#include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" namespace opkele { using std::input_iterator_tag; using std::unary_function; struct __om_copier : public unary_function { public: const basic_openid_message& from; basic_openid_message& to; __om_copier(basic_openid_message& to,const basic_openid_message& from) : from(from), to(to) { to.reset_fields(); } result_type operator()(argument_type f) { to.set_field(f,from.get_field(f)); } }; basic_openid_message::basic_openid_message(const basic_openid_message& x) { x.copy_to(*this); } void basic_openid_message::copy_to(basic_openid_message& x) const { for_each(fields_begin(),fields_end(), __om_copier(x,*this) ); } struct __om_ns_finder : public unary_function { public: const basic_openid_message& om; const string& uri; __om_ns_finder(const basic_openid_message& om, const string& uri) : om(om), uri(uri) { } result_type operator()(argument_type f) { return (!strncmp(f.c_str(),"ns.",sizeof("ns.")-1)) && om.get_field(f)==uri ; } }; bool basic_openid_message::has_ns(const string& uri) const { fields_iterator ei = fields_end(); fields_iterator i = find_if(fields_begin(),fields_end(), __om_ns_finder(*this,uri)); return !(i==ei); } string basic_openid_message::get_ns(const string& uri) const { fields_iterator ei = fields_end(); fields_iterator i = find_if(fields_begin(),fields_end(), __om_ns_finder(*this,uri)); if(i==ei) throw failed_lookup(OPKELE_CP_ string("failed to find namespace ")+uri); return i->substr(3); } struct __om_query_builder : public unary_function { public: const basic_openid_message& om; string& rv; bool first; __om_query_builder(string& rv,const basic_openid_message& om) : om(om), first(true), rv(rv) { for_each(om.fields_begin(),om.fields_end(),*this); } __om_query_builder(string& rv,const basic_openid_message& om,const string& url) : om(om), first(true), rv(rv) { rv = url; if(rv.find('?')==string::npos) rv += '?'; else first = false; for_each(om.fields_begin(),om.fields_end(),*this); } result_type operator()(argument_type f) { if(first) first = false; else rv += '&'; rv += "openid."; rv+= f; rv += '='; rv += util::url_encode(om.get_field(f)); } }; string basic_openid_message::append_query(const string& url) const { string rv; return __om_query_builder(rv,*this,url).rv; } string basic_openid_message::query_string() const { string rv; return __om_query_builder(rv,*this).rv; } void basic_openid_message::reset_fields() { throw not_implemented(OPKELE_CP_ "reset_fields() not implemented"); } void basic_openid_message::set_field(const string& n,const string& v) { throw not_implemented(OPKELE_CP_ "set_field() not implemented"); } void basic_openid_message::reset_field(const string& n) { throw not_implemented(OPKELE_CP_ "reset_field() not implemented"); } void basic_openid_message::from_keyvalues(const string& kv) { reset_fields(); string::size_type p = 0; while(true) { string::size_type co = kv.find(':',p); if(co==string::npos) break; #ifndef POSTELS_LAW string::size_type nl = kv.find('\n',co+1); if(nl==string::npos) throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "malformed input"); if(nl>co) insert(value_type(kv.substr(p,co-p),kv.substr(co+1,nl-co-1))); p = nl+1; #else /* POSTELS_LAW */ string::size_type lb = kv.find_first_of("\r\n",co+1); if(lb==string::npos) { set_field(kv.substr(p,co-p),kv.substr(co+1)); break; } if(lb>co) set_field(kv.substr(p,co-p),kv.substr(co+1,lb-co-1)); string::size_type nolb = kv.find_first_not_of("\r\n",lb); if(nolb==string::npos) break; p = nolb; #endif /* POSTELS_LAW */ } } struct __om_kv_outputter : public unary_function { public: const basic_openid_message& om; ostream& os; __om_kv_outputter(const basic_openid_message& om,ostream& os) : om(om), os(os) { } result_type operator()(argument_type f) { os << f << ':' << om.get_field(f) << '\n'; } }; void basic_openid_message::to_keyvalues(ostream& o) const { for_each(fields_begin(),fields_end(),__om_kv_outputter(*this,o)); } void basic_openid_message::add_to_signed(const string& fields) { string::size_type fnc = fields.find_first_not_of(","); if(fnc==string::npos) throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "Trying to add nothing in particular to the list of signed fields"); string signeds; try { signeds = get_field("signed"); string::size_type lnc = signeds.find_last_not_of(","); if(lnc==string::npos) signeds.assign(fields,fnc,fields.size()-fnc); else{ string::size_type ss = signeds.size(); if(lnc==(ss-1)) { signeds+= ','; signeds.append(fields,fnc,fields.size()-fnc); }else{ if(lnc<(ss-2)) signeds.replace(lnc+2,ss-lnc-2, fields,fnc,fields.size()-fnc); else signeds.append(fields,fnc,fields.size()-fnc); } } }catch(failed_lookup&) { signeds.assign(fields,fnc,fields.size()-fnc); } set_field("signed",signeds); } string basic_openid_message::find_ns(const string& uri,const char *pfx) const { if(has_field("ns")) return get_ns(uri); return pfx; } string basic_openid_message::allocate_ns(const string& uri,const char *pfx) { if(!has_field("ns")) return pfx; if(has_ns(uri)) throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "OpenID message already contains namespace"); string rv = pfx; if(has_field("ns."+rv)) { string::reference c=rv[rv.length()]; for(c='a';c<='z' && has_field("ns."+rv);++c); if(c=='z') throw exception(OPKELE_CP_ "Failed to allocate namespace"); } set_field("ns."+rv,uri); return rv; } void openid_message_t::copy_to(basic_openid_message& x) const { x.reset_fields(); for(const_iterator i=begin();i!=end();++i) x.set_field(i->first,i->second); } bool openid_message_t::has_field(const string& n) const { return find(n)!=end(); } const string& openid_message_t::get_field(const string& n) const { const_iterator i=find(n); if(i==end()) throw failed_lookup(OPKELE_CP_ n+": no such field"); return i->second; } openid_message_t::fields_iterator openid_message_t::fields_begin() const { return util::map_keys_iterator(begin(),end()); } openid_message_t::fields_iterator openid_message_t::fields_end() const { return util::map_keys_iterator(end(),end()); } void openid_message_t::reset_fields() { clear(); } void openid_message_t::set_field(const string& n,const string& v) { (*this)[n]=v; } void openid_message_t::reset_field(const string& n) { erase(n); } }