#!/bin/sh # # Script to add a new function to an existing class # # Copyright 1999-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. # # load the helper functions . q_functions if [ $# -lt 4 ] then echo "Usage: q_add_function AccessModifier RetType ExistingClassName NewFunctionName ArgList" print_example_usage exit fi ACCESS_MODIFIER=$1 RET_TYPE=$2 EXISTING_CLASS_NAME=`echo $3 | cut -d ":" -f 1` NEW_FUNCTION_NAME=`echo $3 | cut -d ":" -f 3` ARG_LIST=$4 EXISTING_CLASS_NAME_LOWER=`echo $EXISTING_CLASS_NAME | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"` EXISTING_CLASS_HEADER_FILE="$EXISTING_CLASS_NAME_LOWER".h EXISTING_CLASS_SOURCE_FILE="$EXISTING_CLASS_NAME_LOWER".cpp ORIGINAL_CLASS_HEADER_FILE="$EXISTING_CLASS_NAME_LOWER".h.orig function print_source_file { cat << END $RET_TYPE $EXISTING_CLASS_NAME::$NEW_FUNCTION_NAME$ARG_LIST { } END } function print_function_definition { cat << END $ACCESS_MODIFIER $RET_TYPE $NEW_FUNCTION_NAME$ARG_LIST; END } function print_new_header_file { get_number_of_lines get_first_line_of_class_definition if [ -z "$LINE" ] then cat << END /* No good, can't find $EXISTING_CLASS_NAME class definition anywhere. You'll have to manually edit the header file to add the following function definition to the $EXISTING_CLASS_NAME class: END print_function_definition echo -e "\n*/" cat $ORIGINAL_CLASS_HEADER_FILE else head -n $LINE $ORIGINAL_CLASS_HEADER_FILE print_function_definition tail -n `expr $LINES - $LINE` $ORIGINAL_CLASS_HEADER_FILE fi } [ -f $EXISTING_CLASS_HEADER_FILE ] || { echo "file $EXISTING_CLASS_HEADER_FILE not found" ; exit ; } # Backup file mv $EXISTING_CLASS_HEADER_FILE $ORIGINAL_CLASS_HEADER_FILE print_source_file >> $EXISTING_CLASS_SOURCE_FILE print_new_header_file >> $EXISTING_CLASS_HEADER_FILE