/* * This file contains hacks or workarounds, that make it possible to use a normal * libopie arm build (iPAQ or OZ) directly on the Sharp retail ROM. * This way, we only need one 'official' libopie binary for all platforms. */ // 1) Opie's libqpe.so has an additional function in Sound, which is utilized // in ODevice: // ok this is really evil ;), but Sound::isFinished is only needed in the // iPAQ part of ODevice, which is never called on Z's // we add a "weak" symbol here. This will be used, if ld.so does not find // a normal ("hard") symbol of the same name - hence only on the retail Z struct Sound { bool Sound::isFinished ( ) const __attribute__(( weak )); }; bool Sound::isFinished ( ) const { return true; }