNew ) { it = new PeerLVI( P, DetectedPeers_LV ); } else { // find peer in table QListViewItem * Lit = DetectedPeers_LV->firstChild(); while( Lit ) { if( ((PeerLVI *)Lit)->peer() == P ) { // this item it = (PeerLVI *)Lit; break; } Lit = Lit->nextSibling(); } if( ! it ) { owarn << "Should not occur" << oendl; return; } } // update/show info it->setText( 0, P->name() ); it->setPixmap(0, Icons->deviceIcon( OT->deviceTypeToName( P->deviceClass() ) ) ); // tell peer to report its state async connect( P, SIGNAL( peerStateReport( OTPeer *)), this, SLOT( SLOT_PeerState( OTPeer *)) ); if( IsNew ) { // find state refreshState( (PeerLVI *)it, 1 ); } else { // update staet SLOT_PeerState( P ); } } void OTScan::SLOT_PeerState( OTPeer * P ) { PeerLVI * it = (PeerLVI *)DetectedPeers_LV->firstChild(); while( it ) { if( it->peer() == P ) { break; } it = (PeerLVI * )it->nextSibling(); } if( ! it ) return; switch( P->state() ) { case OTPeer::Peer_Unknown : case OTPeer::Peer_Down : it->setPixmap( 1, 0 ); break; case OTPeer::Peer_Up : it->setPixmap( 1, Icons->loadPixmap( ( P->connectedTo() ) ? "connected" : "notconnected" ) ); if( it == Current && ! StrengthTimer->isActive() ) { // start showing strength StrengthTimer->start( 1000, FALSE ); SLOT_UpdateStrength(); } break; } } void OTScan::SLOT_RefreshState( void ) { QListViewItem * it = DetectedPeers_LV->firstChild(); while( it ) { if( it->isSelected() ) { break; } it = it->nextSibling(); } if( ! it ) return; refreshState( (PeerLVI *)it, 1 ); } void OTScan::refreshState( PeerLVI * it, bool Force ) { it->setPixmap( 1, Icons->loadPixmap( "find" ) ); it->peer()->findOutState( 30, Force ); } void OTScan::SLOT_Show( QListViewItem * it ) { if( ! it || it->depth() > 0 ) return; QString S; Current = (PeerLVI *)it; Strength_PB->setProgress( 0 ); // reset Address_LBL->setText( Current->peer()->address().toString() ); Peer_GB->setTitle( Current->peer()->name() ); const LinkKeyArray & Keys = OT->getLinkKeys(); Paired_Led->setOn( FALSE ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Keys.count(); i ++ ) { if( Current->peer()->address() == Keys[i].to() ) { Paired_Led->setOn( TRUE ); break; } } if( Current->peer()->state() == OTPeer::Peer_Up ) { RefreshServices_But->setEnabled( TRUE ); StrengthTimer->start( 1000, FALSE ); SLOT_UpdateStrength(); } else { RefreshServices_But->setEnabled( FALSE ); } } void OTScan::SLOT_UpdateStrength( void ) { OTDriver * D = Current->peer()->connectedTo(); if( D ) { long Q = D->getLinkQuality( Current->peer()->address() ); Strength_PB->setProgress( Q ); if( ! Q ) { // no quality Strength_PB->setEnabled( TRUE ); StrengthTimer->stop(); } } else { Strength_PB->setEnabled( FALSE ); Strength_PB->setProgress( 0 ); // no point in continuing StrengthTimer->stop(); } } void OTScan::SLOT_RefreshServices( void ) { QListViewItem * it = DetectedPeers_LV->firstChild(); while( it ) { if( it->isSelected() ) { break; } it = it->nextSibling(); } if( ! it ) return; QString S; PeerLVI * PI = (PeerLVI *)it; scanMode( true ); qApp->processEvents(0); ServiceVector & V = PI->peer()->services(); while( PI->firstChild() ) { // remove children delete PI->firstChild(); } for( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < V.count(); i ++ ) { QString S; S = V[i]->name(); if( S.isEmpty() ) { continue; } { QListViewItem * SIt; UUIDVector UIDV; QPixmap Pm; bool Done = 0; bool R; short ID; SIt = 0; UIDV = V[i]->classIDList(); // first all UUID ! 1200 12ff (Genericprofiles) for( unsigned int j = 0; j < UIDV.count(); j ++ ) { if( Filter.count() ) { bool FilterOut = 1; // filter out if not in list for( unsigned int ff = 0; ff < Filter.count(); ff ++ ) { if( UIDV[j] == Filter[ff] ) { FilterOut = 0; break; } } if( FilterOut ) { // not in filter list continue; } } // else show ID = UIDV[j].toShort(); if( ID < 0x1200 || ID > 0x12ff ) { // use this profile if( R ) { unsigned int ch; bool has; has = V[i]->rfcommChannel( ch ); SIt = new ChannelLVI( (has) ? (int)ch : -1 , PI ); SIt->setText(0, V[i]->name() ); Pm = Icons->serviceIcon( ID, R ); SIt->setPixmap(0, Pm ); Done = 1; break; } } } if( ! Done ) { // check other range too for( unsigned int j = 0; j < UIDV.count(); j ++ ) { if( Filter.count() ) { bool FilterOut = 1; // filter out if not in list for( unsigned int ff = 0; ff < Filter.count(); ff ++ ) { if( UIDV[j] == Filter[ff] ) { FilterOut = 0; break; } } if( FilterOut ) { // not in filter list continue; } } // else show ID = UIDV[j].toShort(); if( ID >= 0x1200 && ID <= 0x12ff ) { // use this profile unsigned int ch; bool has; has = V[i]->rfcommChannel( ch ); SIt = new ChannelLVI( (has) ? (int)ch : -1 , PI ); SIt->setText(0, V[i]->name() ); Pm = Icons->serviceIcon( ID, R ); SIt->setPixmap(0, Pm ); break; } } } } } scanMode( false ); } void OTScan::scanMode( bool M ) { // avoid infinite loop because it triggers DoScan Detect_But->blockSignals( TRUE ); Detect_But->setOn( M ); Detect_But->setText( (M) ? tr("Scanning") : tr("Scan") ); Detect_But->blockSignals( FALSE ); } // // // // // OTManage::OTManage( QWidget * parent, OTIcons * _IC ) : OTManageGUI( parent ) { OT = OTGateway::getOTGateway(); Icons = (_IC ) ? _IC : new OTIcons(); MyIcons = (_IC == 0 ); AllDrivers_LV->setSorting(-1); connect( OT, SIGNAL( driverListChanged() ), this, SLOT( SLOT_DriverListChanged() ) ); connect( OT, SIGNAL( stateChange( OTDriver *, bool ) ), this, SLOT( SLOT_StateChange( OTDriver *, bool ) ) ); SLOT_DriverListChanged(); AllDrivers_LV->header()->hide(); } OTManage::~OTManage() { if( MyIcons ) delete Icons; OTGateway::releaseOTGateway(); } void OTManage::SLOT_ShowDriver( QListViewItem * It ) { if( It == 0 || It->depth() > 0 ) // not toplevel return; DriverLVI * it = (DriverLVI *) It; DriverIsUp_CB->setChecked( it->driver()->isUp() ); } void OTManage::SLOT_UpDriver( bool Up ) { QListViewItem * it = AllDrivers_LV->firstChild(); while( it ) { if( it->isSelected() ) { OTDriver * D = ((DriverLVI *)it)->driver(); owarn << "UP driver " << D->devname() << oendl; // this D->setUp( Up ); return; } it = it->nextSibling(); } } void OTManage::SLOT_StateChange( OTDriver * D, bool Up ) { QListViewItem * it = AllDrivers_LV->firstChild(); while( it ) { if( ((DriverLVI *)it)->driver() == D ) { it->setPixmap( 0, Icons->loadPixmap( ( Up ) ? "bluezon" : "bluezoff" ) ); return; } it = it->nextSibling(); } } void OTManage::SLOT_DriverListChanged( ) { DriverLVI * It; QListViewItem * Sub; QListViewItem * First = 0; OTDriver* D; OTDriverList & DL = OT->getDriverList(); AllDrivers_LV->clear(); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < DL.count(); i ++ ) { D = DL[i]; It = new DriverLVI( D, AllDrivers_LV ); if( ! First ) First = It; It->setText( 0, D->devname() ); It->setPixmap( 0, Icons->loadPixmap( (D->isUp()) ? "bluezon" : "bluezoff" ) ); Sub = new QListViewItem( It ); Sub->setText( 0, tr( "Name" ) ); Sub->setText( 1, D->name() ); Sub = new QListViewItem( It ); Sub->setText( 0, tr( "Address" ) ); Sub->setText( 1, D->address().toString() ); Sub = new QListViewItem( It ); Sub->setText( 0, tr( "Revision" ) ); Sub->setText( 1, D->revision() ); Sub = new QListViewItem( It ); Sub->setText( 0, tr( "Manufacturer" ) ); Sub->setText( 1, D->manufacturer() ); QString Service, Device; D->getClass( Service, Device ); Sub = new QListViewItem( It ); Sub->setText( 0, tr( "Service classes" ) ); Sub->setText( 1, Service ); Sub = new QListViewItem( It ); Sub->setText( 0, tr( "Device class" ) ); Sub->setText( 1, Device ); } if( DL.count() ) { AllDrivers_LV->setCurrentItem( First ); DriverIsUp_CB->setEnabled( TRUE ); } else { DriverIsUp_CB->setChecked( FALSE ); DriverIsUp_CB->setEnabled( FALSE ); } } void OTManage::SLOT_SetRefreshTimer( int v ) { OT->setRefreshTimer( v * 1000 ); } // // // // // OTMain::OTMain( QWidget * parent ) : OTMainGUI( parent ) { Icons = new OTIcons(); SnifWindow = 0; OT = OTGateway::getOTGateway(); connect( OT, SIGNAL( deviceEnabled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( SLOT_DeviceIsEnabled( bool ) ) ); connect( OT, SIGNAL( driverListChanged() ), this, SLOT( SLOT_DriverListChanged() ) ); connect( OT, SIGNAL( stateChange( OTDriver *, bool ) ), this, SLOT( SLOT_StateChange( OTDriver *, bool ) ) ); if( ! OT->needsEnabling() ) { MustBeEnabled_CB->hide(); } else { // detect current state MustBeEnabled_CB->setChecked( OT->isEnabled() ); } SLOT_DriverListChanged(); } OTMain::~OTMain() { OTGateway::releaseOTGateway(); delete Icons; } void OTMain::SLOT_DriverListChanged() { OTDriver * D; OTDriverList & DL = OT->getDriverList(); DeviceList_CB->clear(); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < DL.count(); i ++ ) { D = DL[i]; DeviceList_CB->insertItem( Icons->loadPixmap( (D->isUp()) ? "bluezon" : "bluezoff" ), D->devname() ); if( D == OT->scanWith() ) { DeviceList_CB->setCurrentItem( i ); } } Scan_But->setEnabled( OT->getDriverList().count() > 0 ); DeviceList_CB->setEnabled( OT->getDriverList().count() > 0 ); } void OTMain::SLOT_EnableBluetooth( bool Up ) { OT->SLOT_SetEnabled( Up ); } void OTMain::SLOT_DeviceIsEnabled( bool Up ) { MustBeEnabled_CB->blockSignals( TRUE ); MustBeEnabled_CB->setChecked( Up ); MustBeEnabled_CB->blockSignals( FALSE ); } void OTMain::SLOT_Manage( void ) { QDialog * Dlg = new QDialog( this, 0, TRUE ); QVBoxLayout * V = new QVBoxLayout( Dlg ); OTManage * Mng = new OTManage( Dlg, Icons ); V->addWidget( Mng ); Dlg->setCaption( tr("Manage local devices" ) ); Dlg->showMaximized(); Dlg->exec(); delete Dlg; } void OTMain::SLOT_Scan( void ) { OTDriverList & DL = OT->getDriverList(); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < DL.count(); i ++ ) { if( DL[i]->isUp() && DL[i]->devname() == DeviceList_CB->currentText() ) { QDialog * Dlg = new QDialog( this, 0, TRUE ); QVBoxLayout * V = new QVBoxLayout( Dlg ); OTScan * Scn = new OTScan( Dlg, Icons ); OT->setScanWith( OT->driver(i) ); V->addWidget( Scn ); Dlg->setCaption( tr("Scan Neighbourhood" ) ); Dlg->showMaximized(); Dlg->exec(); delete Dlg; return; } } } void OTMain::SLOT_StateChange( OTDriver * D, bool Up ) { for( int i = 0; i < DeviceList_CB->count(); i ++ ) { if( DeviceList_CB->text(i) == D->devname() ) { DeviceList_CB->changeItem( Icons->loadPixmap( (Up) ? "bluezon" : "bluezoff" ), D->devname(), i ); return; } } } void OTMain::SLOT_Pairing( void ) { QDialog * Dlg = new QDialog( this, 0, TRUE ); QVBoxLayout * V = new QVBoxLayout( Dlg ); OTPairing * Pair = new OTPairing( Dlg, Icons ); V->addWidget( Pair ); Dlg->showMaximized(); Dlg->setCaption( tr("Manage pairing" ) ); Dlg->exec(); delete Dlg; } void OTMain::SLOT_Sniffing( void ) { if( SnifWindow == 0 ) { SnifWindow = new QDialog( this, 0, FALSE ); QVBoxLayout * V = new QVBoxLayout( SnifWindow ); OTSniffing * SN = new OTSniffing( SnifWindow ); V->addWidget( SN ); } SnifWindow->showMaximized(); SnifWindow->show(); }