/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2001 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qt Palmtop Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "textparser.h" TextParser::TextParser(QString in, QString lineBreak) { data = in; lineSep = lineBreak; init(); createSeparators(); split(); } TextParser::TextParser(QString in, QString lineBreak, QString sep) { data = in; lineSep = lineBreak; init(); separators = sep; split(); } void TextParser::init() { lineCount = 0; linePos = 0; totalElmCount = 0; separatorPos = -1; //not initialized wordPos = -1; //not initialized sepAtLine = 0; sepAtPosElm = -1; //such that nextSep equals 0 wordAtLine = 0; wordAtPosElm = -1; //such that nextWord equals 0 atLine = 0; atPosElm = 0; } void TextParser::createSeparators() { separators = " @#,.:;<>*/(){}|'?-+=_"; } /* Returns pos of given search criteria, -1 if not found */ int TextParser::find(QString target, QChar sep, int pos, bool upperCase) { int atLine = 0, atPosElm = 0; for (int x = 0; x < totalElmCount; x++) { if (x >= pos) { if (upperCase) { if ((splitDone[atLine].elm[atPosElm].str.upper() == target) && (splitDone[atLine].elm[atPosElm].separator == sep)) return x; } else { if ((splitDone[atLine].elm[atPosElm].str == target) && (splitDone[atLine].elm[atPosElm].separator == sep)) return x; } } atPosElm++; if (atPosElm >= splitDone[atLine].elmCount) { //new Line atLine++; atPosElm = 0; } } return -1; } int TextParser::elmCount() { return totalElmCount; } QChar TextParser::separatorAt(int pos) { if (getLineReference(pos, &sepAtLine, &sepAtPosElm) == -1) return QChar::null; separatorPos = pos; return splitDone[sepAtLine].elm[sepAtPosElm].separator; } QChar TextParser::nextSeparator() { sepAtPosElm++; if (splitDone[sepAtLine].elmCount <= sepAtPosElm) { sepAtLine++; sepAtPosElm = 0; } separatorPos++; return splitDone[sepAtLine].elm[sepAtPosElm].separator; } bool TextParser::hasNextSeparator() { return ((separatorPos+1) < totalElmCount); } QString TextParser::wordAt(int pos) { if (getLineReference(pos, &wordAtLine, &wordAtPosElm) == -1) return NULL; wordPos = pos; return splitDone[wordAtLine].elm[wordAtPosElm].str; } QString TextParser::nextWord() { wordAtPosElm++; if (splitDone[wordAtLine].elmCount <= wordAtPosElm) { wordAtLine++; wordAtPosElm = 0; } wordPos++; return splitDone[wordAtLine].elm[wordAtPosElm].str; } bool TextParser::hasNextWord() { return ((wordPos + 1) < totalElmCount); } QString TextParser::getString(int *pos, QChar stop, bool lineEnd = false) { QString returnStr = wordAt(*pos); QChar chr = separatorAt(*pos); QString s; if (returnStr == "") return ""; if (chr == stop) return returnStr; if (!lineEnd) { while ((chr != stop) && hasNextWord()) { returnStr.append(chr); returnStr += nextWord(); chr = nextSeparator(); } } else { //copy from pos to end of line getLineReference(*pos, &atLine, &atPosElm); returnStr = ""; while (atPosElm < splitDone[atLine].elmCount) { if (splitDone[atLine].elm[atPosElm].str != "") { returnStr += splitDone[atLine].elm[atPosElm].str; } chr = splitDone[atLine].elm[atPosElm].separator; if (!chr.isNull() && (int) chr != 0) { returnStr.append(splitDone[atLine].elm[atPosElm].separator); } atPosElm++; } } *pos = wordPos; return returnStr; } QString TextParser::getNextLine() { atLine++; atPosElm = 0; if (atLine < lineCount) return splitDone[atLine].str; return ""; } bool TextParser::hasNextLine() { if (atLine+1 < lineCount) return TRUE;; return FALSE; } int TextParser::endLinePos(int pos) { if ( (getLineReference(pos, &atLine, &atPosElm)) == -1) return -1; return (pos + (splitDone[atLine].elmCount - atPosElm) + 1); } int TextParser::getLineReference(int pos, int *line, int *inLinePos) { int currentPos = 0; for (int x = 0; x < lineCount; x++) { if ( currentPos + splitDone[x].elmCount > pos) { *line = x; *inLinePos = pos - currentPos; return 0; //pos found okay } currentPos += splitDone[x].elmCount; } return -1; //no reference found } void TextParser::split() { t_splitLine newLine; while ((uint) linePos < data.length()) { newLine = nextLine(); splitDone[lineCount] = splitLine(newLine); totalElmCount += splitDone[lineCount].elmCount; lineCount++; } } t_splitLine TextParser::splitLine(t_splitLine line) { uint pos = 0; uint elmCount = 0; t_splitLine tempLine = line; tempLine.str = line.str.simplifyWhiteSpace(); tempLine.elm[0].str = ""; while ( pos < line.str.length() ) { if ( isSeparator(tempLine.str[pos]) ) { tempLine.elm[elmCount].separator = tempLine.str[pos]; elmCount++; pos++; while (tempLine.str[pos] == ' ') pos++; if (pos > line.str.length()) elmCount--; tempLine.elm[elmCount].str = ""; } else { if (!tempLine.str[pos].isNull()) tempLine.elm[elmCount].str += tempLine.str[pos]; pos++; } } tempLine.elmCount = elmCount + 1; return tempLine; } bool TextParser::isSeparator(QChar chr) { for (uint x = 0; x < separators.length(); x++) { if (chr == separators[x]) return true; } return false; } t_splitLine TextParser::nextLine() { int newLinePos; t_splitLine lineType; newLinePos = data.find(lineSep, linePos); lineType.lineType = NewLine; lineType.str = ""; if (newLinePos == -1) { newLinePos = data.length(); lineType.lineType = LastLine; } for (int x = linePos; x < newLinePos; x++) lineType.str += data[x]; linePos = newLinePos; if ((uint) linePos < data.length()) //if not EOF, add length of lineSep linePos += lineSep.length(); return lineType; }