#include "packagelist.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" PackageList::PackageList() : packageIter( packageList ) { empty=true; { Config cfg( "oipkg", Config::User ); cfg.setGroup( "Common" ); statusDir = cfg.readEntry( "statusDir", "" ); listsDir = cfg.readEntry( "listsDir", "" ); if ( statusDir=="" || ! QFileInfo(statusDir+"/status").isFile() ) { statusDir="/usr/lib/ipkg/"; listsDir="/usr/lib/ipkg/lists/"; cfg.writeEntry( "statusDir", statusDir ); cfg.writeEntry( "listsDir", listsDir ); } } pvDebug( 5, "PackageList::PackageList statusDir "+statusDir); pvDebug( 5, "PackageList::PackageList listsDir "+listsDir); sections << "All"; subSections.insert("All", new QStringList() ); QStringList *ss = subSections["All"]; *ss << "All"; aktSection = "All"; aktSubSection = "All"; } PackageList::PackageList( PackageManagerSettings* s) : packageIter( packageList ) { settings = s; PackageList(); } PackageList::~PackageList() { } /** Inserts a package into the list */ void PackageList::insertPackage( Package* pack ) { Package* p = packageList.find( pack->name() ); if ( p ) { p->copyValues( pack ); delete pack; pack = p; }else{ packageList.insert( pack->name(), pack ); origPackageList.insert( pack->name(), pack ); empty=false; }; updateSections( pack ); } void PackageList::filterPackages() { packageList.clear(); QDictIterator filterIter( origPackageList ); filterIter.toFirst(); Package *pack= filterIter.current() ; while ( pack ) { if ( ((aktSection=="All")||(pack->getSection()==aktSection)) && ((aktSubSection=="All")||(pack->getSubSection()==aktSubSection)) ) { packageList.insert( pack->name(), pack ); } ++filterIter; pack = filterIter.current(); } } Package* PackageList::find( QString n ) { return packageList.find( n ); } Package* PackageList::first() { packageIter.toFirst(); return packageIter.current(); } Package* PackageList::next() { ++packageIter; return packageIter.current(); } QStringList PackageList::getSections() { sections.sort(); return sections; } QStringList PackageList::getSubSections() { QStringList ss; if ( !subSections[aktSection] ) return ss; ss = *subSections[aktSection]; ss.sort(); return ss; } void PackageList::setSection( QString sec ) { aktSection = sec; } void PackageList::setSubSection( QString ssec ) { aktSubSection = ssec; } void PackageList::updateSections( Package* pack ) { QString s = pack->getSection(); if ( s.isEmpty() || s == "") return; if ( sections.contains(s) ) return; sections += s; QString ss = pack->getSubSection(); if ( ss.isEmpty() || ss == "" ) return; if ( !subSections[s] ) { subSections.insert( s, new QStringList() ); QStringList *subsecs = subSections[s]; *subsecs += "All"; } QStringList *subsecs = subSections[s]; *subsecs += ss; if ( !subSections["All"] ) subSections.insert( "All", new QStringList() ); subsecs = subSections["All"]; *subsecs += ss; } /** No descriptions */ void PackageList::parseStatus() { QStringList dests = settings->getDestinationUrls(); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = dests.begin(); it != dests.end(); ++it ) { pvDebug( 2,"Status Dir: "+*it+statusDir+"/status"); readFileEntries( *it+statusDir+"/status" ); }; } void PackageList::parseList() { QStringList srvs = settings->getActiveServers(); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = srvs.begin(); it != srvs.end(); ++it ) { pvDebug( 2, "List Dir: "+listsDir+"/"+*it); readFileEntries( listsDir+"/"+*it ); } } void PackageList::readFileEntries( QString filename ) { QStringList packEntry; QFile f( filename ); if ( !f.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) return; QTextStream *statusStream = new QTextStream( &f ); while ( !statusStream ->eof() ) { QString line = statusStream->readLine(); if ( line.find(QRegExp("[\n\t ]*")) || line == "" ) { //end of package if ( ! packEntry.isEmpty() ) { Package *p = new Package( packEntry ); if ( p ) { insertPackage( p ); packEntry.clear(); } } }else{ packEntry << line; }; } return; } void PackageList::update() { pvDebug( 3, "parseStatus"); parseStatus(); pvDebug( 3, "parseList"); parseList(); pvDebug( 3, "finished parsing"); } void PackageList::setSettings( PackageManagerSettings *s ) { settings = s; } Package* PackageList::getByName( QString n ) { origPackageList[n]; }