-rw-r--r-- | lib/discovery.cc | 2 |
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/discovery.cc b/lib/discovery.cc index b4ed3b6..5585e12 100644 --- a/lib/discovery.cc +++ b/lib/discovery.cc @@ -1,379 +1,379 @@ #include <list> #include <opkele/curl.h> #include <opkele/expat.h> #include <opkele/uris.h> #include <opkele/discovery.h> #include <opkele/exception.h> #include <opkele/util.h> #include <opkele/data.h> #include <opkele/debug.h> #include "config.h" #include <opkele/tidy.h> #define XRDS_HEADER "X-XRDS-Location" #define CT_HEADER "Content-Type" namespace opkele { using std::list; using xrd::XRD_t; using xrd::service_t; /* TODO: the whole discovery thing needs cleanup and optimization due to * many changes of concept. */ static const size_t max_html = 16384; static const struct service_type_t { const char *uri; const char *forceid; } op_service_types[] = { { STURI_OPENID20_OP, IDURI_SELECT20 }, { STURI_OPENID20, 0 }, { STURI_OPENID11, 0 }, { STURI_OPENID10, 0 } }; enum { st_index_1 = 2, st_index_2 = 1 }; static inline bool is_qelement(const XML_Char *n,const char *qen) { return !strcasecmp(n,qen); } static inline bool is_element(const XML_Char *n,const char *en) { if(!strcasecmp(n,en)) return true; int nl = strlen(n), enl = strlen(en); if( (nl>=(enl+1)) && n[nl-enl-1]=='\t' && !strcasecmp(&n[nl-enl],en) ) return true; return false; } static long element_priority(const XML_Char **a) { for(;*a;++a) if(!strcasecmp(*(a++),"priority")) { long rv; return (sscanf(*a,"%ld",&rv)==1)?rv:-1; } return -1; } /* TODO: ideally all attributes should be * retrieved in one run */ static const char *element_attr(const XML_Char **a, const char *at) { for(;*a;++a) if(!strcasecmp(*(a++),at)) { return *a; } return 0; } class idigger_t : public util::curl_t, public util::expat_t { public: string xri_proxy; enum { xmode_html = 1, xmode_xrd = 2, xmode_cid = 4, xmode_noredirs = 8 }; int xmode; string xrds_location; string http_content_type; service_t html_openid1; service_t html_openid2; string cdata_buf; long status_code; string status_string; typedef list<string> pt_stack_t; pt_stack_t pt_stack; int skipping; bool parser_choked; string save_html; XRD_t *xrd; service_t *xrd_service; string* cdata; idigger_t() : util::curl_t(easy_init()), util::expat_t(0), xri_proxy(XRI_PROXY_URL) { CURLcode r; (r=misc_sets()) || (r=set_write()) || (r=set_header()) ; if(r) throw exception_curl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to set curly options",r); } ~idigger_t() throw() { } void yadiscover(endpoint_discovery_iterator oi,const string& yurl,const char **types,bool redirs) { idiscovery_t idis; idis.xri_identity = false; discover_at(idis,yurl,xmode_html|xmode_xrd|(redirs?0:xmode_noredirs)); if(!xrds_location.empty()) { idis.clear(); discover_at(idis,xrds_location,xmode_xrd); } idis.normalized_id = idis.canonicalized_id = yurl; - service_type_t st; + service_type_t st = { 0, 0 }; for(st.uri=*types;*types;st.uri=*(++types)) queue_endpoints(oi,idis,&st); } string discover(endpoint_discovery_iterator& oi,const string& identity) { string rv; idiscovery_t idis; string::size_type fsc = identity.find_first_not_of(data::_whitespace_chars); if(fsc==string::npos) throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "whitespace-only identity"); string::size_type lsc = identity.find_last_not_of(data::_whitespace_chars); assert(lsc!=string::npos); if(!strncasecmp(identity.c_str()+fsc,"xri://",sizeof("xri://")-1)) fsc += sizeof("xri://")-1; if((fsc+1)>=lsc) throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "not a character of importance in identity"); string id(identity,fsc,lsc-fsc+1); idis.clear(); if(strchr(data::_iname_leaders,id[0])) { /* TODO: further normalize xri identity? Like folding case * or whatever... */ rv = id; set<string> cids; for(const struct service_type_t *st=op_service_types; st<&op_service_types[sizeof(op_service_types)/sizeof(*op_service_types)];++st) { idis.clear(); discover_at( idis, xri_proxy + util::url_encode(id)+ "?_xrd_t="+util::url_encode(st->uri)+ "&_xrd_r=application/xrd%2Bxml" ";sep=true;refs=true", xmode_xrd ); if(status_code==241) continue; if(status_code!=100) throw failed_xri_resolution(OPKELE_CP_ "XRI resolution failed with '"+status_string+"' message" ", while looking for SEP with type '"+st->uri+"'", status_code); if(idis.xrd.canonical_ids.empty()) throw opkele::failed_discovery(OPKELE_CP_ "No CanonicalID for XRI identity found"); string cid = idis.xrd.canonical_ids.begin()->second; if(cids.find(cid)==cids.end()) { cids.insert(cid); idis.clear(); discover_at( idis, xri_proxy + util::url_encode(id)+ "?_xrd_t="+util::url_encode(st->uri)+ "&_xrd_r=application/xrd%2Bxml" ";sep=true;refs=true", xmode_xrd ); if(status_code==241) continue; if(status_code!=100) throw failed_xri_resolution(OPKELE_CP_ "XRI resolution failed with '"+status_string+"' message" ", while looking for SEP with type '"+st->uri+"'" " on canonical id", status_code); } idis.canonicalized_id = cid; idis.normalized_id = rv; idis.xri_identity = true; queue_endpoints(oi,idis,st); } }else{ idis.xri_identity = false; if(id.find("://")==string::npos) id.insert(0,"http://"); string::size_type fp = id.find('#'); if(fp!=string::npos) { string::size_type qp = id.find('?'); if(qp==string::npos || qp<fp) id.erase(fp); else if(qp>fp) id.erase(fp,qp-fp); } rv = idis.normalized_id = util::rfc_3986_normalize_uri(id); discover_at(idis,id,xmode_html|xmode_xrd); const char * eu = 0; CURLcode r = easy_getinfo(CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL,&eu); if(r) throw exception_curl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to get CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL",r); string cid = util::strip_uri_fragment_part( idis.canonicalized_id = util::rfc_3986_normalize_uri(eu) ); if(xrds_location.empty()) { if(idis.xrd.empty()) html2xrd(oi,idis); else{ for(const service_type_t *st=op_service_types; st<&op_service_types[sizeof(op_service_types)/sizeof(*op_service_types)];++st) queue_endpoints(oi,idis,st); } }else{ idis.clear(); idis.canonicalized_id = cid; discover_at(idis,xrds_location,xmode_xrd); if(idis.xrd.empty()) html2xrd(oi,idis); else{ for(const service_type_t *st=op_service_types; st<&op_service_types[sizeof(op_service_types)/sizeof(*op_service_types)];++st) queue_endpoints(oi,idis,st); } } } return rv; } void discover_at(idiscovery_t& idis,const string& url,int xm) { CURLcode r = easy_setopt(CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, (xm&xmode_noredirs)?0:5); if(r) throw exception_curl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to set curly maxredirs option"); if( (r=easy_setopt(CURLOPT_URL,url.c_str())) ) throw exception_curl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to set curly urlie",r); http_content_type.clear(); xmode = xm; prepare_to_parse(); if(xmode&xmode_html) { xrds_location.clear(); save_html.clear(); save_html.reserve(max_html); } xrd = &idis.xrd; r = easy_perform(); if(r && r!=CURLE_WRITE_ERROR) throw exception_curl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to perform curly request",r); if(!parser_choked) { parse(0,0,true); }else if(xmode&xmode_html){ /* TODO: do not bother if we've seen xml */ try { util::tidy_doc_t td = util::tidy_doc_t::create(); if(!td) throw exception_tidy(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to create htmltidy document"); #ifdef NDEBUG td.opt_set(TidyQuiet,true); td.opt_set(TidyShowWarnings,false); #else /* NDEBUG */ td.opt_set(TidyQuiet,false); td.opt_set(TidyShowWarnings,true); #endif /* NDEBUG */ td.opt_set(TidyForceOutput,true); td.opt_set(TidyXhtmlOut,true); td.opt_set(TidyDoctypeMode,TidyDoctypeOmit); td.opt_set(TidyMark,false); td.opt_set(TidyNumEntities,true); if(td.parse_string(save_html)<=0) throw exception_tidy(OPKELE_CP_ "tidy failed to parse document"); if(td.clean_and_repair()<=0) throw exception_tidy(OPKELE_CP_ "tidy failed to clean and repair"); util::tidy_buf_t tide; if(td.save_buffer(tide)<=0) throw exception_tidy(OPKELE_CP_ "tidy failed to save buffer"); prepare_to_parse(); parse(tide.c_str(),tide.size(),true); }catch(exception_tidy& et) { } } save_html.clear(); } void prepare_to_parse() { (*(expat_t*)this) = parser_create_ns(); set_user_data(); set_element_handler(); set_character_data_handler(); set_unknown_encoding_handler(); if(xmode&xmode_html) { html_openid1.clear(); html_openid2.clear(); parser_choked = false; } cdata = 0; xrd_service = 0; skipping = 0; pt_stack.clear(); status_code = 100; status_string.clear(); } void html2xrd(endpoint_discovery_iterator& oi,idiscovery_t& id) { XRD_t& x = id.xrd; if(!html_openid2.uris.empty()) { html_openid2.types.insert(STURI_OPENID20); x.services.add(-1,html_openid2); queue_endpoints(oi,id,&op_service_types[st_index_2]); } if(!html_openid1.uris.empty()) { html_openid1.types.insert(STURI_OPENID11); x.services.add(-1,html_openid1); queue_endpoints(oi,id,&op_service_types[st_index_1]); } } size_t write(void *p,size_t s,size_t nm) { /* TODO: limit total size */ size_t bytes = s*nm; const char *inbuf = (const char*)p; if(xmode&xmode_html) { size_t mbts = save_html.capacity()-save_html.size(); size_t bts = 0; if(mbts>0) { bts = (bytes>mbts)?mbts:bytes; save_html.append(inbuf,bts); } if(skipping<0) return bts; } if(skipping<0) return 0; bool rp = parse(inbuf,bytes,false); if(!rp) { parser_choked = true; skipping = -1; if(!(xmode&xmode_html)) bytes = 0; } return bytes; } size_t header(void *p,size_t s,size_t nm) { size_t bytes = s*nm; const char *h = (const char*)p; const char *colon = (const char*)memchr(p,':',bytes); const char *space = (const char*)memchr(p,' ',bytes); if(space && ( (!colon) || space<colon ) ) { xrds_location.clear(); http_content_type.clear(); }else if(colon) { const char *hv = ++colon; size_t hnl = colon-h; int rb; for(rb = bytes-hnl-1;rb>0 && isspace(*hv);++hv,--rb) ; while(rb>0 && isspace(hv[rb-1])) --rb; if(rb) { if( (hnl>=sizeof(XRDS_HEADER)) && !strncasecmp(h,XRDS_HEADER":", sizeof(XRDS_HEADER)) ) { xrds_location.assign(hv,rb); }else if( (hnl>=sizeof(CT_HEADER)) && !strncasecmp(h,CT_HEADER":", sizeof(CT_HEADER)) ) { const char *sc = (const char*)memchr( hv,';',rb); http_content_type.assign(hv,sc?(sc-hv):rb); } } } return curl_t::header(p,s,nm); } void start_element(const XML_Char *n,const XML_Char **a) { if(skipping<0) return; if(skipping) { if(xmode&xmode_html) html_start_element(n,a); ++skipping; return; } if(pt_stack.empty()) { if(is_qelement(n,NSURI_XRDS "\tXRDS")) return; if(is_qelement(n,NSURI_XRD "\tXRD")) { assert(xrd); xrd->clear(); pt_stack.push_back(n); }else if(xmode&xmode_html) { |