#include "gsmtool.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace gsmlib; /* * Constructs a GSMTool which is a child of 'parent', with the * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f' */ GSMTool::GSMTool( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : GSMToolBase( parent, name, fl ) { devicelocked = 0; me = NULL; setConnected(FALSE); /* FIXME: Persistent settings for device/baudrate */ connect(ConnectButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doConnectButton())); connect(ScanButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doScanButton())); connect(TabWidget2, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(doTabChanged())); timerid = -1; // Is this not possible normally? } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ GSMTool::~GSMTool() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us if (devicelocked) unlockDevice(); } const speed_t GSMTool::baudrates[12] = { B300, B600, B1200, B2400, B4800, B9600, B19200, B38400, B57600, B115200, B230400, B460800 }; int GSMTool::lockDevice( ) { devicelocked = 1; /* FIXME */ return 0; } void GSMTool::unlockDevice( ) { devicelocked = 0; } void GSMTool::setConnected( bool conn ) { TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(tab_2, conn); TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(tab_3, conn); MfrLabel->setEnabled(conn); MfrText->setEnabled(conn); ModelLabel->setEnabled(conn); ModelText->setEnabled(conn); RevisionLabel->setEnabled(conn); RevisionText->setEnabled(conn); SerialLabel->setEnabled(conn); SerialText->setEnabled(conn); } void GSMTool::doTabChanged() { int index = TabWidget2->currentPageIndex(); qDebug("tab changed to %d", index); if (index == 1) { timerid = startTimer(5000); timerEvent(NULL); } else if (timerid != -1) { killTimer(timerid); timerid = -1; } } void GSMTool::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * ) { OPInfo opi; opi = me->getCurrentOPInfo(); if (opi._numericName == NOT_SET) { NetStatText->setText("No network"); NetworkLabel->setEnabled(FALSE); NetworkText->setEnabled(FALSE); NetworkText->setText(""); SigStrText->setEnabled(FALSE); SigStrText->setText(""); dB->setEnabled(FALSE); SigStrLabel->setEnabled(FALSE); } else { // FIXME: Add 'roaming' info from AT+CFUN qDebug("network"); NetStatText->setText("Registered"); NetworkLabel->setEnabled(TRUE); NetworkText->setEnabled(TRUE); NetworkText->setText(opi._longName.c_str()); SigStrText->setEnabled(TRUE); qDebug("get sig str"); int csq = me->getSignalStrength(); if (csq == 0) { SigStrText->setText("<= -113"); dB->setEnabled(TRUE); SigStrLabel->setEnabled(TRUE); } else if (csq == 99) { SigStrText->setText("Unknown"); dB->setEnabled(FALSE); SigStrLabel->setEnabled(FALSE); } else { char buf[6]; sprintf(buf, "%d", -113 + (2*csq)); SigStrText->setText(buf); dB->setEnabled(TRUE); SigStrLabel->setEnabled(TRUE); } } } void GSMTool::doScanButton() { qDebug("ScanButton"); } /* * A simple slot... not very interesting. */ void GSMTool::doConnectButton() { gsmlib::Port *port; speed_t rate; devicename = strdup(DeviceName->currentText().local8Bit().data()); rate = baudrates[BaudRate->currentItem()]; qDebug("Connect Button Pressed"); MfrText->setText("Opening..."); ModelText->setText(""); RevisionText->setText(""); SerialText->setText(""); setConnected(FALSE); if (me) { me = NULL; } if (lockDevice()) { qDebug("lockDevice() failed\n"); MfrText->setText("Lock port failed"); }; qDebug("Device name is %s\n", devicename); try { port = new UnixSerialPort(devicename, rate, DEFAULT_INIT_STRING, 0); } catch (GsmException) { qDebug("port failed"); MfrText->setText("Open port failed"); return; } MfrText->setText("Initialising..."); qDebug("got port"); try { me = new MeTa(port); } catch (GsmException) { qDebug("meta failed"); MfrText->setText("Initialise GSM unit failed"); me = NULL; unlockDevice(); return; } qDebug("Opened"); MEInfo ifo; MfrText->setText("Querying..."); try { ifo = me->getMEInfo(); } catch (GsmException) { qDebug("getMEInfo failed"); MfrText->setText("Query GSM unit failed"); me = NULL; unlockDevice(); return; } MfrText->setText(ifo._manufacturer.c_str()); ModelText->setText(ifo._model.c_str()); RevisionText->setText(ifo._revision.c_str()); SerialText->setText(ifo._serialNumber.c_str()); setConnected(TRUE); }