-rw-r--r-- | NEWS | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | NEWS.xml | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | content/Makefile.am | 3 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | content/fireflix-panel.xul | 3 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | content/fireflix.css | 23 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | content/help.xml | 53 |
6 files changed, 83 insertions, 1 deletions
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ () + - Added brief help file - Fixed HTML generation code - Fixed a mistyped flickr url so that the 'Flickr' button works now 0.0.1 (October 3rd, 2006) - Added ability to paginate through search results - Fixed packaging bug that omitted packaging license dialog - A lot of code cleanup and UI polishing 0.0 (September 26th, 2006) - Initial release @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?> <news> <version version="" date=""> + <ni>Added brief help file</ni> <ni>Fixed HTML generation code</ni> <ni>Fixed a mistyped flickr url so that the 'Flickr' button works now</ni> </version> <version version="0.0.1" date="October 3rd, 2006"> <ni>Added ability to paginate through search results</ni> <ni>Fixed packaging bug that omitted packaging license dialog</ni> <ni>A lot of code cleanup and UI polishing</ni> </version> <version version="0.0" date="September 26th, 2006"> <ni>Initial release</ni> </version> </news> diff --git a/content/Makefile.am b/content/Makefile.am index abe3d6d..7d11964 100644 --- a/content/Makefile.am +++ b/content/Makefile.am @@ -1,22 +1,23 @@ xpichromecontent_DATA = \ autoconf.dtd \ browser.xul about.xul fireflix-panel.xul photoset-props.xul \ generated-content.xul copying.xul \ photoset-props.js fireflix.js flickr.js util.js md5.js \ generated-content.js \ fireflix.css \ - background.jpeg + background.jpeg \ + help.xml sized_icons = \ $(addsuffix .png, \ fireflix \ ) nobase_xpichromecontent_DATA = \ $(addprefix icons/, \ $(addprefix 16x16/,${sized_icons}) \ $(addprefix 32x32/,${sized_icons}) \ ) EXTRA_DIST = \ ${xpichromecontent_DATA} ${nobase_xpichromecontent_DATA} diff --git a/content/fireflix-panel.xul b/content/fireflix-panel.xul index 1278621..b961edb 100644 --- a/content/fireflix-panel.xul +++ b/content/fireflix-panel.xul @@ -1,171 +1,174 @@ <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="fireflix.css" type="text/css"?> <!DOCTYPE page SYSTEM "chrome://fireflix/locale/fireflix.dtd"> <page xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" id="fireflixwindow" title="Fireflix" onload="fireflix.init()" orient="vertical" ondragover="nsDragAndDrop.dragOver(event,fireflix.uploadObserver)" ondragdrop="nsDragAndDrop.drop(event,fireflix.uploadObserver)" > <script src="chrome://global/content/nsDragAndDrop.js"/> <script src="chrome://global/content/nsTransferable.js"/> <script type="application/x-javascript" src="md5.js" /> <script type="application/x-javascript" src="util.js" /> <script type="application/x-javascript" src="flickr.js" /> <script type="application/x-javascript" src="fireflix.js" /> <stringbundleset> <stringbundle id="loc_strings" src="chrome://fireflix/locale/fireflix.properties" /> </stringbundleset> <commandset> <command id="cmd_auth_auth" label="&panel.auth.auth.label;" oncommand="fireflix.on_cmd_auth()"/> <command id="cmd_auth_done" label="&panel.auth.done.label;" oncommand="fireflix.on_cmd_auth_done()" disabled="true"/> <command id="cmd_auth_open_flickr" label="&panel.auth.flickr.label;" oncommand="fireflix.openTab('http://www.flickr.com/')" /> <command id="cmd_auth_unauth" label="&panel.auth.unauth.label;" oncommand="fireflix.on_cmd_auth_unauth()" /> + <command id="cmd_help" label="?" + oncommand="fireflix.openTab('chrome://fireflix/content/help.xml')" /> </commandset> <popupset> <popup id="auth_menu"> <menuitem command="cmd_auth_auth"/> <menuitem command="cmd_auth_done" hidden="true" id="menu_auth_done"/> <menuitem command="cmd_auth_unauth" /> <menuseparator/> <menuitem command="cmd_auth_open_flickr"/> </popup> </popupset> <commandset id="cmdset_search"> <command id="cmd_search" label="&panel.search.cmd_search.label;" oncommand="fireflix.foundphotos.search_photos()"/> <command id="cmd_search_open" label="&panel.search.cmd_search_open.label;" oncommand="fireflix.foundphotos.on_cmd_open(event)" /> <command id="cmd_search_prev_page" label="&panel.search.cmd_search_prev_page.label;" oncommand="fireflix.foundphotos.on_cmd_prev(event)" disabled="true"/> <command id="cmd_search_next_page" label="&panel.search.cmd_search_next_page.label;" oncommand="fireflix.foundphotos.on_cmd_next(event)" disabled="true"/> </commandset> <commandset id="cmdset_sets"> <command id="cmd_refresh_sets" label="&panel.sets.cmd_refresh_sets;" oncommand="fireflix.on_refresh_sets()" /> <command id="cmd_set_props" label="&panel.sets.cmd_properties;" oncommand="fireflix.on_set_props()" disabled="true" /> </commandset> <popupset> <popup id="sets_menu"> <menuitem command="cmd_set_props"/> <menuitem command="cmd_refresh_sets"/> <menuseparator/> <menu label="&panel.sets.generate_html;" id="sets_html_menu"/> </popup> </popupset> <commandset id="cmdset_uploads"> <command id="cmd_uploads_clear" label="&panel.uploads.clear.label;" oncommand="fireflix.uploads.on_clear()" /> <command id="cmd_uploads_upload" label="&panel.uploads.upload.label;" oncommand="fireflix.uploads.on_upload()" /> <command id="cmd_uploads_remove" label="&panel.uploads.remove.label;" oncommand="fireflix.uploads.on_remove()" /> <command id="cmd_uploads_add" label="&panel.uploads.add.label;" oncommand="fireflix.uploads.on_add()" /> </commandset> <popupset> <popup id="uploads_menu"> <menuitem command="cmd_uploads_add"/> <menuitem command="cmd_uploads_clear"/> <menuitem command="cmd_uploads_remove"/> <menuseparator/> <menuitem command="cmd_uploads_upload"/> <menuseparator/> <menu label="&panel.uploads.generate_html;" id="uploads_html_menu"/> </popup> </popupset> <vbox class="wholething" flex="1"> <groupbox context="auth_menu"> <caption label="&panel.auth_info;"/> <hbox> <label id="auth_info" value="&panel.no_auth_info;" flex="1" disabled="true" crop="end"/> <button id="b_auth" command="cmd_auth_auth"/> <button id="b_auth_done" command="cmd_auth_done" hidden="true"/> <button command="cmd_auth_open_flickr" tooltiptext="&panel.auth.flickr.tip;"/> + <button command="cmd_help"/> </hbox> </groupbox> <tabbox flex="1" id="fireflix_tabs"> <tabs> <tab label="&panel.tabs.search;"/> <tab label="&panel.tabs.sets;"/> <tab label="&panel.tabs.tags;" hidden="true"/> <!-- TODO: --> <tab id="tab_upload" label="&panel.tabs.upload;"/> </tabs> <tabpanels flex="1"> <tabpanel id="tabpanel_search" flex="1"> <vbox flex="1"> <groupbox class="search_params" orient="vertical" onkeypress="if(event.keyCode==event.DOM_VK_RETURN) fireflix.foundphotos.search_photos()"> <hbox> <label control="search_for" value="&panel.search.search_for.label;" accesskey="s"/> <textbox id="search_for" flex="1"/> </hbox> <hbox> <checkbox id="search_tags" label="&panel.search.mode.tagsonly.label;" tooltiptext="&panel.search.mode.tagsonly.tip;" checked="false" accesskey="t" /> <checkbox id="search_mine" label="&panel.search.mode.mine.label;" checked="true" accesskey="m"/> <spacer flex="1"/> <button command="cmd_search"/> </hbox> </groupbox> <hbox> <button command="cmd_search_prev_page"/> <spacer flex="1"/> <label id="search_page" hidden="true"/> <spacer flex="1"/> <button command="cmd_search_next_page"/> </hbox> <tree id="searchresults" rows="2" flex="1" onselect="fireflix.foundphotos.on_select()" ondblclick="fireflix.foundphotos.on_cmd_open(event)" onkeypress="if(event.keyCode==event.DOM_VK_RETURN) fireflix.foundphotos.on_cmd_open(event)"> <treecols> <treecol id="sr_title" label="&panel.search.col.title.label;" flex="2" crop="end" align="start" /> </treecols> <treechildren/> </tree> <groupbox id="searchresult_props" orient="horizontal" hidden="true"> <vbox width="100" pack="center"> <hbox pack="center"> <image id="search_photo" ondblclick="fireflix.foundphotos.on_cmd_open(event)"/> </hbox> </vbox> <vbox flex="1"> <label id="searchresult_title" crop="end"/> <hbox flex="1" pack="center"> <div flex="1" id="searchresult_description" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"/> </hbox> <hbox pack="end"> <button command="cmd_search_open"/> </hbox> </vbox> diff --git a/content/fireflix.css b/content/fireflix.css index 9e7bf6b..47455f6 100644 --- a/content/fireflix.css +++ b/content/fireflix.css @@ -36,64 +36,87 @@ groupbox#searchresult_props, groupbox.search_params, groupbox#upload_file_props, groupbox#set_props, groupbox#set_photo_props { background: white; } groupbox#upload_file_props label { text-align: right; } image#search_photo, image#set_photo, image#set_primary { border: black 1px solid; } .about .insides { margin: 1ex; } .about .text { border: yellow solid 1px; background: green; } .about .title { font-size: 300%; font-weight: bold; color: yellow; } .about .link { text-decoration: underline; color: white; cursor: pointer; } menuitem.menuhead { background: gray; color: black; font-weight: bold; } div#searchresult_description { min-height: 5em; max-height: 8em; overflow: auto; font-size: 90%; margin: 0.1ex 0.5ex; } #copying div { margin: 1ex 1em; font-family: courier, monospace; font-size: 9pt; padding: 2px; border: dotted 1px gray; background: white; } label#search_page { font-weight: bold; background: white; color: #404040; border-color: #c0c0c0 #404040 #404040 #c0c0c0; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; -moz-border-radius: 1em; padding: 0.5ex 1ex; } + +html body { + font-family: arial, sans-serif; + font-size: 11pt; + margin: 1em 4em; + padding: 1em 4em; + border: double 3px gray; + background: #ffffc0; +} +html h1 { + font-size: 130%; color: maroon; +} +html p { + text-align: justify; +} + +html div.copyright { + font-size: 60%; + text-align: right; +} +html div.copyright a { + text-decoration: none; +} diff --git a/content/help.xml b/content/help.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e71cd99 --- a/dev/null +++ b/content/help.xml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> +<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en"> + <head> + <title>Fireflix</title> + <link rel="stylesheet" href="fireflix.css" type="text/css"/> + </head> + <body> + + <p>This is a brief overview of things you can do with <a href="http://kin.klever.net/fireflix/">fireflix</a>.</p> + + <p>First, you should proceed with authorization. If you haven't done it yet, + it should happen automatically once you open fireflix sidebar. To clear + authorization token off of the preferences, right-click on the 'Authorization + info' part of the sidebar and select 'Sign off' from the pop up menu.</p> + + <h1>In the 'Search' tab</h1> + + <p>Basically, you can search flickr photos here. Either all or yours (keep + 'mine' checked to search your own photos).</p> + + <p>Once you have acquired search results you can browse through them. To open + any particular picture in a new tab either doubleclick it or hit ENTER.</p> + + <p>While moving through the list of pictures found you should have a little + preview at the bottom of the window.</p> + + <h1>In the 'Sets' tab</h1> + + <p>This is where you can browse your sets. You can edit some sets properties + here and, most importantly, you can generate HTML of linked thumbnails for + sets contents. Use your right mouse button on the photoset.</p> + + <h1>In The 'Uploads' tab</h1> + + <p>To upload pictures you don't even have to select this tab. Drag'n'drop into + fireflix sidebar should do. There is nothing wrong with going into the tab and + using 'Add' button either.</p> + + <p>You can add photos to the list, edit their titles and/or tags and once + you're done with it, trigger upload procedure. Once your images have been + uploaded, you will be prompted to create a photoset for newly uploaded photos. + You don't have to, though.</p> + + <h1>Feedback</h1> + + <p>As the extension is at the very early stage of development, feel free to + provide feedback at <a href="http://kin.klever.net/fireflix/feedback" title="click here to proceed to feedback form">http://kin.klever.net/fireflix/feedback/</a>.</p> + + <div class="copyright"> + <a href="http://www.klever.net/">© Klever Group</a> + </div> + </body> +</html> |