var PRINT = { layer_height: 0.2, extrusion_width: 0.4, fit_tolerance: .2, slide_tolerance: .4, play_tolerance: .6 }; var CONFIG = { side: { el: 240, // side extrusion length tl: 240+2*70, // triangle side length gap: 9 // vertical gap between side extrusions }, column: { h: 600 // column height }, heatbed: { r: 220/2, // heatbed radius sr: 220/2-4.5, // radius of the screwholes circle h: 3+1.5 // thickness (including insulation) }, glass: { r: 195/2, // glass radius h: 3 // glass thickness }, hotend: { h: 62.4, // full assembly height groove: { d:12, h:6 }, // grove diameter and height ungroove: { d:16, above:3.7, below: 3+4 } }, effector: { h: 6, o: 20, // offset to the rod mounts line rods_apart: 40, cone: { shell: 1, angle: Math.PI/6 }, rodend: { joint_w: 7, // thickness of the joint screw_l: 20-1, // 20 with the head screw_d: 3 }, hotend: { margin: 2 }, hinge: { d: 3, w: 5, margin: 2.5, h: 1+(6+3.7)/2, // elevation + grove + top e: 1 // elevation }, clamp: { shell: 4.6, d: 3, margin: 2.5, split: 0.6 }, mswitch: { size: [ 19.8, 6, 10 ], screw: { d: 2, h: 10/2-2, s: 1.3, // screw shell o: [-9.5/2,9.5/2].map(function(x) { return -19.8/2+x; }) }, switch_x: 2.5 }, guide: { width: 3, height: 5+1, length: 6 }, fanholder: { r: 30, screw: { d: 3, m: 2.5/*margin*/ }, w: 3 } }, nut: { h: 2.3, w: 5.5 } }; var U = { hypotenuse: function(a,b) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a,2)+Math.pow(b,2)); }, peek: function(x,m) { console.log(x,m); return x; } }; /* {h:,w:} */ function nut(o) { var rv = CSG.cylinder({ start:[0,0,0],end:[0,0,o.h], radius: o.w/2/Math.cos(Math.PI/6), resolution: 6 }); = new CSG.Connector([0,0,0],[0,0,1],[0,1,0]); return rv; } var E3DV6 = { dimensions: { big_d: 22.3, }, heatsink: function() { var fn = 16; var z=0; var unite = [ {d:16,h:3.7},{d:12,h:6},{d:16,h:3} ].map(function(x) { return CSG.cylinder({ start: [0,0,z], end: [0,0,z-=x.h], radius: x.d/2, resolution: fn }); }); unite.push(CSG.cylinder({ start:[0,0,z-=1.5], end:[0,0,z-=1], radius: 16/2, resolution: fn })); for(var i=0;i<11;++i) unite.push(CSG.cylinder({ start:[0,0,z-=1.5], end:[0,0,z-=1], radius: this.dimensions.big_d/2, resolution: fn })); unite.push(CSG.cylinder({ start:[0,0,z], end: [0,0,-12.7], radiusStart: 10/2, radiusEnd: 8.5/2, /* pretty arbitrary */ resolution: fn })); var rv = union(unite); rv = rv.subtract([CSG.cylinder({ start:[0,0,1], end: [0,0,z-1], radius: 4.2/2, resolution: fn }),CSG.cylinder({ start:[0,0,1], end: [0,0,-6.7/*somewhat arbitrary*/], radius: 8/2, resolution: fn }),CSG.cylinder({ start:[0,0,z-1], end: [0,0,z+14.8], radius: 6/2 /*M7*/, resolution: fn })]); = new CSG.Connector([0,0,0],[0,0,-1],[1,0,0]); = new CSG.Connector([0,0,z+14.8],[0,0,-1],[1,0,0]); = new CSG.Connector([0,0,-3.7-3],[0,0,1],[1,0,0]); return rv.setColor([0.8,0.8,0.8,0.9]); } }; var EFFECTOR = { /* {sd: screw diameter, l: cone length, s: screw shell, a: angle from axis} */ cone: function effector_cone(o) { var re =, rs = re+o.l*Math.tan(o.a||(Math.PI/4)); var rv = CSG.cylinder({ start: [0,0,0], end: [0,0,o.l], radiusStart: rs, radiusEnd: re, resolution: Math.floor(rs*2*2) }).subtract(CSG.cylinder({ start:[0,0,-1], end:[0,0,o.l+1], radius:, //resolution: Math.floor(*2*2) })); = new CSG.Connector([0,0,o.l],[0,0,-1],[1,0,0]); = new CSG.Connector([0,0,0],[0,0,1],[1,0,0]); var nuthole = nut(CONFIG.nut); rv = rv.subtract(nuthole.connectTo(,, false, 0 )); return rv.intersect(CSG.cylinder({start:[0,0,0],end:[0,0,o.l],radius:6/*TODO:calculate*/})); }, platform_bb: function platform_bb() { var e = CONFIG.effector; var r = U.hypotenuse(e.rods_apart/2,e.o+e.rodend.screw_d/; var rv = CSG.sphere({ center: [0,0,e.h/2], radius: r, resolution: r*2*2 }).intersect(CSG.cube({ corner1: [-r,-r,0], corner2: [r,r,e.h] })); = new CSG.Connector([0,0,0],[0,0,1],[1,0,0]); return rv; }, effector: function effector_effector() { var e = CONFIG.effector; var conel = e.rodend.screw_l-e.rodend.joint_w; var nutr = CONFIG.nut.w/2/Math.cos(Math.PI/6); var cone = this.cone({sd:e.rodend.screw_d/2,l:conel,,a:e.cone.angle}); var rcorner = U.hypotenuse(e.o-e.rodend.screw_d/,e.rods_apart/2)-3.85; //XXX:config/calc var ropen = E3DV6.dimensions.big_d/2+e.hotend.margin; var rmount = this.rmount = (rcorner+ropen)/2; var rv = []; for(var a=0;a<360;a+=120) { rv.push(union([-1,1].map(function(s) { return cone.connectTo(, new CSG.Connector([s*e.rods_apart/2,e.o,e.h/2],[-s,0,0],[0,0,1]), false, 0); })).union(CSG.cube({ corner1:[e.rods_apart/2-conel+.1,e.o-nutr,0], corner2:[-e.rods_apart/2+conel-.1, -rcorner, e.h] })).rotateZ(a)); } rv.push(CSG.cylinder({ start:[0,0,0], end:[0,0,e.h], radius: U.hypotenuse(e.o-nutr,e.rods_apart/2-conel) })); rv = union(rv).intersect(this.platform_bb()).subtract(CSG.cylinder({ start:[0,0,-1], end:[0,0,e.h+1], radius: ropen, resolution: ropen*4 })).subtract([/*0, probe here*/120,240].map(function(x) { /* nut pockets */ return CSG.cube({ corner1:[-CONFIG.nut.w/2,0,(e.h-CONFIG.nut.h)/2], corner2:[CONFIG.nut.w/2,-rcorner-1,(e.h+CONFIG.nut.h)/2] }).union(CSG.cylinder({ start:[0,-rmount,-1], end:[0,-rmount,e.h+1], radius: 3/2 // XXX: })).subtract(CSG.cylinder({ start:[0,-rmount,(e.h+CONFIG.nut.h)/2], end:[0,-rmount,(e.h+CONFIG.nut.h)/2+PRINT.layer_height*3/2], radius: 3/2+.1 })).rotateZ(x); })).subtract( CSG.cylinder({ // pulldown screw start: [0,-rcorner+e.mswitch.size[1]+PRINT.extrusion_width+3/2/*XXX:conf*/,-1], end: [0,-rcorner+e.mswitch.size[1]+PRINT.extrusion_width+3/2/*XXX:conf*/,e.h+1], radius: 3/2+1 /*XXX: config */ })).subtract( CSG.cylinder({ /* switch-screw */ start: [e.mswitch.switch_x,-rcorner+e.mswitch.size[1]/2,-1], end: [e.mswitch.switch_x,-rcorner+e.mswitch.size[1]/2,e.h+1], radius: e.mswitch.screw.d/2 })); // add hinges CSG.Properties(); var hinges_apart=e.rods_apart/2-conel; rv = rv.union([-1,1].map(function hinge(s) {[s]=new CSG.Connector([s*hinges_apart,e.o,e.h+e.hinge.h],[s,0,0],[0,0,1]); return CSG.cube({ corner1: [s*hinges_apart,e.o-e.hinge.margin-e.hinge.d/2,e.h], corner2: [s*(hinges_apart+e.hinge.w),e.o+e.hinge.margin+e.hinge.d/2,e.h+e.hinge.h] }).union(CSG.cylinder({ start: [s*hinges_apart,e.o,e.h+e.hinge.h], end: [s*(hinges_apart+e.hinge.w),e.o,e.h+e.hinge.h], radius: e.hinge.d/2+e.hinge.margin })).subtract(CSG.cylinder({ start: [s*(hinges_apart-1),e.o,e.h+e.hinge.h], end: [s*(hinges_apart+e.hinge.w+1),e.o,e.h+e.hinge.h], radius: e.hinge.d/2 })); })); // add clamp guides var cgrr =; rv = rv.union([-1,1].map(function guide(s) { return CSG.roundedCube({ center: [s*(e.mswitch.size[0],,], radius: [,,], roundradius: cgrr }).intersect(CSG.cube({ center: [s*(e.mswitch.size[0],,], radius: [,,], roundradius: cgrr })); })); = new CSG.Connector([0,0,e.h+e.hinge.e+6/2],[0,0,1],[1,0,0]); = rcorner; return rv.setColor([0.4,0.8,0.4,0.9]); }, hinged: function effector_hinged(o) { var e = CONFIG.effector; var conel = e.rodend.screw_l-e.rodend.joint_w; var hinges_apart = e.rods_apart/2-conel; var hhr = e.o-e.hinge.d/2-e.hinge.margin; // hotend holder radius var hhh = CONFIG.hotend.groove.h+CONFIG.hotend.ungroove.above; var rv = CSG.cylinder({ /* hinge */ start: [-hinges_apart+PRINT.slide_tolerance,e.o,e.h+e.hinge.h], end: [hinges_apart-PRINT.slide_tolerance,e.o,e.h+e.hinge.h], radius: e.hinge.d/2+e.hinge.margin }).union( /* lower hotend holder */ CSG.cylinder({ start: [0,0,e.h+e.hinge.e], end: [0,0,e.h+e.hinge.e+CONFIG.hotend.groove.h], radius: hhr }).subtract(CSG.cylinder({ start: [0,0,e.h+e.hinge.e-1], end: [0,0,e.h+e.hinge.e+CONFIG.hotend.groove.h+1], radius: CONFIG.hotend.groove.d/2 +PRINT.fit_tolerance })) ).union( /* upper hotend holder */ CSG.cylinder({ start: [0,0,e.h+e.hinge.e+CONFIG.hotend.groove.h], end: [0,0,e.h+e.hinge.e+CONFIG.hotend.groove.h+CONFIG.hotend.ungroove.above], radius: hhr }).subtract(CSG.cylinder({ start: [0,0,e.h+e.hinge.e+CONFIG.hotend.groove.h-1], end: [0,0,e.h+e.hinge.e+CONFIG.hotend.groove.h+CONFIG.hotend.ungroove.above+1], radius: CONFIG.hotend.ungroove.d/2 +PRINT.fit_tolerance })) ).union( /* connect mount with hinge */ CSG.cube({ corner1: [-hinges_apart+PRINT.slide_tolerance,CONFIG.hotend.ungroove.d/2+PRINT.fit_tolerance,e.h+e.hinge.e], corner2: [hinges_apart-PRINT.slide_tolerance,e.o,e.h+e.hinge.h+e.hinge.d/2+e.hinge.margin] }) ).subtract( /* hinge screwhole */ CSG.cylinder({ start: [-hinges_apart-1,e.o,e.h+e.hinge.h], end: [hinges_apart+1,e.o,e.h+e.hinge.h], radius: e.hinge.d/2 }) ).union( /* hold clamp together */ [-1,1].map(function(s) { return CSG.roundedCube({ corner1: [s*(-hhr-e.clamp.margin*2-e.clamp.d),,e.h+e.hinge.e], corner2: [s*(-CONFIG.hotend.ungroove.d/2-PRINT.fit_tolerance),,e.h+e.hinge.e+hhh], roundradius: 1.5 }); }) ).subtract( /* screws for holding clamp */ [-1,1].map(function(s) { var nuthole = nut(CONFIG.nut); var x = s*(-hhr-e.clamp.margin-e.clamp.d/2); return CSG.cylinder({ start: [x,,e.h+e.hinge.e+hhh/2], end: [x,,e.h+e.hinge.e+hhh/2], radius: e.clamp.d/2 }).union(nuthole.connectTo(, new CSG.Connector([x,,e.h+e.hinge.e+hhh/2],[0,-1,0],[0,0,1]), false, 0 )).union(CSG.cylinder({ start: [x,,e.h+e.hinge.e+hhh/2], end: [x,0,e.h+e.hinge.e+hhh/2], radius: e.clamp.d/2+PRINT.slide_tolerance })); }) ); var ms = o.microswitch; var msedge =; var msh = 9.5; // microswitch holes apart var mshh = Math.abs([0].point.z); // microswitch holes height rv = rv.union(CSG.cube({ // connect clamp with microswitch corner1: [,-msedge+.1,e.h+e.hinge.e], corner2: [,-CONFIG.hotend.ungroove.d/2-PRINT.fit_tolerance,e.h+e.hinge.e+hhh] })).union([-msh/2,msh/2].map(function(x) { // shell for microswitch screws return CSG.roundedCylinder({ start: [x,-CONFIG.hotend.ungroove.d/2-PRINT.fit_tolerance-(e.mswitch.screw.d/2+e.mswitch.screw.s),e.h+e.hinge.e+mshh], end: [x,,e.h+e.hinge.e+mshh], radius: e.mswitch.screw.d/2+e.mswitch.screw.s }); })).subtract(CSG.cube({ // cut off excess if any corner1:[-hhr,,e.h+e.hinge.e-1], corner2:[hhr,-msedge-1,e.h+e.hinge.e+hhh+e.mswitch.screw.d+e.mswitch.screw.s+1] })).subtract([-msh/2,msh/2].map(function(x) { return CSG.roundedCylinder({ // screwholes start: [x,-CONFIG.hotend.ungroove.d/2-PRINT.fit_tolerance-(e.mswitch.screw.d/2+e.mswitch.screw.s),e.h+e.hinge.e+mshh], end: [x,,e.h+e.hinge.e+mshh], radius: e.mswitch.screw.d/2 })})).subtract(CSG.cylinder({ // pulldown screw start:[0,*XXX:config*/+PRINT.extrusion_width,e.h+e.hinge.e-1], end:[0,*XXX:config*/+PRINT.extrusion_width,e.h+e.hinge.e+hhh+1], radius: 3/2/*XXX:config*/ })); = new CSG.Properties(); [-msh/2,msh/2].forEach(function(x,i) {[i] = new CSG.Connector( [x,-msedge,e.h+e.hinge.e+mshh], [0,1,0], [0,0,-1] ); }); return rv.setColor([0.3,0.8,0.3,0.9]); }, split_hinged: function effector_split_hinged(hinged) { var e = CONFIG.effector; var b = hinged.getBounds(); var ymax = Math.max(Math.abs(b[0].y),Math.abs(b[1].y)); var zmax = Math.max(b[0].z,b[1].z); return [-1,1].map(function(s) { return hinged.intersect(CSG.cube({ corner1: [Math.min(b[0].x,b[1].x)-1,s*e.clamp.split/2,-zmax-1], corner2: [Math.max(b[0].x,b[1].x)+1,s*(ymax+1),zmax+1] })); }); }, fanholder: function effector_fanholder() { var fh = CONFIG.effector.fanholder; var od = fh.screw.d+2*fh.screw.m; return linear_extrude({height:fh.w},hull({center:[0,-this.rmount],radius:od/2}),{center:[0,-fh.r+od/2+fh.w/2],radius:fh.w/2}) )).translate([0,0,-fh.w]).union( linear_extrude({height:fh.w},hull({center:[fh.w/2,-this.rmount-od/2-fh.w/2],radius:fh.w/2}),{center:[od/2,-fh.r],radius:od/2}) )).rotateY(90).translate([-fh.w/2,0,0]) ).subtract( CSG.cylinder({ start: [-fh.w,-fh.r,-od/2], end: [fh.w,-fh.r,-od/2], radius: fh.screw.d/2 })).subtract( CSG.cylinder({ start: [0,-this.rmount,1], end: [0,-this.rmount,-fh.w-1], radius: fh.screw.d/2 })).setColor([0.3,0.8,0.3,0.9]).rotateZ(-120); } }; function columns() { var rv = [0,1,2].map(function(x) { return union(vector_char(0,0,String.fromCharCode('A'.charCodeAt(0)+x)) { return rectangular_extrude(x,{w:2,h:1}); })).center().rotateX(90).translate([0,50,0]).rotateZ(x*120+120); }); return union(rv); } function microswitch() { var screw_connector = new CSG.Properties(); var rv = CSG.cube({ center:[0,0,2.5],radius: [19.8/2,6/2,10/2] }).union( CSG.cube({ center: [2.5,0.5,6], radius: [2/2,3.5/2,5/2] }) ).union( [-8,-1,8].map(function(x) { return CSG.cube({ center:[x,0,0], radius: [0.6/2,3.2/2,13/2] }) }) ).subtract( [-9.5/2,9.5/2].map(function(x,i) { screw_connector[i] = new CSG.Connector([x,6/2,0],[0,-1,0],[0,0,1]); return CSG.cylinder({ start: [x,-4,0], end: [x,4,0], radius: 2/2 }) }) ); = new CSG.Connector([2.5,0.5,6+5/2],[0,0,1],[0,-1,0]); = screw_connector; = new CSG.Properties(); = new CSG.Vector3D( 19.8,6,10 ); return rv; } function getParameterDefinitions() { return [{ name: 'part', type: 'choice', values: [ 'platform', 'hinged', 'clamp', 'fanholder', 'alltogethernow' ], captions: [ 'Effector platform', 'Hinged part', 'Clamp', 'Fan holder', 'All together now!' ], caption: 'Part', initial: 'alltogethernow' }]; } function main(params) { var e = EFFECTOR.effector(); var hs = E3DV6.heatsink(); hs = hs.connectTo(,,false,0); var ms = microswitch(); var hd = EFFECTOR.hinged({ microswitch:ms,effector:e }); ms = ms.connectTo([0],[0], false, 0); var hdhd = EFFECTOR.split_hinged(hd); var fh = EFFECTOR.fanholder(); return union({ platform: e, hinged: hdhd[1], clamp: hdhd[0], fanholder: fh, alltogethernow: [e,hdhd[0],hdhd[1], columns(),hs,ms,fh] }[params.part||'alltogethernow']) var rv = union( e, hs, columns(), ///hd, hdhd[0], hdhd[1], ms); return rv; } /* vim:set ft=javascript ai: */