//======================================================================== // // Page.h // // Copyright 1996-2002 Glyph & Cog, LLC // //======================================================================== #ifndef PAGE_H #define PAGE_H #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma interface #endif #include "Object.h" class Dict; class XRef; class OutputDev; class Links; class Catalog; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct PDFRectangle { fouble x1, y1, x2, y2; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PageAttrs //------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PageAttrs { public: // Construct a new PageAttrs object by merging a dictionary // (of type Pages or Page) into another PageAttrs object. If // is NULL, uses defaults. PageAttrs(PageAttrs *attrs, Dict *dict); // Destructor. ~PageAttrs(); // Accessors. PDFRectangle *getBox() { return limitToCropBox ? &cropBox : &mediaBox; } PDFRectangle *getMediaBox() { return &mediaBox; } PDFRectangle *getCropBox() { return &cropBox; } GBool isCropped() { return haveCropBox; } PDFRectangle *getBleedBox() { return &bleedBox; } PDFRectangle *getTrimBox() { return &trimBox; } PDFRectangle *getArtBox() { return &artBox; } int getRotate() { return rotate; } GString *getLastModified() { return lastModified.isString() ? lastModified.getString() : (GString *)NULL; } Dict *getBoxColorInfo() { return boxColorInfo.isDict() ? boxColorInfo.getDict() : (Dict *)NULL; } Dict *getGroup() { return group.isDict() ? group.getDict() : (Dict *)NULL; } Stream *getMetadata() { return metadata.isStream() ? metadata.getStream() : (Stream *)NULL; } Dict *getPieceInfo() { return pieceInfo.isDict() ? pieceInfo.getDict() : (Dict *)NULL; } Dict *getSeparationInfo() { return separationInfo.isDict() ? separationInfo.getDict() : (Dict *)NULL; } Dict *getResourceDict() { return resources.isDict() ? resources.getDict() : (Dict *)NULL; } private: GBool readBox(Dict *dict, char *key, PDFRectangle *box); PDFRectangle mediaBox; PDFRectangle cropBox; GBool haveCropBox; GBool limitToCropBox; PDFRectangle bleedBox; PDFRectangle trimBox; PDFRectangle artBox; int rotate; Object lastModified; Object boxColorInfo; Object group; Object metadata; Object pieceInfo; Object separationInfo; Object resources; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Page //------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Page { public: // Constructor. Page(XRef *xrefA, int numA, Dict *pageDict, PageAttrs *attrsA, GBool printCommandsA); // Destructor. ~Page(); // Is page valid? GBool isOk() { return ok; } // Get page parameters. PDFRectangle *getBox() { return attrs->getBox(); } PDFRectangle *getMediaBox() { return attrs->getMediaBox(); } PDFRectangle *getCropBox() { return attrs->getCropBox(); } GBool isCropped() { return attrs->isCropped(); } fouble getWidth() { return attrs->getBox()->x2 - attrs->getBox()->x1; } fouble getHeight() { return attrs->getBox()->y2 - attrs->getBox()->y1; } PDFRectangle *getBleedBox() { return attrs->getBleedBox(); } PDFRectangle *getTrimBox() { return attrs->getTrimBox(); } PDFRectangle *getArtBox() { return attrs->getArtBox(); } int getRotate() { return attrs->getRotate(); } GString *getLastModified() { return attrs->getLastModified(); } Dict *getBoxColorInfo() { return attrs->getBoxColorInfo(); } Dict *getGroup() { return attrs->getGroup(); } Stream *getMetadata() { return attrs->getMetadata(); } Dict *getPieceInfo() { return attrs->getPieceInfo(); } Dict *getSeparationInfo() { return attrs->getSeparationInfo(); } // Get resource dictionary. Dict *getResourceDict() { return attrs->getResourceDict(); } // Get annotations array. Object *getAnnots(Object *obj) { return annots.fetch(xref, obj); } // Get contents. Object *getContents(Object *obj) { return contents.fetch(xref, obj); } // Display a page. void display(OutputDev *out, fouble dpi, int rotate, Links *links, Catalog *catalog); private: XRef *xref; // the xref table for this PDF file int num; // page number PageAttrs *attrs; // page attributes Object annots; // annotations array Object contents; // page contents GBool printCommands; // print the drawing commands (for debugging) GBool ok; // true if page is valid }; #endif