-rw-r--r-- | test/OP.cc | 16 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | test/RP.cc | 6 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | test/kingate_openid_message.h | 4 |
3 files changed, 13 insertions, 13 deletions
@@ -1,415 +1,415 @@ #include <uuid/uuid.h> #include <iostream> #include <cassert> #include <string> #include <ext/algorithm> using namespace std; #include <kingate/exception.h> #include <kingate/plaincgi.h> #include <kingate/cgi_gateway.h> #include <opkele/exception.h> #include <opkele/util.h> #include <opkele/uris.h> #include <opkele/extension.h> #include <opkele/association.h> #include <opkele/debug.h> #include <opkele/verify_op.h> #include <opkele/sreg.h> #include "sqlite.h" #include "kingate_openid_message.h" static const string get_self_url(const kingate::cgi_gateway& gw) { bool s = gw.has_meta("SSL_PROTOCOL_VERSION"); string rv = s?"https://":"http://"; rv += gw.http_request_header("Host"); const string& port = gw.get_meta("SERVER_PORT"); if( port!=(s?"443":"80") ) { rv += ':'; rv += port; } rv += gw.get_meta("REQUEST_URI"); string::size_type q = rv.find('?'); if(q!=string::npos) rv.erase(q); return rv; } class opdb_t : public sqlite3_t { public: opdb_t() : sqlite3_t("/tmp/OP.db") { assert(_D); char **resp; int nr,nc; char *errm; if(sqlite3_get_table( _D, "SELECT a_op FROM assoc LIMIT 0", &resp,&nr,&nc,&errm)!=SQLITE_OK) { extern const char *__OP_db_bootstrap; DOUT_("Bootstrapping DB"); if(sqlite3_exec(_D,__OP_db_bootstrap,NULL,NULL,&errm)!=SQLITE_OK) throw opkele::exception(OPKELE_CP_ string("Failed to boostrap SQLite database: ")+errm); }else sqlite3_free_table(resp); } }; class example_op_t : public opkele::verify_OP { public: kingate::cgi_gateway& gw; opdb_t db; kingate::cookie htc; - example_op_t(kingate::cgi_gateway& gw) - : gw(gw) { + example_op_t(kingate::cgi_gateway& g) + : gw(g) { try { htc = gw.cookies.get_cookie("htop_session"); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "SELECT 1 FROM ht_sessions WHERE hts_id=%Q", htc.get_value().c_str()); sqlite3_table_t T; int nr,nc; db.get_table(S,T,&nr,&nc); if(nr<1) throw kingate::exception_notfound(CODEPOINT,"forcing cookie generation"); }catch(kingate::exception_notfound& kenf) { uuid_t uuid; uuid_generate(uuid); htc = kingate::cookie("htop_session",opkele::util::encode_base64(uuid,sizeof(uuid))); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "INSERT INTO ht_sessions (hts_id) VALUES (%Q)", htc.get_value().c_str()); db.exec(S); } } void set_authorized(bool a) { sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "UPDATE ht_sessions" " SET authorized=%d" " WHERE hts_id=%Q", (int)a,htc.get_value().c_str()); db.exec(S); } bool get_authorized() { sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "SELECT authorized" " FROM ht_sessions" " WHERE hts_id=%Q", htc.get_value().c_str()); sqlite3_table_t T; int nr,nc; db.get_table(S,T,&nr,&nc); assert(nr==1); assert(nc=1); return opkele::util::string_to_long(T.get(1,0,nc)); } ostream& cookie_header(ostream& o) const { o << "Set-Cookie: " << htc.set_cookie_header() << "\n"; return o; } opkele::assoc_t alloc_assoc(const string& type,size_t klength,bool sl) { uuid_t uuid; uuid_generate(uuid); string a_handle = opkele::util::encode_base64(uuid,sizeof(uuid)); opkele::secret_t a_secret; generate_n( back_insert_iterator<opkele::secret_t>(a_secret),klength, rand ); string ssecret; a_secret.to_base64(ssecret); time_t now = time(0); int expires_in = sl?3600*2:3600*24*7*2; sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "INSERT INTO assoc" " (a_handle,a_type,a_ctime,a_etime,a_secret,a_stateless)" " VALUES (" " %Q,%Q,datetime('now')," " datetime('now','+%d seconds')," " %Q,%d );", a_handle.c_str(), type.c_str(), expires_in, ssecret.c_str(), sl ); db.exec(S); return opkele::assoc_t(new opkele::association( "", a_handle, type, a_secret, now+expires_in, sl )); } opkele::assoc_t retrieve_assoc(const string& h) { sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "SELECT" " a_handle,a_type,a_secret,a_stateless," " strftime('%%s',a_etime) AS a_etime," " a_itime" " FROM assoc" " WHERE a_handle=%Q AND a_itime IS NULL" " AND datetime('now') < a_etime" " LIMIT 1", h.c_str() ); sqlite3_table_t T; int nr,nc; db.get_table(S,T,&nr,&nc); if(nr<1) throw opkele::failed_lookup(OPKELE_CP_ "couldn't retrieve valid unexpired assoc"); assert(nr==1); assert(nc==6); opkele::secret_t secret; opkele::util::decode_base64(T.get(1,2,nc),secret); return opkele::assoc_t(new opkele::association( "", h, T.get(1,1,nc), secret, strtol(T.get(1,4,nc),0,0), strtol(T.get(1,3,nc),0,0) )); } string& alloc_nonce(string& nonce) { uuid_t uuid; uuid_generate(uuid); nonce += opkele::util::encode_base64(uuid,sizeof(uuid)); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "INSERT INTO nonces" " (n_once) VALUES (%Q)", nonce.c_str() ); db.exec(S); return nonce; } bool check_nonce(const string& nonce) { sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "SELECT 1" " FROM nonces" " WHERE n_once=%Q AND n_itime IS NULL", nonce.c_str()); sqlite3_table_t T; int nr,nc; db.get_table(S,T,&nr,&nc); return nr>=1; } void invalidate_nonce(const string& nonce) { sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "UPDATE nonces" " SET n_itime=datetime('now')" " WHERE n_once=%Q", nonce.c_str()); db.exec(S); } const string get_op_endpoint() const { return get_self_url(gw); } }; -int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { +int main(int,char **) { try { kingate::plaincgi_interface ci; kingate::cgi_gateway gw(ci); string op; try { op = gw.get_param("op"); }catch(kingate::exception_notfound&) { } string message; if(op=="set_password") { example_op_t OP(gw); string password = gw.get_param("password"); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> Sget = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT s_password FROM setup LIMIT 1"); sqlite3_table_t T; int nr,nc; OP.db.get_table(Sget,T,&nr,&nc); if(nr>=1) throw opkele::exception(OPKELE_CP_ "Password already set"); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> Sset = sqlite3_mprintf( "INSERT INTO setup (s_password) VALUES (%Q)", password.c_str()); OP.db.exec(Sset); op.clear(); message = "password set"; }else if(op=="login") { example_op_t OP(gw); string password = gw.get_param("password"); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> Sget = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT s_password FROM setup LIMIT 1"); sqlite3_table_t T; int nr,nc; OP.db.get_table(Sget,T,&nr,&nc); if(nr<1) throw opkele::exception(OPKELE_CP_ "no password set"); if(password!=T.get(1,0,nc)) throw opkele::exception(OPKELE_CP_ "wrong password"); OP.set_authorized(true); op.clear(); message = "logged in"; OP.cookie_header(cout); }else if(op=="logout") { example_op_t OP(gw); OP.set_authorized(false); op.clear(); message = "logged out"; } - string om; - try { om = gw.get_param("openid.mode"); }catch(kingate::exception_notfound&) { } + string omode; + try { omode = gw.get_param("openid.mode"); }catch(kingate::exception_notfound&) { } if(op=="xrds") { cout << "Content-type: application/xrds+xml\n\n" "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" "<xrds:XRDS xmlns:xrds='xri://$xrds' xmlns='xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)'>" "<XRD>" "<Service>" "<Type>" STURI_OPENID20 "</Type>" "<URI>" << get_self_url(gw) << "</URI>" "</Service>"; if(gw.has_param("idsel")){ cout << "<Service>" "<Type>" STURI_OPENID20_OP "</Type>" "<URI>" << get_self_url(gw) << "</URI>"; } cout << "</XRD>" "</xrds:XRDS>"; }else if(op=="id_res" || op=="cancel") { kingate_openid_message_t inm(gw); example_op_t OP(gw); if(gw.get_param("hts_id")!=OP.htc.get_value()) throw opkele::exception(OPKELE_CP_ "toying around, huh?"); opkele::sreg_t sreg; OP.checkid_(inm,sreg); OP.cookie_header(cout); opkele::openid_message_t om; if(op=="id_res") { if(!OP.get_authorized()) throw opkele::exception(OPKELE_CP_ "not logged in"); if(OP.is_id_select()) { OP.select_identity( get_self_url(gw), get_self_url(gw) ); } sreg.set_field(opkele::sreg_t::field_nickname,"anonymous"); sreg.set_field(opkele::sreg_t::field_fullname,"Ann O'Nymus"); sreg.set_field(opkele::sreg_t::field_gender,"F"); sreg.setup_response(); cout << "Status: 302 Going back to RP with id_res\n" "Location: " << OP.id_res(om,sreg).append_query(OP.get_return_to()) << "\n\n"; }else{ cout << "Status: 302 Going back to RP with cancel\n" "Location: " << OP.cancel(om).append_query(OP.get_return_to()) << "\n\n"; } om.to_keyvalues(clog); - }else if(om=="associate") { + }else if(omode=="associate") { kingate_openid_message_t inm(gw); opkele::openid_message_t oum; example_op_t OP(gw); OP.associate(oum,inm); cout << "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; oum.to_keyvalues(cout); - }else if(om=="checkid_setup") { + }else if(omode=="checkid_setup") { kingate_openid_message_t inm(gw); example_op_t OP(gw); OP.checkid_(inm,0); OP.cookie_header(cout) << "Content-type: text/html\n" "\n" "<html>" "<head>" "<title>test OP: confirm authentication</title>" "</head>" "<body>" "realm: " << OP.get_realm() << "<br/>" "return_to: " << OP.get_return_to() << "<br/>" "claimed_id: " << OP.get_claimed_id() << "<br/>" "identity: " << OP.get_identity() << "<br/>"; if(OP.is_id_select()) { OP.select_identity( get_self_url(gw), get_self_url(gw) ); cout << "selected claimed_id: " << OP.get_claimed_id() << "<br/>" "selected identity: " << OP.get_identity() << "<br/>"; } cout << "<form method='post'>"; inm.to_htmlhiddens(cout); cout << "<input type='hidden' name='hts_id'" " value='" << opkele::util::attr_escape(OP.htc.get_value()) << "'/>" "<input type='submit' name='op' value='id_res'/>" "<input type='submit' name='op' value='cancel'/>" "</form>" "</body>" "</html>"; - }else if(om=="check_authentication") { + }else if(omode=="check_authentication") { kingate_openid_message_t inm(gw); example_op_t OP(gw); opkele::openid_message_t oum; OP.check_authentication(oum,inm); cout << "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; oum.to_keyvalues(cout); oum.to_keyvalues(clog); }else{ example_op_t OP(gw); string idsel; if(gw.has_param("idsel")) idsel = "&idsel=idsel"; OP.cookie_header(cout) << "Content-type: text/html\n" "X-XRDS-Location: " << get_self_url(gw) << "?op=xrds" << idsel << "\n" "\n" "<html>" "<head>" "<title>test OP</title>" "<link rel='openid.server' href='" << get_self_url(gw) << "'/>" "</head>" "<body>" "test openid 2.0 endpoint" "<br/>" "<a href='" << get_self_url(gw) << "?op=xrds" << idsel << "'>XRDS document</a>" "<br/>" "<h1>" << message << "</h1>"; sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT s_password FROM setup LIMIT 1"); sqlite3_table_t T; int nr,nc; OP.db.get_table(S,T,&nr,&nc); if(nr<1) { cout << "<form method='post'>" "set password " "<input type='hidden' name='op' value='set_password'/>" "<input type='password' name='password' value=''/>" "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'/>" "</form>"; }else if(OP.get_authorized()) { cout << "<br/>" "<a href='" << get_self_url(gw) << "?op=logout'>logout</a>"; }else{ cout << "<form method='post'>" "login " "<input type='hidden' name='op' value='login'/>" "<input type='password' name='password' value=''/>" "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'/>" "</form>"; } cout << "</body>"; } #ifdef OPKELE_HAVE_KONFORKA }catch(konforka::exception& e) { #else }catch(std::exception& e){ #endif DOUT_("Oops: " << e.what()); cout << "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n" "Exception:\n" " what: " << e.what() << endl; #ifdef OPKELE_HAVE_KONFORKA cout << " where: " << e.where() << endl; if(!e._seen.empty()) { cout << " seen:" << endl; for(list<konforka::code_point>::const_iterator i=e._seen.begin();i!=e._seen.end();++i) { cout << " " << i->c_str() << endl; } } #endif } } @@ -1,430 +1,430 @@ #include <uuid/uuid.h> #include <iostream> #include <cassert> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> #include <set> #include <iterator> using namespace std; #include <kingate/exception.h> #include <kingate/plaincgi.h> #include <kingate/cgi_gateway.h> #include <opkele/exception.h> #include <opkele/types.h> #include <opkele/util.h> #include <opkele/uris.h> #include <opkele/discovery.h> #include <opkele/association.h> #include <opkele/sreg.h> using namespace opkele; #include <opkele/prequeue_rp.h> #include <opkele/debug.h> #include "sqlite.h" #include "kingate_openid_message.h" #undef DUMB_RP #ifdef DUMB_RP # define DUMBTHROW throw opkele::dumb_RP(OPKELE_CP_ "This RP is dumb") #else # define DUMBTHROW (void)0 #endif class rpdb_t : public sqlite3_t { public: rpdb_t() : sqlite3_t("/tmp/RP.db") { assert(_D); char **resp; int nrow,ncol; char *errm; if(sqlite3_get_table( _D,"SELECT a_op FROM assoc LIMIT 0", &resp,&nrow,&ncol,&errm)!=SQLITE_OK) { extern const char *__RP_db_bootstrap; DOUT_("Bootstrapping DB"); if(sqlite3_exec(_D,__RP_db_bootstrap,NULL,NULL,&errm)!=SQLITE_OK) throw opkele::exception(OPKELE_CP_ string("Failed to bootstrap SQLite database: ")+errm); }else sqlite3_free_table(resp); } }; class example_rp_t : public opkele::prequeue_RP { public: mutable rpdb_t db; kingate::cookie htc; long as_id; int ordinal; kingate::cgi_gateway& gw; - example_rp_t(kingate::cgi_gateway& gw) - : ordinal(0), have_eqtop(false), gw(gw), as_id(-1) { + example_rp_t(kingate::cgi_gateway& g) + : as_id(-1), ordinal(0), gw(g), have_eqtop(false) { try { htc = gw.cookies.get_cookie("ht_session"); as_id = opkele::util::string_to_long(gw.get_param("asid")); }catch(kingate::exception_notfound& kenf) { uuid_t uuid; uuid_generate(uuid); htc = kingate::cookie("ht_session",util::encode_base64(uuid,sizeof(uuid))); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "INSERT INTO ht_sessions (hts_id) VALUES (%Q)", htc.get_value().c_str()); db.exec(S); } } /* Global persistent store */ opkele::assoc_t store_assoc( const string& OP,const string& handle, const string& type,const secret_t& secret, int expires_in) { DUMBTHROW; DOUT_("Storing '" << handle << "' assoc with '" << OP << "'"); time_t exp = time(0)+expires_in; sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "INSERT INTO assoc" " (a_op,a_handle,a_type,a_ctime,a_etime,a_secret)" " VALUES (" " %Q,%Q,%Q," " datetime('now'), datetime('now','+%d seconds')," " %Q" " );", OP.c_str(), handle.c_str(), type.c_str(), expires_in, util::encode_base64(&(secret.front()),secret.size()).c_str() ); db.exec(S); return opkele::assoc_t(new opkele::association( OP, handle, type, secret, exp, false )); } opkele::assoc_t find_assoc( const string& OP) { DUMBTHROW; DOUT_("Looking for an assoc with '" << OP << '\''); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "SELECT" " a_op,a_handle,a_type,a_secret," " strftime('%%s',a_etime) AS a_etime" " FROM assoc" " WHERE a_op=%Q AND a_itime IS NULL AND NOT a_stateless" " AND ( a_etime > datetime('now','-30 seconds') )" " LIMIT 1", OP.c_str()); sqlite3_table_t T; int nr,nc; db.get_table(S,T,&nr,&nc); if(nr<1) throw opkele::failed_lookup(OPKELE_CP_ "Couldn't find unexpired handle"); assert(nr==1); assert(nc==5); secret_t secret; util::decode_base64(T.get(1,3,nc),secret); DOUT_(" found '" << T.get(1,1,nc) << '\''); return opkele::assoc_t(new opkele::association( T.get(1,0,nc), T.get(1,1,nc), T.get(1,2,nc), secret, strtol(T.get(1,4,nc),0,0), false )); } opkele::assoc_t retrieve_assoc( const string& OP,const string& handle) { DUMBTHROW; DOUT_("Retrieving assoc '" << handle << "' with '" << OP << '\''); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "SELECT" " a_op,a_handle,a_type,a_secret," " strftime('%%s',a_etime) AS a_etime" " FROM assoc" " WHERE a_op=%Q AND a_handle=%Q" " AND a_itime IS NULL AND NOT a_stateless" " LIMIT 1", OP.c_str(),handle.c_str()); sqlite3_table_t T; int nr,nc; db.get_table(S,T,&nr,&nc); if(nr<1) throw opkele::failed_lookup(OPKELE_CP_ "couldn't retrieve valid association"); assert(nr==1); assert(nc==5); secret_t secret; util::decode_base64(T.get(1,3,nc),secret); DOUT_(" found. type=" << T.get(1,2,nc) << '\''); return opkele::assoc_t(new opkele::association( T.get(1,0,nc), T.get(1,1,nc), T.get(1,2,nc), secret, strtol(T.get(1,4,nc),0,0), false )); } void invalidate_assoc( const string& OP,const string& handle) { DUMBTHROW; DOUT_("Invalidating assoc '" << handle << "' with '" << OP << '\''); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "UPDATE assoc SET a_itime=datetime('now')" " WHERE a_op=%Q AND a_handle=%Q", OP.c_str(), handle.c_str() ); db.exec(S); } void check_nonce(const string& OP,const string& nonce) { DOUT_("Checking nonce '" << nonce << "' from '" << OP << '\''); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "SELECT 1 FROM nonces WHERE n_op=%Q AND n_once=%Q", OP.c_str(), nonce.c_str()); sqlite3_table_t T; int nr,nc; db.get_table(S,T,&nr,&nc); if(nr) throw opkele::id_res_bad_nonce(OPKELE_CP_ "already seen that nonce"); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> SS = sqlite3_mprintf( "INSERT INTO nonces (n_op,n_once) VALUES (%Q,%Q)", OP.c_str(), nonce.c_str()); db.exec(SS); } /* Session perisistent store */ void begin_queueing() { assert(as_id>=0); DOUT_("Resetting queue for session '" << htc.get_value() << "'/" << as_id); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "DELETE FROM endpoints_queue" " WHERE as_id=%ld", as_id); db.exec(S); } void queue_endpoint(const opkele::openid_endpoint_t& ep) { assert(as_id>=0); DOUT_("Queueing endpoint " << ep.claimed_id << " : " << ep.local_id << " @ " << ep.uri); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "INSERT INTO endpoints_queue" " (as_id,eq_ctime,eq_ordinal,eq_uri,eq_claimed_id,eq_local_id)" " VALUES (%ld,strftime('%%s','now'),%d,%Q,%Q,%Q)", as_id,ordinal++, ep.uri.c_str(),ep.claimed_id.c_str(),ep.local_id.c_str()); db.exec(S); } mutable openid_endpoint_t eqtop; mutable bool have_eqtop; const openid_endpoint_t& get_endpoint() const { assert(as_id>=0); if(!have_eqtop) { sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "SELECT" " eq_uri, eq_claimed_id, eq_local_id" " FROM endpoints_queue" " JOIN auth_sessions USING(as_id)" " WHERE hts_id=%Q AND as_id=%ld" " ORDER BY eq_ctime,eq_ordinal" " LIMIT 1",htc.get_value().c_str(),as_id); sqlite3_table_t T; int nr,nc; db.get_table(S,T,&nr,&nc); if(nr<1) throw opkele::exception(OPKELE_CP_ "No more endpoints queued"); assert(nr==1); assert(nc==3); eqtop.uri = T.get(1,0,nc); eqtop.claimed_id = T.get(1,1,nc); eqtop.local_id = T.get(1,2,nc); have_eqtop = true; } return eqtop; } void next_endpoint() { assert(as_id>=0); get_endpoint(); have_eqtop = false; sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "DELETE FROM endpoints_queue" " WHERE as_id=%ld AND eq_uri=%Q AND eq_local_id=%Q", htc.get_value().c_str(),as_id, eqtop.uri.c_str()); db.exec(S); } mutable string _cid; mutable string _nid; void set_claimed_id(const string& cid) { assert(as_id>=0); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "UPDATE auth_sessions" " SET as_claimed_id=%Q" " WHERE hts_id=%Q and as_id=%ld", cid.c_str(), htc.get_value().c_str(),as_id); db.exec(S); _cid = cid; } const string get_claimed_id() const { assert(as_id>=0); if(_cid.empty()) { sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "SELECT as_claimed_id" " FROM" " auth_sessions" " WHERE" " hts_id=%Q AND as_id=%ld", htc.get_value().c_str(),as_id); sqlite3_table_t T; int nr,nc; db.get_table(S,T,&nr,&nc); assert(nr==1); assert(nc==1); _cid = T.get(1,0,nc); } return _cid; } void set_normalized_id(const string& nid) { assert(as_id>=0); sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "UPDATE auth_sessions" " SET as_normalized_id=%Q" " WHERE hts_id=%Q and as_id=%ld", nid.c_str(), htc.get_value().c_str(),as_id); db.exec(S); _nid = nid; } const string get_normalized_id() const { assert(as_id>=0); if(_nid.empty()) { sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "SELECT as_normalized_id" " FROM" " auth_sessions" " WHERE" " hts_id=%Q AND as_id=%ld", htc.get_value().c_str(),as_id); sqlite3_table_t T; int nr,nc; db.get_table(S,T,&nr,&nc); assert(nr==1); assert(nc==1); _nid = T.get(1,0,nc); } return _nid; } const string get_this_url() const { bool s = gw.has_meta("SSL_PROTOCOL_VERSION"); string rv = s?"https://":"http://"; rv += gw.http_request_header("Host"); const string& port = gw.get_meta("SERVER_PORT"); if( port!=(s?"443":"80") ) { rv += ':'; rv += port; } rv += gw.get_meta("REQUEST_URI"); return rv; } void initiate(const string& usi) { allocate_asid(); prequeue_RP::initiate(usi); } string get_self_url() const { string rv = get_this_url(); string::size_type q = rv.find('?'); if(q!=string::npos) rv.erase(q); return rv; } void allocate_asid() { sqlite3_mem_t<char*> S = sqlite3_mprintf( "INSERT INTO auth_sessions (hts_id)" " VALUES (%Q)", htc.get_value().c_str()); db.exec(S); as_id = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db); DOUT_("Allocated authentication session id "<<as_id); assert(as_id>=0); } #ifdef DUMB_RP virtual assoc_t associate(const string& OP) { DUMBTHROW; } #endif }; -int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { +int main(int,char **) { try { kingate::plaincgi_interface ci; kingate::cgi_gateway gw(ci); string op; try { op = gw.get_param("op"); }catch(kingate::exception_notfound&) { } if(op=="initiate") { example_rp_t rp(gw); string usi = gw.get_param("openid_identity"); rp.initiate(usi); opkele::sreg_t sreg(opkele::sreg_t::fields_NONE,opkele::sreg_t::fields_ALL); opkele::openid_message_t cm; string loc; cout << "Set-Cookie: " << rp.htc.set_cookie_header() << "\n" "Status: 302 Going to OP\n" "Location: " << ( loc = rp.checkid_(cm,opkele::mode_checkid_setup, rp.get_self_url()+ "?op=confirm&asid="+opkele::util::long_to_string(rp.as_id), rp.get_self_url(),&sreg).append_query(rp.get_endpoint().uri) ) << "\n\n"; DOUT_("Going to " << loc); }else if(op=="confirm") { kingate_openid_message_t om(gw); example_rp_t rp(gw); opkele::sreg_t sreg(opkele::sreg_t::fields_NONE,opkele::sreg_t::fields_ALL); rp.id_res(om,&sreg); cout << "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"; for(opkele::basic_openid_message::fields_iterator i=om.fields_begin(); i!=om.fields_end();++i) { cout << *i << '=' << om.get_field(*i) << endl; } cout << endl << "SREG fields: " << sreg.has_fields << endl; }else{ cout << "Content-type: text/html\n\n" "<html>" "<head><title>test RP</title></head>" "<body>" "<form action='' method='post'>" "<input type='hidden' name='op' value='initiate' />" "<input type='text' name='openid_identity'/>" "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit' />" "</form>" "<br/><br/>" "<a href='?op=initiate&openid_identity=www.myopenid.com&dummy=" << time(0) << "'>login with myopenid.com account</a>" "<br/>" "</body" "</html>" ; } #ifdef OPKELE_HAVE_KONFORKA }catch(konforka::exception& e) { #else }catch(std::exception& e){ #endif DOUT_("Oops: " << e.what()); cout << "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n" "Exception:\n" " what: " << e.what() << endl; #ifdef OPKELE_HAVE_KONFORKA cout << " where: " << e.where() << endl; if(!e._seen.empty()) { cout << " seen:" << endl; for(list<konforka::code_point>::const_iterator i=e._seen.begin();i!=e._seen.end();++i) { cout << " " << i->c_str() << endl; } } #endif } } diff --git a/test/kingate_openid_message.h b/test/kingate_openid_message.h index 37dcdfa..7029ff7 100644 --- a/test/kingate_openid_message.h +++ b/test/kingate_openid_message.h @@ -1,109 +1,109 @@ template<typename IT> class join_iterator : public iterator< input_iterator_tag,typename IT::value_type, void,typename IT::pointer,typename IT::reference> { public: typedef pair<IT,IT> range_t; typedef list<range_t> ranges_t; ranges_t ranges; join_iterator() { } bool cleanup() { bool rv = false; while(!(ranges.empty() || ranges.front().first!=ranges.front().second)) { ranges.pop_front(); rv = true; } return rv; } join_iterator<IT>& add_range(const IT& b,const IT& e) { ranges.push_back(typename ranges_t::value_type(b,e)); cleanup(); return *this; } bool operator==(const join_iterator<IT>& x) const { return ranges==x.ranges; } bool operator!=(const join_iterator<IT>& x) const { return ranges!=x.ranges; } typename IT::reference operator*() const { assert(!ranges.empty()); assert(ranges.front().first!=ranges.front().second); return *ranges.front().first; } typename IT::pointer operator->() const { assert(!ranges.empty()); assert(ranges.front().first!=ranges.front().second); return ranges.front().first.operator->(); } join_iterator<IT>& operator++() { cleanup(); if(ranges.empty()) return *this; do { ++ranges.front().first; }while(cleanup() && !ranges.empty()); return *this; } join_iterator<IT> operator++(int) { join_iterator<IT> rv(*this); ++(*this); return rv; } }; template<typename IT> class cut_prefix_filterator : public opkele::util::basic_filterator<IT> { public: string pfx; mutable string tmp; cut_prefix_filterator() { } - cut_prefix_filterator(const IT& bi,const IT&ei,const string& pfx) - : opkele::util::basic_filterator<IT>(bi,ei), pfx(pfx) { + cut_prefix_filterator(const IT& _bi,const IT&_ei,const string& p) + : opkele::util::basic_filterator<IT>(_bi,_ei), pfx(p) { this->prepare(); } bool is_interesting() const { return pfx.length()==0 || !strncmp(this->it->c_str(),pfx.c_str(),pfx.length()); } typename IT::reference operator*() const { assert(!this->empty); tmp = *this->it; tmp.erase(0,pfx.length()); return tmp; } typename IT::pointer operator->() const { assert(!this->empty); return &this->operator*(); } }; class kingate_openid_message_t : public opkele::basic_openid_message { typedef join_iterator<kingate::cgi_gateway::params_t::const_iterator> jitterator; typedef opkele::util::map_keys_iterator< jitterator, fields_iterator::value_type, fields_iterator::reference, fields_iterator::pointer> keys_iterator; typedef cut_prefix_filterator<keys_iterator> pfilterator; public: const kingate::cgi_gateway& gw; kingate_openid_message_t(const kingate::cgi_gateway& g) : gw(g) { } bool has_field(const string& n) const { return gw.has_param("openid."+n); } const string& get_field(const string& n) const try { return gw.get_param("openid."+n); }catch(kingate::exception_notfound& nf) { throw opkele::failed_lookup(OPKELE_CP_ nf.what()); } fields_iterator fields_begin() const { return pfilterator( keys_iterator( jitterator() .add_range( gw.get.begin(), gw.get.end() ) .add_range( gw.post.begin(), gw.post.end() ), jitterator() ), keys_iterator(), "openid." ); } fields_iterator fields_end() const { return pfilterator(); } }; |