Issues regarding Mailit ----------------------- Mailit is still in development and is lacking some features to make it completely usable. Listed below are the most important issues. Due to the development status, numerous messages are passed too the console during usage of the program. No messages are deleted from the POP server after retrival. Synchronization: --------------------- Works by comparing the last known size of the mailbox on the server to the current size. Possible problem: If a popserver shuffles the order of the mails when it receives a new mail, mailit won't know since it only uses the messagecount as a reference. If this occurs, turn sync off in the account settings. Haven't encountered this problem on the currently tested servers, but if it turns out that several servers do this, it will be resolved. Mail parsing ------------ Parsing of MIME-encoded email works for all currently tested cases. BASE64 decoding works. Attatchments are saved in the enclosure subdirectory of qtmail (in the Documents directory). You can install the files to the documents folder (creates a doclnk) Adding enclosures is limited to the preselected directories, and they are not really correct at the moment (trivial issue awaiting decision of fileplacements in QPE) attatched pictures will be displayed (jpg dependant on qte compilation) SMTP ---- The SMTP-client now supports attatchments, but it's not completly done. Encoding works, but it doesn't examine the file to check what type of file you are attatching. In other words, if it doesn't know that you are attatching a picture, the mime setting for content type could be wrong. Mail clients with inline viewing of pictures (like hotmail) could have a problem with displaying the mail correctly. (Should be fixed soon) You can now have multiple recipients. POP --- The popclient connects to the all accounts in turn, downloads all headers and emails smaller than 2000 bytes. After its done, it reconnects and downloads the mails that were too big (> 2000) The to-be-downloaded mails are sorted according to size. If you view a mail, it is shifted to the front of the queue. Deleting a mail(header) while the download is in progress will remove it from the queue of mails to download (except if the mail is currently in transfer) You may exit mailit during a transfer of mails/headers. Next time you reconnect to the same server it will continue downloading from where it left off. You can now choose between getting mail from only one account or all. The get all option is just added and not fully testet yet. Get from a single account should work fine. The current way of downloading does not work well without sync turned on if you keep old mails in the inbox. Experienced some problems with servers reporting mail size less and bigger than actual size. Don't know whats causing this yet, but I have added a workaround. It now scans the mail for endofmail definition ("\r\n.\r\n"), disregarding size. Saving/Retrieving mail ---------------------- The inbox is saved and retrieved. Any mail not sent from the outbox is not saved (will of course be added) Miscelaneous issues ------------------- Numerous cosmetic changes, including icons (which are temporary) Very little error checking is done on usertyped variables.