/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "engine.h" #include #include #include Data Engine::evalStack (Data num, bool inbrace = FALSE) { if (state != sError) { Instruction *i; // Pop the next op from the stack while (!stack.isEmpty () && (braces || !inbrace)) { i = stack.pop (); // Check this ops prec vs next ops prec if (!stack.isEmpty ()) if (i->precedence <= stack.top()->precedence) i->acc = evalStack (i->acc, inbrace); // Evaluate this instruction num = i->eval (num); // Error-check ( change this to work for all types ) if (isnan (num.dbl) || isinf (num.dbl)) { qDebug ("bad result from operation"); state = sError; clearData(&num); return num; } } } return num; } // Plugins call this to request the stack be evaluated void Engine::eval () { num = evalStack (num); if (state != sError) { displayData(num); state = sStart; } // if the user didnt close all their braces, its no big deal braces = 0; } void Engine::immediateInstruction (Instruction * i) { if (state != sError) { i->setRep(currentRep); num = i->eval (num); displayData(num); state = sStart; } } void Engine::pushInstruction (Instruction * i) { if (state != sError) { i->setRep(currentRep); i->acc = num; stack.push (i); state = sStart; } } void Engine::pushValue (char v) { if (state == sAppend) { bool ok = FALSE; switch (currentRep) { case rDouble: displayString.append(v); num.dbl=displayString.toDouble(&ok); break; case rFraction: break; default: displayString.append(v); num.i=displayString.toInt(&ok, calcBase()); }; if (!ok) { state = sError; odebug << "pushValue() - num->string conversion" << oendl; } else { const QString constString = displayString; emit(display(constString)); }; } else if (state == sStart) { softReset(); displayString.truncate(0); state = sAppend; pushValue (v); } else if (state == sError) { qDebug ("in error state"); return; } } void Engine::del () { bool ok; switch (currentRep) { case rDouble: displayString.truncate(displayString.length()); num.dbl=displayString.toDouble(&ok); break; case rFraction: odebug << "not available" << oendl; break; default: displayString.truncate(displayString.length()); num.i = displayString.toInt(&ok, calcBase()); }; if (!ok) { state = sError; odebug << "del() - num->string conversion" << oendl; } else { const QString constString = displayString; emit(display(constString)); }; } void Engine::displayData(Data d) { switch (currentRep) { case rDouble: displayString.setNum(d.dbl); break; case rFraction: odebug << "fractional display not yet impl" << oendl; break; default: displayString.setNum(d.i, calcBase()); break; }; const QString constString= displayString; emit(display(constString)); } // Returns the base when Rep is an integer type int Engine::calcBase () { switch (currentRep) { case rBin: return 2; case rOct: return 8; case rDec: return 10; case rHex: return 16; default: state = sError; odebug << "Error - attempt to calc base for non-integer" << oendl; return 10; }; } // Special instruction for internal use only class iOpenBrace:public Instruction { public: iOpenBrace (Engine *e):Instruction (100) {engine = e;}; ~iOpenBrace () {}; Data eval (Data num) { engine->decBraces(); return num; }; private: Engine *engine; }; void Engine::openBrace() { pushInstruction(new iOpenBrace(this)); } void Engine::closeBrace() { braces++;evalStack(num,TRUE); } // will need to show and hide display widgets void Engine::setRepresentation(Representation r) { currentRep = r; clearData(&num); clearData(&mem); state = sStart; } void Engine::clearData(Data *d) { d->i = d->fraction.numerator = d->fraction.denominator = 0; d->dbl = 0; }