-rw-r--r-- | cgit.c | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | ui-shared.c | 4 |
2 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
@@ -7,513 +7,513 @@ */ #include "cgit.h" #include "cache.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "configfile.h" #include "html.h" #include "ui-shared.h" #include "ui-stats.h" #include "scan-tree.h" const char *cgit_version = CGIT_VERSION; void add_mimetype(const char *name, const char *value) { struct string_list_item *item; item = string_list_insert(xstrdup(name), &ctx.cfg.mimetypes); item->util = xstrdup(value); } struct cgit_filter *new_filter(const char *cmd, int extra_args) { struct cgit_filter *f; if (!cmd || !cmd[0]) return NULL; f = xmalloc(sizeof(struct cgit_filter)); f->cmd = xstrdup(cmd); f->argv = xmalloc((2 + extra_args) * sizeof(char *)); f->argv[0] = f->cmd; f->argv[1] = NULL; return f; } static void process_cached_repolist(const char *path); void repo_config(struct cgit_repo *repo, const char *name, const char *value) { if (!strcmp(name, "name")) repo->name = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "clone-url")) repo->clone_url = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "desc")) repo->desc = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "owner")) repo->owner = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "defbranch")) repo->defbranch = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "snapshots")) repo->snapshots = ctx.cfg.snapshots & cgit_parse_snapshots_mask(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-log-filecount")) repo->enable_log_filecount = ctx.cfg.enable_log_filecount * atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-log-linecount")) repo->enable_log_linecount = ctx.cfg.enable_log_linecount * atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-remote-branches")) repo->enable_remote_branches = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "max-stats")) repo->max_stats = cgit_find_stats_period(value, NULL); else if (!strcmp(name, "module-link")) repo->module_link= xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "section")) repo->section = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "readme") && value != NULL) { if (*value == '/') repo->readme = xstrdup(value); else repo->readme = xstrdup(fmt("%s/%s", repo->path, value)); } else if (ctx.cfg.enable_filter_overrides) { if (!strcmp(name, "about-filter")) repo->about_filter = new_filter(value, 0); else if (!strcmp(name, "commit-filter")) repo->commit_filter = new_filter(value, 0); else if (!strcmp(name, "source-filter")) repo->source_filter = new_filter(value, 1); } } void config_cb(const char *name, const char *value) { if (!strcmp(name, "section") || !strcmp(name, "repo.group")) ctx.cfg.section = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "repo.url")) ctx.repo = cgit_add_repo(value); else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.path")) ctx.repo->path = trim_end(value, '/'); else if (ctx.repo && !prefixcmp(name, "repo.")) repo_config(ctx.repo, name + 5, value); else if (!strcmp(name, "root-title")) ctx.cfg.root_title = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "root-desc")) ctx.cfg.root_desc = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "root-readme")) ctx.cfg.root_readme = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "css")) ctx.cfg.css = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "favicon")) ctx.cfg.favicon = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "footer")) ctx.cfg.footer = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "head-include")) ctx.cfg.head_include = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "header")) ctx.cfg.header = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "logo")) ctx.cfg.logo = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "index-header")) ctx.cfg.index_header = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "index-info")) ctx.cfg.index_info = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "logo-link")) ctx.cfg.logo_link = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "module-link")) ctx.cfg.module_link = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "virtual-root")) { ctx.cfg.virtual_root = trim_end(value, '/'); if (!ctx.cfg.virtual_root && (!strcmp(value, "/"))) ctx.cfg.virtual_root = ""; } else if (!strcmp(name, "nocache")) ctx.cfg.nocache = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "noplainemail")) ctx.cfg.noplainemail = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "noheader")) ctx.cfg.noheader = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "snapshots")) ctx.cfg.snapshots = cgit_parse_snapshots_mask(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-filter-overrides")) ctx.cfg.enable_filter_overrides = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-index-links")) ctx.cfg.enable_index_links = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-log-filecount")) ctx.cfg.enable_log_filecount = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-log-linecount")) ctx.cfg.enable_log_linecount = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-remote-branches")) ctx.cfg.enable_remote_branches = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-tree-linenumbers")) ctx.cfg.enable_tree_linenumbers = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "max-stats")) ctx.cfg.max_stats = cgit_find_stats_period(value, NULL); else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-size")) ctx.cfg.cache_size = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-root")) ctx.cfg.cache_root = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-root-ttl")) ctx.cfg.cache_root_ttl = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-repo-ttl")) ctx.cfg.cache_repo_ttl = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-scanrc-ttl")) ctx.cfg.cache_scanrc_ttl = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-static-ttl")) ctx.cfg.cache_static_ttl = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-dynamic-ttl")) ctx.cfg.cache_dynamic_ttl = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "about-filter")) ctx.cfg.about_filter = new_filter(value, 0); else if (!strcmp(name, "commit-filter")) ctx.cfg.commit_filter = new_filter(value, 0); else if (!strcmp(name, "embedded")) ctx.cfg.embedded = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "max-message-length")) ctx.cfg.max_msg_len = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "max-repodesc-length")) ctx.cfg.max_repodesc_len = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "max-blob-size")) ctx.cfg.max_blob_size = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "max-repo-count")) ctx.cfg.max_repo_count = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "max-commit-count")) ctx.cfg.max_commit_count = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "scan-path")) if (!ctx.cfg.nocache && ctx.cfg.cache_size) process_cached_repolist(value); else scan_tree(value, repo_config); else if (!strcmp(name, "source-filter")) ctx.cfg.source_filter = new_filter(value, 1); else if (!strcmp(name, "summary-log")) ctx.cfg.summary_log = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "summary-branches")) ctx.cfg.summary_branches = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "summary-tags")) ctx.cfg.summary_tags = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "side-by-side-diffs")) ctx.cfg.ssdiff = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "agefile")) ctx.cfg.agefile = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "renamelimit")) ctx.cfg.renamelimit = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "robots")) ctx.cfg.robots = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "clone-prefix")) ctx.cfg.clone_prefix = xstrdup(value); else if (!strcmp(name, "local-time")) ctx.cfg.local_time = atoi(value); else if (!prefixcmp(name, "mimetype.")) add_mimetype(name + 9, value); else if (!strcmp(name, "include")) parse_configfile(value, config_cb); } static void querystring_cb(const char *name, const char *value) { if (!value) value = ""; if (!strcmp(name,"r")) { ctx.qry.repo = xstrdup(value); ctx.repo = cgit_get_repoinfo(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "p")) { ctx.qry.page = xstrdup(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "url")) { if (*value == '/') value++; ctx.qry.url = xstrdup(value); cgit_parse_url(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "qt")) { ctx.qry.grep = xstrdup(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "q")) { ctx.qry.search = xstrdup(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "h")) { ctx.qry.head = xstrdup(value); ctx.qry.has_symref = 1; } else if (!strcmp(name, "id")) { ctx.qry.sha1 = xstrdup(value); ctx.qry.has_sha1 = 1; } else if (!strcmp(name, "id2")) { ctx.qry.sha2 = xstrdup(value); ctx.qry.has_sha1 = 1; } else if (!strcmp(name, "ofs")) { ctx.qry.ofs = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "path")) { ctx.qry.path = trim_end(value, '/'); } else if (!strcmp(name, "name")) { ctx.qry.name = xstrdup(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "mimetype")) { ctx.qry.mimetype = xstrdup(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "s")){ ctx.qry.sort = xstrdup(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "showmsg")) { ctx.qry.showmsg = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "period")) { ctx.qry.period = xstrdup(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "ss")) { ctx.qry.ssdiff = atoi(value); } } char *xstrdupn(const char *str) { return (str ? xstrdup(str) : NULL); } static void prepare_context(struct cgit_context *ctx) { - memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); + memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)); ctx->cfg.agefile = "info/web/last-modified"; ctx->cfg.nocache = 0; ctx->cfg.cache_size = 0; ctx->cfg.cache_dynamic_ttl = 5; ctx->cfg.cache_max_create_time = 5; ctx->cfg.cache_repo_ttl = 5; ctx->cfg.cache_root = CGIT_CACHE_ROOT; ctx->cfg.cache_root_ttl = 5; ctx->cfg.cache_scanrc_ttl = 15; ctx->cfg.cache_static_ttl = -1; ctx->cfg.css = "/cgit.css"; ctx->cfg.logo = "/cgit.png"; ctx->cfg.local_time = 0; ctx->cfg.enable_tree_linenumbers = 1; ctx->cfg.max_repo_count = 50; ctx->cfg.max_commit_count = 50; ctx->cfg.max_lock_attempts = 5; ctx->cfg.max_msg_len = 80; ctx->cfg.max_repodesc_len = 80; ctx->cfg.max_blob_size = 0; ctx->cfg.max_stats = 0; ctx->cfg.module_link = "./?repo=%s&page=commit&id=%s"; ctx->cfg.renamelimit = -1; ctx->cfg.robots = "index, nofollow"; ctx->cfg.root_title = "Git repository browser"; ctx->cfg.root_desc = "a fast webinterface for the git dscm"; ctx->cfg.script_name = CGIT_SCRIPT_NAME; ctx->cfg.section = ""; ctx->cfg.summary_branches = 10; ctx->cfg.summary_log = 10; ctx->cfg.summary_tags = 10; ctx->cfg.ssdiff = 0; ctx->env.cgit_config = xstrdupn(getenv("CGIT_CONFIG")); ctx->env.http_host = xstrdupn(getenv("HTTP_HOST")); ctx->env.https = xstrdupn(getenv("HTTPS")); ctx->env.no_http = xstrdupn(getenv("NO_HTTP")); ctx->env.path_info = xstrdupn(getenv("PATH_INFO")); ctx->env.query_string = xstrdupn(getenv("QUERY_STRING")); ctx->env.request_method = xstrdupn(getenv("REQUEST_METHOD")); ctx->env.script_name = xstrdupn(getenv("SCRIPT_NAME")); ctx->env.server_name = xstrdupn(getenv("SERVER_NAME")); ctx->env.server_port = xstrdupn(getenv("SERVER_PORT")); ctx->page.mimetype = "text/html"; ctx->page.charset = PAGE_ENCODING; ctx->page.filename = NULL; ctx->page.size = 0; ctx->page.modified = time(NULL); ctx->page.expires = ctx->page.modified; ctx->page.etag = NULL; memset(&ctx->cfg.mimetypes, 0, sizeof(struct string_list)); if (ctx->env.script_name) ctx->cfg.script_name = ctx->env.script_name; if (ctx->env.query_string) ctx->qry.raw = ctx->env.query_string; if (!ctx->env.cgit_config) ctx->env.cgit_config = CGIT_CONFIG; } struct refmatch { char *req_ref; char *first_ref; int match; }; int find_current_ref(const char *refname, const unsigned char *sha1, int flags, void *cb_data) { struct refmatch *info; info = (struct refmatch *)cb_data; if (!strcmp(refname, info->req_ref)) info->match = 1; if (!info->first_ref) info->first_ref = xstrdup(refname); return info->match; } char *find_default_branch(struct cgit_repo *repo) { struct refmatch info; char *ref; info.req_ref = repo->defbranch; info.first_ref = NULL; info.match = 0; for_each_branch_ref(find_current_ref, &info); if (info.match) ref = info.req_ref; else ref = info.first_ref; if (ref) ref = xstrdup(ref); return ref; } static int prepare_repo_cmd(struct cgit_context *ctx) { char *tmp; unsigned char sha1[20]; int nongit = 0; setenv("GIT_DIR", ctx->repo->path, 1); setup_git_directory_gently(&nongit); if (nongit) { ctx->page.title = fmt("%s - %s", ctx->cfg.root_title, "config error"); tmp = fmt("Not a git repository: '%s'", ctx->repo->path); ctx->repo = NULL; cgit_print_http_headers(ctx); cgit_print_docstart(ctx); cgit_print_pageheader(ctx); cgit_print_error(tmp); cgit_print_docend(); return 1; } ctx->page.title = fmt("%s - %s", ctx->repo->name, ctx->repo->desc); if (!ctx->qry.head) { ctx->qry.nohead = 1; ctx->qry.head = find_default_branch(ctx->repo); ctx->repo->defbranch = ctx->qry.head; } if (!ctx->qry.head) { cgit_print_http_headers(ctx); cgit_print_docstart(ctx); cgit_print_pageheader(ctx); cgit_print_error("Repository seems to be empty"); cgit_print_docend(); return 1; } if (get_sha1(ctx->qry.head, sha1)) { tmp = xstrdup(ctx->qry.head); ctx->qry.head = ctx->repo->defbranch; ctx->page.status = 404; ctx->page.statusmsg = "not found"; cgit_print_http_headers(ctx); cgit_print_docstart(ctx); cgit_print_pageheader(ctx); cgit_print_error(fmt("Invalid branch: %s", tmp)); cgit_print_docend(); return 1; } return 0; } static void process_request(void *cbdata) { struct cgit_context *ctx = cbdata; struct cgit_cmd *cmd; cmd = cgit_get_cmd(ctx); if (!cmd) { ctx->page.title = "cgit error"; cgit_print_http_headers(ctx); cgit_print_docstart(ctx); cgit_print_pageheader(ctx); cgit_print_error("Invalid request"); cgit_print_docend(); return; } if (cmd->want_repo && !ctx->repo) { cgit_print_http_headers(ctx); cgit_print_docstart(ctx); cgit_print_pageheader(ctx); cgit_print_error(fmt("No repository selected")); cgit_print_docend(); return; } if (ctx->repo && prepare_repo_cmd(ctx)) return; if (cmd->want_layout) { cgit_print_http_headers(ctx); cgit_print_docstart(ctx); cgit_print_pageheader(ctx); } cmd->fn(ctx); if (cmd->want_layout) cgit_print_docend(); } int cmp_repos(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct cgit_repo *ra = a, *rb = b; return strcmp(ra->url, rb->url); } char *build_snapshot_setting(int bitmap) { const struct cgit_snapshot_format *f; char *result = xstrdup(""); char *tmp; int len; for (f = cgit_snapshot_formats; f->suffix; f++) { if (f->bit & bitmap) { tmp = result; result = xstrdup(fmt("%s%s ", tmp, f->suffix)); free(tmp); } } len = strlen(result); if (len) result[len - 1] = '\0'; return result; } char *get_first_line(char *txt) { char *t = xstrdup(txt); char *p = strchr(t, '\n'); if (p) *p = '\0'; return t; } void print_repo(FILE *f, struct cgit_repo *repo) { fprintf(f, "repo.url=%s\n", repo->url); fprintf(f, "repo.name=%s\n", repo->name); fprintf(f, "repo.path=%s\n", repo->path); if (repo->owner) fprintf(f, "repo.owner=%s\n", repo->owner); if (repo->desc) { char *tmp = get_first_line(repo->desc); fprintf(f, "repo.desc=%s\n", tmp); free(tmp); } if (repo->readme) fprintf(f, "repo.readme=%s\n", repo->readme); if (repo->defbranch) fprintf(f, "repo.defbranch=%s\n", repo->defbranch); if (repo->module_link) fprintf(f, "repo.module-link=%s\n", repo->module_link); if (repo->section) fprintf(f, "repo.section=%s\n", repo->section); if (repo->clone_url) fprintf(f, "repo.clone-url=%s\n", repo->clone_url); fprintf(f, "repo.enable-log-filecount=%d\n", repo->enable_log_filecount); fprintf(f, "repo.enable-log-linecount=%d\n", repo->enable_log_linecount); if (repo->about_filter && repo->about_filter != ctx.cfg.about_filter) fprintf(f, "repo.about-filter=%s\n", repo->about_filter->cmd); if (repo->commit_filter && repo->commit_filter != ctx.cfg.commit_filter) fprintf(f, "repo.commit-filter=%s\n", repo->commit_filter->cmd); if (repo->source_filter && repo->source_filter != ctx.cfg.source_filter) fprintf(f, "repo.source-filter=%s\n", repo->source_filter->cmd); if (repo->snapshots != ctx.cfg.snapshots) { char *tmp = build_snapshot_setting(repo->snapshots); diff --git a/ui-shared.c b/ui-shared.c index 08ea003..8827fff 100644 --- a/ui-shared.c +++ b/ui-shared.c @@ -1,622 +1,622 @@ /* ui-shared.c: common web output functions * * Copyright (C) 2006 Lars Hjemli * * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 * (see COPYING for full license text) */ #include "cgit.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "html.h" const char cgit_doctype[] = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"\n" " \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n"; static char *http_date(time_t t) { static char day[][4] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; static char month[][4] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}; struct tm *tm = gmtime(&t); return fmt("%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", day[tm->tm_wday], tm->tm_mday, month[tm->tm_mon], 1900+tm->tm_year, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); } void cgit_print_error(char *msg) { html("<div class='error'>"); html_txt(msg); html("</div>\n"); } char *cgit_httpscheme() { if (ctx.env.https && !strcmp(ctx.env.https, "on")) return "https://"; else return "http://"; } char *cgit_hosturl() { if (ctx.env.http_host) return ctx.env.http_host; if (!ctx.env.server_name) return NULL; if (!ctx.env.server_port || atoi(ctx.env.server_port) == 80) return ctx.env.server_name; return xstrdup(fmt("%s:%s", ctx.env.server_name, ctx.env.server_port)); } char *cgit_rooturl() { if (ctx.cfg.virtual_root) return fmt("%s/", ctx.cfg.virtual_root); else return ctx.cfg.script_name; } char *cgit_repourl(const char *reponame) { if (ctx.cfg.virtual_root) { return fmt("%s/%s/", ctx.cfg.virtual_root, reponame); } else { return fmt("?r=%s", reponame); } } char *cgit_fileurl(const char *reponame, const char *pagename, const char *filename, const char *query) { char *tmp; char *delim; if (ctx.cfg.virtual_root) { tmp = fmt("%s/%s/%s/%s", ctx.cfg.virtual_root, reponame, pagename, (filename ? filename:"")); delim = "?"; } else { tmp = fmt("?url=%s/%s/%s", reponame, pagename, (filename ? filename : "")); delim = "&"; } if (query) tmp = fmt("%s%s%s", tmp, delim, query); return tmp; } char *cgit_pageurl(const char *reponame, const char *pagename, const char *query) { return cgit_fileurl(reponame,pagename,0,query); } const char *cgit_repobasename(const char *reponame) { /* I assume we don't need to store more than one repo basename */ static char rvbuf[1024]; int p; const char *rv; strncpy(rvbuf,reponame,sizeof(rvbuf)); if(rvbuf[sizeof(rvbuf)-1]) die("cgit_repobasename: truncated repository name '%s'", reponame); p = strlen(rvbuf)-1; /* strip trailing slashes */ while(p && rvbuf[p]=='/') rvbuf[p--]=0; /* strip trailing .git */ if(p>=3 && !strncmp(&rvbuf[p-3],".git",4)) { p -= 3; rvbuf[p--] = 0; } /* strip more trailing slashes if any */ while( p && rvbuf[p]=='/') rvbuf[p--]=0; /* find last slash in the remaining string */ rv = strrchr(rvbuf,'/'); if(rv) return ++rv; return rvbuf; } char *cgit_currurl() { if (!ctx.cfg.virtual_root) return ctx.cfg.script_name; else if (ctx.qry.page) return fmt("%s/%s/%s/", ctx.cfg.virtual_root, ctx.qry.repo, ctx.qry.page); else if (ctx.qry.repo) return fmt("%s/%s/", ctx.cfg.virtual_root, ctx.qry.repo); else return fmt("%s/", ctx.cfg.virtual_root); } static void site_url(char *page, char *search, int ofs) { char *delim = "?"; if (ctx.cfg.virtual_root) { html_attr(ctx.cfg.virtual_root); if (ctx.cfg.virtual_root[strlen(ctx.cfg.virtual_root) - 1] != '/') html("/"); } else html(ctx.cfg.script_name); if (page) { htmlf("?p=%s", page); delim = "&"; } if (search) { html(delim); html("q="); html_attr(search); delim = "&"; } if (ofs) { html(delim); htmlf("ofs=%d", ofs); } } static void site_link(char *page, char *name, char *title, char *class, char *search, int ofs) { html("<a"); if (title) { html(" title='"); html_attr(title); html("'"); } if (class) { html(" class='"); html_attr(class); html("'"); } html(" href='"); site_url(page, search, ofs); html("'>"); html_txt(name); html("</a>"); } void cgit_index_link(char *name, char *title, char *class, char *pattern, int ofs) { site_link(NULL, name, title, class, pattern, ofs); } static char *repolink(char *title, char *class, char *page, char *head, char *path) { char *delim = "?"; html("<a"); if (title) { html(" title='"); html_attr(title); html("'"); } if (class) { html(" class='"); html_attr(class); html("'"); } html(" href='"); if (ctx.cfg.virtual_root) { html_url_path(ctx.cfg.virtual_root); if (ctx.cfg.virtual_root[strlen(ctx.cfg.virtual_root) - 1] != '/') html("/"); html_url_path(ctx.repo->url); if (ctx.repo->url[strlen(ctx.repo->url) - 1] != '/') html("/"); if (page) { html_url_path(page); html("/"); if (path) html_url_path(path); } } else { html(ctx.cfg.script_name); html("?url="); html_url_arg(ctx.repo->url); if (ctx.repo->url[strlen(ctx.repo->url) - 1] != '/') html("/"); if (page) { html_url_arg(page); html("/"); if (path) html_url_arg(path); } delim = "&"; } if (head && strcmp(head, ctx.repo->defbranch)) { html(delim); html("h="); html_url_arg(head); delim = "&"; } return fmt("%s", delim); } static void reporevlink(char *page, char *name, char *title, char *class, char *head, char *rev, char *path) { char *delim; delim = repolink(title, class, page, head, path); - if (rev && strcmp(rev, ctx.qry.head)) { + if (rev && ctx.qry.head != NULL && strcmp(rev, ctx.qry.head)) { html(delim); html("id="); html_url_arg(rev); } html("'>"); html_txt(name); html("</a>"); } void cgit_summary_link(char *name, char *title, char *class, char *head) { reporevlink(NULL, name, title, class, head, NULL, NULL); } void cgit_tag_link(char *name, char *title, char *class, char *head, char *rev) { reporevlink("tag", name, title, class, head, rev, NULL); } void cgit_tree_link(char *name, char *title, char *class, char *head, char *rev, char *path) { reporevlink("tree", name, title, class, head, rev, path); } void cgit_plain_link(char *name, char *title, char *class, char *head, char *rev, char *path) { reporevlink("plain", name, title, class, head, rev, path); } void cgit_log_link(char *name, char *title, char *class, char *head, char *rev, char *path, int ofs, char *grep, char *pattern, int showmsg) { char *delim; delim = repolink(title, class, "log", head, path); if (rev && strcmp(rev, ctx.qry.head)) { html(delim); html("id="); html_url_arg(rev); delim = "&"; } if (grep && pattern) { html(delim); html("qt="); html_url_arg(grep); delim = "&"; html(delim); html("q="); html_url_arg(pattern); } if (ofs > 0) { html(delim); html("ofs="); htmlf("%d", ofs); delim = "&"; } if (showmsg) { html(delim); html("showmsg=1"); } html("'>"); html_txt(name); html("</a>"); } void cgit_commit_link(char *name, char *title, char *class, char *head, char *rev, int toggle_ssdiff) { if (strlen(name) > ctx.cfg.max_msg_len && ctx.cfg.max_msg_len >= 15) { name[ctx.cfg.max_msg_len] = '\0'; name[ctx.cfg.max_msg_len - 1] = '.'; name[ctx.cfg.max_msg_len - 2] = '.'; name[ctx.cfg.max_msg_len - 3] = '.'; } char *delim; delim = repolink(title, class, "commit", head, NULL); if (rev && strcmp(rev, ctx.qry.head)) { html(delim); html("id="); html_url_arg(rev); delim = "&"; } if ((ctx.qry.ssdiff && !toggle_ssdiff) || (!ctx.qry.ssdiff && toggle_ssdiff)) { html(delim); html("ss=1"); } html("'>"); html_txt(name); html("</a>"); } void cgit_refs_link(char *name, char *title, char *class, char *head, char *rev, char *path) { reporevlink("refs", name, title, class, head, rev, path); } void cgit_snapshot_link(char *name, char *title, char *class, char *head, char *rev, char *archivename) { reporevlink("snapshot", name, title, class, head, rev, archivename); } void cgit_diff_link(char *name, char *title, char *class, char *head, char *new_rev, char *old_rev, char *path, int toggle_ssdiff) { char *delim; delim = repolink(title, class, "diff", head, path); - if (new_rev && strcmp(new_rev, ctx.qry.head)) { + if (new_rev && ctx.qry.head != NULL && strcmp(new_rev, ctx.qry.head)) { html(delim); html("id="); html_url_arg(new_rev); delim = "&"; } if (old_rev) { html(delim); html("id2="); html_url_arg(old_rev); delim = "&"; } if ((ctx.qry.ssdiff && !toggle_ssdiff) || (!ctx.qry.ssdiff && toggle_ssdiff)) { html(delim); html("ss=1"); } html("'>"); html_txt(name); html("</a>"); } void cgit_patch_link(char *name, char *title, char *class, char *head, char *rev) { reporevlink("patch", name, title, class, head, rev, NULL); } void cgit_stats_link(char *name, char *title, char *class, char *head, char *path) { reporevlink("stats", name, title, class, head, NULL, path); } void cgit_object_link(struct object *obj) { char *page, *shortrev, *fullrev, *name; fullrev = sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1); shortrev = xstrdup(fullrev); shortrev[10] = '\0'; if (obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT) { cgit_commit_link(fmt("commit %s...", shortrev), NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, fullrev, 0); return; } else if (obj->type == OBJ_TREE) page = "tree"; else if (obj->type == OBJ_TAG) page = "tag"; else page = "blob"; name = fmt("%s %s...", typename(obj->type), shortrev); reporevlink(page, name, NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, fullrev, NULL); } void cgit_print_date(time_t secs, char *format, int local_time) { char buf[64]; struct tm *time; if (!secs) return; if(local_time) time = localtime(&secs); else time = gmtime(&secs); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, format, time); html_txt(buf); } void cgit_print_age(time_t t, time_t max_relative, char *format) { time_t now, secs; if (!t) return; time(&now); secs = now - t; if (secs > max_relative && max_relative >= 0) { cgit_print_date(t, format, ctx.cfg.local_time); return; } if (secs < TM_HOUR * 2) { htmlf("<span class='age-mins'>%.0f min.</span>", secs * 1.0 / TM_MIN); return; } if (secs < TM_DAY * 2) { htmlf("<span class='age-hours'>%.0f hours</span>", secs * 1.0 / TM_HOUR); return; } if (secs < TM_WEEK * 2) { htmlf("<span class='age-days'>%.0f days</span>", secs * 1.0 / TM_DAY); return; } if (secs < TM_MONTH * 2) { htmlf("<span class='age-weeks'>%.0f weeks</span>", secs * 1.0 / TM_WEEK); return; } if (secs < TM_YEAR * 2) { htmlf("<span class='age-months'>%.0f months</span>", secs * 1.0 / TM_MONTH); return; } htmlf("<span class='age-years'>%.0f years</span>", secs * 1.0 / TM_YEAR); } void cgit_print_http_headers(struct cgit_context *ctx) { if (ctx->env.no_http && !strcmp(ctx->env.no_http, "1")) return; if (ctx->page.status) htmlf("Status: %d %s\n", ctx->page.status, ctx->page.statusmsg); if (ctx->page.mimetype && ctx->page.charset) htmlf("Content-Type: %s; charset=%s\n", ctx->page.mimetype, ctx->page.charset); else if (ctx->page.mimetype) htmlf("Content-Type: %s\n", ctx->page.mimetype); if (ctx->page.size) htmlf("Content-Length: %ld\n", ctx->page.size); if (ctx->page.filename) htmlf("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"%s\"\n", ctx->page.filename); htmlf("Last-Modified: %s\n", http_date(ctx->page.modified)); htmlf("Expires: %s\n", http_date(ctx->page.expires)); if (ctx->page.etag) htmlf("ETag: \"%s\"\n", ctx->page.etag); html("\n"); if (ctx->env.request_method && !strcmp(ctx->env.request_method, "HEAD")) exit(0); } void cgit_print_docstart(struct cgit_context *ctx) { if (ctx->cfg.embedded) { if (ctx->cfg.header) html_include(ctx->cfg.header); return; } char *host = cgit_hosturl(); html(cgit_doctype); html("<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='en' lang='en'>\n"); html("<head>\n"); html("<title>"); html_txt(ctx->page.title); html("</title>\n"); htmlf("<meta name='generator' content='cgit %s'/>\n", cgit_version); if (ctx->cfg.robots && *ctx->cfg.robots) htmlf("<meta name='robots' content='%s'/>\n", ctx->cfg.robots); html("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='"); html_attr(ctx->cfg.css); html("'/>\n"); if (ctx->cfg.favicon) { html("<link rel='shortcut icon' href='"); html_attr(ctx->cfg.favicon); html("'/>\n"); } if (host && ctx->repo) { html("<link rel='alternate' title='Atom feed' href='"); html(cgit_httpscheme()); html_attr(cgit_hosturl()); html_attr(cgit_fileurl(ctx->repo->url, "atom", ctx->qry.path, fmt("h=%s", ctx->qry.head))); html("' type='application/atom+xml'/>\n"); } if (ctx->cfg.head_include) html_include(ctx->cfg.head_include); html("</head>\n"); html("<body>\n"); if (ctx->cfg.header) html_include(ctx->cfg.header); } void cgit_print_docend() { html("</div> <!-- class=content -->\n"); if (ctx.cfg.embedded) { html("</div> <!-- id=cgit -->\n"); if (ctx.cfg.footer) html_include(ctx.cfg.footer); return; } if (ctx.cfg.footer) html_include(ctx.cfg.footer); else { htmlf("<div class='footer'>generated by cgit %s at ", cgit_version); cgit_print_date(time(NULL), FMT_LONGDATE, ctx.cfg.local_time); html("</div>\n"); } html("</div> <!-- id=cgit -->\n"); html("</body>\n</html>\n"); } int print_branch_option(const char *refname, const unsigned char *sha1, int flags, void *cb_data) { char *name = (char *)refname; html_option(name, name, ctx.qry.head); return 0; } int print_archive_ref(const char *refname, const unsigned char *sha1, int flags, void *cb_data) { struct tag *tag; struct taginfo *info; struct object *obj; char buf[256], *url; unsigned char fileid[20]; int *header = (int *)cb_data; if (prefixcmp(refname, "refs/archives")) return 0; strncpy(buf, refname+14, sizeof(buf)); obj = parse_object(sha1); if (!obj) return 1; if (obj->type == OBJ_TAG) { tag = lookup_tag(sha1); if (!tag || parse_tag(tag) || !(info = cgit_parse_tag(tag))) return 0; hashcpy(fileid, tag->tagged->sha1); } else if (obj->type != OBJ_BLOB) { return 0; } else { hashcpy(fileid, sha1); } if (!*header) { html("<h1>download</h1>\n"); *header = 1; } url = cgit_pageurl(ctx.qry.repo, "blob", fmt("id=%s&path=%s", sha1_to_hex(fileid), buf)); html_link_open(url, NULL, "menu"); html_txt(strlpart(buf, 20)); html_link_close(); return 0; } void cgit_add_hidden_formfields(int incl_head, int incl_search, char *page) { char *url; if (!ctx.cfg.virtual_root) { url = fmt("%s/%s", ctx.qry.repo, page); if (ctx.qry.path) url = fmt("%s/%s", url, ctx.qry.path); html_hidden("url", url); |