/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "liquidset.h" #include "liquid.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LiquidSettings::LiquidSettings ( QWidget* parent, const char *name, WFlags fl ) : QWidget ( parent, name, fl ) { setCaption ( tr( "Liquid Style" ) ); Config config ( "qpe" ); config. setGroup ( "Liquid-Style" ); m_type = config. readNumEntry ( "Type", TransStippleBg ); QColor mcol = QColor ( config. readEntry ( "Color", QApplication::palette ( ). active ( ). button ( ). name ( ))); QColor tcol = QColor ( config. readEntry ( "TextColor", QApplication::palette ( ). active ( ). text ( ). name ( ))); int opacity = config. readNumEntry ( "Opacity", 10 ); m_shadow = config. readBoolEntry ( "ShadowText", true ); int contrast = config. readNumEntry ( "StippleContrast", 5 ); m_flat = config. readBoolEntry ( "FlatToolButtons", false ); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout ( this ); vbox-> setSpacing ( 3 ); vbox-> setMargin ( 4 ); QComboBox *cb = new QComboBox ( this ); cb-> insertItem ( tr( "No translucency" ), None ); cb-> insertItem ( tr( "Stippled, background color" ), StippledBg ); cb-> insertItem ( tr( "Stippled, button color" ), StippledBtn ); cb-> insertItem ( tr( "Translucent stippled, background color" ), TransStippleBg ); cb-> insertItem ( tr( "Translucent stippled, button color" ), TransStippleBtn ); cb-> insertItem ( tr( "Custom translucency" ), Custom ); cb-> setCurrentItem ( m_type ); vbox-> addWidget ( cb ); QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout ( vbox ); grid-> addColSpacing ( 0, 16 ); grid-> addColSpacing ( 3, 8 ); grid-> addWidget ( m_menulbl = new QLabel ( tr( "Menu color" ), this ), 0, 1 ); grid-> addWidget ( m_textlbl = new QLabel ( tr( "Text color" ), this ), 0, 4 ); grid-> addWidget ( m_opaclbl = new QLabel ( tr( "Opacity" ), this ), 1, 1 ); m_menubtn = new OColorButton ( this ); m_menubtn-> setColor ( mcol ); grid-> addWidget ( m_menubtn, 0, 2 ); m_textbtn = new OColorButton ( this ); m_textbtn-> setColor ( tcol ); grid-> addWidget ( m_textbtn, 0, 5 ); m_opacsld = new QSlider ( Horizontal, this ); m_opacsld-> setRange ( -20, 20 ); m_opacsld-> setSteps ( 1, 1 ); m_opacsld-> setValue ( opacity ); m_opacsld-> setTickmarks ( QSlider::Below ); grid-> addMultiCellWidget ( m_opacsld, 1, 1, 2, 5 ); vbox-> addSpacing ( 4 ); QCheckBox *shadow = new QCheckBox ( tr( "Use shadowed menu text" ), this ); shadow-> setChecked ( m_shadow ); vbox-> addWidget ( shadow ); vbox-> addSpacing ( 4 ); QCheckBox *flattb = new QCheckBox ( tr( "Make toolbar buttons appear flat" ), this ); flattb-> setChecked ( m_flat ); vbox-> addWidget ( flattb ); vbox-> addSpacing ( 4 ); QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout ( vbox ); hbox-> addWidget ( new QLabel ( tr( "Stipple contrast" ), this )); m_contsld = new QSlider ( Horizontal, this ); m_contsld-> setRange ( 0, 10 ); m_contsld-> setSteps ( 1, 1 ); m_contsld-> setValue ( contrast ); m_contsld-> setTickmarks ( QSlider::Below ); hbox-> addWidget ( m_contsld, 10 ); vbox-> addStretch ( 10 ); changeType ( m_type ); connect ( cb, SIGNAL( highlighted ( int ) ), this, SLOT( changeType ( int ) ) ); connect ( shadow, SIGNAL( toggled ( bool ) ), this, SLOT( changeShadow ( bool ) ) ); connect ( flattb, SIGNAL( toggled ( bool ) ), this, SLOT( changeFlat ( bool ) ) ); } void LiquidSettings::changeType ( int t ) { bool custom = ( t == Custom ); m_menulbl-> setEnabled ( custom ); m_textlbl-> setEnabled ( custom ); m_opaclbl-> setEnabled ( custom ); m_menubtn-> setEnabled ( custom ); m_textbtn-> setEnabled ( custom ); m_opacsld-> setEnabled ( custom ); m_type = t; } void LiquidSettings::changeShadow ( bool b ) { m_shadow = b; } void LiquidSettings::changeFlat ( bool b ) { m_flat = b; } bool LiquidSettings::writeConfig ( ) { Config config ( "qpe" ); config. setGroup ( "Liquid-Style" ); config. writeEntry ( "Type", m_type ); config. writeEntry ( "Color", m_menubtn-> color ( ). name ( )); config. writeEntry ( "TextColor", m_textbtn-> color ( ). name ( )); config. writeEntry ( "Opacity", m_opacsld-> value ( )); config. writeEntry ( "ShadowText", m_shadow ); config. writeEntry ( "StippleContrast", m_contsld-> value ( )); config. writeEntry ( "FlatToolButtons", m_flat ); config. write ( ); return true; }