-rw-r--r-- | lib/util.cc | 22 |
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/lib/util.cc b/lib/util.cc index 69d37b5..83f0eef 100644 --- a/lib/util.cc +++ b/lib/util.cc @@ -92,207 +92,209 @@ namespace opkele { string bignum_to_base64(const BIGNUM *bn) { vector<unsigned char> bin(BN_num_bytes(bn)+1); unsigned char *binptr = &(bin.front())+1; int l = BN_bn2bin(bn,binptr); if(l && (*binptr)&0x80){ (*(--binptr)) = 0; ++l; } return encode_base64(binptr,l); } /* * w3c times */ string time_to_w3c(time_t t) { struct tm tm_t; if(!gmtime_r(&t,&tm_t)) throw failed_conversion(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to BN_dec2bn()"); char rv[25]; if(!strftime(rv,sizeof(rv)-1,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ",&tm_t)) throw failed_conversion(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to strftime()"); return rv; } time_t w3c_to_time(const string& w) { struct tm tm_t; memset(&tm_t,0,sizeof(tm_t)); if( sscanf( w.c_str(), "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", &tm_t.tm_year,&tm_t.tm_mon,&tm_t.tm_mday, &tm_t.tm_hour,&tm_t.tm_min,&tm_t.tm_sec ) != 6 ) throw failed_conversion(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to sscanf()"); tm_t.tm_mon--; tm_t.tm_year-=1900; time_t rv = mktime(&tm_t); if(rv==(time_t)-1) throw failed_conversion(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to mktime()"); return rv; } /* * */ string url_encode(const string& str) { char * t = curl_escape(str.c_str(),str.length()); if(!t) throw failed_conversion(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to curl_escape()"); string rv(t); curl_free(t); return rv; } string long_to_string(long l) { char rv[32]; int r=snprintf(rv,sizeof(rv),"%ld",l); if(r<0 || r>=(int)sizeof(rv)) throw failed_conversion(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to snprintf()"); return rv; } long string_to_long(const string& s) { char *endptr = 0; long rv = strtol(s.c_str(),&endptr,10); if((!endptr) || endptr==s.c_str()) throw failed_conversion(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to strtol()"); return rv; } /* * Normalize URL according to the rules, described in rfc 3986, section 6 * * - uppercase hext triplets (e.g. %ab -> %AB) * - lowercase scheme and host * - decode %-encoded characters, specified as unreserved in rfc 3986, section 2.3, * that is - [:alpha:][:digit:]._~- * - remove dot segments * - remove empty and default ports * - if there's no path component, add '/' */ string rfc_3986_normalize_uri(const string& uri) { static const char *whitespace = " \t\r\n"; string rv; string::size_type ns = uri.find_first_not_of(whitespace); if(ns==string::npos) throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "Can't normalize empty URI"); string::size_type colon = uri.find(':',ns); if(colon==string::npos) throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "No scheme specified in URI"); transform( uri.begin()+ns, uri.begin()+colon+1, back_inserter(rv), ::tolower ); bool s; - if(rv=="http:") - s = false; - else if(rv=="https:") - s = true; -#ifndef NDEBUG - else if(rv=="file:") - s = false; -#endif /* XXX: or try to make tests work some other way */ - else - throw not_implemented(OPKELE_CP_ "Only http(s) URIs can be normalized here"); string::size_type ul = uri.find_last_not_of(whitespace)+1; if(ul <= (colon+3)) throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "Unexpected end of URI being normalized encountered"); if(uri[colon+1]!='/' || uri[colon+2]!='/') throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "Unexpected input in URI being normalized after scheme component"); + if(rv=="http:") + s = false; + else if(rv=="https:") + s = true; + else{ + /* TODO: support more schemes. + * e.g. xri. How do we normalize + * xri? + */ + rv.append(uri,colon+1,ul-colon-1); + return rv; + } rv += "//"; string::size_type interesting = uri.find_first_of(":/#?",colon+3); if(interesting==string::npos) { transform( uri.begin()+colon+3,uri.begin()+ul, back_inserter(rv), ::tolower ); rv += '/'; return rv; } transform( uri.begin()+colon+3,uri.begin()+interesting, back_inserter(rv), ::tolower ); bool qf = false; char ic = uri[interesting]; if(ic==':') { string::size_type ni = uri.find_first_of("/#?%",interesting+1); const char *nptr = uri.data()+interesting+1; char *eptr = 0; long port = strtol(nptr,&eptr,10); if( (port>0) && (port<65535) && port!=(s?443:80) ) { char tmp[6]; snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%ld",port); rv += ':'; rv += tmp; } if(ni==string::npos) { rv += '/'; return rv; } interesting = ni; }else if(ic!='/') { rv += '/'; rv += ic; qf = true; ++interesting; } string::size_type n = interesting; char tmp[3] = { 0,0,0 }; stack<string::size_type> psegs; psegs.push(rv.length()); string pseg; for(;n<ul;) { string::size_type unsafe = uri.find_first_of(qf?"%":"%/?#",n); if(unsafe==string::npos) { pseg.append(uri,n,ul-n-1); n = ul-1; }else{ pseg.append(uri,n,unsafe-n); n = unsafe; } char c = uri[n++]; if(c=='%') { if((n+1)>=ul) throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "Unexpected end of URI encountered while parsing percent-encoded character"); tmp[0] = uri[n++]; tmp[1] = uri[n++]; if(!( isxdigit(tmp[0]) && isxdigit(tmp[1]) )) throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "Invalid percent-encoded character in URI being normalized"); int cc = strtol(tmp,0,16); if( isalpha(cc) || isdigit(cc) || strchr("._~-",cc) ) pseg += cc; else{ pseg += '%'; pseg += toupper(tmp[0]); pseg += toupper(tmp[1]); } }else if(qf) { rv += pseg; rv += c; pseg.clear(); }else if(n>=ul || strchr("?/#",c)) { if(pseg.empty() || pseg==".") { }else if(pseg=="..") { if(psegs.size()>1) { rv.resize(psegs.top()); psegs.pop(); } }else{ psegs.push(rv.length()); if(c!='/') { pseg += c; qf = true; } rv += '/'; rv += pseg; } if(c=='/' && (n>=ul || strchr("?#",uri[n])) ) { rv += '/'; if(n<ul) qf = true; }else if(strchr("?#",c)) { if(psegs.size()==1 && psegs.top()==rv.length()) rv += '/'; if(pseg.empty()) rv += c; qf = true; } pseg.clear(); }else{ pseg += c; } } if(!pseg.empty()) { rv += '/'; rv += pseg; } return rv; |