authorzautrix <zautrix>2004-07-07 11:56:39 (UTC)
committer zautrix <zautrix>2004-07-07 11:56:39 (UTC)
commit56721aac86c9ae5253abac8962474c8d1a7e648a (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent13d88c91f2916090bd45e23b504d0b665c68126f (diff)
Changes for compiling on desktop
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
15 files changed, 239 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index d770a05..620581b 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,118 +1,147 @@
-DISTPATH = $(shell pwd)
-DISTDIR = $(shell basename $(DISTPATH))
-SUBDIRS = libical/src/libical libical/src/libicalss qtcompat microkde \
- libkcal libkdepim kabc kabc/converter/opie kabc/formats/binary kabc/plugins/file kabc/plugins/dir \
- kabc/plugins/opie \
- korganizer kalarmd kaddressbook kmicromail/libetpan kmicromail/libmailwrapper kmicromail
-all: tmake
- for i in $(SUBDIRS); do pushd $$i; \
- make -f Makefile$(PLATFORM) || exit 1; popd; \
- done
- for i in $(SUBDIRS); do mkdir -p $$i/obj/$(PLATFORM); done
- for i in $(SUBDIRS); do mkdir -p $$i/moc/$(PLATFORM); done
- mkdir -p libical/lib/$(PLATFORM)
- rm -f libical/lib/$(PLATFORM)/*;
- for i in $(SUBDIRS); do pushd $$i; make clean; rm -f *~;\
- rm -f obj/$(PLATFORM)/*; rm -f moc/$(PLATFORM)/*; rm Makefile$(PLATFORM); popd; \
- done
- cd bin/kdepim; make install
- cp db2file/db2file $(QPEDIR)/bin/db2file
- cp korganizer/korganizer.desktop $(QPEDIR)/apps/Pim/korganizer.desktop
- cp kmicromail/kmicromail.desktop $(QPEDIR)/apps/Pim/kmicromail.desktop
- cp kaddressbook/kaddressbook.desktop $(QPEDIR)/apps/Pim/kaddressbook.desktop
- @echo Dont forget to do "make install" before "make dist"
- rm -f *arm.ipk
- rm -f *~
- cd ..; tar czf kdepim.src.tar.gz --exclude=obj --exclude=moc kdepim
- mkipks kmicrokdelibs.control
- mkipks korganizer.control
- mkipks kaddressbook.control
- mkipks kopiemail.control
- mkipks korganizer-alarm.control
-tmake: objects qtcompat/Makefile$(PLATFORM) microkde/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- libkcal/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- libkdepim/Makefile$(PLATFORM) korganizer/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- kalarmd/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- libical/src/libical/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- libical/src/libicalss/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- kabc/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- kabc/converter/opie/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- kabc/formats/binary/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- kabc/plugins/file/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- kabc/plugins/dir/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- kabc/plugins/ldap/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- kabc/plugins/opie/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- kaddressbook/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- kmicromail/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- kmicromail/libetpan/Makefile$(PLATFORM) \
- kmicromail/libmailwrapper/Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-qtcompat/Makefile$(PLATFORM): qtcompat/
- cd qtcompat; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-microkde/Makefile$(PLATFORM): microkde/
- cd microkde; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-libkcal/Makefile$(PLATFORM): libkcal/
- cd libkcal; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-libkdepim/Makefile$(PLATFORM): libkdepim/
- cd libkdepim; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-kalarmd/Makefile$(PLATFORM): kalarmd/
- cd kalarmd; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-korganizer/Makefile$(PLATFORM): korganizer/
- cd korganizer; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-libical/src/libical/Makefile$(PLATFORM): libical/src/libical/
- cd libical/src/libical; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-libical/src/libicalss/Makefile$(PLATFORM): libical/src/libicalss/
- cd libical/src/libicalss; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-kabc/Makefile$(PLATFORM): kabc/
- cd kabc; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-kabc/converter/opie/Makefile$(PLATFORM): kabc/converter/opie/
- cd kabc/converter/opie; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-kabc/formats/binary/Makefile$(PLATFORM): kabc/formats/binary/
- cd kabc/formats/binary; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-kabc/plugins/file/Makefile$(PLATFORM): kabc/plugins/file/
- cd kabc/plugins/file; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-kabc/plugins/dir/Makefile$(PLATFORM): kabc/plugins/dir/
- cd kabc/plugins/dir; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-kabc/plugins/ldap/Makefile$(PLATFORM): kabc/plugins/ldap/
- cd kabc/plugins/ldap; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-kabc/plugins/opie/Makefile$(PLATFORM): kabc/plugins/opie/
- cd kabc/plugins/opie; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-kaddressbook/Makefile$(PLATFORM): kaddressbook/
- cd kaddressbook; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-kmicromail/Makefile$(PLATFORM): kmicromail/
- cd kmicromail; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-kmicromail/libetpan/Makefile$(PLATFORM): kmicromail/libetpan/
- cd kmicromail/libetpan; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
-kmicromail/libmailwrapper/Makefile$(PLATFORM): kmicromail/libmailwrapper/
- cd kmicromail/libmailwrapper; tmake "CONFIG+=$(RELEASE_DEBUG)" -o Makefile$(PLATFORM)
+# Makefile for building: kopi-desktop
+# Generated by qmake (1.07a) (Qt 3.3.2) on: Wed Jul 7 13:43:59 2004
+# Project:
+# Template: subdirs
+# Command: $(QMAKE) "CONFIG+=thread" "CONFIG+=debug" -o Makefile
+MAKEFILE = Makefile
+QMAKE = qmake
+DEL_FILE = rm -f
+CHK_DIR_EXISTS= test -d
+MKDIR = mkdir -p
+ sub-libical \
+ sub-libkcal \
+ sub-microkde \
+ sub-libkdepim \
+ sub-kabc \
+ sub-korganizer \
+ sub-kaddressbook \
+ sub-kabc-plugins-file \
+ sub-kabc-plugins-dir
+first: all
+all: Makefile $(SUBTARGETS)
+ @$(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) "libical" || $(MKDIR) "libical"
+ cd libical && $(QMAKE) "CONFIG+=thread" "CONFIG+=debug" -o $(MAKEFILE)
+sub-libical: libical/$(MAKEFILE) FORCE
+ cd libical && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE)
+ @$(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) "libkcal" || $(MKDIR) "libkcal"
+ cd libkcal && $(QMAKE) "CONFIG+=thread" "CONFIG+=debug" -o $(MAKEFILE)
+sub-libkcal: libkcal/$(MAKEFILE) FORCE
+ cd libkcal && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE)
+ @$(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) "microkde" || $(MKDIR) "microkde"
+ cd microkde && $(QMAKE) "CONFIG+=thread" "CONFIG+=debug" -o $(MAKEFILE)
+sub-microkde: microkde/$(MAKEFILE) FORCE
+ cd microkde && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE)
+ @$(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) "libkdepim" || $(MKDIR) "libkdepim"
+ cd libkdepim && $(QMAKE) "CONFIG+=thread" "CONFIG+=debug" -o $(MAKEFILE)
+sub-libkdepim: libkdepim/$(MAKEFILE) FORCE
+ cd libkdepim && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE)
+ @$(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) "kabc" || $(MKDIR) "kabc"
+ cd kabc && $(QMAKE) "CONFIG+=thread" "CONFIG+=debug" -o $(MAKEFILE)
+sub-kabc: kabc/$(MAKEFILE) FORCE
+ cd kabc && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE)
+ @$(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) "korganizer" || $(MKDIR) "korganizer"
+ cd korganizer && $(QMAKE) "CONFIG+=thread" "CONFIG+=debug" -o $(MAKEFILE)
+sub-korganizer: korganizer/$(MAKEFILE) FORCE
+ cd korganizer && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE)
+ @$(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) "kaddressbook" || $(MKDIR) "kaddressbook"
+ cd kaddressbook && $(QMAKE) "CONFIG+=thread" "CONFIG+=debug" -o $(MAKEFILE)
+sub-kaddressbook: kaddressbook/$(MAKEFILE) FORCE
+ cd kaddressbook && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE)
+ @$(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) "kabc/plugins/file" || $(MKDIR) "kabc/plugins/file"
+ cd kabc/plugins/file && $(QMAKE) "CONFIG+=thread" "CONFIG+=debug" -o $(MAKEFILE)
+sub-kabc-plugins-file: kabc/plugins/file/$(MAKEFILE) FORCE
+ cd kabc/plugins/file && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE)
+ @$(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) "kabc/plugins/dir" || $(MKDIR) "kabc/plugins/dir"
+ cd kabc/plugins/dir && $(QMAKE) "CONFIG+=thread" "CONFIG+=debug" -o $(MAKEFILE)
+sub-kabc-plugins-dir: kabc/plugins/dir/$(MAKEFILE) FORCE
+ cd kabc/plugins/dir && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE)
+Makefile: /usr/local/qtgcc/mkspecs/default/qmake.conf
+ $(QMAKE) "CONFIG+=thread" "CONFIG+=debug" -o Makefile
+qmake: qmake_all
+ @$(QMAKE) "CONFIG+=thread" "CONFIG+=debug" -o Makefile
+qmake_all: libical/$(MAKEFILE) libkcal/$(MAKEFILE) microkde/$(MAKEFILE) libkdepim/$(MAKEFILE) kabc/$(MAKEFILE) korganizer/$(MAKEFILE) kaddressbook/$(MAKEFILE) kabc/plugins/file/$(MAKEFILE) kabc/plugins/dir/$(MAKEFILE)
+ ( [ -d libical ] && cd libical ; grep "^qmake_all:" $(MAKEFILE) && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) qmake_all; ) || true
+ ( [ -d libkcal ] && cd libkcal ; grep "^qmake_all:" $(MAKEFILE) && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) qmake_all; ) || true
+ ( [ -d microkde ] && cd microkde ; grep "^qmake_all:" $(MAKEFILE) && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) qmake_all; ) || true
+ ( [ -d libkdepim ] && cd libkdepim ; grep "^qmake_all:" $(MAKEFILE) && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) qmake_all; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc ] && cd kabc ; grep "^qmake_all:" $(MAKEFILE) && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) qmake_all; ) || true
+ ( [ -d korganizer ] && cd korganizer ; grep "^qmake_all:" $(MAKEFILE) && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) qmake_all; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kaddressbook ] && cd kaddressbook ; grep "^qmake_all:" $(MAKEFILE) && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) qmake_all; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc/plugins/file ] && cd kabc/plugins/file ; grep "^qmake_all:" $(MAKEFILE) && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) qmake_all; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc/plugins/dir ] && cd kabc/plugins/dir ; grep "^qmake_all:" $(MAKEFILE) && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) qmake_all; ) || true
+clean uicables mocables uiclean mocclean lexclean yaccclean : qmake_all FORCE
+ ( [ -d libical ] && cd libical ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; ) || true
+ ( [ -d libkcal ] && cd libkcal ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; ) || true
+ ( [ -d microkde ] && cd microkde ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; ) || true
+ ( [ -d libkdepim ] && cd libkdepim ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc ] && cd kabc ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; ) || true
+ ( [ -d korganizer ] && cd korganizer ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kaddressbook ] && cd kaddressbook ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc/plugins/file ] && cd kabc/plugins/file ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc/plugins/dir ] && cd kabc/plugins/dir ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; ) || true
+uninstall_subdirs: qmake_all FORCE
+ ( [ -d libical ] && cd libical ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) uninstall; ) || true
+ ( [ -d libkcal ] && cd libkcal ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) uninstall; ) || true
+ ( [ -d microkde ] && cd microkde ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) uninstall; ) || true
+ ( [ -d libkdepim ] && cd libkdepim ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) uninstall; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc ] && cd kabc ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) uninstall; ) || true
+ ( [ -d korganizer ] && cd korganizer ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) uninstall; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kaddressbook ] && cd kaddressbook ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) uninstall; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc/plugins/file ] && cd kabc/plugins/file ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) uninstall; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc/plugins/dir ] && cd kabc/plugins/dir ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) uninstall; ) || true
+install_subdirs: qmake_all FORCE
+ ( [ -d libical ] && cd libical ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) install; ) || true
+ ( [ -d libkcal ] && cd libkcal ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) install; ) || true
+ ( [ -d microkde ] && cd microkde ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) install; ) || true
+ ( [ -d libkdepim ] && cd libkdepim ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) install; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc ] && cd kabc ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) install; ) || true
+ ( [ -d korganizer ] && cd korganizer ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) install; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kaddressbook ] && cd kaddressbook ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) install; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc/plugins/file ] && cd kabc/plugins/file ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) install; ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc/plugins/dir ] && cd kabc/plugins/dir ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) install; ) || true
+distclean: qmake_all FORCE
+ ( [ -d libical ] && cd libical ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; $(DEL_FILE) $(MAKEFILE); ) || true
+ ( [ -d libkcal ] && cd libkcal ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; $(DEL_FILE) $(MAKEFILE); ) || true
+ ( [ -d microkde ] && cd microkde ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; $(DEL_FILE) $(MAKEFILE); ) || true
+ ( [ -d libkdepim ] && cd libkdepim ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; $(DEL_FILE) $(MAKEFILE); ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc ] && cd kabc ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; $(DEL_FILE) $(MAKEFILE); ) || true
+ ( [ -d korganizer ] && cd korganizer ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; $(DEL_FILE) $(MAKEFILE); ) || true
+ ( [ -d kaddressbook ] && cd kaddressbook ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; $(DEL_FILE) $(MAKEFILE); ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc/plugins/file ] && cd kabc/plugins/file ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; $(DEL_FILE) $(MAKEFILE); ) || true
+ ( [ -d kabc/plugins/dir ] && cd kabc/plugins/dir ; $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) $@; $(DEL_FILE) $(MAKEFILE); ) || true
+install: install_subdirs
+uninstall: uninstall_subdirs
diff --git a/kabc/ b/kabc/
index ea4bbb7..4a8d73a 100644
--- a/kabc/
+++ b/kabc/
@@ -1,214 +1,214 @@
CONFIG += qt warn_on
#release debug
TARGET = microkabc
include( ../variables.pri )
INCLUDEPATH += . ./vcard/include ./vcard/include/generated ../microkde ../microkde/kdecore ../microkde/kio/kfile ../qtcompat ../microkde/kdeui
#LIBS += -lmicrokde -lldap
LIBS += -L$(QPEDIR)/lib
unix : {
OBJECTS_DIR = obj/unix
MOC_DIR = moc/unix
win32: {
OBJECTS_DIR = obj/win
MOC_DIR = moc/win
resource.h \
stdaddressbook.h \
agent.h \
geo.h \
key.h \
field.h \
plugin.h \
address.h \
addresseelist.h \
formatfactory.h \
formatplugin.h \
phonenumber.h \
distributionlist.h \
distributionlistdialog.h \
distributionlisteditor.h \
vcardformatplugin.h \
-formats/binaryformat.h \
formats/vcardformatplugin2.h \
picture.h \
secrecy.h \
sound.h \
addressbook.h \
timezone.h \
addressee.h \
addresseedialog.h \
vcardconverter.h \
vcard21parser.h \
vcardformatimpl.h \
plugins/file/resourcefile.h \
plugins/file/resourcefileconfig.h \
plugins/dir/resourcedir.h \
plugins/dir/resourcedirconfig.h \
vcardparser/vcardline.h \
vcardparser/vcard.h \
vcardparser/vcardtool.h \
vcardparser/vcardparser.h \
vcard/include/VCardAdrParam.h \
vcard/include/VCardAdrValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardAgentParam.h \
vcard/include/VCardContentLine.h \
vcard/include/VCardDateParam.h \
vcard/include/VCardDateValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardEmailParam.h \
vcard/include/VCardGeoValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardGroup.h \
vcard/include/VCardImageParam.h \
vcard/include/VCardImageValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardLangValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardNValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardParam.h \
vcard/include/VCardPhoneNumberValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardSourceParam.h \
vcard/include/VCardTelParam.h \
vcard/include/VCardTextParam.h \
vcard/include/VCardTextNSParam.h \
vcard/include/VCardTextValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardTextBinParam.h \
vcard/include/VCardURIValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardVCard.h \
vcard/include/VCardEntity.h \
vcard/include/VCardValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardSoundValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardAgentValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardTelValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardTextBinValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardOrgValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardUTCValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardClassValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardFloatValue.h \
vcard/include/VCardTextListValue.h \
vcard/include/generated/AdrParam-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/AdrValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/AgentParam-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/ContentLine-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/DateParam-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/DateValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/EmailParam-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/GeoValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/Group-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/ImageParam-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/ImageValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/LangValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/NValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/Param-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/PhoneNumberValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/SourceParam-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/TelParam-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/TextParam-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/TextNSParam-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/TextValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/TextBinParam-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/URIValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/VCard-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/VCardEntity-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/Value-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/SoundValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/AgentValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/TelValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/TextBinValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/OrgValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/UTCValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/ClassValue-generated.h \
vcard/include/generated/FloatValue-generated.h \
# plugins/ldap/resourceldap.h \
# plugins/ldap/resourceldapconfig.h \
+#formats/binary/binaryformat.h \
distributionlist.cpp \
distributionlistdialog.cpp \
distributionlisteditor.cpp \
vcardformatplugin.cpp \
-formats/binaryformat.cpp \
formats/vcardformatplugin2.cpp \
formatfactory.cpp \
resource.cpp \
stdaddressbook.cpp \
plugin.cpp \
agent.cpp \
geo.cpp \
key.cpp \
field.cpp \
address.cpp \
phonenumber.cpp \
picture.cpp \
secrecy.cpp \
sound.cpp \
addressbook.cpp \
timezone.cpp \
addressee.cpp \
addresseelist.cpp \
addresseedialog.cpp \
vcardconverter.cpp \
vcard21parser.cpp \
vcardformatimpl.cpp \
plugins/file/resourcefile.cpp \
plugins/file/resourcefileconfig.cpp \
plugins/dir/resourcedir.cpp \
plugins/dir/resourcedirconfig.cpp \
vcardparser/vcardline.cpp \
vcardparser/vcard.cpp \
vcardparser/vcardtool.cpp \
vcardparser/vcardparser.cpp \
vcard/AdrParam.cpp \
vcard/AdrValue.cpp \
vcard/AgentParam.cpp \
vcard/ContentLine.cpp \
vcard/DateParam.cpp \
vcard/DateValue.cpp \
vcard/EmailParam.cpp \
vcard/Entity.cpp \
vcard/Enum.cpp \
vcard/GeoValue.cpp \
vcard/ImageParam.cpp \
vcard/ImageValue.cpp \
vcard/LangValue.cpp \
vcard/NValue.cpp \
vcard/Param.cpp \
vcard/PhoneNumberValue.cpp \
vcard/RToken.cpp \
vcard/SourceParam.cpp \
vcard/TelParam.cpp \
vcard/TextParam.cpp \
vcard/TextValue.cpp \
vcard/TextBinParam.cpp \
vcard/URIValue.cpp \
vcard/VCardv.cpp \
vcard/VCardEntity.cpp \
vcard/Value.cpp \
vcard/SoundValue.cpp \
vcard/AgentValue.cpp \
vcard/TelValue.cpp \
vcard/TextBinValue.cpp \
vcard/OrgValue.cpp \
vcard/UTCValue.cpp \
vcard/ClassValue.cpp \
vcard/FloatValue.cpp \
# plugins/ldap/resourceldap.cpp \
# plugins/ldap/resourceldapconfig.cpp \
+#formats/binary/binaryformat.cpp \
diff --git a/kabc/plugins/dir/ b/kabc/plugins/dir/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3db201f
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/kabc/plugins/dir/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+CONFIG += qt warn_on release
+#release debug
+TARGET = microkabc_dir
+INCLUDEPATH += ../.. ../../../microkde ../../../microkde/kdecore ../../../microkde/kio/kfile ../../../qtcompat
+DESTDIR = ../../../bin
+#LIBS += -lmicrokde -lmicrokabc
+#LIBS += -L$(QPEDIR)/lib
+ resourcedir.h \
+ resourcedirconfig.h
+ resourcedir.cpp \
+ resourcedirconfig.cpp
+unix : {
+OBJECTS_DIR = obj/unix
+MOC_DIR = moc/unix
+win32: {
+OBJECTS_DIR = obj/win
+MOC_DIR = moc/win
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kabc/plugins/dir/resourcedir.cpp b/kabc/plugins/dir/resourcedir.cpp
index be19821..6ea2f4b 100644
--- a/kabc/plugins/dir/resourcedir.cpp
+++ b/kabc/plugins/dir/resourcedir.cpp
@@ -1,358 +1,360 @@
This file is part of libkabc.
Copyright (c) 2002 Tobias Koenig <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifndef _WIN32_
#include <unistd.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
//US #include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kurlrequester.h>
#include "addressbook.h"
#include "formatfactory.h"
#include "resourcedirconfig.h"
#include "stdaddressbook.h"
#include <qdir.h>
//US #include "../../formats/vcardformatplugin2.h"
//US #include "../../formats/binaryformat.h"
#include "resourcedir.h"
using namespace KABC;
extern "C"
//US void *init_kabc_dir()
void *init_microkabc_dir()
return new KRES::PluginFactory<ResourceDir,ResourceDirConfig>();
ResourceDir::ResourceDir( const KConfig *config )
: Resource( config )
QString path;
KConfig *cfg = (KConfig *)config;
if ( cfg ) {
//US path = config->readEntry( "FilePath" );
path = cfg->readEntry( "FilePath", StdAddressBook::directoryName() );
//US mFormatName = config->readEntry( "FileFormat" );
mFormatName = cfg->readEntry( "FileFormat", "vcard" );
} else {
path = StdAddressBook::directoryName();
mFormatName = "vcard";
FormatFactory *factory = FormatFactory::self();
mFormat = factory->format( mFormatName );
if ( !mFormat ) {
mFormatName = "vcard";
mFormat = factory->format( mFormatName );
//US qDebug("ResourceDir::ResourceDir initialized with format %s ", mFormatName.latin1());
if (mFormatName == "vcard")
mFormat = new VCardFormatPlugin2();
else if (mFormatName == "binary")
mFormat = new BinaryFormat();
qDebug("ResourceFile::init format unknown !!! %s ", mFormatName.latin1());
/*US we have no KDirWatch. SO simulate the signals from inside the apropriate methods
connect( &mDirWatch, SIGNAL( dirty(const QString&) ), SLOT( pathChanged() ) );
connect( &mDirWatch, SIGNAL( created(const QString&) ), SLOT( pathChanged() ) );
connect( &mDirWatch, SIGNAL( deleted(const QString&) ), SLOT( pathChanged() ) );
setPath( path );
delete mFormat;
mFormat = 0;
void ResourceDir::writeConfig( KConfig *config )
Resource::writeConfig( config );
config->writeEntry( "FilePath", mPath );
config->writeEntry( "FileFormat", mFormatName );
Ticket *ResourceDir::requestSaveTicket()
kdDebug(5700) << "ResourceDir::requestSaveTicket()" << endl;
if ( !addressBook() ) return 0;
if ( !lock( mPath ) ) {
kdDebug(5700) << "ResourceDir::requestSaveTicket(): Unable to lock path '"
<< mPath << "'" << endl;
return 0;
return createTicket( this );
bool ResourceDir::doOpen()
QDir dir( mPath );
if ( !dir.exists() ) { // no directory available
return dir.mkdir( dir.path() );
} else {
QString testName = dir.entryList( QDir::Files )[0];
if ( testName.isNull() || testName.isEmpty() ) // no file in directory
return true;
QFile file( mPath + "/" + testName );
if ( IO_ReadOnly ) )
return true;
if ( file.size() == 0 )
return true;
bool ok = mFormat->checkFormat( &file );
return ok;
void ResourceDir::doClose()
bool ResourceDir::load()
kdDebug(5700) << "ResourceDir::load(): '" << mPath << "'" << endl;
QDir dir( mPath );
QStringList files = dir.entryList( QDir::Files );
QStringList::Iterator it;
bool ok = true;
for ( it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it ) {
QFile file( mPath + "/" + (*it) );
if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
addressBook()->error( i18n( "Unable to open file '%1' for reading" ).arg( ) );
ok = false;
if ( !mFormat->loadAll( addressBook(), this, &file ) )
ok = false;
return ok;
bool ResourceDir::save( Ticket *ticket )
kdDebug(5700) << "ResourceDir::save(): '" << mPath << "'" << endl;
AddressBook::Iterator it;
bool ok = true;
for ( it = addressBook()->begin(); it != addressBook()->end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).resource() != this || !(*it).changed() )
QFile file( mPath + "/" + (*it).uid() );
if ( ! IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
addressBook()->error( i18n( "Unable to open file '%1' for writing" ).arg( ) );
mFormat->save( *it, &file );
// mark as unchanged
(*it).setChanged( false );
delete ticket;
unlock( mPath );
return ok;
bool ResourceDir::lock( const QString &path )
kdDebug(5700) << "ResourceDir::lock()" << endl;
QString p = path;
//US change the implementation how the lockfilename is getting created
//US p.replace( QRegExp("/"), "_" );
//US QString lockName = locateLocal( "data", "kabc/lock/" + p + ".lock" );
KURL url(p);
QString lockName = locateLocal( "data", "kabc/lock/" + url.fileName() + ".lock" );
kdDebug(5700) << "-- lock name: " << lockName << endl;
if ( QFile::exists( lockName ) ) return false;
QString lockUniqueName;
lockUniqueName = p + KApplication::randomString( 8 );
url = lockUniqueName;
//US mLockUniqueName = locateLocal( "data", "kabc/lock/" + lockUniqueName );
mLockUniqueName = locateLocal( "data", "kabc/lock/" + url.fileName() );
kdDebug(5700) << "-- lock unique name: " << mLockUniqueName << endl;
// Create unique file
QFile file( mLockUniqueName ); IO_WriteOnly );
// Create lock file
- int result = ::link( QFile::encodeName( mLockUniqueName ),
+ int result = 0;
+#ifndef _WIN32_
+ result = ::link( QFile::encodeName( mLockUniqueName ),
QFile::encodeName( lockName ) );
if ( result == 0 ) {
return true;
// TODO: check stat
return false;
void ResourceDir::unlock( const QString &path )
QString p = path;
//US change the implementation how the lockfilename is getting created
//US p.replace( QRegExp( "/" ), "_" );
//US QString lockName = locate( "data", "kabc/lock/" + p + ".lock" );
KURL url(p);
QString lockName = locate( "data", "kabc/lock/" + url.fileName() + ".lock" );
::unlink( QFile::encodeName( lockName ) );
QFile::remove( mLockUniqueName );
void ResourceDir::setPath( const QString &path )
/*US ToDo: no synchronization so far. Has to be changed in the future
mDirWatch.removeDir( mPath );
mPath = path;
/*US ToDo: no synchronization so far. Has to be changed in the future
mDirWatch.addDir( mPath, true );
//US simulate KDirWatch event
QString ResourceDir::path() const
return mPath;
void ResourceDir::setFormat( const QString &format )
mFormatName = format;
if ( mFormat )
delete mFormat;
FormatFactory *factory = FormatFactory::self();
mFormat = factory->format( mFormatName );
qDebug("ResourceDir::setFormat initialized with format %s ", format.latin1());
if (mFormatName == "vcard")
mFormat = new VCardFormatPlugin2();
else if (mFormatName == "binary")
mFormat = new BinaryFormat();
qDebug("ResourceDir::setFormat format unknown !!! %s ", format.latin1());
QString ResourceDir::format() const
return mFormatName;
void ResourceDir::pathChanged()
if ( !addressBook() )
void ResourceDir::removeAddressee( const Addressee& addr )
QFile::remove( mPath + "/" + addr.uid() );
void ResourceDir::cleanUp()
unlock( mPath );
//US #include "resourcedir.moc"
diff --git a/kabc/plugins/file/ b/kabc/plugins/file/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5ade93
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/kabc/plugins/file/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+CONFIG += qt warn_on release
+#release debug
+TARGET = microkabc_file
+INCLUDEPATH += ../.. ../../../microkde ../../../microkde/kdecore ../../../microkde/kio/kfile ../../../qtcompat
+DESTDIR = ../../../bin
+#LIBS += -lmicrokde -lmicrokabc
+#LIBS += -L$(QPEDIR)/lib
+ resourcefile.h \
+ resourcefileconfig.h
+ resourcefile.cpp \
+ resourcefileconfig.cpp
+unix : {
+OBJECTS_DIR = obj/unix
+MOC_DIR = moc/unix
+win32: {
+OBJECTS_DIR = obj/win
+MOC_DIR = moc/win
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kabc/plugins/file/resourcefile.cpp b/kabc/plugins/file/resourcefile.cpp
index 3920f69..4b4c935 100644
--- a/kabc/plugins/file/resourcefile.cpp
+++ b/kabc/plugins/file/resourcefile.cpp
@@ -1,389 +1,391 @@
This file is part of libkabc.
Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifndef _WIN32_
#include <unistd.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
//US #include <ksavefile.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include "formatfactory.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "resourcefileconfig.h"
#include "stdaddressbook.h"
//US #include "../../formats/vcardformatplugin2.h"
//US #include "../../formats/binaryformat.h"
#include "resourcefile.h"
using namespace KABC;
extern "C"
//US void *init_kabc_file()
void *init_microkabc_file()
return new KRES::PluginFactory<ResourceFile,ResourceFileConfig>();
ResourceFile::ResourceFile( const KConfig *config )
: Resource( config ) , mFormat( 0 )
QString fileName, formatName;
KConfig *cfg = (KConfig *)config;
if ( cfg ) {
fileName = cfg->readEntry( "FileName", StdAddressBook::fileName() );
formatName = cfg->readEntry( "FileFormat", "vcard" );
// qDebug("ResourceFile::ResourceFile : 1 %s, %s", fileName.latin1(), formatName.latin1() );
} else {
fileName = StdAddressBook::fileName();
formatName = "vcard";
// qDebug("ResourceFile::ResourceFile : 2 %s, %s", fileName.latin1(), formatName.latin1() );
init( fileName, formatName );
ResourceFile::ResourceFile( const QString &fileName,
const QString &formatName )
: Resource( 0 )
// qDebug("ResourceFile::ResourceFile : 3 %s, %s", fileName.latin1(), formatName.latin1());
init( fileName, formatName );
void ResourceFile::init( const QString &fileName, const QString &formatName )
mFormatName = formatName;
FormatFactory *factory = FormatFactory::self();
mFormat = factory->format( mFormatName );
if ( !mFormat ) {
mFormatName = "vcard";
mFormat = factory->format( mFormatName );
//US qDebug("ResourceFile::init initialized with format %s ", formatName.latin1());
if (mFormatName == "vcard") {
mFormat = new VCardFormatPlugin2();
// qDebug("ResourceFile::init format VCardFormatPlugin2");
else if (mFormatName == "binary") {
mFormat = new BinaryFormat();
// qDebug("ResourceFile::init format BinaryFormat");
qDebug("ResourceFile::init format unknown !!! %s ", formatName.latin1());
/*US we have no KDirWatch. SO simulate the signals from inside the apropriate methods
connect( &mDirWatch, SIGNAL( dirty(const QString&) ), SLOT( fileChanged() ) );
connect( &mDirWatch, SIGNAL( created(const QString&) ), SLOT( fileChanged() ) );
connect( &mDirWatch, SIGNAL( deleted(const QString&) ), SLOT( fileChanged() ) );
setFileName( fileName );
delete mFormat;
mFormat = 0;
void ResourceFile::writeConfig( KConfig *config )
Resource::writeConfig( config );
config->writeEntry( "FileName", mFileName );
config->writeEntry( "FileFormat", mFormatName );
// qDebug("ResourceFile::writeConfig format %s, %s", mFileName.latin1(), mFormatName.latin1());
Ticket *ResourceFile::requestSaveTicket()
kdDebug(5700) << "ResourceFile::requestSaveTicket()" << endl;
if ( !addressBook() ) return 0;
if ( !lock( mFileName ) ) {
kdDebug(5700) << "ResourceFile::requestSaveTicket(): Unable to lock file '"
<< mFileName << "'" << endl;
return 0;
return createTicket( this );
bool ResourceFile::doOpen()
QFile file( mFileName );
if ( !file.exists() ) {
// try to create the file
bool ok = IO_WriteOnly );
if ( ok )
return ok;
} else {
if ( ! IO_ReadWrite ) )
return false;
if ( file.size() == 0 ) {
return true;
bool ok = mFormat->checkFormat( &file );
return ok;
void ResourceFile::doClose()
bool ResourceFile::load()
QFile file( mFileName );
if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
addressBook()->error( i18n( "Unable to open file '%1'." ).arg( mFileName ) );
return false;
// qDebug("ResourceFile::load format %s, %s", mFileName.latin1(), mFormatName.latin1());
return mFormat->loadAll( addressBook(), this, &file );
bool ResourceFile::save( Ticket *ticket )
// qDebug("ResourceFile::save format %s, %s", mFileName.latin1(), mFormatName.latin1());
// create backup file
QString extension = "_" + QString::number( QDate::currentDate().dayOfWeek() );
/*US we use a simpler method to create a backupfile
(void) KSaveFile::backupFile( mFileName, QString::null
,extension );
KSaveFile saveFile( mFileName );
bool ok = false;
if ( saveFile.status() == 0 && saveFile.file() )
mFormat->saveAll( addressBook(), this, saveFile.file() );
ok = saveFile.close();
//US ToDo: write backupfile
QFile info;
info.setName( mFileName );
bool ok = IO_WriteOnly );
if ( ok ) {
mFormat->saveAll( addressBook(), this, &info );
ok = true;
else {
if ( !ok )
addressBook()->error( i18n( "Unable to save file '%1'." ).arg( mFileName ) );
delete ticket;
unlock( mFileName );
return ok;
qDebug("ResourceFile::save has to be changed");
return true;
bool ResourceFile::lock( const QString &fileName )
QString fn = fileName;
//US change the implementation how the lockfilename is getting created
//US fn.replace( QRegExp("/"), "_" );
//US QString lockName = locateLocal( "data", "kabc/lock/" + fn + ".lock" );
KURL url(fn);
QString lockName = locateLocal( "data", "kabc/lock/" + url.fileName() + ".lock" );
if (QFile::exists( lockName )) return false;
QString lockUniqueName;
lockUniqueName = fn + KApplication::randomString( 8 );
url = lockUniqueName;
//US mLockUniqueName = locateLocal( "data", "kabc/lock/" + lockUniqueName );
mLockUniqueName = locateLocal( "data", "kabc/lock/" + url.fileName() );
kdDebug(5700) << "-- lock unique name: " << mLockUniqueName << endl;
// Create unique file
QFile file( mLockUniqueName ); IO_WriteOnly );
// Create lock file
- int result = ::link( QFile::encodeName( mLockUniqueName ),
+ int result = 0;
+#ifndef _WIN32_
+ result = ::link( QFile::encodeName( mLockUniqueName ),
QFile::encodeName( lockName ) );
if ( result == 0 ) {
return true;
// TODO: check stat
return false;
void ResourceFile::unlock( const QString &fileName )
QString fn = fileName;
//US change the implementation how the lockfilename is getting created
//US fn.replace( QRegExp( "/" ), "_" );
//US QString lockName = locateLocal( "data", "kabc/lock/" + fn + ".lock" );
//US QString lockName = fn + ".lock";
KURL url(fn);
QString lockName = locateLocal( "data", "kabc/lock/" + url.fileName() + ".lock" );
QFile::remove( lockName );
QFile::remove( mLockUniqueName );
void ResourceFile::setFileName( const QString &fileName )
/*US ToDo: no synchronization so far. Has to be changed in the future
mDirWatch.removeFile( mFileName );
mFileName = fileName;
/*US ToDo: no synchronization so far. Has to be changed in the future
mDirWatch.addFile( mFileName );
//US simulate KDirWatch event
QString ResourceFile::fileName() const
return mFileName;
void ResourceFile::setFormat( const QString &format )
mFormatName = format;
delete mFormat;
FormatFactory *factory = FormatFactory::self();
mFormat = factory->format( mFormatName );
//qDebug("ResourceFile::setFormat initialized with format %s ", format.latin1());
if (mFormatName == "vcard") {
mFormat = new VCardFormatPlugin2();
// qDebug("ResourceFile::setFormat format %s", mFormatName.latin1());
else if (mFormatName == "binary") {
mFormat = new BinaryFormat();
// qDebug("ResourceFile::setFormat format %s", mFormatName.latin1());
qDebug("ResourceFile::setFormat format unknown !!! %s ", format.latin1());
QString ResourceFile::format() const
return mFormatName;
void ResourceFile::fileChanged()
// There is a small theoretical chance that KDirWatch calls us before
// we are fully constructed
if (!addressBook())
void ResourceFile::removeAddressee( const Addressee &addr )
QFile::remove( QFile::encodeName( locateLocal( "data", "kabc/photos/" ) + addr.uid() ) );
QFile::remove( QFile::encodeName( locateLocal( "data", "kabc/logos/" ) + addr.uid() ) );
QFile::remove( QFile::encodeName( locateLocal( "data", "kabc/sounds/" ) + addr.uid() ) );
void ResourceFile::cleanUp()
unlock( mFileName );
//US #include "resourcefile.moc"
diff --git a/kaddressbook/kcmconfigs/addresseewidget.cpp b/kaddressbook/kcmconfigs/addresseewidget.cpp
index f84b2ba..eb5bdd9 100644
--- a/kaddressbook/kcmconfigs/addresseewidget.cpp
+++ b/kaddressbook/kcmconfigs/addresseewidget.cpp
@@ -1,242 +1,243 @@
This file is part of KAddressBook.
Copyright (c) 2003 Tobias Koenig <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#include <qgroupbox.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qlistbox.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
#include <kbuttonbox.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include "addresseewidget.h"
NamePartWidget::NamePartWidget( const QString &title, QWidget *parent,
const char *name )
: QWidget( parent, name )
if (KGlobal::getOrientation() == KGlobal::Portrait)
QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout( this, 1, 1, KDialog::marginHintSmall(),
KDialog::spacingHintSmall() );
QLabel *label = new QLabel( i18n( title ), this );
layout->addWidget( label, 0, 1 );
mBox = new QListBox( this );
mBox->setMaximumSize(70, 70);
layout->addMultiCellWidget( mBox, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
KButtonBox *bbox = new KButtonBox( this, Qt::Vertical );
mAddButton = bbox->addButton( i18n( "Add" ), this, SLOT( add() ) );
mRemoveButton = bbox->addButton( i18n( "Rem" ), this, SLOT( remove() ) );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( bbox, 0, 1, 2,2);
mEdit = new KLineEdit( this );
layout->addWidget( mEdit, 1, 1 );
// layout->addWidget( group );
QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
QGroupBox *group = new QGroupBox( 0, Qt::Vertical, title, this );
QGridLayout *groupLayout = new QGridLayout( group->layout(), 2, 2,
KDialog::spacingHint() );
mBox = new QListBox( group );
groupLayout->addWidget( mBox, 0, 0 );
KButtonBox *bbox = new KButtonBox( group, Qt::Vertical );
mAddButton = bbox->addButton( i18n( "Add" ), this, SLOT( add() ) );
mRemoveButton = bbox->addButton( i18n( "Remove" ), this, SLOT( remove() ) );
groupLayout->addWidget( bbox, 0, 1 );
mEdit = new KLineEdit( group );
groupLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mEdit, 1, 1, 0, 1 );
layout->addWidget( group );
mAddButton->setEnabled( false );
mRemoveButton->setEnabled( false );
connect( mBox, SIGNAL( selectionChanged( QListBoxItem* ) ),
SLOT( selectionChanged( QListBoxItem* ) ) );
connect( mEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ),
SLOT( textChanged( const QString& ) ) );
connect( mEdit, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), SLOT( add() ) );
void NamePartWidget::setNameParts( const QStringList &list )
mBox->insertStringList( list );
QStringList NamePartWidget::nameParts() const
QStringList parts;
for ( uint i = 0; i < mBox->count(); ++i )
parts.append( mBox->text( i ) );
return parts;
void NamePartWidget::add()
if ( !mEdit->text().isEmpty() ) {
mBox->insertItem( mEdit->text() );
emit modified();
mEdit->setText( "" );
void NamePartWidget::remove()
mBox->removeItem( mBox->currentItem() );
if ( mBox->count() == 0 )
selectionChanged( 0 );
emit modified();
void NamePartWidget::selectionChanged( QListBoxItem *item )
mRemoveButton->setEnabled( item != 0 );
void NamePartWidget::textChanged( const QString& text )
mAddButton->setEnabled( !text.isEmpty() );
AddresseeWidget::AddresseeWidget( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
: QWidget( parent, name )
QGridLayout *layout;
mPrefix = new NamePartWidget( i18n( "Prefixes" ), this );
mInclusion = new NamePartWidget( i18n( "Inclusions" ), this );
mSuffix = new NamePartWidget( i18n( "Suffixes" ), this );
QString dfn;
if (QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 )
dfn = i18n( "Default formatted name:" );
dfn = i18n( "Def. formatted name:" );
QLabel *label = new QLabel( dfn, this );
mFormattedNameCombo = new KComboBox( this );
mFormattedNameCombo->insertItem( i18n( "Empty" ) );
mFormattedNameCombo->insertItem( i18n( "Simple Name" ) );
mFormattedNameCombo->insertItem( i18n( "Full Name" ) );
mFormattedNameCombo->insertItem( i18n( "Reverse Name" ) );
if (KGlobal::getOrientation() == KGlobal::Portrait)
layout = new QGridLayout( this, 4, 2, KDialog::marginHintSmall(),
KDialog::spacingHintSmall() );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( mPrefix, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( mInclusion, 1, 1, 0, 1 );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( mSuffix, 2, 2, 0, 1 );
layout->addWidget( label, 3, 0 );
layout->addWidget( mFormattedNameCombo, 3, 1 );
layout = new QGridLayout( this, 2, 3, KDialog::marginHint(),
KDialog::spacingHint() );
layout->addWidget( mPrefix, 0, 0 );
layout->addWidget( mInclusion, 0, 1 );
layout->addWidget( mSuffix, 0, 2 );
layout->addWidget( label, 1, 0 );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( mFormattedNameCombo, 1, 1, 1, 2 );
connect( mPrefix, SIGNAL( modified() ), SIGNAL( modified() ) );
connect( mInclusion, SIGNAL( modified() ), SIGNAL( modified() ) );
connect( mSuffix, SIGNAL( modified() ), SIGNAL( modified() ) );
connect( mFormattedNameCombo, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), SIGNAL( modified() ) );
void AddresseeWidget::restoreSettings()
KConfig config( locateLocal("config", "kabcrc") );
config.setGroup( "General" );
mPrefix->setNameParts( config.readListEntry( "Prefixes" ) );
mInclusion->setNameParts( config.readListEntry( "Inclusions" ) );
mSuffix->setNameParts( config.readListEntry( "Suffixes" ) );
KConfig cfg( locateLocal("config","kaddressbookrc") );
cfg.setGroup( "General" );
mFormattedNameCombo->setCurrentItem( cfg.readNumEntry( "FormattedNameType", 1 ) );
void AddresseeWidget::saveSettings()
KConfig config( locateLocal("config","kabcrc") );
config.setGroup( "General" );
config.writeEntry( "Prefixes", mPrefix->nameParts() );
config.writeEntry( "Inclusions", mInclusion->nameParts() );
config.writeEntry( "Suffixes", mSuffix->nameParts() );
KConfig cfg( locateLocal("config","kaddressbookrc") );
cfg.setGroup( "General" );
cfg.writeEntry( "FormattedNameType", mFormattedNameCombo->currentItem() );
#include "addresseewidget.moc"
diff --git a/kaddressbook/mainembedded.cpp b/kaddressbook/mainembedded.cpp
index dce6a88..cf1fd3e 100644
--- a/kaddressbook/mainembedded.cpp
+++ b/kaddressbook/mainembedded.cpp
@@ -1,189 +1,190 @@
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qwindowsstyle.h>
#include <qplatinumstyle.h>
#include <qmainwindow.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include "kaddressbookmain.h"
int main( int argc, char **argv )
QPEApplication a( argc, argv );
a.setKeepRunning ();
QApplication a( argc, argv );
QApplication::setStyle( new QPlatinumStyle ());
bool exitHelp = false;
if ( argc > 1 ) {
QString command = argv[1];
if ( command == "-help" ){
printf("KA/E command line commands:\n");
printf(" no command: Start KA/E in usual way\n");
printf(" -help: This output\n");
printf(" KA/E is exiting now. Bye!\n");
exitHelp = true;
if ( ! exitHelp ) {
KGlobal::setAppName( "kaddressbook" );
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 )
QString fileName ;
- fileName = qApp->applicationDirPath () + "/kdepim/kaddressbook/";
+ fileName = qApp->applicationDirPath () + "/kdepim/kaddressbook/icons22/";
+ QApplication::addLibraryPath ( qApp->applicationDirPath () );
KStandardDirs::setAppDir( QDir::convertSeparators(locateLocal("data", "kaddressbook")));
KAddressBookMain m ;
//US MainWindow m;
//US QObject::connect( &a, SIGNAL (appMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )),&m, SLOT(recieve( const QCString&, const QByteArray& )));
a.showMainWidget( &m );
- a.setMainWidget(m );
- m->show();
+ a.setMainWidget( &m );
qDebug("KA: Bye! ");
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <kabc/stdaddressbook.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
#include <kcrash.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kstartupinfo.h>
#include <kuniqueapplication.h>
#include <kwin.h>
#include "kaddressbookmain.h"
#include "kabcore.h"
extern "C" {
void crashHandler( int )
::exit( 0 );
class KAddressBookApp : public KUniqueApplication {
KAddressBookApp() : mMainWin( 0 ) {}
~KAddressBookApp() {}
int newInstance();
KAddressBookMain *mMainWin;
int KAddressBookApp::newInstance()
if ( isRestored() ) {
// There can only be one main window
if ( KMainWindow::canBeRestored( 1 ) ) {
mMainWin = new KAddressBookMain;
mMainWin->restore( 1 );
} else {
KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
QCString addrStr = args->getOption( "addr" );
QCString uidStr = args->getOption( "uid" );
QString addr;
QString uid;
if ( !addrStr.isEmpty() )
addr = QString::fromLocal8Bit( addrStr );
if ( !uidStr.isEmpty() )
uid = QString::fromLocal8Bit( uidStr );
if ( args->isSet( "editor-only" ) ) {
if ( !mMainWin )
mMainWin = new KAddressBookMain;
} else {
if ( mMainWin ) {
KWin::setActiveWindow( mMainWin->winId() );
} else {
mMainWin = new KAddressBookMain;
// Can not see why anyone would pass both a uid and an email address, so I'll leave it that two contact editors will show if they do
if ( !addr.isEmpty() )
mMainWin->addEmail( addr );
if ( !uid.isEmpty() )
mMainWin->showContactEditor( uid );
if ( args->isSet( "new-contact" ) ) {
KCrash::setEmergencySaveFunction( crashHandler );
return 0;
// the dummy argument is required, because KMail apparently sends an empty
// argument.
static KCmdLineOptions kmoptions[] =
{ "a", 0 , 0 },
{ "addr <email>", I18N_NOOP( "Shows contact editor with given email address" ), 0 },
{ "uid <uid>", I18N_NOOP( "Shows contact editor with given uid" ), 0 },
{ "editor-only", I18N_NOOP( "Launches in editor only mode" ), 0 },
{ "new-contact", I18N_NOOP( "Launches editor for the new contact" ), 0 },
{ "+[argument]", I18N_NOOP( "dummy argument" ), 0},
{ 0, 0, 0}
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
KLocale::setMainCatalogue( "kaddressbook" );
KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, KABCore::createAboutData() );
KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( kmoptions );
if ( !KAddressBookApp::start() )
exit( 0 );
KAddressBookApp app;
KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue( "libkdepim" );
return app.exec();
diff --git a/ b/
index 1a5fabd..b255756 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
TEMPLATE = subdirs
-SUBDIRS = libical libkcal microkde libkdepim kabc korganizer kaddressbook
+SUBDIRS = libical libkcal microkde libkdepim kabc korganizer kaddressbook kabc/plugins/file kabc/plugins/dir
diff --git a/kopiemail.control b/kopiemail.control
index 3d563f0..7a93a1b 100644
--- a/kopiemail.control
+++ b/kopiemail.control
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
Files: bin/ompi apps/Pim/kmicromail.desktop pics/kdepim/kmicromail/* lib/libssl* lib/libcrypto.* lib/libkmicro*
Priority: optional
Section: qpe/pim
Maintainer: Lutz Rogowski <>
Architecture: arm
-Version: 1.9.2a
+Version: 1.9.2b
License: GPL
Depends: lib/
Description: KOrganizer/Pi and Kaddressbook/Pi
The embedded version of KOrganizer/Platform-independend,
the KDE calendar and scheduling program
optimized for 640x480 and 320x240 resolution
on Zaurus PDA
diff --git a/microkde/kdecore/klibloader.cpp b/microkde/kdecore/klibloader.cpp
index c07d50f..c091e05 100644
--- a/microkde/kdecore/klibloader.cpp
+++ b/microkde/kdecore/klibloader.cpp
@@ -1,647 +1,648 @@
/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (C) 1999 Torben Weis <>
Copyright (C) 2000 Michael Matz <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
//US #include <config.h>
#include <qclipboard.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qobjectdict.h>
#include <qwidgetlist.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include "kapplication.h"
#include "klibloader.h"
#include "kstandarddirs.h"
#include "kdebug.h"
#include "klocale.h"
#ifndef NDEBUG
#include "ltdl.h"
//US do everything through qlibrary
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qtopia/qlibrary.h>
+#include <qlibrary.h>
-#ifdef Q_WS_X11
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>
template class QAsciiDict<KLibrary>;
#include <stdlib.h> //getenv
# include <dlfcn.h>
# ifdef DL_GLOBAL
# endif
#ifndef LT_GLOBAL
# define LT_GLOBAL 0
extern "C" {
extern int lt_dlopen_flag;
KLibFactory::KLibFactory( QObject* parent, const char* name )
: QObject( parent, name )
// kdDebug(150) << "Deleting KLibFactory " << this << endl;
QObject* KLibFactory::create( QObject* parent, const char* name, const char* classname, const QStringList &args )
QObject* obj = createObject( parent, name, classname, args );
if ( obj )
emit objectCreated( obj );
return obj;
QObject* KLibFactory::createObject( QObject*, const char*, const char*, const QStringList &)
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------
//US KLibrary::KLibrary( const QString& libname, const QString& filename, void * handle )
KLibrary::KLibrary( const QString& libname, const QString& filename, QLibrary* handle )
/* Make sure, we have a KLibLoader */
(void) KLibLoader::self();
m_libname = libname;
m_filename = filename;
m_handle = handle;
m_factory = 0;
m_timer = 0;
// kdDebug(150) << "Deleting KLibrary " << this << " " << m_libname << endl;
if ( m_timer && m_timer->isActive() )
// If any object is remaining, delete
if ( m_objs.count() > 0 )
QPtrListIterator<QObject> it( m_objs );
for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
kdDebug(150) << "Factory still has object " << it.current() << " " << it.current()->name () << " Library = " << m_libname << endl;
disconnect( it.current(), SIGNAL( destroyed() ),
this, SLOT( slotObjectDestroyed() ) );
if ( m_factory ) {
// kdDebug(150) << " ... deleting the factory " << m_factory << endl;
delete m_factory;
QString KLibrary::name() const
return m_libname;
QString KLibrary::fileName() const
return m_filename;
KLibFactory* KLibrary::factory()
if ( m_factory )
return m_factory;
QCString symname;
symname.sprintf("init_%s", name().latin1() );
void* sym = symbol( symname );
if ( !sym )
qDebug("KLibrary: The library %s does not offer an %s function", name().latin1(),;
#ifndef NDEBUG
//US qDebug("KLibrary: errorcode: %s", lt_dlerror());
kdWarning(150) << "KLibrary: The library " << name().latin1() << " does not offer an init_" << name().latin1() << " function" << endl;
return 0;
typedef KLibFactory* (*t_func)();
t_func func = (t_func)sym;
m_factory = func();
if( !m_factory )
kdWarning(150) << "KLibrary: The library " << name() << " does not offer a KDE compatible factory" << endl;
return 0;
connect( m_factory, SIGNAL( objectCreated( QObject * ) ),
this, SLOT( slotObjectCreated( QObject * ) ) );
return m_factory;
void* KLibrary::symbol( const char* symname ) const
//US void* sym = lt_dlsym( (lt_dlhandle) m_handle, symname );
void* sym = m_handle->resolve( symname );
if ( !sym )
//US kdWarning(150) << "KLibrary: " << lt_dlerror() << endl;
- kdWarning(150) << "KLibrary: " << m_libname << ", symbol:" << symname << " not found " << endl;
return 0;
return sym;
bool KLibrary::hasSymbol( const char* symname ) const
//US void* sym = lt_dlsym( (lt_dlhandle) m_handle, symname );
void* sym = m_handle->resolve( symname );
return (sym != 0L );
void KLibrary::unload() const
if (KLibLoader::s_self)
void KLibrary::slotObjectCreated( QObject *obj )
if ( !obj )
if ( m_timer && m_timer->isActive() )
if ( m_objs.containsRef( obj ) )
return; // we know this object already
connect( obj, SIGNAL( destroyed() ),
this, SLOT( slotObjectDestroyed() ) );
m_objs.append( obj );
void KLibrary::slotObjectDestroyed()
m_objs.removeRef( sender() );
if ( m_objs.count() == 0 )
// kdDebug(150) << "KLibrary: shutdown timer for " << name() << " started!"
// << endl;
if ( !m_timer )
m_timer = new QTimer( this, "klibrary_shutdown_timer" );
connect( m_timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ),
this, SLOT( slotTimeout() ) );
// as long as it's not stable make the timeout short, for debugging
// pleasure (matz)
//m_timer->start( 1000*60, true );
m_timer->start( 1000*10, true );
void KLibrary::slotTimeout()
if ( m_objs.count() != 0 )
/* Don't go through KLibLoader::unloadLibrary(), because that uses the
ref counter, but this timeout means to unconditionally close this library
The destroyed() signal will take care to remove us from all lists.
delete this;
// -------------------------------------------------
/* This helper class is needed, because KLibraries can go away without
being unloaded. So we need some info about KLibraries even after its
death. */
class KLibWrapPrivate
//US KLibWrapPrivate(KLibrary *l, lt_dlhandle h);
KLibWrapPrivate(KLibrary *l, QLibrary* h);
KLibrary *lib;
enum {UNKNOWN, UNLOAD, DONT_UNLOAD} unload_mode;
int ref_count;
//US lt_dlhandle handle;
QLibrary *handle;
QString name;
QString filename;
//US KLibWrapPrivate::KLibWrapPrivate(KLibrary *l, lt_dlhandle h)
KLibWrapPrivate::KLibWrapPrivate(KLibrary *l, QLibrary* h)
: lib(l), ref_count(1), handle(h), name(l->name()), filename(l->fileName())
unload_mode = UNKNOWN;
if (lt_dlsym(handle, "__kde_do_not_unload") != 0) {
// kdDebug(150) << "Will not unload " << name << endl;
unload_mode = DONT_UNLOAD;
} else if (lt_dlsym(handle, "__kde_do_unload") != 0) {
unload_mode = UNLOAD;
//US use instead:
if (h->resolve("__kde_do_not_unload") != 0) {
// kdDebug(150) << "Will not unload " << name << endl;
unload_mode = DONT_UNLOAD;
} else if (h->resolve("__kde_do_unload") != 0) {
unload_mode = UNLOAD;
class KLibLoaderPrivate
QPtrList<KLibWrapPrivate> loaded_stack;
QPtrList<KLibWrapPrivate> pending_close;
enum {UNKNOWN, UNLOAD, DONT_UNLOAD} unload_mode;
QString errorMessage;
KLibLoader* KLibLoader::s_self = 0;
KLibLoader* KLibLoader::self()
if ( !s_self )
s_self = new KLibLoader;
return s_self;
void KLibLoader::cleanUp()
if ( !s_self )
delete s_self;
s_self = 0;
KLibLoader::KLibLoader( QObject* parent, const char* name )
: QObject( parent, name )
s_self = this;
d = new KLibLoaderPrivate;
//US lt_dlinit();
d->unload_mode = KLibLoaderPrivate::UNKNOWN;
if (getenv("KDE_NOUNLOAD") != 0)
d->unload_mode = KLibLoaderPrivate::DONT_UNLOAD;
else if (getenv("KDE_DOUNLOAD") != 0)
d->unload_mode = KLibLoaderPrivate::UNLOAD;
d->loaded_stack.setAutoDelete( true );
// kdDebug(150) << "Deleting KLibLoader " << this << " " << name() << endl;
QAsciiDictIterator<KLibWrapPrivate> it( m_libs );
for (; it.current(); ++it )
kdDebug(150) << "The KLibLoader contains the library " << it.current()->name
<< " (" << it.current()->lib << ")" << endl;
delete d;
QString KLibLoader::findLibrary( const char * name/*US , const KInstance * instance*/ )
QCString libname( name );
// only append ".la" if there is no extension
// this allows to load non-libtool libraries as well
// (mhk, 20000228)
int pos = libname.findRev('/');
if (pos < 0)
pos = 0;
if (libname.find('.', pos) < 0) {
libname += ".la";
//US in the microedition we work only with shared libraries.
if (libname.find('.', pos) < 0) {
libname += ".so";
// only look up the file if it is not an absolute filename
// (mhk, 20000228)
QString libfile;
if (libname[0] == '/')
libfile = libname;
//US at this point the libname must exist as real filesname. No expansions will be made later
// in findResources. Because of that we prepend the lib prefix here to the name
//US I add also the "lib" prefix. I do not how could this could have worked before without it?
libname.insert(pos, "lib");
//US libfile = instance->dirs()->findResource( "module", libname );
libfile = KGlobal::dirs()->findResource( "module", libname );
if ( libfile.isEmpty() )
//US libfile = instance->dirs()->findResource( "lib", libname );
libfile = KGlobal::dirs()->findResource( "lib", libname );
#ifndef NDEBUG
if ( !libfile.isEmpty() && libname.left(3) == "lib" ) // don't warn for kdeinit modules
kdDebug(150) << "library " << libname << " not found under 'module' but under 'lib'" << endl;
if ( libfile.isEmpty() )
#ifndef NDEBUG
kdDebug(150) << "library=" << libname << ": No file names " << << " found in paths." << endl;
self()->d->errorMessage = i18n("Library files for \"%1\" not found in paths").arg(libname);
qDebug("KLibLoader::library could not find library: %s",;
self()->d->errorMessage = QString::null;
return libfile;
KLibrary* KLibLoader::globalLibrary( const char *name )
KLibrary *tmp;
int olt_dlopen_flag = lt_dlopen_flag;
lt_dlopen_flag |= LT_GLOBAL;
kdDebug(150) << "Loading the next library global with flag "
<< lt_dlopen_flag
<< "." << endl;
tmp = library(name);
lt_dlopen_flag = olt_dlopen_flag;
return tmp;
KLibrary* KLibLoader::library( const char *name )
if (!name)
return 0;
KLibWrapPrivate* wrap = m_libs[name];
if (wrap) {
/* Nothing to do to load the library. */
return wrap->lib;
/* Test if this library was loaded at some time, but got
unloaded meanwhile, whithout being dlclose()'ed. */
QPtrListIterator<KLibWrapPrivate> it(d->loaded_stack);
for (; it.current(); ++it) {
if (it.current()->name == name)
wrap = it.current();
if (wrap) {
if (!wrap->lib) {
/* This lib only was in loaded_stack, but not in m_libs. */
wrap->lib = new KLibrary( name, wrap->filename, wrap->handle );
} else {
QString libfile = findLibrary( name );
if ( libfile.isEmpty() )
return 0;
+ QLibrary *qlib = new QLibrary( libfile.latin1() );
QLibrary *qlib = new QLibrary( libfile.latin1(), QLibrary::Immediately );
//US lt_dlhandle handle = lt_dlopen( libfile.latin1() );
//US if ( !handle )
if ( !qlib )
//US const char* errmsg = lt_dlerror();
char* errmsg;
sprintf(errmsg, "KLibLoader::library could not load library: %s", libfile.latin1());
d->errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1(errmsg);
d->errorMessage = QString::null;
kdWarning(150) << "library=" << name << ": file=" << libfile << ": " << d->errorMessage << endl;
return 0;
d->errorMessage = QString::null;
KLibrary *lib = new KLibrary( name, libfile, qlib );
wrap = new KLibWrapPrivate(lib, qlib);
m_libs.insert( name, wrap );
connect( wrap->lib, SIGNAL( destroyed() ),
this, SLOT( slotLibraryDestroyed() ) );
return wrap->lib;
QString KLibLoader::lastErrorMessage() const
return d->errorMessage;
void KLibLoader::unloadLibrary( const char *libname )
KLibWrapPrivate *wrap = m_libs[ libname ];
if (!wrap)
if (--wrap->ref_count)
// kdDebug(150) << "closing library " << libname << endl;
m_libs.remove( libname );
disconnect( wrap->lib, SIGNAL( destroyed() ),
this, SLOT( slotLibraryDestroyed() ) );
close_pending( wrap );
KLibFactory* KLibLoader::factory( const char* name )
KLibrary* lib = library( name );
if ( !lib )
return 0;
return lib->factory();
void KLibLoader::slotLibraryDestroyed()
const KLibrary *lib = static_cast<const KLibrary *>( sender() );
QAsciiDictIterator<KLibWrapPrivate> it( m_libs );
for (; it.current(); ++it )
if ( it.current()->lib == lib )
KLibWrapPrivate *wrap = it.current();
wrap->lib = 0; /* the KLibrary object is already away */
m_libs.remove( it.currentKey() );
close_pending( wrap );
void KLibLoader::close_pending(KLibWrapPrivate *wrap)
if (wrap && !d->pending_close.containsRef( wrap ))
d->pending_close.append( wrap );
/* First delete all KLibrary objects in pending_close, but _don't_ unload
the DSO behind it. */
QPtrListIterator<KLibWrapPrivate> it(d->pending_close);
for (; it.current(); ++it) {
wrap = it.current();
if (wrap->lib) {
disconnect( wrap->lib, SIGNAL( destroyed() ),
this, SLOT( slotLibraryDestroyed() ) );
delete wrap->lib;
wrap->lib = 0;
if (d->unload_mode == KLibLoaderPrivate::DONT_UNLOAD) return;
bool deleted_one = false;
while ((wrap = d->loaded_stack.first())) {
/* Let's first see, if we want to try to unload this lib.
If the env. var KDE_DOUNLOAD is set, we try to unload every lib.
If not, we look at the lib itself, and unload it only, if it exports
the symbol __kde_do_unload. */
if (d->unload_mode != KLibLoaderPrivate::UNLOAD
&& wrap->unload_mode != KLibWrapPrivate::UNLOAD)
/* Now ensure, that the libs are only unloaded in the reverse direction
they were loaded. */
if (!d->pending_close.containsRef( wrap )) {
if (!deleted_one)
/* Only diagnose, if we really haven't deleted anything. */
// kdDebug(150) << "try to dlclose " << wrap->name << ": not yet" << endl;
// kdDebug(150) << "try to dlclose " << wrap->name << ": yes, done." << endl;
+#if 0
#ifndef Q_WS_QWS
if ( !deleted_one ) {
/* Only do the hack once in this loop.
We need to make sure to clear the clipboard before unloading a DSO
because the DSO could have defined an object derived from QMimeSource
and placed that on the clipboard. */
/* Well.. let's do something more subtle... convert the clipboard context
to text. That should be safe as it only uses objects defined by Qt. */
QWidgetList *widgetlist = QApplication::topLevelWidgets();
QWidget *co = widgetlist->first();
while (co) {
if (qstrcmp(co->name(), "internal clipboard owner") == 0) {
if (XGetSelectionOwner(co->x11Display(), XA_PRIMARY) == co->winId())
co = widgetlist->next();
delete widgetlist;
// FIXME(E): Implement in Qt Embedded
+#endif // 0
deleted_one = true;
//US lt_dlclose(wrap->handle);
/* loaded_stack is AutoDelete, so wrap is freed */
void KLibLoader::virtual_hook( int, void* )
{ /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ }
void KLibFactory::virtual_hook( int, void* )
{ /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ }
//US #include "klibloader.moc"
diff --git a/microkde/kdecore/kstandarddirs.cpp b/microkde/kdecore/kstandarddirs.cpp
index 1a1e027..7f51d78 100644
--- a/microkde/kdecore/kstandarddirs.cpp
+++ b/microkde/kdecore/kstandarddirs.cpp
@@ -1,1625 +1,1624 @@
/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (C) 1999 Sirtaj Singh Kang <>
Copyright (C) 1999 Stephan Kulow <>
Copyright (C) 1999 Waldo Bastian <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Author: Stephan Kulow <> and Sirtaj Singh Kang <>
* Version: $Id$
* Generated: Thu Mar 5 16:05:28 EST 1998
//US #include "config.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
//US#include <errno.h>
//US #include <sys/stat.h>
//US #endif
//US#include <sys/types.h>
//US#include <dirent.h>
//US#include <pwd.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qasciidict.h>
#include <qdict.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
-#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include "kstandarddirs.h"
#include "kconfig.h"
#include "kdebug.h"
//US #include "kinstance.h"
#include "kshell.h"
//US#include <sys/param.h>
//US#include <unistd.h>
QString KStandardDirs::mAppDir = QString::null;
template class QDict<QStringList>;
#if 0
#include <qtextedit.h>
void ddd( QString op )
static QTextEdit * dot = 0;
if ( ! dot )
dot = new QTextEdit();
dot->append( op );
class KStandardDirs::KStandardDirsPrivate
: restrictionsActive(false),
{ }
bool restrictionsActive;
bool dataRestrictionActive;
QAsciiDict<bool> restrictions;
QStringList xdgdata_prefixes;
QStringList xdgconf_prefixes;
static const char* const types[] = {"html", "icon", "apps", "sound",
"data", "locale", "services", "mime",
"servicetypes", "config", "exe",
"wallpaper", "lib", "pixmap", "templates",
"module", "qtplugins",
"xdgdata-apps", "xdgdata-dirs", "xdgconf-menu", 0 };
static int tokenize( QStringList& token, const QString& str,
const QString& delim );
KStandardDirs::KStandardDirs( ) : addedCustoms(false)
d = new KStandardDirsPrivate;
delete d;
bool KStandardDirs::isRestrictedResource(const char *type, const QString& relPath) const
if (!d || !d->restrictionsActive)
return false;
if (d->restrictions[type])
return true;
if (strcmp(type, "data")==0)
if (d->dataRestrictionActive)
d->dataRestrictionActive = false;
return true;
return false;
void KStandardDirs::applyDataRestrictions(const QString &relPath) const
QString key;
int i = relPath.find('/');
if (i != -1)
key = "data_"+relPath.left(i);
key = "data_"+relPath;
if (d && d->restrictions[key.latin1()])
d->dataRestrictionActive = true;
QStringList KStandardDirs::allTypes() const
QStringList list;
for (int i = 0; types[i] != 0; ++i)
return list;
void KStandardDirs::addPrefix( const QString& _dir )
if (_dir.isNull())
QString dir = _dir;
if ( - 1) != '/')
dir += '/';
if (!prefixes.contains(dir)) {
void KStandardDirs::addXdgConfigPrefix( const QString& _dir )
if (_dir.isNull())
QString dir = _dir;
if ( - 1) != '/')
dir += '/';
if (!d->xdgconf_prefixes.contains(dir)) {
void KStandardDirs::addXdgDataPrefix( const QString& _dir )
if (_dir.isNull())
QString dir = _dir;
if ( - 1) != '/')
dir += '/';
if (!d->xdgdata_prefixes.contains(dir)) {
QString KStandardDirs::kfsstnd_prefixes()
return prefixes.join(":");
bool KStandardDirs::addResourceType( const char *type,
const QString& relativename )
if (relativename.isNull())
return false;
QStringList *rels = relatives.find(type);
if (!rels) {
rels = new QStringList();
relatives.insert(type, rels);
QString copy = relativename;
if ( - 1) != '/')
copy += '/';
if (!rels->contains(copy)) {
dircache.remove(type); // clean the cache
return true;
return false;
bool KStandardDirs::addResourceDir( const char *type,
const QString& absdir)
QStringList *paths = absolutes.find(type);
if (!paths) {
paths = new QStringList();
absolutes.insert(type, paths);
QString copy = absdir;
if ( - 1) != '/')
copy += '/';
if (!paths->contains(copy)) {
dircache.remove(type); // clean the cache
return true;
return false;
QString KStandardDirs::findResource( const char *type,
const QString& filename ) const
if ( == '/')
return filename; // absolute dirs are absolute dirs, right? :-/
#if 0
kdDebug() << "Find resource: " << type << endl;
for (QStringList::ConstIterator pit = prefixes.begin();
pit != prefixes.end();
kdDebug() << "Prefix: " << *pit << endl;
QString dir = findResourceDir(type, filename);
if (dir.isNull())
return dir;
else return dir + filename;
static Q_UINT32 updateHash(const QString &file, Q_UINT32 hash)
QCString cFile = QFile::encodeName(file);
//US struct stat buff;
//US if ((access(cFile, R_OK) == 0) &&
//US (stat( cFile, &buff ) == 0) &&
//US (S_ISREG( buff.st_mode )))
QFileInfo pathfnInfo(cFile);
if (( pathfnInfo.isReadable() == true ) &&
( pathfnInfo.isFile()) )
//US hash = hash + (Q_UINT32) buff.st_ctime;
hash = hash + (Q_UINT32) pathfnInfo.lastModified();
return hash;
Q_UINT32 KStandardDirs::calcResourceHash( const char *type,
const QString& filename, bool deep) const
Q_UINT32 hash = 0;
if ( == '/')
// absolute dirs are absolute dirs, right? :-/
return updateHash(filename, hash);
if (d && d->restrictionsActive && (strcmp(type, "data")==0))
QStringList candidates = resourceDirs(type);
QString fullPath;
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = candidates.begin();
it != candidates.end(); it++)
hash = updateHash(*it + filename, hash);
if (!deep && hash)
return hash;
return hash;
QStringList KStandardDirs::findDirs( const char *type,
const QString& reldir ) const
QStringList list;
if (d && d->restrictionsActive && (strcmp(type, "data")==0))
QStringList candidates = resourceDirs(type);
QDir testdir;
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = candidates.begin();
it != candidates.end(); it++) {
testdir.setPath(*it + reldir);
if (testdir.exists())
list.append(testdir.absPath() + '/');
return list;
QString KStandardDirs::findResourceDir( const char *type,
const QString& filename) const
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (filename.isEmpty()) {
kdWarning() << "filename for type " << type << " in KStandardDirs::findResourceDir is not supposed to be empty!!" << endl;
return QString::null;
if (d && d->restrictionsActive && (strcmp(type, "data")==0))
QStringList candidates = resourceDirs(type);
QString fullPath;
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); it++)
if (exists(*it + filename))
return *it;
#ifndef NDEBUG
if(false && type != "locale")
kdDebug() << "KStdDirs::findResDir(): can't find \"" << filename << "\" in type \"" << type << "\"." << endl;
return QString::null;
bool KStandardDirs::exists(const QString &fullPath)
//US struct stat buff;
QFileInfo fullPathInfo(QFile::encodeName(fullPath));
//US if (access(QFile::encodeName(fullPath), R_OK) == 0 && fullPathInfo.isReadable())
if (fullPathInfo.isReadable())
if ( - 1) != '/') {
//US if (S_ISREG( buff.st_mode ))
if (fullPathInfo.isFile())
return true;
else {
//US if (S_ISDIR( buff.st_mode ))
if (fullPathInfo.isDir())
return true;
return false;
static void lookupDirectory(const QString& path, const QString &relPart,
const QRegExp &regexp,
QStringList& list,
QStringList& relList,
bool recursive, bool uniq)
QString pattern = regexp.pattern();
if (recursive || pattern.contains('?') || pattern.contains('*'))
// We look for a set of files.
//US DIR *dp = opendir( QFile::encodeName(path));
QDir dp(QFile::encodeName(path));
if (!dp.exists())
static int iii = 0;
if ( iii == 5 )
assert( - 1) == '/');
//US struct dirent *ep;
//US struct stat buff;
QString _dot(".");
QString _dotdot("..");
//US while( ( ep = readdir( dp ) ) != 0L )
QStringList direntries = dp.entryList();
QStringList::Iterator it = direntries.begin();
while ( it != list.end() ) // for each file...
//US QString fn( QFile::decodeName(ep->d_name));
QString fn = (*it); // dp.entryList already decodes
if ( fn.isNull() )
if (fn == _dot || fn == _dotdot || - 1).latin1() == '~' )
if (!recursive && !regexp.exactMatch(fn))
continue; // No match
//US this should do the same:
int pos = regexp.match(fn);
if (!recursive && !pos == 0)
continue; // No match
QString pathfn = path + fn;
if ( stat( QFile::encodeName(pathfn), &buff ) != 0 ) {
kdDebug() << "Error stat'ing " << pathfn << " : " << perror << endl;
continue; // Couldn't stat (e.g. no read permissions)
if ( recursive )
if ( S_ISDIR( buff.st_mode )) {
lookupDirectory(pathfn + '/', relPart + fn + '/', regexp, list, relList, recursive, uniq);
//US replacement:
QFileInfo pathfnInfo(QFile::encodeName(pathfn));
if ( pathfnInfo.isReadable() == false )
//US kdDebug() << "Error stat'ing " << pathfn << " : " << perror << endl;
continue; // Couldn't stat (e.g. no read permissions)
if ( recursive )
if ( pathfnInfo.isDir()) {
lookupDirectory(pathfn + '/', relPart + fn + '/', regexp, list, relList, recursive, uniq);
if (!regexp.exactMatch(fn))
continue; // No match
//US this should do the same:
pos = regexp.match(fn);
if (!pos == 0)
continue; // No match
//US if ( S_ISREG( buff.st_mode))
if ( pathfnInfo.isFile())
if (!uniq || !relList.contains(relPart + fn))
list.append( pathfn );
relList.append( relPart + fn );
//US closedir( dp );
// We look for a single file.
QString fn = pattern;
QString pathfn = path + fn;
//US struct stat buff;
QFileInfo pathfnInfo(QFile::encodeName(pathfn));
//US if ( stat( QFile::encodeName(pathfn), &buff ) != 0 )
if ( pathfnInfo.isReadable() == false )
return; // File not found
//US if ( S_ISREG( buff.st_mode))
if ( pathfnInfo.isFile())
if (!uniq || !relList.contains(relPart + fn))
list.append( pathfn );
relList.append( relPart + fn );
static void lookupPrefix(const QString& prefix, const QString& relpath,
const QString& relPart,
const QRegExp &regexp,
QStringList& list,
QStringList& relList,
bool recursive, bool uniq)
if (relpath.isNull()) {
lookupDirectory(prefix, relPart, regexp, list,
relList, recursive, uniq);
QString path;
QString rest;
if (relpath.length())
int slash = relpath.find('/');
if (slash < 0)
rest = relpath.left(relpath.length() - 1);
else {
path = relpath.left(slash);
rest = relpath.mid(slash + 1);
assert( - 1) == '/');
//US struct stat buff;
if (path.contains('*') || path.contains('?')) {
QRegExp pathExp(path, true, true);
//US DIR *dp = opendir( QFile::encodeName(prefix) );
QDir dp(QFile::encodeName(prefix));
//US if (!dp)
if (!dp.exists())
//US struct dirent *ep;
QString _dot(".");
QString _dotdot("..");
//US while( ( ep = readdir( dp ) ) != 0L )
QStringList direntries = dp.entryList();
QStringList::Iterator it = direntries.begin();
while ( it != list.end() ) // for each file...
//US QString fn( QFile::decodeName(ep->d_name));
QString fn = (*it); // dp.entryList() already encodes the strings
if (fn == _dot || fn == _dotdot || - 1) == '~')
if ( == -1)
continue; // No match
//US this should do the same:
if (pathExp.find(fn, 0) == -1)
continue; // No match
QString rfn = relPart+fn;
fn = prefix + fn;
//US if ( stat( QFile::encodeName(fn), &buff ) != 0 )
QFileInfo fnInfo(QFile::encodeName(fn));
if ( fnInfo.isReadable() == false )
//US kdDebug() << "Error statting " << fn << " : " << perror << endl;
continue; // Couldn't stat (e.g. no permissions)
//US if ( S_ISDIR( buff.st_mode ))
if ( fnInfo.isDir() )
lookupPrefix(fn + '/', rest, rfn + '/', regexp, list, relList, recursive, uniq);
//US closedir( dp );
} else {
// Don't stat, if the dir doesn't exist we will find out
// when we try to open it.
lookupPrefix(prefix + path + '/', rest,
relPart + path + '/', regexp, list,
relList, recursive, uniq);
KStandardDirs::findAllResources( const char *type,
const QString& filter,
bool recursive,
bool uniq,
QStringList &relList) const
QStringList list;
if ( == '/') // absolute paths we return
list.append( filter);
return list;
QString filterPath;
QString filterFile;
if (filter.length())
int slash = filter.findRev('/');
if (slash < 0)
filterFile = filter;
else {
filterPath = filter.left(slash + 1);
filterFile = filter.mid(slash + 1);
if (d && d->restrictionsActive && (strcmp(type, "data")==0))
QStringList candidates = resourceDirs(type);
if (filterFile.isEmpty())
filterFile = "*";
QRegExp regExp(filterFile, true, true);
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = candidates.begin();
it != candidates.end(); it++)
lookupPrefix(*it, filterPath, "", regExp, list,
relList, recursive, uniq);
return list;
KStandardDirs::findAllResources( const char *type,
const QString& filter,
bool recursive,
bool uniq) const
QStringList relList;
return findAllResources(type, filter, recursive, uniq, relList);
KStandardDirs::realPath(const QString &dirname)
#ifdef _WIN32_
return dirname;
//US char realpath_buffer[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
//US memset(realpath_buffer, 0, MAXPATHLEN + 1);
char realpath_buffer[250 + 1];
memset(realpath_buffer, 0, 250 + 1);
/* If the path contains symlinks, get the real name */
if (realpath( QFile::encodeName(dirname).data(), realpath_buffer) != 0) {
// succes, use result from realpath
int len = strlen(realpath_buffer);
realpath_buffer[len] = '/';
realpath_buffer[len+1] = 0;
return QFile::decodeName(realpath_buffer);
return dirname;
void KStandardDirs::createSpecialResource(const char *type)
char hostname[256];
hostname[0] = 0;
gethostname(hostname, 255);
QString dir = QString("%1%2-%3").arg(localkdedir()).arg(type).arg(hostname);
char link[1024];
link[1023] = 0;
int result = readlink(QFile::encodeName(dir).data(), link, 1023);
if ((result == -1) && (errno == ENOENT))
QString srv = findExe(QString::fromLatin1("lnusertemp"), KDEDIR+QString::fromLatin1("/bin"));
if (srv.isEmpty())
srv = findExe(QString::fromLatin1("lnusertemp"));
if (!srv.isEmpty())
system(QFile::encodeName(srv)+" "+type);
result = readlink(QFile::encodeName(dir).data(), link, 1023);
if (result > 0)
link[result] = 0;
if (link[0] == '/')
dir = QFile::decodeName(link);
dir = QDir::cleanDirPath(dir+QFile::decodeName(link));
addResourceDir(type, dir+'/');
QStringList KStandardDirs::resourceDirs(const char *type) const
QStringList *candidates = dircache.find(type);
if (!candidates) { // filling cache
if (strcmp(type, "socket") == 0)
const_cast<KStandardDirs *>(this)->createSpecialResource(type);
else if (strcmp(type, "tmp") == 0)
const_cast<KStandardDirs *>(this)->createSpecialResource(type);
else if (strcmp(type, "cache") == 0)
const_cast<KStandardDirs *>(this)->createSpecialResource(type);
QDir testdir;
candidates = new QStringList();
QStringList *dirs;
bool restrictionActive = false;
if (d && d->restrictionsActive)
if (d->dataRestrictionActive)
restrictionActive = true;
else if (d->restrictions["all"])
restrictionActive = true;
else if (d->restrictions[type])
restrictionActive = true;
d->dataRestrictionActive = false; // Reset
dirs = relatives.find(type);
if (dirs)
bool local = true;
const QStringList *prefixList = 0;
if (strncmp(type, "xdgdata-", 8) == 0)
prefixList = &(d->xdgdata_prefixes);
else if (strncmp(type, "xdgconf-", 8) == 0)
prefixList = &(d->xdgconf_prefixes);
prefixList = &prefixes;
for (QStringList::ConstIterator pit = prefixList->begin();
pit != prefixList->end();
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = dirs->begin();
it != dirs->end(); ++it) {
QString path = realPath(*pit + *it);
if (local && restrictionActive)
if ((local || testdir.exists()) && !candidates->contains(path))
local = false;
dirs = absolutes.find(type);
if (dirs)
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = dirs->begin();
it != dirs->end(); ++it)
if (testdir.exists())
QString filename = realPath(*it);
if (!candidates->contains(filename))
dircache.insert(type, candidates);
#if 0
kdDebug() << "found dirs for resource " << type << ":" << endl;
for (QStringList::ConstIterator pit = candidates->begin();
pit != candidates->end();
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", (*pit).latin1());
return *candidates;
QString KStandardDirs::findExe( const QString& appname,
const QString& pstr, bool ignore)
QFileInfo info;
// absolute path ?
if (appname.startsWith(QString::fromLatin1("/")))
info.setFile( appname );
if( info.exists() && ( ignore || info.isExecutable() )
&& info.isFile() ) {
return appname;
return QString::null;
//US QString p = QString("%1/%2").arg(__KDE_BINDIR).arg(appname);
QString p = QString("%1/%2").arg(appname).arg(appname);
qDebug("KStandardDirs::findExe this is probably wrong");
info.setFile( p );
if( info.exists() && ( ignore || info.isExecutable() )
&& ( info.isFile() || info.isSymLink() ) ) {
return p;
QStringList tokens;
p = pstr;
if( p.isNull() ) {
p = getenv( "PATH" );
tokenize( tokens, p, ":\b" );
// split path using : or \b as delimiters
for( unsigned i = 0; i < tokens.count(); i++ ) {
p = tokens[ i ];
if ( p[ 0 ] == '~' )
int len = p.find( '/' );
if ( len == -1 )
len = p.length();
if ( len == 1 )
p.replace( 0, 1, QDir::homeDirPath() );
QString user = p.mid( 1, len - 1 );
struct passwd *dir = getpwnam( user.local8Bit().data() );
if ( dir && strlen( dir->pw_dir ) )
p.replace( 0, len, QString::fromLocal8Bit( dir->pw_dir ) );
p += "/";
p += appname;
// Check for executable in this tokenized path
info.setFile( p );
if( info.exists() && ( ignore || info.isExecutable() )
&& ( info.isFile() || info.isSymLink() ) ) {
return p;
// If we reach here, the executable wasn't found.
// So return empty string.
return QString::null;
int KStandardDirs::findAllExe( QStringList& list, const QString& appname,
const QString& pstr, bool ignore )
QString p = pstr;
QFileInfo info;
QStringList tokens;
if( p.isNull() ) {
p = getenv( "PATH" );
tokenize( tokens, p, ":\b" );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < tokens.count(); i++ ) {
p = tokens[ i ];
p += "/";
p += appname;
info.setFile( p );
if( info.exists() && (ignore || info.isExecutable())
&& info.isFile() ) {
list.append( p );
return list.count();
static int tokenize( QStringList& tokens, const QString& str,
const QString& delim )
int len = str.length();
QString token = "";
for( int index = 0; index < len; index++)
if ( delim.find( str[ index ] ) >= 0 )
tokens.append( token );
token = "";
token += str[ index ];
if ( token.length() > 0 )
tokens.append( token );
return tokens.count();
QString KStandardDirs::kde_default(const char *type) {
if (!strcmp(type, "data"))
return "apps/";
if (!strcmp(type, "html"))
return "share/doc/HTML/";
if (!strcmp(type, "icon"))
return "share/icons/";
if (!strcmp(type, "config"))
return "config/";
if (!strcmp(type, "pixmap"))
return "share/pixmaps/";
if (!strcmp(type, "apps"))
return "share/applnk/";
if (!strcmp(type, "sound"))
return "share/sounds/";
if (!strcmp(type, "locale"))
return "share/locale/";
if (!strcmp(type, "services"))
return "share/services/";
if (!strcmp(type, "servicetypes"))
return "share/servicetypes/";
if (!strcmp(type, "mime"))
return "share/mimelnk/";
if (!strcmp(type, "cgi"))
return "cgi-bin/";
if (!strcmp(type, "wallpaper"))
return "share/wallpapers/";
if (!strcmp(type, "templates"))
return "share/templates/";
if (!strcmp(type, "exe"))
return "bin/";
if (!strcmp(type, "lib"))
return "lib/";
if (!strcmp(type, "module"))
return "lib/kde3/";
if (!strcmp(type, "qtplugins"))
return "lib/kde3/plugins";
if (!strcmp(type, "xdgdata-apps"))
return "applications/";
if (!strcmp(type, "xdgdata-dirs"))
return "desktop-directories/";
if (!strcmp(type, "xdgconf-menu"))
return "menus/";
qFatal("unknown resource type %s", type);
return QString::null;
QString KStandardDirs::saveLocation(const char *type,
const QString& suffix,
bool create) const
//qDebug("KStandardDirs::saveLocation called %s %s", type,suffix.latin1() );
//return "";
QString *pPath = savelocations.find(type);
if (!pPath)
QStringList *dirs = relatives.find(type);
if (!dirs && (
(strcmp(type, "socket") == 0) ||
(strcmp(type, "tmp") == 0) ||
(strcmp(type, "cache") == 0) ))
(void) resourceDirs(type); // Generate socket|tmp|cache resource.
dirs = relatives.find(type); // Search again.
if (dirs)
// Check for existance of typed directory + suffix
if (strncmp(type, "xdgdata-", 8) == 0)
pPath = new QString(realPath(localxdgdatadir() + dirs->last()));
else if (strncmp(type, "xdgconf-", 8) == 0)
pPath = new QString(realPath(localxdgconfdir() + dirs->last()));
pPath = new QString(realPath(localkdedir() + dirs->last()));
else {
dirs = absolutes.find(type);
if (!dirs)
qFatal("KStandardDirs: The resource type %s is not registered", type);
pPath = new QString(realPath(dirs->last()));
savelocations.insert(type, pPath);
QString fullPath = *pPath + suffix;
//US struct stat st;
//US if (stat(QFile::encodeName(fullPath), &st) != 0 || !(S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)))
QFileInfo fullPathInfo(QFile::encodeName(fullPath));
if (fullPathInfo.isReadable() || !fullPathInfo.isDir())
if(!create) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
qDebug("save location %s doesn't exist", fullPath.latin1());
return fullPath;
if(!makeDir(fullPath, 0700)) {
qWarning("failed to create %s", fullPath.latin1());
return fullPath;
return fullPath;
QString KStandardDirs::relativeLocation(const char *type, const QString &absPath)
QString fullPath = absPath;
int i = absPath.findRev('/');
if (i != -1)
fullPath = realPath(absPath.left(i+1))+absPath.mid(i+1); // Normalize
QStringList candidates = resourceDirs(type);
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = candidates.begin();
it != candidates.end(); it++)
if (fullPath.startsWith(*it))
return fullPath.mid((*it).length());
return absPath;
bool KStandardDirs::makeDir(const QString& dir2, int mode)
QString dir = QDir::convertSeparators( dir2 );
#if 0
// we want an absolute path
if ( != '/')
return false;
QString target = dir;
uint len = target.length();
// append trailing slash if missing
if ( - 1) != '/')
target += '/';
QString base("");
uint i = 1;
while( i < len )
//US struct stat st;
int pos = target.find('/', i);
base += target.mid(i - 1, pos - i + 1);
QCString baseEncoded = QFile::encodeName(base);
// bail out if we encountered a problem
//US if (stat(baseEncoded, &st) != 0)
QFileInfo baseEncodedInfo(baseEncoded);
if (!baseEncodedInfo.exists())
// Directory does not exist....
// Or maybe a dangling symlink ?
//US if (lstat(baseEncoded, &st) == 0)
if (baseEncodedInfo.isSymLink()) {
//US (void)unlink(baseEncoded); // try removing
//US if ( mkdir(baseEncoded, (mode_t) mode) != 0)
QDir dirObj;
if ( dirObj.mkdir(baseEncoded) != true )
//US perror("trying to create local folder");
return false; // Couldn't create it :-(
i = pos + 1;
return true;
// ********************************************
// new code for WIN32
QDir dirObj;
// we want an absolute path
#ifndef _WIN32_
if ( != '/')
return false;
QString target = dir;
uint len = target.length();
#ifndef _WIN32_
// append trailing slash if missing
if ( - 1) != '/')
target += '/';
QString base("");
uint i = 1;
while( i < len )
//US struct stat st;
#ifndef _WIN32_
int pos = target.find('/', i);
int pos = target.find('\\', i);
if ( pos < 0 )
return true;
base += target.mid(i - 1, pos - i + 1);
//QMessageBox::information( 0,"cap111", base, 1 );
QCString baseEncoded = QFile::encodeName(base);
// bail out if we encountered a problem
if (stat(baseEncoded, &st) != 0)
// Directory does not exist....
// Or maybe a dangling symlink ?
if (lstat(baseEncoded, &st) == 0)
(void)unlink(baseEncoded); // try removing
if ( mkdir(baseEncoded, (mode_t) mode) != 0) {
perror("trying to create local folder");
return false; // Couldn't create it :-(
if (dirObj.exists(base) == false)
//qDebug("KStandardDirs::makeDir try to create : %s" , base.latin1());
if (dirObj.mkdir(base) != true)
qDebug("KStandardDirs::makeDir could not create: %s" , base.latin1());
return false;
i = pos + 1;
return true;
static QString readEnvPath(const char *env)
#ifdef _WIN32_
return "";
QCString c_path = getenv(env);
if (c_path.isEmpty())
return QString::null;
return QFile::decodeName(c_path);
void KStandardDirs::addKDEDefaults()
//qDebug("ERROR: KStandardDirs::addKDEDefaults() called ");
QStringList kdedirList;
// begin KDEDIRS
QString kdedirs = readEnvPath("MICROKDEDIRS");
if (!kdedirs.isEmpty())
tokenize(kdedirList, kdedirs, ":");
QString kdedir = readEnvPath("MICROKDEDIR");
if (!kdedir.isEmpty())
kdedir = KShell::tildeExpand(kdedir);
//US kdedirList.append(KDEDIR);
//US for embedded, add qtopia dir as kdedir
- kdedirList.append(QPEApplication::qpeDir());
+ kdedirList.append(readEnvPath("QPEDIR" ));
QString execPrefix(__KDE_EXECPREFIX);
if (execPrefix!="NONE")
QString localKdeDir;
//US if (getuid())
if (true)
localKdeDir = readEnvPath("MICROKDEHOME");
if (!localKdeDir.isEmpty())
if ( != '/')
localKdeDir += '/';
localKdeDir = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/kdepim/";
// We treat root different to prevent root messing up the
// file permissions in the users home directory.
localKdeDir = readEnvPath("MICROKDEROOTHOME");
if (!localKdeDir.isEmpty())
if ( != '/')
localKdeDir += '/';
//US struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(0);
//US localKdeDir = QFile::decodeName((pw && pw->pw_dir) ? pw->pw_dir : "/root") + "/.microkde/";
qDebug("KStandardDirs::addKDEDefaults: 1 has to be fixed");
//US localKdeDir = appDir();
// qDebug("KStandardDirs::addKDEDefaults: localKdeDir=%s", localKdeDir.latin1());
if (localKdeDir != "-/")
localKdeDir = KShell::tildeExpand(localKdeDir);
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = kdedirList.begin();
it != kdedirList.end(); it++)
QString dir = KShell::tildeExpand(*it);
// end KDEDIRS
QStringList xdgdirList;
QString xdgdirs = readEnvPath("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS");
if (!xdgdirs.isEmpty())
tokenize(xdgdirList, xdgdirs, ":");
QString localXdgDir = readEnvPath("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
if (!localXdgDir.isEmpty())
if ( != '/')
localXdgDir += '/';
//US if (getuid())
if (true)
localXdgDir = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.config/";
//US struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(0);
//US localXdgDir = QFile::decodeName((pw && pw->pw_dir) ? pw->pw_dir : "/root") + "/.config/";
qDebug("KStandardDirs::addKDEDefaults: 2 has to be fixed");
localXdgDir = KShell::tildeExpand(localXdgDir);
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = xdgdirList.begin();
it != xdgdirList.end(); it++)
QString dir = KShell::tildeExpand(*it);
// begin XDG_DATA_XXX
xdgdirs = readEnvPath("XDG_DATA_DIRS");
if (!xdgdirs.isEmpty())
tokenize(xdgdirList, xdgdirs, ":");
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = kdedirList.begin();
it != kdedirList.end(); it++)
QString dir = *it;
if ( != '/')
dir += '/';
localXdgDir = readEnvPath("XDG_DATA_HOME");
if (!localXdgDir.isEmpty())
if ( != '/')
localXdgDir += '/';
//US if (getuid())
if (true)
localXdgDir = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.local/share/";
//US struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(0);
//US localXdgDir = QFile::decodeName((pw && pw->pw_dir) ? pw->pw_dir : "/root") + "/.local/share/";
qDebug("KStandardDirs::addKDEDefaults: 3 has to be fixed");
localXdgDir = KShell::tildeExpand(localXdgDir);
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = xdgdirList.begin();
it != xdgdirList.end(); it++)
QString dir = KShell::tildeExpand(*it);
uint index = 0;
while (types[index] != 0) {
addResourceType(types[index], kde_default(types[index]));
addResourceDir("home", QDir::homeDirPath());
void KStandardDirs::checkConfig() const
if (!addedCustoms && KGlobal::_instance && KGlobal::_instance->_config)
if (!addedCustoms && KGlobal::config())
bool KStandardDirs::addCustomized(KConfig *config)
if (addedCustoms) // there are already customized entries
return false; // we just quite and hope they are the right ones
// save the numbers of config directories. If this changes,
// we will return true to give KConfig a chance to reparse
uint configdirs = resourceDirs("config").count();
// reading the prefixes in
QString oldGroup = config->group();
QStringList list;
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
list = config->readListEntry("prefixes");
for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++)
// iterating over all entries in the group Directories
// to find entries that start with dir_$type
QMap<QString, QString> entries = config->entryMap("Directories");
QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator it2;
for (it2 = entries.begin(); it2 != entries.end(); it2++)
QString key = it2.key();
if (key.left(4) == "dir_") {
// generate directory list, there may be more than 1.
QStringList dirs = QStringList::split(',', *it2);
QStringList::Iterator sIt(dirs.begin());
QString resType = key.mid(4, key.length());
for (; sIt != dirs.end(); ++sIt) {
addResourceDir(resType.latin1(), *sIt);
// Process KIOSK restrictions.
config->setGroup("KDE Resource Restrictions");
entries = config->entryMap("KDE Resource Restrictions");
for (it2 = entries.begin(); it2 != entries.end(); it2++)
QString key = it2.key();
if (!config->readBoolEntry(key, true))
d->restrictionsActive = true;
d->restrictions.insert(key.latin1(), &d->restrictionsActive); // Anything will do
// save it for future calls - that will return
addedCustoms = true;
// return true if the number of config dirs changed
return (resourceDirs("config").count() != configdirs);
QString KStandardDirs::localkdedir() const
// Return the prefix to use for saving
return prefixes.first();
QString KStandardDirs::localxdgdatadir() const
// Return the prefix to use for saving
return d->xdgdata_prefixes.first();
QString KStandardDirs::localxdgconfdir() const
// Return the prefix to use for saving
return d->xdgconf_prefixes.first();
void KStandardDirs::setAppDir( const QString &appDir )
mAppDir = appDir;
if ( mAppDir.right( 1 ) != "/" )
mAppDir += "/";
QString KStandardDirs::appDir()
return mAppDir;
// just to make code more readable without macros
QString locate( const char *type,
const QString& filename/*US , const KInstance* inst*/ )
//US return inst->dirs()->findResource(type, filename);
return KGlobal::dirs()->findResource(type, filename);
QString locateLocal( const char *type,
const QString& filename/*US , const KInstance* inst*/ )
QString path = locateLocal(type, filename, true /*US, inst*/);
static int ccc = 0;
if ( ccc > 13 )
qDebug("locatelocal: %s" , path.latin1());
return path;
/*US why do we put all files into one directory. It is quit complicated.
why not staying with the original directorystructure ?
QString escapedFilename = filename;
escapedFilename.replace( QRegExp( "/" ), "_" );
QString path = KStandardDirs::appDir() + type + "_" + escapedFilename;
kdDebug() << "locate: '" << path << "'" << endl;
qDebug("locate: %s" , path.latin1());
return path;
//US so my proposal is this:
// QString escapedFilename = filename;
// escapedFilename.replace( QRegExp( "/" ), "_" );
#if 0
#ifdef _WIN32_
QString path = QDir::convertSeparators(KStandardDirs::appDir() + type + "/" + filename);
QString path = KStandardDirs::appDir() + type + "/" + filename;
//US Create the containing dir if needed
QFileInfo fi ( path );
// QString;
// QMessageBox::information( 0,"path", path, 1 );
#ifdef _WIN32_
KStandardDirs::makeDir(fi.dirPath( true ));
qDebug("locate22: %s" , path.latin1());
return path;
QString locateLocal( const char *type,
const QString& filename, bool createDir/*US , const KInstance* inst*/ )
// try to find slashes. If there are some, we have to
// create the subdir first
int slash = filename.findRev('/')+1;
if (!slash) // only one filename
//US return inst->dirs()->saveLocation(type, QString::null, createDir) + filename;
return KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation(type, QString::null, createDir) + filename;
// split path from filename
QString dir = filename.left(slash);
QString file = filename.mid(slash);
//US return inst->dirs()->saveLocation(type, dir, createDir) + file;
return KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation(type, dir, createDir) + file;
// ***************************************************************
#if 0
/*US why do we put all files into one directory. It is quit complicated.
why not staying with the original directorystructure ?
QString escapedFilename = filename;
escapedFilename.replace( QRegExp( "/" ), "_" );
QString path = KStandardDirs::appDir() + type + "_" + escapedFilename;
kdDebug() << "locate: '" << path << "'" << endl;
qDebug("locate: %s" , path.latin1());
return path;
//US so my proposal is this:
// QString escapedFilename = filename;
// escapedFilename.replace( QRegExp( "/" ), "_" );
#ifdef _WIN32_
QString path = QDir::convertSeparators(KStandardDirs::appDir() + type + "/" + filename);
QString path = KStandardDirs::appDir() + type + "/" + filename;
//US Create the containing dir if needed
KURL pathurl;
// QMessageBox::information( 0,"path", path, 1 );
#ifdef _WIN32_
return path;
diff --git a/microkde/kdeui/ktoolbar.cpp b/microkde/kdeui/ktoolbar.cpp
index 92cb8d2..79b0f9d 100644
--- a/microkde/kdeui/ktoolbar.cpp
+++ b/microkde/kdeui/ktoolbar.cpp
@@ -3,2049 +3,2049 @@
(C) 2000 Reginald Stadlbauer (
(C) 1997, 1998 Stephan Kulow (
(C) 1997, 1998 Mark Donohoe (
(C) 1997, 1998 Sven Radej (
(C) 1997, 1998 Matthias Ettrich (
(C) 1999 Chris Schlaeger (
(C) 1999 Kurt Granroth (
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#undef Always
#include <qdockwindow.h>
#include "ktoolbar.h"
#include "kmainwindow.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qdrawutil.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qrect.h>
#include <qobjectlist.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qstyle.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
//US #include <config.h>
#include "klineedit.h"
#include "kseparator.h"
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kstdaction.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
//US #include <kpopupmenu.h>
//US #include <kanimwidget.h>
//US #include <kipc.h>
//US #include <kwin.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include "ktoolbarbutton.h"
#include "kconfigbase.h"
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qmainwindow.h>
enum {
CONTEXT_ICONSIZES = 50 // starting point for the icon size list, put everything else before
class KToolBarPrivate
KToolBarPrivate() {
m_iconSize = 0;
m_iconText = KToolBar::IconOnly;
m_highlight = true;
m_transparent = true;
m_honorStyle = false;
m_enableContext = true;
m_xmlguiClient = 0;
m_configurePlugged = false;
//US oldPos = Qt::DockUnmanaged;
oldPos = QMainWindow::Unmanaged;
modified = m_isHorizontal = positioned = FALSE;
HiddenDefault = false;
IconSizeDefault = 0;
IconTextDefault = "IconOnly";
IndexDefault = -1;
NewLineDefault = false;
OffsetDefault = -1;
PositionDefault = "Top";
int m_iconSize;
KToolBar::IconText m_iconText;
bool m_highlight : 1;
bool m_transparent : 1;
bool m_honorStyle : 1;
bool m_isHorizontal : 1;
bool m_enableContext : 1;
bool m_configurePlugged : 1;
bool modified : 1;
bool positioned : 1;
QWidget *m_parent;
QMainWindow::ToolBarDock oldPos;
KXMLGUIClient *m_xmlguiClient;
struct ToolBarInfo
//US ToolBarInfo() : index( 0 ), offset( -1 ), newline( FALSE ), dock( Qt::DockTop ) {}
ToolBarInfo() : index( 0 ), offset( -1 ), newline( FALSE ), dock( QMainWindow::Top ) {}
//US ToolBarInfo( Qt::Dock d, int i, bool n, int o ) : index( i ), offset( o ), newline( n ), dock( d ) {}
ToolBarInfo( QMainWindow::ToolBarDock d, int i, bool n, int o ) : index( i ), offset( o ), newline( n ), dock( d ) {}
int index, offset;
bool newline;
//US Qt::Dock dock;
QMainWindow::ToolBarDock dock;
ToolBarInfo toolBarInfo;
QValueList<int> iconSizes;
QTimer repaintTimer;
// Default Values.
bool HiddenDefault;
int IconSizeDefault;
QString IconTextDefault;
int IndexDefault;
bool NewLineDefault;
int OffsetDefault;
QString PositionDefault;
QPtrList<QWidget> idleButtons;
KToolBarSeparator::KToolBarSeparator(Orientation o , bool l, QToolBar *parent,
const char* name )
:QFrame( parent, name ), line( l )
connect( parent, SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Orientation)),
this, SLOT(setOrientation(Orientation)) );
setOrientation( o );
setBackgroundMode( parent->backgroundMode() );
setBackgroundOrigin( ParentOrigin );
void KToolBarSeparator::setOrientation( Orientation o )
orient = o;
if ( line ) {
if ( orientation() == Vertical )
setFrameStyle( HLine + Sunken );
setFrameStyle( VLine + Sunken );
} else {
setFrameStyle( NoFrame );
void KToolBarSeparator::styleChange( QStyle& )
setOrientation( orient );
QSize KToolBarSeparator::sizeHint() const
return orientation() == Vertical ? QSize( 0, 6 ) : QSize( 6, 0 );
QSizePolicy KToolBarSeparator::sizePolicy() const
return QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
KToolBar::KToolBar( QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool honorStyle, bool readConfig )
: QToolBar( QString::fromLatin1( name ),
parent && parent->inherits( "QMainWindow" ) ? static_cast<QMainWindow*>(parent) : 0,
parent, FALSE,
name ? name : "mainToolBar")
: QPEToolBar( parent && parent->inherits( "QMainWindow" ) ? static_cast<QMainWindow*>(parent) : 0,
QString::fromLatin1( name ))
init( readConfig, honorStyle );
KToolBar::KToolBar( QMainWindow *parentWindow, QMainWindow::ToolBarDock dock, bool newLine, const char *name, bool honorStyle, bool readConfig )
: QToolBar( QString::fromLatin1( name ),
parentWindow, dock, newLine,
name ? name : "mainToolBar")
: QPEToolBar( parentWindow,QString::fromLatin1( name ))
init( readConfig, honorStyle );
KToolBar::KToolBar( QMainWindow *parentWindow, QWidget *dock, bool newLine, const char *name, bool honorStyle, bool readConfig )
: QToolBar( QString::fromLatin1( name ),
parentWindow, dock, newLine,
name ? name : "mainToolBar")
: QPEToolBar( parentWindow,QString::fromLatin1( name ))
init( readConfig, honorStyle );
inshutdownprocess = true;
emit toolbarDestroyed();
delete d;
void KToolBar::init( bool readConfig, bool honorStyle )
inshutdownprocess = false;
d = new KToolBarPrivate;
setFullSize( TRUE );
d->m_honorStyle = honorStyle;
context = 0;
layoutTimer = new QTimer( this );
connect( layoutTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ),
this, SLOT( rebuildLayout() ) );
connect( &(d->repaintTimer), SIGNAL( timeout() ),
this, SLOT( slotRepaint() ) );
if ( kapp ) { // may be null when started inside designer
connect(kapp, SIGNAL(toolbarAppearanceChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotAppearanceChanged()));
// request notification of changes in icon style
connect(kapp, SIGNAL(iconChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotIconChanged(int)));
// finally, read in our configurable settings
if ( readConfig )
if ( mainWindow() )
connect( mainWindow(), SIGNAL( toolBarPositionChanged( QToolBar * ) ),
this, SLOT( toolBarPosChanged( QToolBar * ) ) );
// Hack to make sure we recalculate our size when we dock.
//US connect( this, SIGNAL(placeChanged(QDockWindow::Place)), SLOT(rebuildLayout()) );
int KToolBar::insertButton(const QString& icon, int id, bool enabled,
const QString& text, int index/*US, KInstance *_instance*/ )
KToolBarButton *button = new KToolBarButton( icon, id, this, 0, text/*US, _instance*/ );
insertWidgetInternal( button, index, id );
button->setEnabled( enabled );
doConnections( button );
return index;
int KToolBar::insertButton(const QString& icon, int id, const char *signal,
const QObject *receiver, const char *slot,
bool enabled, const QString& text, int index/*US, KInstance *_instance*/ )
KToolBarButton *button = new KToolBarButton( icon, id, this, 0, text/*US, _instance*/);
insertWidgetInternal( button, index, id );
button->setEnabled( enabled );
connect( button, signal, receiver, slot );
doConnections( button );
return index;
int KToolBar::insertButton(const QPixmap& pixmap, int id, bool enabled,
const QString& text, int index )
KToolBarButton *button = new KToolBarButton( pixmap, id, this, 0, text);
insertWidgetInternal( button, index, id );
button->setEnabled( enabled );
doConnections( button );
return index;
#if 0
bar->insertButton( icon, id_, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
SLOT( slotActivated() ),
d->isEnabled(), d->plainText(), index/*US, instance*/ );
int KToolBar::insertButton(const QPixmap& pixmap, int id, const char *signal,
const QObject *receiver, const char *slot,
bool enabled, const QString& text,
int index )
KToolBarButton *button = new KToolBarButton( pixmap, id, this, 0, text);
insertWidgetInternal( button, index, id );
button->setEnabled( enabled );
connect( button, signal, receiver, slot );
doConnections( button );
return index;
int KToolBar::insertButton(const QString& icon, int id, QPopupMenu *popup,
bool enabled, const QString &text, int index )
KToolBarButton *button = new KToolBarButton( icon, id, this, 0, text );
insertWidgetInternal( button, index, id );
button->setEnabled( enabled );
button->setPopup( popup );
doConnections( button );
return index;
int KToolBar::insertButton(const QPixmap& pixmap, int id, QPopupMenu *popup,
bool enabled, const QString &text, int index )
KToolBarButton *button = new KToolBarButton( pixmap, id, this, 0, text );
insertWidgetInternal( button, index, id );
button->setEnabled( enabled );
button->setPopup( popup );
doConnections( button );
return index;
int KToolBar::insertLined (const QString& text, int id,
const char *signal,
const QObject *receiver, const char *slot,
bool enabled ,
const QString& toolTipText,
int size, int index )
KLineEdit *lined = new KLineEdit ( this, 0 );
if ( !toolTipText.isEmpty() )
QToolTip::add( lined, toolTipText );
if ( size > 0 )
lined->setMinimumWidth( size );
insertWidgetInternal( lined, index, id );
connect( lined, signal, receiver, slot );
lined->setEnabled( enabled );
return index;
int KToolBar::insertCombo (const QStringList &list, int id, bool writable,
const char *signal, const QObject *receiver,
const char *slot, bool enabled,
const QString& tooltiptext,
int size, int index,
QComboBox::Policy policy )
//US KComboBox *combo = new KComboBox ( writable, this );
KComboBox *combo = new KComboBox ( this );
insertWidgetInternal( combo, index, id );
combo->insertStringList (list);
combo->setEnabled( enabled );
if ( !tooltiptext.isEmpty() )
QToolTip::add( combo, tooltiptext );
if ( size > 0 )
combo->setMinimumWidth( size );
if (!tooltiptext.isNull())
QToolTip::add( combo, tooltiptext );
if ( signal && receiver && slot )
connect ( combo, signal, receiver, slot );
return index;
int KToolBar::insertCombo (const QString& text, int id, bool writable,
const char *signal, QObject *receiver,
const char *slot, bool enabled,
const QString& tooltiptext,
int size, int index,
QComboBox::Policy policy )
//US KComboBox *combo = new KComboBox ( writable, this );
KComboBox *combo = new KComboBox ( this );
insertWidgetInternal( combo, index, id );
combo->insertItem (text);
combo->setEnabled( enabled );
if ( !tooltiptext.isEmpty() )
QToolTip::add( combo, tooltiptext );
if ( size > 0 )
combo->setMinimumWidth( size );
if (!tooltiptext.isNull())
QToolTip::add( combo, tooltiptext );
connect (combo, signal, receiver, slot);
return index;
int KToolBar::insertSeparator(int index, int id)
QWidget *w = new KToolBarSeparator( orientation(), FALSE, this, "tool bar separator" );
insertWidgetInternal( w, index, id );
return index;
int KToolBar::insertLineSeparator(int index, int id)
QWidget *w = new KToolBarSeparator( orientation(), TRUE, this, "tool bar separator" );
insertWidgetInternal( w, index, id );
return index;
int KToolBar::insertWidget(int id, int /*width*/, QWidget *widget, int index)
// removeWidgetInternal( widget ); // in case we already have it ?
insertWidgetInternal( widget, index, id );
return index;
int KToolBar::insertAnimatedWidget(int id, QObject *receiver, const char *slot,
const QString& icons, int index )
KAnimWidget *anim = new KAnimWidget( icons, d->m_iconSize, this );
insertWidgetInternal( anim, index, id );
if ( receiver )
connect( anim, SIGNAL(clicked()), receiver, slot);
return index;
KAnimWidget *KToolBar::animatedWidget( int id )
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
return 0;
if ( (*it) && (*it)->inherits( "KAnimWidget" ) )
return (KAnimWidget*)(*it);
QObjectList *l = queryList( "KAnimWidget" );
if ( !l || !l->first() ) {
delete l;
return 0;
for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
if ( o->inherits( "KAnimWidget" ) )
delete l;
return (KAnimWidget*)o;
delete l;
return 0;
void KToolBar::addConnection (int id, const char *signal,
const QObject *receiver, const char *slot)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
if ( (*it) )
connect( (*it), signal, receiver, slot );
void KToolBar::setItemEnabled( int id, bool enabled )
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
if ( (*it) )
(*it)->setEnabled( enabled );
void KToolBar::setButtonPixmap( int id, const QPixmap& _pixmap )
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US KToolBarButton * button = dynamic_cast<KToolBarButton *>( *it );
KToolBarButton * button = (KToolBarButton *)( *it );
if ( button )
button->setPixmap( _pixmap );
void KToolBar::setButtonIcon( int id, const QString& _icon )
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US KToolBarButton * button = dynamic_cast<KToolBarButton *>( *it );
KToolBarButton * button = (KToolBarButton *)( *it );
if ( button )
button->setIcon( _icon );
void KToolBar::setButtonIconSet( int id, const QIconSet& iconset )
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US KToolBarButton * button = dynamic_cast<KToolBarButton *>( *it );
KToolBarButton * button = (KToolBarButton *)( *it );
if ( button )
button->setIconSet( iconset );
void KToolBar::setDelayedPopup (int id , QPopupMenu *_popup, bool toggle )
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US KToolBarButton * button = dynamic_cast<KToolBarButton *>( *it );
KToolBarButton * button = (KToolBarButton *)( *it );
if ( button )
button->setDelayedPopup( _popup, toggle );
void KToolBar::setAutoRepeat (int id, bool flag)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US KToolBarButton * button = dynamic_cast<KToolBarButton *>( *it );
KToolBarButton * button = (KToolBarButton *)( *it );
if ( button )
button->setAutoRepeat( flag );
void KToolBar::setToggle (int id, bool flag )
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US KToolBarButton * button = dynamic_cast<KToolBarButton *>( *it );
KToolBarButton * button = (KToolBarButton *)( *it );
if ( button )
button->setToggle( flag );
void KToolBar::toggleButton (int id)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US KToolBarButton * button = dynamic_cast<KToolBarButton *>( *it );
KToolBarButton * button = (KToolBarButton *)( *it );
if ( button )
void KToolBar::setButton (int id, bool flag)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US KToolBarButton * button = dynamic_cast<KToolBarButton *>( *it );
KToolBarButton * button = (KToolBarButton *)( *it );
if ( button )
button->on( flag );
bool KToolBar::isButtonOn (int id) const
Id2WidgetMap::ConstIterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
return false;
//US KToolBarButton * button = dynamic_cast<KToolBarButton *>( *it );
KToolBarButton * button = (KToolBarButton *)( *it );
return button ? button->isOn() : false;
void KToolBar::setLinedText (int id, const QString& text)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US QLineEdit * lineEdit = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit *>( *it );
QLineEdit * lineEdit = (QLineEdit *)( *it );
if ( lineEdit )
lineEdit->setText( text );
QString KToolBar::getLinedText (int id) const
Id2WidgetMap::ConstIterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
return QString::null;
//US QLineEdit * lineEdit = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit *>( *it );
QLineEdit * lineEdit = (QLineEdit *)( *it );
return lineEdit ? lineEdit->text() : QString::null;
void KToolBar::insertComboItem (int id, const QString& text, int index)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US QComboBox * comboBox = dynamic_cast<QComboBox *>( *it );
QComboBox * comboBox = (QComboBox *)( *it );
if (comboBox)
comboBox->insertItem( text, index );
void KToolBar::insertComboList (int id, const QStringList &list, int index)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US QComboBox * comboBox = dynamic_cast<QComboBox *>( *it );
QComboBox * comboBox = (QComboBox *)( *it );
if (comboBox)
comboBox->insertStringList( list, index );
void KToolBar::removeComboItem (int id, int index)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US QComboBox * comboBox = dynamic_cast<QComboBox *>( *it );
QComboBox * comboBox = (QComboBox *)( *it );
if (comboBox)
comboBox->removeItem( index );
void KToolBar::setCurrentComboItem (int id, int index)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US QComboBox * comboBox = dynamic_cast<QComboBox *>( *it );
QComboBox * comboBox = (QComboBox *)( *it );
if (comboBox)
comboBox->setCurrentItem( index );
void KToolBar::changeComboItem (int id, const QString& text, int index)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US QComboBox * comboBox = dynamic_cast<QComboBox *>( *it );
QComboBox * comboBox = (QComboBox *)( *it );
if (comboBox)
comboBox->changeItem( text, index );
void KToolBar::clearCombo (int id)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US QComboBox * comboBox = dynamic_cast<QComboBox *>( *it );
QComboBox * comboBox = (QComboBox *)( *it );
if (comboBox)
QString KToolBar::getComboItem (int id, int index) const
Id2WidgetMap::ConstIterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
return QString::null;
//US QComboBox * comboBox = dynamic_cast<QComboBox *>( *it );
QComboBox * comboBox = (QComboBox *)( *it );
return comboBox ? comboBox->text( index ) : QString::null;
KComboBox * KToolBar::getCombo(int id)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
return 0;
//US return dynamic_cast<KComboBox *>( *it );
return (KComboBox *)( *it );
KLineEdit * KToolBar::getLined (int id)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
return 0;
//US return dynamic_cast<KLineEdit *>( *it );
return (KLineEdit *)( *it );
KToolBarButton * KToolBar::getButton (int id)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
return 0;
//US return dynamic_cast<KToolBarButton *>( *it );
return (KToolBarButton *)( *it );
void KToolBar::alignItemRight (int id, bool right )
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
if ( rightAligned && !right && (*it) == rightAligned )
rightAligned = 0;
if ( (*it) && right )
rightAligned = (*it);
QWidget *KToolBar::getWidget (int id)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
return ( it == id2widget.end() ) ? 0 : (*it);
void KToolBar::setItemAutoSized (int id, bool yes )
QWidget *w = getWidget(id);
if ( w && yes )
setStretchableWidget( w );
void KToolBar::clear ()
void KToolBar::removeItem(int id)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
kdDebug(220) << "KToolBar::removeItem item " << id << " not found" << endl;
QWidget * w = (*it);
id2widget.remove( id );
widget2id.remove( w );
widgets.removeRef( w );
delete w;
void KToolBar::removeItemDelayed(int id)
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
kdDebug(220) << "KToolBar::removeItem item " << id << " not found" << endl;
QWidget * w = (*it);
id2widget.remove( id );
widget2id.remove( w );
widgets.removeRef( w );
layoutTimer->start( 50, TRUE );
void KToolBar::hideItem (int id)
QWidget *w = getWidget(id);
if ( w )
void KToolBar::showItem (int id)
QWidget *w = getWidget(id);
if ( w )
int KToolBar::itemIndex (int id)
QWidget *w = getWidget(id);
return w ? widgets.findRef(w) : -1;
void KToolBar::setFullSize(bool flag )
setHorizontalStretchable( flag );
setVerticalStretchable( flag );
bool KToolBar::fullSize() const
return isHorizontalStretchable() || isVerticalStretchable();
void KToolBar::enableMoving(bool flag )
//US setMovingEnabled(flag);
void KToolBar::setBarPos (BarPosition bpos)
if ( !mainWindow() )
//US mainWindow()->moveDockWindow( this, (Dock)bpos );
mainWindow()->moveToolBar( this, (QMainWindow::ToolBarDock)bpos );
KToolBar::BarPosition KToolBar::barPos()
if ( !(QMainWindow*)mainWindow() )
return KToolBar::Top;
//US Dock dock;
QMainWindow::ToolBarDock dock;
int dm1, dm2;
bool dm3;
((QMainWindow*)mainWindow())->getLocation( (QToolBar*)this, dock, dm1, dm3, dm2 );
//US if ( dock == DockUnmanaged ) {
if ( dock == QMainWindow::Unmanaged ) {
return (KToolBar::BarPosition)Top;
return (BarPosition)dock;
bool KToolBar::enable(BarStatus stat)
bool mystat = isVisible();
if ( (stat == Toggle && mystat) || stat == Hide )
return isVisible() == mystat;
void KToolBar::setMaxHeight ( int h )
setMaximumHeight( h );
int KToolBar::maxHeight()
return maximumHeight();
void KToolBar::setMaxWidth (int dw)
setMaximumWidth( dw );
int KToolBar::maxWidth()
return maximumWidth();
void KToolBar::setTitle (const QString& _title)
setLabel( _title );
void KToolBar::enableFloating (bool )
void KToolBar::setIconText(IconText it)
setIconText( it, true );
void KToolBar::setIconText(IconText icontext, bool update)
bool doUpdate=false;
if (icontext != d->m_iconText) {
d->m_iconText = icontext;
if (update == false)
if (doUpdate)
emit modechange(); // tell buttons what happened
// ugly hack to force a QMainWindow::triggerLayout( TRUE )
if ( mainWindow() ) {
QMainWindow *mw = mainWindow();
mw->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE );
mw->setToolBarsMovable( !mw->toolBarsMovable() );
mw->setToolBarsMovable( !mw->toolBarsMovable() );
mw->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE );
KToolBar::IconText KToolBar::iconText() const
return d->m_iconText;
void KToolBar::setIconSize(int size)
setIconSize( size, true );
void KToolBar::setIconSize(int size, bool update)
bool doUpdate=false;
if ( size != d->m_iconSize ) {
d->m_iconSize = size;
if (update == false)
if (doUpdate)
emit modechange(); // tell buttons what happened
// ugly hack to force a QMainWindow::triggerLayout( TRUE )
if ( mainWindow() ) {
QMainWindow *mw = mainWindow();
mw->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE );
mw->setToolBarsMovable( !mw->toolBarsMovable() );
mw->setToolBarsMovable( !mw->toolBarsMovable() );
mw->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE );
int KToolBar::iconSize() const
if ( !d->m_iconSize ) // default value?
if (!::qstrcmp(QObject::name(), "mainToolBar"))
return KGlobal::iconLoader()->currentSize(KIcon::MainToolbar);
return KGlobal::iconLoader()->currentSize(KIcon::Toolbar);
return d->m_iconSize;
int ret = 18;
- if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 && QApplication::desktop()->width() < 650 )
+ if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 )
ret = 30;
return ret;
void KToolBar::setEnableContextMenu(bool enable )
d->m_enableContext = enable;
bool KToolBar::contextMenuEnabled() const
return d->m_enableContext;
void KToolBar::setItemNoStyle(int id, bool no_style )
Id2WidgetMap::Iterator it = id2widget.find( id );
if ( it == id2widget.end() )
//US KToolBarButton * button = dynamic_cast<KToolBarButton *>( *it );
KToolBarButton * button = (KToolBarButton *)( *it );
if (button)
button->setNoStyle( no_style );
void KToolBar::setFlat (bool flag)
if ( !mainWindow() )
if ( flag )
//US mainWindow()->moveDockWindow( this, DockMinimized );
mainWindow()->moveToolBar( this, QMainWindow::Minimized );
//US mainWindow()->moveDockWindow( this, DockTop );
mainWindow()->moveToolBar( this, QMainWindow::Top );
// And remember to save the new look later
if ( mainWindow()->inherits( "KMainWindow" ) )
static_cast<KMainWindow *>(mainWindow())->setSettingsDirty();
int KToolBar::count() const
return id2widget.count();
void KToolBar::saveState()
// first, try to save to the xml file
if ( d->m_xmlguiClient && !d->m_xmlguiClient->xmlFile().isEmpty() ) {
// go down one level to get to the right tags
QDomElement elem = d->m_xmlguiClient->domDocument().documentElement().toElement();
elem = elem.firstChild().toElement();
QString barname(!::qstrcmp(name(), "unnamed") ? "mainToolBar" : name());
QDomElement current;
// now try to find our toolbar
d->modified = false;
for( ; !elem.isNull(); elem = elem.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
current = elem;
if ( current.tagName().lower() != "toolbar" )
QString curname(current.attribute( "name" ));
if ( curname == barname ) {
saveState( current );
// if we didn't make changes, then just return
if ( !d->modified )
// now we load in the (non-merged) local file
QString local_xml(KXMLGUIFactory::readConfigFile(d->m_xmlguiClient->xmlFile(), true, d->m_xmlguiClient->instance()));
QDomDocument local;
// make sure we don't append if this toolbar already exists locally
bool just_append = true;
elem = local.documentElement().toElement();
KXMLGUIFactory::removeDOMComments( elem );
elem = elem.firstChild().toElement();
for( ; !elem.isNull(); elem = elem.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
if ( elem.tagName().lower() != "toolbar" )
QString curname(elem.attribute( "name" ));
if ( curname == barname ) {
just_append = false;
local.documentElement().replaceChild( current, elem );
if (just_append)
local.documentElement().appendChild( current );
KXMLGUIFactory::saveConfigFile(local, d->m_xmlguiClient->localXMLFile(), d->m_xmlguiClient->instance() );
// if that didn't work, we save to the config file
KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
saveSettings(config, QString::null);
QString KToolBar::settingsGroup()
QString configGroup;
if (!::qstrcmp(name(), "unnamed") || !::qstrcmp(name(), "mainToolBar"))
configGroup = "Toolbar style";
configGroup = QString(name()) + " Toolbar style";
if ( this->mainWindow() )
configGroup.prepend(" ");
configGroup.prepend( this->mainWindow()->name() );
return configGroup;
void KToolBar::saveSettings(KConfig *config, const QString &_configGroup)
QString configGroup = _configGroup;
if (configGroup.isEmpty())
configGroup = settingsGroup();
//kdDebug(220) << "KToolBar::saveSettings group=" << _configGroup << " -> " << configGroup << endl;
QString position, icontext;
int index;
getAttributes( position, icontext, index );
//kdDebug(220) << "KToolBar::saveSettings " << name() << " newLine=" << newLine << endl;
KConfigGroupSaver saver(config, configGroup);
if ( position != d->PositionDefault )
config->writeEntry("Position", position);
if ( icontext != d->IconTextDefault )
config->writeEntry("IconText", icontext);
if ( iconSize() != d->IconSizeDefault )
config->writeEntry("IconSize", iconSize());
if ( isHidden() != d->HiddenDefault )
config->writeEntry("Hidden", isHidden());
if ( index != d->IndexDefault )
config->writeEntry( "Index", index );
//US the older version of KDE (used on the Zaurus) has no Offset property
/* if ( offset() != d->OffsetDefault )
config->writeEntry( "Offset", offset() );
//US the older version of KDE (used on the Zaurus) has no NewLine property
if ( newLine() != d->NewLineDefault )
config->writeEntry( "NewLine", newLine() );
void KToolBar::setXMLGUIClient( KXMLGUIClient *client )
d->m_xmlguiClient = client;
void KToolBar::setText( const QString & txt )
//US setLabel( txt + " ( " + kapp->caption() + " ) " );
setLabel( txt + " ( " + KGlobal::getAppName() + " ) " );
QString KToolBar::text() const
return label();
void KToolBar::doConnections( KToolBarButton *button )
connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ) );
connect(button, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(int)), this, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( int ) ) );
connect(button, SIGNAL(released(int)), this, SIGNAL( released( int ) ) );
connect(button, SIGNAL(pressed(int)), this, SIGNAL( pressed( int ) ) );
connect(button, SIGNAL(toggled(int)), this, SIGNAL( toggled( int ) ) );
connect(button, SIGNAL(highlighted(int, bool)), this, SIGNAL( highlighted( int, bool ) ) );
void KToolBar::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *m )
if ( !mainWindow() )
QMainWindow *mw = mainWindow();
if ( mw->toolBarsMovable() && d->m_enableContext ) {
if ( m->button() == RightButton ) {
int i = contextMenu()->exec( m->globalPos(), 0 );
switch ( i ) {
case -1:
return; // popup cancelled
//US mw->moveDockWindow( this, DockLeft );
mw->moveToolBar( this, QMainWindow::Left );
//US mw->moveDockWindow( this, DockRight );
mw->moveToolBar( this, QMainWindow::Right );
//US mw->moveDockWindow( this, DockTop );
mw->moveToolBar( this, QMainWindow::Top );
//US mw->moveDockWindow( this, DockBottom );
mw->moveToolBar( this, QMainWindow::Bottom );
//US mw->moveDockWindow( this, DockMinimized );
mw->moveToolBar( this, QMainWindow::Minimized );
setIconText( IconOnly );
setIconText( IconTextRight );
setIconText( TextOnly );
setIconText( IconTextBottom );
setIconSize( i - CONTEXT_ICONSIZES );
return; // assume this was an action handled elsewhere, no need for setSettingsDirty()
if ( mw->inherits("KMainWindow") )
static_cast<KMainWindow *>(mw)->setSettingsDirty();
void KToolBar::rebuildLayout()
for(QWidget *w=d->idleButtons.first(); w; w=d->
QApplication::sendPostedEvents( this, QEvent::ChildInserted );
QBoxLayout *l = boxLayout();
l->setMargin( 1 );
// clear the old layout
QLayoutIterator it = l->iterator();
while ( it.current() ) {
for ( QWidget *w = widgets.first(); w; w = ) {
if ( w == rightAligned ) {
if ( w->inherits( "KToolBarSeparator" ) &&
!( (KToolBarSeparator*)w )->showLine() ) {
l->addSpacing( 6 );
if ( w->inherits( "QPopupMenu" ) )
l->addWidget( w );
if ( rightAligned ) {
l->addWidget( rightAligned );
if ( fullSize() ) {
// This code sucks. It makes the last combo in a toolbar VERY big (e.g. zoom combo in kword).
//if ( !stretchableWidget && widgets.last() &&
// !widgets.last()->inherits( "QButton" ) && !widgets.last()->inherits( "KAnimWidget" ) )
// setStretchableWidget( widgets.last() );
if ( !rightAligned )
if ( stretchableWidget )
l->setStretchFactor( stretchableWidget, 10 );
QApplication::postEvent( this, new QEvent( QEvent::LayoutHint ) );
void KToolBar::childEvent( QChildEvent *e )
if ( e->child()->isWidgetType() ) {
QWidget * w = (QWidget*)e->child();
if ( e->type() == QEvent::ChildInserted ) {
if ( !e->child()->inherits( "QPopupMenu" ) &&
::qstrcmp( "qt_dockwidget_internal", e->child()->name() ) != 0 ) {
// prevent items that have been explicitly inserted by insert*() from
// being inserted again
if ( !widget2id.contains( w ) )
int dummy = -1;
insertWidgetInternal( w, dummy, -1 );
} else {
removeWidgetInternal( w );
if ( isVisibleTo( 0 ) )
QBoxLayout *l = boxLayout();
// QLayout *l = layout();
// clear the old layout so that we don't get unnecassery layout
// changes till we have rebuild the thing
QLayoutIterator it = l->iterator();
while ( it.current() ) {
layoutTimer->start( 50, TRUE );
QToolBar::childEvent( e );
void KToolBar::insertWidgetInternal( QWidget *w, int &index, int id )
// we can't have it in widgets, or something is really wrong
//widgets.removeRef( w );
connect( w, SIGNAL( destroyed() ),
this, SLOT( widgetDestroyed() ) );
if ( index == -1 || index > (int)widgets.count() ) {
widgets.append( w );
index = (int)widgets.count();
widgets.insert( index, w );
if ( id == -1 )
id = id2widget.count();
id2widget.insert( id, w );
widget2id.insert( w, id );
void KToolBar::showEvent( QShowEvent *e )
QToolBar::showEvent( e );
void KToolBar::setStretchableWidget( QWidget *w )
QToolBar::setStretchableWidget( w );
stretchableWidget = w;
QSizePolicy KToolBar::sizePolicy() const
if ( orientation() == Horizontal )
return QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
return QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
QSize KToolBar::sizeHint() const
return QToolBar::sizeHint();
#if 0
static int iii = 0;
qDebug("++++++++ KToolBar::sizeHint() %d ", iii );
int margin = static_cast<QWidget*>(ncThis)->layout()->margin();
switch( barPos() )
case KToolBar::Top:
case KToolBar::Bottom:
for ( QWidget *w = widgets.first(); w; w )
if ( w->inherits( "KToolBarSeparator" ) &&
!( static_cast<KToolBarSeparator*>(w)->showLine() ) )
minSize += QSize(6, 0);
QSize sh = w->sizeHint();
if (!sh.isValid())
sh = w->minimumSize();
minSize = minSize.expandedTo(QSize(0, sh.height()));
minSize += QSize(sh.width()+1, 0);
minSize += QSize(QApplication::style().pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_DockWindowHandleExtent ), 0);
minSize += QSize(margin*2, margin*2);
case KToolBar::Left:
case KToolBar::Right:
for ( QWidget *w = widgets.first(); w; w = )
if ( w->inherits( "KToolBarSeparator" ) &&
!( static_cast<KToolBarSeparator*>(w)->showLine() ) )
minSize += QSize(0, 6);
QSize sh = w->sizeHint();
if (!sh.isValid())
sh = w->minimumSize();
minSize = minSize.expandedTo(QSize(sh.width(), 0));
minSize += QSize(0, sh.height()+1);
minSize += QSize(0, QApplication::style().pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_DockWindowHandleExtent ));
minSize += QSize(margin*2, margin*2);
minSize = QToolBar::sizeHint();
return minSize;
QSize KToolBar::minimumSize() const
return minimumSizeHint();
QSize KToolBar::minimumSizeHint() const
return sizeHint();
bool KToolBar::highlight() const
return d->m_highlight;
void KToolBar::hide()
void KToolBar::show()
void KToolBar::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e )
bool b = isUpdatesEnabled();
setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE );
QToolBar::resizeEvent( e );
if (b)
d->repaintTimer.start( 100, true );
void KToolBar::slotIconChanged(int group)
if ((group != KIcon::Toolbar) && (group != KIcon::MainToolbar))
if ((group == KIcon::MainToolbar) != !::qstrcmp(name(), "mainToolBar"))
emit modechange();
if (isVisible())
void KToolBar::slotReadConfig()
//kdDebug(220) << "KToolBar::slotReadConfig" << endl;
// Read appearance settings (hmm, we used to do both here,
// but a well behaved application will call applyMainWindowSettings
// anyway, right ?)
applyAppearanceSettings(KGlobal::config(), QString::null );
void KToolBar::slotAppearanceChanged()
// Read appearance settings from global file.
applyAppearanceSettings(KGlobal::config(), QString::null, true /* lose local settings */ );
// And remember to save the new look later
if ( mainWindow() && mainWindow()->inherits( "KMainWindow" ) )
static_cast<KMainWindow *>(mainWindow())->setSettingsDirty();
bool KToolBar::highlightSetting()
QString grpToolbar(QString::fromLatin1("Toolbar style"));
KConfigGroupSaver saver(KGlobal::config(), grpToolbar);
return KGlobal::config()->readBoolEntry(QString::fromLatin1("Highlighting"),true);
bool KToolBar::transparentSetting()
QString grpToolbar(QString::fromLatin1("Toolbar style"));
KConfigGroupSaver saver(KGlobal::config(), grpToolbar);
return KGlobal::config()->readBoolEntry(QString::fromLatin1("TransparentMoving"),true);
KToolBar::IconText KToolBar::iconTextSetting()
QString grpToolbar(QString::fromLatin1("Toolbar style"));
KConfigGroupSaver saver(KGlobal::config(), grpToolbar);
QString icontext = KGlobal::config()->readEntry(QString::fromLatin1("IconText"),QString::fromLatin1("IconOnly"));
if ( icontext == "IconTextRight" )
return IconTextRight;
else if ( icontext == "IconTextBottom" )
return IconTextBottom;
else if ( icontext == "TextOnly" )
return TextOnly;
return IconOnly;
void KToolBar::applyAppearanceSettings(KConfig *config, const QString &_configGroup, bool forceGlobal)
QString configGroup = _configGroup.isEmpty() ? settingsGroup() : _configGroup;
//kdDebug(220) << "KToolBar::applyAppearanceSettings: configGroup=" << configGroup << endl;
// We have application-specific settings in the XML file,
// and nothing in the application's config file
// -> don't apply the global defaults, the XML ones are preferred
// See applySettings for a full explanation
/*US :we do not support xml files
if ( d->m_xmlguiClient && !d->m_xmlguiClient->xmlFile().isEmpty() &&
!config->hasGroup(configGroup) )
//kdDebug(220) << "skipping global defaults, using XML ones instead" << endl;
if ( !config->hasGroup(configGroup) )
//kdDebug(220) << "skipping global defaults, using XML ones instead" << endl;
KConfig *gconfig = KGlobal::config();
static const QString &attrIconText = KGlobal::staticQString("IconText");
static const QString &attrHighlight = KGlobal::staticQString("Highlighting");
static const QString &attrTrans = KGlobal::staticQString("TransparentMoving");
static const QString &attrSize = KGlobal::staticQString("IconSize");
// we actually do this in two steps.
// First, we read in the global styles [Toolbar style] (from the KControl module).
// Then, if the toolbar is NOT 'mainToolBar', we will also try to read in [barname Toolbar style]
bool highlight;
int transparent;
QString icontext;
int iconsize = 0;
// this is the first iteration
QString grpToolbar(QString::fromLatin1("Toolbar style"));
{ // start block for KConfigGroupSaver
KConfigGroupSaver saver(gconfig, grpToolbar);
// first, get the generic settings
//US highlight = gconfig->readBoolEntry(attrHighlight, true);
highlight = gconfig->readBoolEntry("Highlighting", true);
//US transparent = gconfig->readBoolEntry(attrTrans, true);
transparent = gconfig->readBoolEntry("TransparentMoving", true);
// we read in the IconText property *only* if we intend on actually
// honoring it
if (d->m_honorStyle)
//US d->IconTextDefault = gconfig->readEntry(attrIconText, d->IconTextDefault);
d->IconTextDefault = gconfig->readEntry("IconText", d->IconTextDefault);
d->IconTextDefault = "IconOnly";
// Use the default icon size for toolbar icons.
//US d->IconSizeDefault = gconfig->readNumEntry(attrSize, d->IconSizeDefault);
d->IconSizeDefault = gconfig->readNumEntry("IconSize", d->IconSizeDefault);
if ( !forceGlobal && config->hasGroup(configGroup) )
// first, get the generic settings
//US highlight = config->readBoolEntry(attrHighlight, highlight);
highlight = config->readBoolEntry("Highlighting", highlight);
//US transparent = config->readBoolEntry(attrTrans, transparent);
transparent = config->readBoolEntry("TransparentMoving", transparent);
// now we always read in the IconText property
//US icontext = config->readEntry(attrIconText, d->IconTextDefault);
icontext = config->readEntry("IconText", d->IconTextDefault);
// now get the size
//US iconsize = config->readNumEntry(attrSize, d->IconSizeDefault);
iconsize = config->readNumEntry("IconSize", d->IconSizeDefault);
iconsize = d->IconSizeDefault;
icontext = d->IconTextDefault;
// revert back to the old group
} // end block for KConfigGroupSaver
bool doUpdate = false;
IconText icon_text;
if ( icontext == "IconTextRight" )
icon_text = IconTextRight;
else if ( icontext == "IconTextBottom" )
icon_text = IconTextBottom;
else if ( icontext == "TextOnly" )
icon_text = TextOnly;
icon_text = IconOnly;
// check if the icon/text has changed
if (icon_text != d->m_iconText) {
//kdDebug(220) << "KToolBar::applyAppearanceSettings setIconText " << icon_text << endl;
setIconText(icon_text, false);
doUpdate = true;
// ...and check if the icon size has changed
if (iconsize != d->m_iconSize) {
setIconSize(iconsize, false);
doUpdate = true;
QMainWindow *mw = mainWindow();
// ...and if we should highlight
if ( highlight != d->m_highlight ) {
d->m_highlight = highlight;
doUpdate = true;
// ...and if we should move transparently
if ( mw && transparent != (!mw->opaqueMoving()) ) {
mw->setOpaqueMoving( !transparent );
if (doUpdate)
emit modechange(); // tell buttons what happened
if (isVisible ())
void KToolBar::applySettings(KConfig *config, const QString &_configGroup)
//kdDebug(220) << "KToolBar::applySettings group=" << _configGroup << endl;
QString configGroup = _configGroup.isEmpty() ? settingsGroup() : _configGroup;
Let's explain this a bit more in details.
The order in which we apply settings is :
Global config / <appnamerc> user settings if no XMLGUI is used
Global config / App-XML attributes / <appnamerc> user settings if XMLGUI is used
So in the first case, we simply read everything from KConfig as below,
but in the second case we don't do anything here if there is no app-specific config,
and the XMLGUI uses the static methods of this class to get the global defaults.
Global config doesn't include position (index, offset, newline and hidden/shown).
// First the appearance stuff - the one which has a global config
applyAppearanceSettings( config, _configGroup );
// ...and now the position stuff
if ( config->hasGroup(configGroup) )
KConfigGroupSaver cgs(config, configGroup);
static const QString &attrPosition = KGlobal::staticQString("Position");
static const QString &attrIndex = KGlobal::staticQString("Index");
static const QString &attrOffset = KGlobal::staticQString("Offset");
static const QString &attrNewLine = KGlobal::staticQString("NewLine");
static const QString &attrHidden = KGlobal::staticQString("Hidden");
QString position = config->readEntry(attrPosition, d->PositionDefault);
int index = config->readNumEntry(attrIndex, d->IndexDefault);
int offset = config->readNumEntry(attrOffset, d->OffsetDefault);
bool newLine = config->readBoolEntry(attrNewLine, d->NewLineDefault);
bool hidden = config->readBoolEntry(attrHidden, d->HiddenDefault);
QString position = config->readEntry("Position", d->PositionDefault);
int index = config->readNumEntry("Index", d->IndexDefault);
int offset = config->readNumEntry("Offset", d->OffsetDefault);
bool newLine = config->readBoolEntry("NewLine", d->NewLineDefault);
bool hidden = config->readBoolEntry("Hidden", d->HiddenDefault);
/*US Dock pos(DockTop);
if ( position == "Top" )
pos = DockTop;
else if ( position == "Bottom" )
pos = DockBottom;
else if ( position == "Left" )
pos = DockLeft;
else if ( position == "Right" )
pos = DockRight;
else if ( position == "Floating" )
pos = DockTornOff;
else if ( position == "Flat" )
pos = DockMinimized;
QMainWindow::ToolBarDock pos(QMainWindow::Top);
if ( position == "Top" )
pos = QMainWindow::Top;
else if ( position == "Bottom" )
pos = QMainWindow::Bottom;
else if ( position == "Left" )
pos = QMainWindow::Left;
else if ( position == "Right" )
pos = QMainWindow::Right;
else if ( position == "Floating" )
pos = QMainWindow::TornOff;
else if ( position == "Flat" )
pos = QMainWindow::Minimized;
//kdDebug(220) << "KToolBar::applySettings hidden=" << hidden << endl;
if (hidden)
if ( mainWindow() )
QMainWindow *mw = mainWindow();
//kdDebug(220) << "KToolBar::applySettings updating ToolbarInfo" << endl;
d->toolBarInfo = KToolBarPrivate::ToolBarInfo( pos, index, newLine, offset );
// moveDockWindow calls QDockArea which does a reparent() on us with
// showIt = true, so we loose our visibility status
bool doHide = isHidden();
//US mw->moveDockWindow( this, pos, newLine, index, offset );
mw->moveToolBar( this, pos, newLine, index, offset );
//kdDebug(220) << "KToolBar::applySettings " << name() << " moveDockWindow with pos=" << pos << " newLine=" << newLine << " idx=" << index << " offs=" << offset << endl;
if ( doHide )
if (isVisible ())
bool KToolBar::event( QEvent *e )
if ( (e->type() == QEvent::LayoutHint) && isUpdatesEnabled() )
d->repaintTimer.start( 100, true );
if (e->type() == QEvent::ChildInserted )
// By pass QToolBar::event,
// it will show() the inserted child and we don't want to
// do that until we have rebuild the layout.
childEvent((QChildEvent *)e);
return true;
return QToolBar::event( e );
void KToolBar::slotRepaint()
setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE );
// Send a resizeEvent to update the "toolbar extension arrow"
// (The button you get when your toolbar-items don't fit in
// the available space)
QResizeEvent ev(size(), size());
QApplication::sendPostedEvents( this, QEvent::LayoutHint );
setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE );
repaint( TRUE );
void KToolBar::toolBarPosChanged( QToolBar *tb )
if ( tb != this )
//US if ( d->oldPos == DockMinimized )
if ( d->oldPos == QMainWindow::Minimized )
d->oldPos = (QMainWindow::ToolBarDock)barPos();
if ( mainWindow() && mainWindow()->inherits( "KMainWindow" ) )
static_cast<KMainWindow *>(mainWindow())->setSettingsDirty();
void KToolBar::loadState( const QDomElement &element )
//kdDebug(220) << "KToolBar::loadState " << this << endl;
if ( !mainWindow() )
QCString text = element.namedItem( "text" ).toElement().text().utf8();
if ( text.isEmpty() )
text = element.namedItem( "Text" ).toElement().text().utf8();
if ( !text.isEmpty() )
setText( i18n( text ) );
QCString attrFullWidth = element.attribute( "fullWidth" ).lower().latin1();
if ( !attrFullWidth.isEmpty() )
setFullSize( attrFullWidth == "true" );
Dock dock = DockTop;
QCString attrPosition = element.attribute( "position" ).lower().latin1();
//kdDebug(220) << "KToolBar::loadState attrPosition=" << attrPosition << endl;
if ( !attrPosition.isEmpty() ) {
if ( attrPosition == "top" )
dock = DockTop;
else if ( attrPosition == "left" )
dock = DockLeft;
else if ( attrPosition == "right" )
dock = DockRight;
else if ( attrPosition == "bottom" )
dock = DockBottom;
else if ( attrPosition == "floating" )
dock = DockTornOff;
else if ( attrPosition == "flat" )
dock = DockMinimized;
QCString attrIconText = element.attribute( "iconText" ).lower().latin1();
if ( !attrIconText.isEmpty() ) {
//kdDebug(220) << "KToolBar::loadState attrIconText=" << attrIconText << endl;
if ( attrIconText == "icontextright" )
setIconText( KToolBar::IconTextRight );
else if ( attrIconText == "textonly" )
setIconText( KToolBar::TextOnly );
else if ( attrIconText == "icontextbottom" )
setIconText( KToolBar::IconTextBottom );
else if ( attrIconText == "icononly" )
setIconText( KToolBar::IconOnly );
} else
// Use global setting
setIconText( iconTextSetting() );
QString attrIconSize = element.attribute( "iconSize" ).lower();
if ( !attrIconSize.isEmpty() )
d->IconSizeDefault = attrIconSize.toInt();
setIconSize( d->IconSizeDefault );
QString attrIndex = element.attribute( "index" ).lower();
if ( !attrIndex.isEmpty() )
d->IndexDefault = attrIndex.toInt();
QString attrOffset = element.attribute( "offset" ).lower();
if ( !attrOffset.isEmpty() )
d->OffsetDefault = attrOffset.toInt();
QString attrNewLine = element.attribute( "newline" ).lower();
if ( !attrNewLine.isEmpty() )
d->NewLineDefault = attrNewLine == "true";
QString attrHidden = element.attribute( "hidden" ).lower();
if ( !attrHidden.isEmpty() )
d->HiddenDefault = attrHidden == "true";
d->toolBarInfo = KToolBarPrivate::ToolBarInfo( dock, d->IndexDefault, d->NewLineDefault, d->OffsetDefault );
mainWindow()->addDockWindow( this, dock, d->NewLineDefault );
//US mainWindow()->moveDockWindow( this, dock, d->NewLineDefault, d->IndexDefault, d->OffsetDefault );
mainWindow()->moveToolBar( this, dock, d->NewLineDefault, d->IndexDefault, d->OffsetDefault );
// Apply the highlight button setting
d->m_highlight = highlightSetting();
// Apply transparent-toolbar-moving setting (ok, this is global to the mainwindow,
// but we do it only if there are toolbars...)
if ( transparentSetting() != !mainWindow()->opaqueMoving() )
mainWindow()->setOpaqueMoving( !transparentSetting() );
if ( d->HiddenDefault )
getAttributes( d->PositionDefault, d->IconTextDefault, d->IndexDefault );
void KToolBar::getAttributes( QString &position, QString &icontext, int &index )
// get all of the stuff to save
switch ( barPos() ) {
case KToolBar::Flat:
position = "Flat";
case KToolBar::Bottom:
position = "Bottom";
case KToolBar::Left:
position = "Left";
case KToolBar::Right:
position = "Right";
case KToolBar::Floating:
position = "Floating";
case KToolBar::Top:
position = "Top";
if ( mainWindow() ) {
QMainWindow::ToolBarDock dock;
bool newLine;
int offset;
mainWindow()->getLocation( this, dock, index, newLine, offset );
switch (d->m_iconText) {
case KToolBar::IconTextRight:
icontext = "IconTextRight";
case KToolBar::IconTextBottom:
icontext = "IconTextBottom";
case KToolBar::TextOnly:
icontext = "TextOnly";
case KToolBar::IconOnly:
icontext = "IconOnly";
void KToolBar::saveState( QDomElement &current )
QString position, icontext;
int index = -1;
getAttributes( position, icontext, index );
current.setAttribute( "noMerge", "1" );
current.setAttribute( "position", position );
current.setAttribute( "iconText", icontext );
current.setAttribute( "index", index );
current.setAttribute( "offset", offset() );
current.setAttribute( "newline", newLine() );
if ( isHidden() )
diff --git a/microkde/kresources/factory.cpp b/microkde/kresources/factory.cpp
index 827ec38..2253de4 100644
--- a/microkde/kresources/factory.cpp
+++ b/microkde/kresources/factory.cpp
@@ -1,242 +1,243 @@
This file is part of libkresources.
Copyright (c) 2002 Tobias Koenig <>
Copyright (c) 2002 Jan-Pascal van Best <>
Copyright (c) 2003 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
#include <klibloader.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "factory.h"
using namespace KRES;
QDict<Factory> *Factory::mSelves = 0;
static KStaticDeleter< QDict<Factory> > staticDeleter;
Factory *Factory::self( const QString& resourceFamily )
Factory *factory = 0;
if ( !mSelves )
mSelves = staticDeleter.setObject( new QDict<Factory> );
factory = mSelves->find( resourceFamily );
if ( !factory ) {
factory = new Factory( resourceFamily );
mSelves->insert( resourceFamily, factory );
return factory;
Factory::Factory( const QString& resourceFamily ) :
mResourceFamily( resourceFamily )
//US so far we have three types available for resourceFamily "contact"
// and that are "file", "dir", "ldap"
KTrader::OfferList plugins = KTrader::self()->query( "KResources/Plugin", QString( "[X-KDE-ResourceFamily] == '%1'" )
.arg( resourceFamily ) );
KTrader::OfferList::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = plugins.begin(); it != plugins.end(); ++it ) {
QVariant type = (*it)->property( "X-KDE-ResourceType" );
if ( !type.toString().isEmpty() )
mTypeMap.insert( type.toString(), *it );
//US new
PluginInfo* info = new PluginInfo;
info->library = "microkabc_file";
info->nameLabel = i18n( "file" );
info->descriptionLabel = i18n( "Choose one file" );
mTypeMap.insert( "file", info );
info = new PluginInfo;
info->library = "microkabc_dir";
info->nameLabel = i18n( "dir" );
info->descriptionLabel = i18n( "Choose a directory with may files" );
mTypeMap.insert( "dir", info );
info = new PluginInfo;
info->library = "microkabc_ldap";
info->nameLabel = i18n( "ldap" );
info->descriptionLabel = i18n( "No description available" );
mTypeMap.insert( "ldap", info );
//US add opie plugin only, if the library exists
QString libname = "microkabc_opie";
QString path = KLibLoader::findLibrary( QFile::encodeName( libname ) );
if ( !path.isEmpty() )
info = new PluginInfo;
info->library = libname;
info->nameLabel = i18n( "opie" );
info->descriptionLabel = i18n( "Opie PIM Addressbook." );
mTypeMap.insert( "opie", info );
//US add qtopia plugin only, if the library exists
libname = "microkabc_qtopia";
path = KLibLoader::findLibrary( QFile::encodeName( libname ) );
if ( !path.isEmpty() )
info = new PluginInfo;
info->library = libname;
info->nameLabel = i18n( "qtopia" );
info->descriptionLabel = i18n( "Qtopia PIM Addressbook." );
mTypeMap.insert( "qtopia", info );
QStringList Factory::typeNames() const
//US method QMap::keys() not available yet. SO collect the data manually
//US return mTypeMap.keys();
QStringList result;
QMap<QString, PluginInfo*>::ConstIterator it;
for( it = mTypeMap.begin(); it != mTypeMap.end(); ++it ) {
result << it.key().latin1();
// qDebug("Factory::typeNames() : %s ", it.key().latin1());
return result;
ConfigWidget *Factory::configWidget( const QString& type, QWidget *parent )
if ( type.isEmpty() || !mTypeMap.contains( type ) )
return 0;
//US KService::Ptr ptr = mTypeMap[ type ];
//US KLibFactory *factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory( ptr->library().latin1() );
PluginInfo* pi = mTypeMap[ type ];
KLibFactory *factory = (KLibFactory *)KLibLoader::self()->factory( pi->library.latin1() );
if ( !factory ) {
qDebug("KRES::Factory::configWidget(): Factory creation failed for library %s", pi->library.latin1());
kdDebug() << "KRES::Factory::configWidget(): Factory creation failed" << endl;
return 0;
PluginFactoryBase *pluginFactory = static_cast<PluginFactoryBase *>( factory );
if ( !pluginFactory ) {
qDebug("KRES::Factory::configWidget(): no plugin factory for library %s", pi->library.latin1());
kdDebug() << "KRES::Factory::configWidget(): no plugin factory." << endl;
return 0;
ConfigWidget *wdg = pluginFactory->configWidget( parent );
if ( !wdg ) {
//US kdDebug() << "'" << ptr->library() << "' is not a " + mResourceFamily + " plugin." << endl;
qDebug("%s is not a %s plugin.", pi->library.latin1(), mResourceFamily.latin1());
return 0;
return wdg;
QString Factory::typeName( const QString &type ) const
if ( type.isEmpty() || !mTypeMap.contains( type ) )
return QString();
//US KService::Ptr ptr = mTypeMap[ type ];
//US return ptr->name();
PluginInfo* pi = mTypeMap[ type ];
return pi->nameLabel;
QString Factory::typeDescription( const QString &type ) const
if ( type.isEmpty() || !mTypeMap.contains( type ) )
return QString();
//US KService::Ptr ptr = mTypeMap[ type ];
//US return ptr->comment();
PluginInfo* pi = mTypeMap[ type ];
return pi->descriptionLabel;
Resource *Factory::resource( const QString& type, const KConfig *config )
if ( type.isEmpty() || !mTypeMap.contains( type ) )
return 0;
/*US load the lib not dynamicly. !!
KService::Ptr ptr = mTypeMap[ type ];
KLibFactory *factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory( ptr->library().latin1() );
if ( !factory ) {
kdDebug() << "KRES::Factory::resource(): Factory creation failed" << endl;
return 0;
PluginInfo* pi = mTypeMap[ type ];
KLibFactory *factory = (KLibFactory *)KLibLoader::self()->factory( pi->library.latin1() );
if ( !factory ) {
qDebug("KRES::Factory::resource(): Factory creation failed for library %s", pi->library.latin1());
kdDebug() << "KRES::Factory::resource(): Factory creation failed" << endl;
return 0;
PluginFactoryBase *pluginFactory = static_cast<PluginFactoryBase *>( factory );
if ( !pluginFactory ) {
qDebug("KRES::Factory::resource(): no plugin factory for library %s", pi->library.latin1());
kdDebug() << "KRES::Factory::resource(): no plugin factory." << endl;
return 0;
Resource *resource = pluginFactory->resource( config );
if ( !resource ) {
//US kdDebug() << "'" << ptr->library() << "' is not a " + mResourceFamily + " plugin." << endl;
qDebug("%s is not a %s plugin.", pi->library.latin1(), mResourceFamily.latin1());
return 0;
resource->setType( type );
return resource;
diff --git a/microkde/ b/microkde/
index 1e9b022..05833a9 100644
--- a/microkde/
+++ b/microkde/
@@ -1,170 +1,168 @@
CONFIG += qt warn_on
#INCLUDEPATH += $(QTDIR)/include .
#DEPENDPATH += $(QTDIR)/include
INCLUDEPATH += . ../ ../kabc ./kdecore ./kdeui ./kio/kfile
#LIBS += -lqtcompat
TARGET = microkde
DESTDIR= ../bin
unix : {
OBJECTS_DIR = obj/unix
MOC_DIR = moc/unix
win32: {
OBJECTS_DIR = obj/win
MOC_DIR = moc/win
include( ../variables.pri )
qlayoutengine_p.h \
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.h \
kapplication.h \
kaudioplayer.h \
kcalendarsystem.h \
kcalendarsystemgregorian.h \
kcolorbutton.h \
kcolordialog.h \
kcombobox.h \
kconfig.h \
kdatetbl.h \
kdebug.h \
kdialog.h \
kdialogbase.h \
kdirwatch.h \
keditlistbox.h \
kemailsettings.h \
kfiledialog.h \
kfontdialog.h \
kglobal.h \
kglobalsettings.h \
kiconloader.h \
klineedit.h \
klineeditdlg.h \
kmessagebox.h \
knotifyclient.h \
kprinter.h \
kprocess.h \
krestrictedline.h \
krun.h \
ksimpleconfig.h \
kstaticdeleter.h \
ksystemtray.h \
ktempfile.h \
ktextedit.h \
kunload.h \
kurl.h \
kdeui/kguiitem.h \
kdeui/kcmodule.h \
kdeui/kbuttonbox.h \
kdeui/klistbox.h \
kdeui/klistview.h \
kdeui/kjanuswidget.h \
kdeui/kseparator.h \
kdeui/knuminput.h \
kdeui/knumvalidator.h \
kdeui/ksqueezedtextlabel.h \
kio/job.h \
kio/kfile/kurlrequester.h \
kresources/resource.h \
kresources/factory.h \
kresources/managerimpl.h \
kresources/manager.h \
kresources/selectdialog.h \
kresources/configpage.h \
kresources/configwidget.h \
kresources/configdialog.h \
kresources/kcmkresources.h \
kdecore/kmdcodec.h \
kdecore/kconfigbase.h \
kdecore/klocale.h \
kdecore/kcatalogue.h \
kdecore/ksharedptr.h \
kdecore/kshell.h \
kdecore/kstandarddirs.h \
kdecore/kstringhandler.h \
kdecore/kshortcut.h \
kutils/kcmultidialog.h \
kdeui/kxmlguiclient.h \
kdeui/kstdaction.h \
kdeui/kmainwindow.h \
kdeui/ktoolbar.h \
kdeui/ktoolbarbutton.h \
kdeui/ktoolbarhandler.h \
kdeui/kaction.h \
kdeui/kactionclasses.h \
- kdeui/kactioncollection.h
+ kdeui/kactioncollection.h \
+ kdecore/klibloader.h
# kdecore/klibloader.h \
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.cpp \
kapplication.cpp \
kcalendarsystem.cpp \
kcalendarsystemgregorian.cpp \
kcolorbutton.cpp \
kcolordialog.cpp \
kconfig.cpp \
kdatetbl.cpp \
kdialog.cpp \
kdialogbase.cpp \
keditlistbox.cpp \
kemailsettings.cpp \
kfontdialog.cpp \
kfiledialog.cpp \
kglobal.cpp \
kglobalsettings.cpp \
kiconloader.cpp \
kmessagebox.cpp \
ktextedit.cpp \
kprocess.cpp \
krun.cpp \
ksystemtray.cpp \
ktempfile.cpp \
kurl.cpp \
kdecore/kcatalogue.cpp \
kdecore/klocale.cpp \
kdecore/kmdcodec.cpp \
kdecore/kshell.cpp \
kdecore/kstandarddirs.cpp \
kdecore/kstringhandler.cpp \
kdeui/kbuttonbox.cpp \
kdeui/kcmodule.cpp \
kdeui/kguiitem.cpp \
kdeui/kjanuswidget.cpp \
kdeui/klistbox.cpp \
kdeui/klistview.cpp \
kdeui/knuminput.cpp \
kdeui/knumvalidator.cpp \
kdeui/kseparator.cpp \
kdeui/ksqueezedtextlabel.cpp \
kio/kfile/kurlrequester.cpp \
kresources/configpage.cpp \
kresources/configdialog.cpp \
kresources/configwidget.cpp \
kresources/factory.cpp \
kresources/kcmkresources.cpp \
kresources/managerimpl.cpp \
kresources/resource.cpp \
kresources/selectdialog.cpp \
kutils/kcmultidialog.cpp \
kdeui/kaction.cpp \
kdeui/kactionclasses.cpp \
kdeui/kactioncollection.cpp \
kdeui/kmainwindow.cpp \
kdeui/ktoolbar.cpp \
kdeui/ktoolbarbutton.cpp \
kdeui/ktoolbarhandler.cpp \
kdeui/kstdaction.cpp \
- kdeui/kxmlguiclient.cpp
-# kdecore/klibloader.cpp \ \ No newline at end of file
+ kdeui/kxmlguiclient.cpp \
+ kdecore/klibloader.cpp \ No newline at end of file