/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define INCLUDE_MENUITEM_DEF #include #include #include "flat.h" #define QCOORDARRLEN(x) sizeof(x)/(sizeof(QCOORD)*2) class SpinBoxHack : public QSpinBox { public: void setFlatButtons( bool f ) { upButton()->setFlat( f ); downButton()->setFlat( f ); } }; class FlatStylePrivate : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: FlatStylePrivate() : QObject() {} bool eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) { if ( e->type() == QEvent::ParentPaletteChange ) { if ( o->inherits( "QMenuBar" ) ) { QWidget *w = (QWidget *)o; if ( w->parentWidget() ) { QPalette p = w->parentWidget()->palette(); QColorGroup a = p.active(); a.setColor( QColorGroup::Light, a.foreground() ); a.setColor( QColorGroup::Dark, a.foreground() ); p.setActive( a ); p.setInactive( a ); w->setPalette( p ); } } else if ( o->inherits( "QHeader" ) ) { QWidget *w = (QWidget *)o; if ( w->parentWidget() ) { QPalette p = w->parentWidget()->palette(); QColorGroup a = p.active(); a.setColor( QColorGroup::Light, a.button() ); p.setActive( a ); p.setInactive( a ); w->setPalette( p ); } } } return FALSE; } QMap frameStyles; }; FlatStyle::FlatStyle() : revItem(FALSE), fillBtnBorder(FALSE) { setButtonMargin(3); setScrollBarExtent(13,13); setButtonDefaultIndicatorWidth(0); d = new FlatStylePrivate; } FlatStyle::~FlatStyle() { delete d; } int FlatStyle::buttonMargin() const { return 3; } QSize FlatStyle::scrollBarExtent() const { return QSize(13,13); } void FlatStyle::polish ( QPalette & ) { } void FlatStyle::polish( QWidget *w ) { if ( w->inherits( "QFrame" ) ) { QFrame *f = (QFrame *)w; if ( f->frameShape() == QFrame::HLine || f->frameShape() == QFrame::VLine ) f->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Plain ); else if ( f->frameShape() != QFrame::NoFrame ) f->setFrameShape( QFrame::StyledPanel ); f->setLineWidth( 1 ); } if ( w->inherits( "QSpinBox" ) ) ((SpinBoxHack*)w)->setFlatButtons( TRUE ); if ( w->inherits( "QMenuBar" ) ) { // make selected item look flat QPalette p = w->palette(); QColorGroup a = p.active(); a.setColor( QColorGroup::Light, a.foreground() ); a.setColor( QColorGroup::Dark, a.foreground() ); p.setActive( a ); p.setInactive( a ); w->setPalette( p ); w->installEventFilter( d ); } else if ( w->inherits( "QHeader" ) ) { // make headers look flat QPalette p = w->palette(); QColorGroup a = p.active(); a.setColor( QColorGroup::Light, a.button() ); p.setActive( a ); p.setInactive( a ); w->setPalette( p ); w->installEventFilter( d ); } } void FlatStyle::unPolish( QWidget *w ) { if ( w->inherits("QFrame") ) { QFrame *f = (QFrame *)w; if ( f->frameShape() == QFrame::HLine || f->frameShape() == QFrame::VLine ) { f->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken ); } else if ( f->frameShape() != QFrame::NoFrame ) { f->setFrameShape( QFrame::StyledPanel ); f->setLineWidth( 2 ); } } if ( w->inherits("QSpinBox") ) ((SpinBoxHack*)w)->setFlatButtons( FALSE ); if ( w->inherits("QMenuBar") || w->inherits("QHeader") ) { w->unsetPalette(); w->removeEventFilter( d ); } } int FlatStyle::defaultFrameWidth() const { return 2; } void FlatStyle::drawItem( QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h, int flags, const QColorGroup &g, bool enabled, const QPixmap *pixmap, const QString& text, int len, const QColor* penColor ) { QColor pc( penColor ? *penColor : g.foreground() ); QColorGroup cg( g ); if ( !enabled ) cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Light, cg.background() ); if ( revItem ) { pc = cg.button(); revItem = FALSE; } QWindowsStyle::drawItem( p, x, y, w, h, flags, cg, enabled, pixmap, text, len, &pc ); } void FlatStyle::drawPanel ( QPainter * p, int x, int y, int w, int h, const QColorGroup &g, bool /*sunken*/, int lineWidth, const QBrush * fill ) { if ( fill ) p->setBrush( *fill ); p->setPen( QPen(g.foreground(), lineWidth) ); p->drawRect( x, y, w, h ); } void FlatStyle::drawButton( QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h, const QColorGroup &cg, bool /*sunken*/, const QBrush* fill ) { QPen oldPen = p->pen(); int x2 = x+w-1; int y2 = y+h-1; if ( fillBtnBorder && btnBg != cg.color(QColorGroup::Button) ) { p->setPen( btnBg ); p->drawLine( x, y, x2, y ); p->drawLine( x, y2, x2, y2 ); p->drawLine( x, y+1, x, y2-1 ); p->drawLine( x2, y+1, x2, y2-1 ); p->fillRect( x+1, y+1, 3, 3, btnBg ); p->fillRect( x+1, y2-3, 3, 3, btnBg ); p->fillRect( x2-3, y2-3, 3, 3, btnBg ); p->fillRect( x2-3, y+1, 3, 3, btnBg ); p->fillRect( x+2, y+2, w-4, h-4, fill?(*fill):cg.brush(QColorGroup::Button) ); } else { p->fillRect( x+1, y+1, w-2, h-2, fill?(*fill):cg.brush(QColorGroup::Button) ); } if ( h >= 10 ) { x++; y++; x2--; y2--; w -= 2; h -= 2; } p->setPen( cg.foreground() ); if ( h < 10 ) { p->setBrush( NoBrush ); p->drawRect( x, y, w, h ); } else { p->drawLine( x+3, y, x2-3, y ); p->drawLine( x+3, y2, x2-3, y2 ); p->drawLine( x, y+3, x, y2-3 ); p->drawLine( x2, y+3, x2, y2-3 ); p->drawLine( x+1, y+1, x+2, y+1 ); p->drawPoint( x+1, y+2 ); p->drawLine( x2-2, y+1, x2-1, y+1 ); p->drawPoint( x2-1, y+2 ); p->drawLine( x+1, y2-1, x+2, y2-1 ); p->drawPoint( x+1, y2-2 ); p->drawLine( x2-2, y2-1, x2-1, y2-1 ); p->drawPoint( x2-1, y2-2 ); } p->setPen( oldPen ); } void FlatStyle::drawButtonMask ( QPainter * p, int x, int y, int w, int h ) { x++; y++; x-=2; y-=2; p->fillRect( x, y, w, h, color1 ); } void FlatStyle::drawBevelButton( QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h, const QColorGroup &g, bool /*sunken*/, const QBrush* fill ) { p->fillRect( x+1, y+1, w-2, h-2, fill?(*fill):g.brush(QColorGroup::Button) ); p->setPen( g.foreground() ); p->setBrush( NoBrush ); p->drawRect( x, y, w, h ); } void FlatStyle::drawToolButton( QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h, const QColorGroup &g, bool sunken, const QBrush* fill ) { if ( p->device()->devType() == QInternal::Widget ) { QWidget *w = (QWidget *)p->device(); if ( w->isA("QToolButton") ) { QToolButton *btn = (QToolButton *)w; if ( btn->parentWidget() ) { btnBg = btn->parentWidget()->backgroundColor(); fillBtnBorder = TRUE; } } } QBrush fb( fill ? *fill : g.button() ); if ( sunken && fb == g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ) { fb = g.buttonText(); revItem = TRUE; // ugh } drawButton( p, x, y, w, h, g, sunken, &fb ); fillBtnBorder = FALSE; } void FlatStyle::drawPushButton( QPushButton *btn, QPainter *p ) { QColorGroup g = btn->colorGroup(); int x1, y1, x2, y2; btn->rect().coords( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 ); // get coordinates p->setPen( g.foreground() ); p->setBrush( QBrush(g.button(),NoBrush) ); // int diw = buttonDefaultIndicatorWidth(); /* if ( btn->isDefault() || btn->autoDefault() ) { if ( btn->isDefault() ) { p->setPen( g.shadow() ); p->drawRect( x1, y1, x2-x1+1, y2-y1+1 ); } x1 += diw; y1 += diw; x2 -= diw; y2 -= diw; } */ if ( btn->parentWidget() ) { btnBg = btn->parentWidget()->backgroundColor(); fillBtnBorder = TRUE; } bool clearButton = TRUE; if ( btn->isDown() ) { drawButton( p, x1, y1, x2-x1+1, y2-y1+1, g, TRUE, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Text ) ); } else { if ( btn->isToggleButton() && btn->isOn() && btn->isEnabled() ) { QBrush fill(g.light(), Dense4Pattern ); drawButton( p, x1, y1, x2-x1+1, y2-y1+1, g, TRUE, &fill ); clearButton = FALSE; } else { if ( !btn->isFlat() ) drawButton( p, x1, y1, x2-x1+1, y2-y1+1, g, btn->isOn(), &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); } } /* if ( clearButton ) { if (btn->isDown()) p->setBrushOrigin(p->brushOrigin() + QPoint(1,1)); p->fillRect( x1+2, y1+2, x2-x1-3, y2-y1-3, g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); if (btn->isDown()) p->setBrushOrigin(p->brushOrigin() - QPoint(1,1)); } */ fillBtnBorder = FALSE; if ( p->brush().style() != NoBrush ) p->setBrush( NoBrush ); } void FlatStyle::drawPushButtonLabel( QPushButton *btn, QPainter *p ) { QRect r = pushButtonContentsRect( btn ); int x, y, w, h; r.rect( &x, &y, &w, &h ); QColorGroup cg = btn->colorGroup(); if ( btn->isToggleButton() && btn->isOn() && btn->isEnabled() && !btn->isDown() ) cg.setColor( QColorGroup::ButtonText, btn->colorGroup().text() ); else if ( btn->isDown() || btn->isOn() ) cg.setColor( QColorGroup::ButtonText, btn->colorGroup().button() ); if ( btn->isMenuButton() ) { int dx = menuButtonIndicatorWidth( btn->height() ); drawArrow( p, DownArrow, FALSE, x+w-dx, y+2, dx-4, h-4, cg, btn->isEnabled() ); w -= dx; } if ( btn->iconSet() && !btn->iconSet()->isNull() ) { QIconSet::Mode mode = btn->isEnabled() ? QIconSet::Normal : QIconSet::Disabled; if ( mode == QIconSet::Normal && btn->hasFocus() ) mode = QIconSet::Active; QPixmap pixmap = btn->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Automatic, mode ); int pixw = pixmap.width(); int pixh = pixmap.height(); p->drawPixmap( x+2, y+h/2-pixh/2, pixmap ); x += pixw + 4; w -= pixw + 4; } drawItem( p, x, y, w, h, AlignCenter | ShowPrefix, cg, btn->isEnabled(), btn->pixmap(), btn->text(), -1, &cg.buttonText() ); } QRect FlatStyle::comboButtonRect( int x, int y, int w, int h) { return QRect(x+2, y+2, w-4-13, h-4); } QRect FlatStyle::comboButtonFocusRect( int x, int y, int w, int h) { return QRect(x+2, y+2, w-4-14, h-4); } void FlatStyle::drawComboButton( QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h, const QColorGroup &g, bool sunken, bool /*editable*/, bool enabled, const QBrush * /*fill*/ ) { x++; y++; w-=2; h-=2; p->setPen( g.foreground() ); p->setBrush( QBrush(NoBrush) ); p->drawRect( x, y, w, h ); p->setPen( g.background() ); p->drawRect( x+1, y+1, w-14, h-2 ); p->fillRect( x+2, y+2, w-16, h-4, g.brush( QColorGroup::Base ) ); QColorGroup cg( g ); if ( sunken ) { cg.setColor( QColorGroup::ButtonText, g.button() ); cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Button, g.buttonText() ); } drawArrow( p, QStyle::DownArrow, FALSE, x+w-13, y+1, 12, h-2, cg, enabled, &cg.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); } void FlatStyle::drawExclusiveIndicator ( QPainter * p, int x, int y, int w, int h, const QColorGroup &cg, bool on, bool down, bool enabled ) { static const QCOORD pts1[] = { // dark lines 1,9, 1,8, 0,7, 0,4, 1,3, 1,2, 2,1, 3,1, 4,0, 7,0, 8,1, 9,1 }; static const QCOORD pts4[] = { // white lines 2,10, 3,10, 4,11, 7,11, 8,10, 9,10, 10,9, 10,8, 11,7, 11,4, 10,3, 10,2 }; static const QCOORD pts5[] = { // inner fill 4,2, 7,2, 9,4, 9,7, 7,9, 4,9, 2,7, 2,4 }; p->eraseRect( x, y, w, h ); QPointArray a( QCOORDARRLEN(pts1), pts4 ); a.translate( x, y ); p->setPen( cg.foreground() ); p->drawPolyline( a ); a.setPoints( QCOORDARRLEN(pts4), pts1 ); a.translate( x, y ); p->setPen( cg.foreground() ); p->drawPolyline( a ); a.setPoints( QCOORDARRLEN(pts5), pts5 ); a.translate( x, y ); QColor fillColor = ( down || !enabled ) ? cg.button() : cg.base(); p->setPen( fillColor ); p->setBrush( fillColor ) ; p->drawPolygon( a ); if ( on ) { p->setPen( NoPen ); p->setBrush( cg.text() ); p->drawRect( x+5, y+4, 2, 4 ); p->drawRect( x+4, y+5, 4, 2 ); } } void FlatStyle::drawIndicator ( QPainter * p, int x, int y, int w, int h, const QColorGroup &cg, int state, bool down, bool enabled ) { QColorGroup mycg( cg ); mycg.setBrush( QColorGroup::Button, QBrush() ); QBrush fill; drawButton( p, x, y, w, h, mycg, TRUE, 0 ); if ( down ) fill = cg.brush( QColorGroup::Button ); else fill = cg.brush( enabled ? QColorGroup::Base : QColorGroup::Background ); mycg.setBrush( QColorGroup::Button, fill ); p->fillRect( x+1, y+1, w-2, h-2, fill ); if ( state != QButton::Off ) { QPointArray a( 7*2 ); int i, xx, yy; xx = x+3; yy = y+5; for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) { a.setPoint( 2*i, xx, yy ); a.setPoint( 2*i+1, xx, yy+2 ); xx++; yy++; } yy -= 2; for ( i=3; i<7; i++ ) { a.setPoint( 2*i, xx, yy ); a.setPoint( 2*i+1, xx, yy+2 ); xx++; yy--; } if ( state == QButton::NoChange ) { p->setPen( mycg.dark() ); } else { p->setPen( mycg.text() ); } p->drawLineSegments( a ); } } #define HORIZONTAL (sb->orientation() == QScrollBar::Horizontal) #define VERTICAL !HORIZONTAL #define MOTIF_BORDER 2 #define SLIDER_MIN 9 // ### motif says 6 but that's too small /*! \reimp */ void FlatStyle::scrollBarMetrics( const QScrollBar* sb, int &sliderMin, int &sliderMax, int &sliderLength, int& buttonDim ) { int maxLength; int length = HORIZONTAL ? sb->width() : sb->height(); int extent = HORIZONTAL ? sb->height() : sb->width(); if ( length > (extent - 1)*2 ) buttonDim = extent; else buttonDim = length/2 - 1; sliderMin = 0; maxLength = length - buttonDim*2 + 2; if ( sb->maxValue() == sb->minValue() ) { sliderLength = maxLength; } else { sliderLength = (sb->pageStep()*maxLength)/ (sb->maxValue()-sb->minValue()+sb->pageStep()); uint range = sb->maxValue()-sb->minValue(); if ( sliderLength < SLIDER_MIN || range > INT_MAX/2 ) sliderLength = SLIDER_MIN; if ( sliderLength > maxLength ) sliderLength = maxLength; } sliderMax = sliderMin + maxLength - sliderLength; } /*!\reimp */ QStyle::ScrollControl FlatStyle::scrollBarPointOver( const QScrollBar* sb, int sliderStart, const QPoint& p ) { if ( !sb->rect().contains( p ) ) return NoScroll; int sliderMin, sliderMax, sliderLength, buttonDim, pos; scrollBarMetrics( sb, sliderMin, sliderMax, sliderLength, buttonDim ); if (sb->orientation() == QScrollBar::Horizontal) pos = p.x(); else pos = p.y(); if (pos < sliderStart) return SubPage; if (pos < sliderStart + sliderLength) return Slider; if (pos < sliderMax + sliderLength) return AddPage; if (pos < sliderMax + sliderLength + buttonDim) return SubLine; return AddLine; } /*! \reimp */ void FlatStyle::drawScrollBarControls( QPainter* p, const QScrollBar* sb, int sliderStart, uint controls, uint activeControl ) { #define ADD_LINE_ACTIVE ( activeControl == AddLine ) #define SUB_LINE_ACTIVE ( activeControl == SubLine ) QColorGroup g = sb->colorGroup(); int sliderMin, sliderMax, sliderLength, buttonDim; scrollBarMetrics( sb, sliderMin, sliderMax, sliderLength, buttonDim ); if ( controls == (AddLine | SubLine | AddPage | SubPage | Slider | First | Last ) ) { p->setPen( g.foreground() ); p->setBrush( g.brush( QColorGroup::Mid ) ); p->drawRect( 0, 0, sb->width(), sb->height() ); } if (sliderStart > sliderMax) { // sanity check sliderStart = sliderMax; } int dimB = buttonDim; QRect addB; QRect subB; QRect addPageR; QRect subPageR; QRect sliderR; int addX, addY, subX, subY; int length = HORIZONTAL ? sb->width() : sb->height(); int extent = HORIZONTAL ? sb->height() : sb->width(); if ( HORIZONTAL ) { subY = addY = ( extent - dimB ) / 2; subX = length - dimB - dimB + 1; addX = length - dimB; } else { subX = addX = ( extent - dimB ) / 2; subY = length - dimB - dimB + 1; addY = length - dimB; } int sliderEnd = sliderStart + sliderLength; int sliderW = extent; if ( HORIZONTAL ) { subB.setRect( subX,subY,dimB,dimB ); addB.setRect( addX,addY,dimB,dimB ); subPageR.setRect( 0, 0, sliderStart+1, sliderW ); addPageR.setRect( sliderEnd-1, 0, subX - sliderEnd+2, sliderW ); sliderR .setRect( sliderStart, 0, sliderLength, sliderW ); } else { subB.setRect( subX,subY,dimB,dimB ); addB.setRect( addX,addY,dimB,dimB ); subPageR.setRect( 0, 0, sliderW, sliderStart+1 ); addPageR.setRect( 0, sliderEnd-1, sliderW, subY - sliderEnd+2 ); sliderR .setRect( 0, sliderStart, sliderW, sliderLength ); } bool maxedOut = (sb->maxValue() == sb->minValue()); p->setPen( g.foreground() ); if ( controls & AddLine ) { p->setBrush( ADD_LINE_ACTIVE ? g.foreground() : g.button() ); p->drawRect( addB.x(), addB.y(), addB.width(), addB.height() ); p->setPen( ADD_LINE_ACTIVE ? g.button() : g.foreground() ); QColorGroup cg( g ); if ( maxedOut ) cg.setColor( QColorGroup::ButtonText, g.mid() ); else if ( ADD_LINE_ACTIVE ) cg.setColor( QColorGroup::ButtonText, g.button() ); int xo = VERTICAL ? 1 : 0; drawArrow( p, VERTICAL ? DownArrow : RightArrow, FALSE, addB.x()+2+xo, addB.y()+2, addB.width()-4-xo, addB.height()-4, cg, TRUE, &p->brush() ); } if ( controls & SubLine ) { p->setBrush( SUB_LINE_ACTIVE ? g.foreground() : g.button() ); p->drawRect( subB.x(), subB.y(), subB.width(), subB.height() ); p->setPen( SUB_LINE_ACTIVE ? g.button() : g.foreground() ); QColorGroup cg( g ); if ( maxedOut ) cg.setColor( QColorGroup::ButtonText, g.mid() ); else if ( SUB_LINE_ACTIVE ) cg.setColor( QColorGroup::ButtonText, g.button() ); int xo = VERTICAL ? 1 : 0; drawArrow( p, VERTICAL ? UpArrow : LeftArrow, FALSE, subB.x()+2+xo, subB.y()+2, subB.width()-4-xo, subB.height()-4, cg, TRUE, &p->brush() ); } p->setPen( g.foreground() ); p->setBrush( g.brush( QColorGroup::Mid ) ); if ( controls & SubPage ) p->drawRect( subPageR.x(), subPageR.y(), subPageR.width(), subPageR.height() ); if ( controls & AddPage && addPageR.y() < addPageR.bottom() && addPageR.x() < addPageR.right() ) p->drawRect( addPageR.x(), addPageR.y(), addPageR.width(), addPageR.height() ); if ( controls & Slider ) { QPoint bo = p->brushOrigin(); p->setBrushOrigin(sliderR.topLeft()); p->setPen( g.foreground() ); p->setBrush( g.button() ); p->drawRect( sliderR.x(), sliderR.y(), sliderR.width(), sliderR.height() ); p->setBrushOrigin(bo); QColorGroup cg( g ); if ( maxedOut ) cg.setColor( QColorGroup::ButtonText, g.mid() ); drawRiffles( p, sliderR.x(), sliderR.y(), sliderR.width(), sliderR.height(), cg, HORIZONTAL ); } // ### perhaps this should not be able to accept focus if maxedOut? if ( sb->hasFocus() && (controls & Slider) ) p->drawWinFocusRect( sliderR.x()+2, sliderR.y()+2, sliderR.width()-5, sliderR.height()-5, sb->backgroundColor() ); } void FlatStyle::drawRiffles( QPainter* p, int x, int y, int w, int h, const QColorGroup &g, bool horizontal ) { if (!horizontal) { if (h > 20) { y += (h-20)/2 ; h = 20; } if (h > 12) { int n = 3; int my = y+h/2-2; int i ; p->setPen(g.buttonText()); for (i=0; idrawLine(x+4, my+3*i, x+w-5, my+3*i); } } } else { if (w > 20) { x += (w-20)/2 ; w = 20; } if (w > 12) { int n = 3; int mx = x+w/2-4; int i ; p->setPen(g.buttonText()); for (i=0; idrawLine(mx+3*i, y+4, mx + 3*i, y+h-5); } } } } int FlatStyle::sliderLength() const { return 12; } void FlatStyle::drawSlider( QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h, const QColorGroup &g, Orientation o, bool tickAbove, bool tickBelow ) { int a = tickAbove ? 3 : 0; int b = tickBelow ? 3 : 0; p->setPen( g.foreground() ); p->setBrush( g.button() ); if ( o == Horizontal ) { p->drawRect( x, y+a, w, h-a-b ); int xp = x + w/2; p->drawLine( xp-1, y+a+3, xp-1, y+h-b-4 ); p->drawLine( xp, y+a+3, xp, y+h-b-4 ); } else { p->drawRect( x+a, y, w-a-b, h ); int yp = y + h/2; p->drawLine( x+a+3, yp-1, x+w-b-4, yp-1 ); p->drawLine( x+a+3, yp, x+w-b-4, yp ); } } void FlatStyle::drawSliderMask ( QPainter * p, int x, int y, int w, int h, Orientation o, bool tickAbove, bool tickBelow ) { int a = tickAbove ? 3 : 0; int b = tickBelow ? 3 : 0; if ( o == Horizontal ) p->fillRect( x, y+a, w, h-a-b, color1 ); else p->fillRect( x+a, y, w-a-b, h, color1 ); } /*!\reimp */ void FlatStyle::drawSliderGrooveMask( QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h, const QColorGroup& , QCOORD c, Orientation orient ) { if ( orient == Horizontal ) p->fillRect( x, y + c - 2, w, 4, color1 ); else p->fillRect( x + c - 2, y, 4, h, color1 ); } void FlatStyle::drawSliderGroove( QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h, const QColorGroup &g, QCOORD c, Orientation orient ) { if ( orient == Horizontal ) p->fillRect( x, y + c - 2, w, 4, g.foreground() ); else p->fillRect( x + c - 2, y, 4, h, g.foreground() ); } void FlatStyle::drawTab( QPainter *p, const QTabBar *tb, QTab *t, bool selected ) { QRect r( t->rect() ); if ( tb->shape() == QTabBar::RoundedAbove ) { p->setPen( tb->colorGroup().foreground() ); p->drawLine( r.left(), r.bottom(), r.right(), r.bottom() ); if ( r.left() == 0 ) p->drawPoint( tb->rect().bottomLeft() ); else p->drawLine( r.left(), r.bottom(), r.right(), r.bottom() ); if ( selected ) { p->setPen( tb->colorGroup().background() ); p->drawLine( r.left()+2, r.top()+1, r.right()-2, r.top()+1 ); p->fillRect( QRect( r.left()+1, r.top()+2, r.width()-2, r.height()-2), tb->colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Background )); } else { r.setRect( r.left() + 2, r.top() + 2, r.width() - 4, r.height() - 2 ); p->setPen( tb->colorGroup().button() ); p->drawLine( r.left()+2, r.top()+1, r.right()-2, r.top()+1 ); p->fillRect( QRect( r.left()+1, r.top()+2, r.width()-2, r.height()-3), tb->colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Button )); } p->setPen( tb->colorGroup().foreground() ); p->drawLine( r.left(), r.bottom()-1, r.left(), r.top() + 2 ); p->drawPoint( r.left()+1, r.top() + 1 ); p->drawLine( r.left()+2, r.top(), r.right() - 2, r.top() ); p->drawPoint( r.right() - 1, r.top() + 1 ); p->drawLine( r.right(), r.top() + 2, r.right(), r.bottom() - 1); } else if ( tb->shape() == QTabBar::RoundedBelow ) { if ( selected ) { p->setPen( tb->colorGroup().background() ); p->drawLine( r.left()+2, r.bottom()-1, r.right()-2, r.bottom()-1 ); p->fillRect( QRect( r.left()+1, r.top(), r.width()-2, r.height()-2), tb->palette().normal().brush( QColorGroup::Background )); } else { p->setPen( tb->colorGroup().foreground() ); p->drawLine( r.left(), r.top(), r.right(), r.top() ); r.setRect( r.left() + 2, r.top(), r.width() - 4, r.height() - 2 ); p->setPen( tb->colorGroup().button() ); p->drawLine( r.left()+2, r.bottom()-1, r.right()-2, r.bottom()-1 ); p->fillRect( QRect( r.left()+1, r.top()+1, r.width()-2, r.height()-3), tb->palette().normal().brush( QColorGroup::Button )); } p->setPen( tb->colorGroup().foreground() ); p->drawLine( r.right(), r.top(), r.right(), r.bottom() - 2 ); p->drawPoint( r.right() - 1, r.bottom() - 1 ); p->drawLine( r.right() - 2, r.bottom(), r.left() + 2, r.bottom() ); p->drawLine( r.left(), r.top()+1, r.left(), r.bottom() - 2 ); p->drawPoint( r.left() + 1, r.bottom() - 1 ); if ( r.left() == 0 ) p->drawPoint( tb->rect().topLeft() ); } else { QCommonStyle::drawTab( p, tb, t, selected ); } } static const int motifItemFrame = 0; // menu item frame width static const int motifSepHeight = 2; // separator item height static const int motifItemHMargin = 1; // menu item hor text margin static const int motifItemVMargin = 2; // menu item ver text margin static const int motifArrowHMargin = 0; // arrow horizontal margin static const int motifTabSpacing = 12; // space between text and tab static const int motifCheckMarkHMargin = 1; // horiz. margins of check mark static const int windowsRightBorder = 8; // right border on windows static const int windowsCheckMarkWidth = 2; // checkmarks width on windows void FlatStyle::polishPopupMenu ( QPopupMenu *m ) { QWindowsStyle::polishPopupMenu( m ); m->setLineWidth( 1 ); } /*! \reimp */ int FlatStyle::extraPopupMenuItemWidth( bool checkable, int maxpmw, QMenuItem* mi, const QFontMetrics& /*fm*/ ) { #ifndef QT_NO_MENUDATA int w = 2*motifItemHMargin + 2*motifItemFrame; // a little bit of border can never harm if ( mi->isSeparator() ) return 10; // arbitrary else if ( mi->pixmap() ) w += mi->pixmap()->width(); // pixmap only if ( !mi->text().isNull() ) { if ( mi->text().find('\t') >= 0 ) // string contains tab w += motifTabSpacing; } if ( maxpmw ) { // we have iconsets w += maxpmw; w += 6; // add a little extra border around the iconset } if ( checkable && maxpmw < windowsCheckMarkWidth ) { w += windowsCheckMarkWidth - maxpmw; // space for the checkmarks } if ( maxpmw > 0 || checkable ) // we have a check-column ( iconsets or checkmarks) w += motifCheckMarkHMargin; // add space to separate the columns w += windowsRightBorder; // windows has a strange wide border on the right side return w; #endif } /*! \reimp */ int FlatStyle::popupMenuItemHeight( bool /*checkable*/, QMenuItem* mi, const QFontMetrics& fm ) { #ifndef QT_NO_MENUDATA int h = 0; if ( mi->isSeparator() ) // separator height h = motifSepHeight; else if ( mi->pixmap() ) // pixmap height h = mi->pixmap()->height() + 2*motifItemFrame; else // text height h = fm.height() + 2*motifItemVMargin + 2*motifItemFrame - 1; if ( !mi->isSeparator() && mi->iconSet() != 0 ) { h = QMAX( h, mi->iconSet()->pixmap().height() + 2*motifItemFrame ); } if ( mi->custom() ) h = QMAX( h, mi->custom()->sizeHint().height() + 2*motifItemVMargin + 2*motifItemFrame ) - 1; return h; #endif } void FlatStyle::drawPopupMenuItem( QPainter* p, bool checkable, int maxpmw, int tab, QMenuItem* mi, const QPalette& pal, bool act, bool enabled, int x, int y, int w, int h) { #ifndef QT_NO_MENUDATA const QColorGroup & g = pal.active(); bool dis = !enabled; QColorGroup itemg = dis ? pal.disabled() : pal.active(); if ( checkable ) maxpmw = QMAX( maxpmw, 8 ); // space for the checkmarks int checkcol = maxpmw; if ( mi && mi->isSeparator() ) { // draw separator p->setPen( g.dark() ); p->drawLine( x, y, x+w, y ); return; } QBrush fill = act? g.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) : g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ); p->fillRect( x, y, w, h, fill); if ( !mi ) return; if ( mi->isChecked() ) { if ( act && !dis ) { qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h, g, TRUE, 1, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); } else { qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h, g, TRUE, 1, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Midlight ) ); } } else if ( !act ) { p->fillRect(x, y, checkcol , h, g.brush( QColorGroup::Button )); } if ( mi->iconSet() ) { // draw iconset QIconSet::Mode mode = dis ? QIconSet::Disabled : QIconSet::Normal; if (act && !dis ) mode = QIconSet::Active; QPixmap pixmap; if ( mode == QIconSet::Disabled ) pixmap = mi->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Automatic, mode ); else pixmap = mi->iconSet()->pixmap(); int pixw = pixmap.width(); int pixh = pixmap.height(); if ( act && !dis ) { if ( !mi->isChecked() ) qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h, g, FALSE, 1, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); } QRect cr( x, y, checkcol, h ); QRect pmr( 0, 0, pixw, pixh ); pmr.moveCenter( cr.center() ); p->setPen( itemg.text() ); p->drawPixmap( pmr.topLeft(), pixmap ); QBrush fill = act? g.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) : g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ); p->fillRect( x+checkcol + 1, y, w - checkcol - 1, h, fill); } else if ( checkable ) { // just "checking"... int mw = checkcol + motifItemFrame; int mh = h - 2*motifItemFrame; if ( mi->isChecked() ) { drawCheckMark( p, x + motifItemFrame + 2, y+motifItemFrame, mw, mh, itemg, act, dis ); } } p->setPen( act ? g.highlightedText() : g.buttonText() ); QColor discol; if ( dis ) { discol = itemg.text(); p->setPen( discol ); } int xm = motifItemFrame + checkcol + motifItemHMargin; if ( mi->custom() ) { int m = motifItemVMargin; p->save(); if ( dis && !act ) { p->setPen( g.light() ); mi->custom()->paint( p, itemg, act, enabled, x+xm+1, y+m+1, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m ); p->setPen( discol ); } mi->custom()->paint( p, itemg, act, enabled, x+xm, y+m, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m ); p->restore(); } QString s = mi->text(); if ( !s.isNull() ) { // draw text int t = s.find( '\t' ); int m = motifItemVMargin; const int text_flags = AlignVCenter|ShowPrefix | DontClip | SingleLine; if ( t >= 0 ) { // draw tab text if ( dis && !act ) { p->setPen( g.light() ); p->drawText( x+w-tab-windowsRightBorder-motifItemHMargin-motifItemFrame+1, y+m+1, tab, h-2*m, text_flags, s.mid( t+1 )); p->setPen( discol ); } p->drawText( x+w-tab-windowsRightBorder-motifItemHMargin-motifItemFrame, y+m, tab, h-2*m, text_flags, s.mid( t+1 ) ); } if ( dis && !act ) p->setPen( discol ); p->drawText( x+xm, y+m, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m, text_flags, s, t ); } else if ( mi->pixmap() ) { // draw pixmap QPixmap *pixmap = mi->pixmap(); if ( pixmap->depth() == 1 ) p->setBackgroundMode( OpaqueMode ); p->drawPixmap( x+xm, y+motifItemFrame, *pixmap ); if ( pixmap->depth() == 1 ) p->setBackgroundMode( TransparentMode ); } if ( mi->popup() ) { // draw sub menu arrow int dim = (h-2*motifItemFrame) / 2; if ( act ) { if ( !dis ) discol = white; QColorGroup g2( discol, g.highlight(), white, white, dis ? discol : white, discol, white ); drawArrow( p, RightArrow, FALSE, x+w - motifArrowHMargin - motifItemFrame - dim, y+h/2-dim/2, dim, dim, g2, TRUE ); } else { drawArrow( p, RightArrow, FALSE, x+w - motifArrowHMargin - motifItemFrame - dim, y+h/2-dim/2, dim, dim, g, mi->isEnabled() ); } } #endif } void FlatStyle::getButtonShift( int &x, int &y ) { x = 0; y = 0; } //=========================================================================== FlatStyleImpl::FlatStyleImpl() : flat(0) { } FlatStyleImpl::~FlatStyleImpl() { // We do not delete the style because Qt does that when a new style // is set. } QStyle *FlatStyleImpl::style() { if ( !flat ) flat = new FlatStyle(); return flat; } QString FlatStyleImpl::name() const { return qApp->translate("FlatStyle", "Flat", "Name of the style Flat"); } QRESULT FlatStyleImpl::queryInterface( const QUuid &uuid, QUnknownInterface **iface ) { *iface = 0; if ( uuid == IID_QUnknown ) *iface = this; else if ( uuid == IID_Style ) *iface = this; else return QS_FALSE; (*iface)->addRef(); return QS_OK; } Q_EXPORT_INTERFACE() { Q_CREATE_INSTANCE( FlatStyleImpl ) } #include "flat.moc"