authorzautrix <zautrix>2005-04-21 12:32:52 (UTC)
committer zautrix <zautrix>2005-04-21 12:32:52 (UTC)
commit0a13a3490ec3bf4735e3435f80f58fa7d50b4448 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent4d96d7b681ce99d76746a843c289b75f5e7dba64 (diff)
rubberband fix
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
3 files changed, 22 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/komonthview.cpp b/korganizer/komonthview.cpp
index 7927307..8ee1363 100644
--- a/korganizer/komonthview.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/komonthview.cpp
@@ -645,257 +645,257 @@ void MonthViewCell::startUpdateCell()
int MonthViewCell::insertEvent(Event *event)
bool useToolTips = true;
useToolTips = false;
QString mToolTipText;
if ( !(event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rNone) ) {
if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthDailyRecur && event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rDaily )
return mdayCount;
if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthWeeklyRecur && event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rWeekly )
return mdayCount;
if ( event->isHoliday()) {
setHoliday( true );
if ( mDate.dayOfWeek() == 7 )
setLineWidth( 3 );
QString text;
int multiday = 0;// 1 = start, 2 = midddle, 3 = end day
if (event->isMultiDay()) {
QString prefix = "<->";multiday = 2;
QString time;
if ( event->doesRecur() ) {
if ( event->recursOn( mDate) ) {
prefix ="->" ;multiday = 1;
else {
int days = event->dtStart().date().daysTo ( event->dtEnd().date() );
if ( event->recursOn( mDate.addDays( -days)) ) {
prefix ="<-" ;multiday = 3;
} else {
if (mDate == event->dtStart().date()) {
prefix ="->" ;multiday = 1;
} else if (mDate == event->dtEnd().date()) {
prefix ="<-" ;multiday = 3;
if ( !event->doesFloat() ) {
if ( mDate == event->dtStart().date () )
time = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time())+" ";
else if ( mDate == event->dtEnd().date () )
time = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtEnd().time())+" ";
text = time + event->summary();
if ( useToolTips )
mToolTipText += prefix + text;
} else {
if (event->doesFloat()) {
text = event->summary();
if ( useToolTips )
mToolTipText += text;
else {
text = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time());
text += " " + event->summary();
if ( useToolTips )
mToolTipText += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time()) +"-"+KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtEnd().time())+" " + event->summary();
if ( useToolTips && ! event->location().isEmpty() ) {
mToolTipText += " (" + event->location() +")";
MonthViewItem *item ;
if ( mAvailItemList.count() ) {
item = mAvailItemList.first();
mAvailItemList.remove( item );
item->recycle( event, mDate, text );
} else {
item = new MonthViewItem( event, mDate, text );
QPalette pal;
if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor) {
QStringList categories = event->categories();
QString cat = categories.first();
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesForegroundColor ) {
pal = getPalette();
if (cat.isEmpty()) {
} else {
pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)));
} else {
if (cat.isEmpty()) {
pal = QPalette(KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor, KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor);
} else {
pal = QPalette(*(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)), *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)));
} else {
pal = mStandardPalette ;
item->setPalette( pal );
item->setRecur( event->recurrence()->doesRecur() );
item->setAlarm( event->isAlarmEnabled() && multiday < 2 );
item->setMoreInfo( event->description().length() > 0 );
Attendee *me = event->attendeeByMails(KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails,
if ( me != 0 ) {
if ( me->status() == Attendee::NeedsAction && me->RSVP())
item->setReply(true && multiday < 2);
} else
item->setMultiDay( multiday );
if ( multiday ) {
insertItem( item ,mdayCount);
} else {
uint i;
int pos = mdayCount;
for ( i = mdayCount; i < count();++i ) {
QListBoxItem* it = this->item ( i );
- if ( text < it->text() ) {
+ if ( it && text < it->text() ) {
pos = i;
insertItem( item ,pos);
if ( useToolTips ) {
mToolTip.append( mToolTipText );
return mdayCount;
void MonthViewCell::insertTodo(Todo *todo)
QString text;
if (todo->hasDueDate()) {
if (!todo->doesFloat()) {
text += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(todo->dtDue().time());
text += " ";
text += todo->summary();
MonthViewItem *item ;
if ( mAvailItemList.count() ) {
item = mAvailItemList.first();
mAvailItemList.remove( item );
item->recycle( todo, mDate, text );
} else {
item = new MonthViewItem( todo, mDate, text );
//MonthViewItem *item = new MonthViewItem( todo, mDate, text );
//item->setPalette( mStandardPalette );
QPalette pal;
if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor) {
QStringList categories = todo->categories();
QString cat = categories.first();
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesForegroundColor ) {
pal = getPalette();
if (cat.isEmpty()) {
} else {
pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)));
} else {
if (cat.isEmpty()) {
pal = QPalette(KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor, KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor);
} else {
pal = QPalette(*(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)), *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)));
} else {
pal = mStandardPalette ;
item->setPalette( pal );
item->setRecur( todo->recurrence()->doesRecur() );
item->setAlarm( todo->isAlarmEnabled() );
item->setMoreInfo( todo->description().length() > 0 );
insertItem( item , count());
mToolTip.append( text );
void MonthViewCell::repaintfinishUpdateCell()
MonthViewItem *mitem = (MonthViewItem*) firstItem ();
while ( mitem ) {
mitem->setBlockRepaint( false );
updateItem ( mitem );
mitem = (MonthViewItem *)mitem->next();
void MonthViewCell::finishUpdateCell()
if (mToolTip.count() > 0 ) {
resizeEvent( 0 );
void MonthViewCell::updateCell()
if ( !mMonthView->isUpdatePossible() )
//mLabel->setMaximumWidth( width() - mItemList->lineWidth()*2);
QPtrList<Event> events = mMonthView->calendar()->events( mDate, true );
Event *event;
for( event = events.first(); event; event = ) { // for event
// insert due todos
QPtrList<Todo> todos = mMonthView->calendar()->todos( mDate );
Todo *todo;
for(todo = todos.first(); todo; todo = {
insertTodo( todo );
// if ( isVisible())
void MonthViewCell::updateConfig( bool bigFont ) // = false
if ( bigFont ) {
QFont fo = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewFont;
int ps = fo.pointSize() + 2;
if ( ps < 18 )
ps += 2;
fo.setPointSize( ps );
setFont( fo );
} else
setFont( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewFont );
QFontMetrics fm( font() );
diff --git a/microkde/KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.cpp b/microkde/KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.cpp
index fb5d4e3..72c4e60 100644
--- a/microkde/KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.cpp
+++ b/microkde/KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.cpp
@@ -1,321 +1,336 @@
/* -*- Mode: C++ -*-
** Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the KDGantt library.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid commercial KDGantt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the KDGantt Commercial License Agreement provided with
** the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for
** information about KDGantt Commercial License Agreements.
** Contact if any conditions of this
** licensing are not clear to you.
** As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
** with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
** without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#include "KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.h"
#ifndef QT_NO_SPLITTER___
#include "qpainter.h"
#include "qdrawutil.h"
#include "qbitmap.h"
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
#include "qptrlist.h"
#include "qmemarray.h"
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qarray.h>
#define QPtrList QList
#define QMemArray QArray
#include "qlayoutengine_p.h"
#include "qobjectlist.h"
#include "qstyle.h"
#include "qapplication.h" //sendPostedEvents
#include <qvaluelist.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
+#include <qframe.h>
//#include "KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.moc"
#if QT_VERSION >= 232
static int mouseOffset;
static int opaqueOldPos = -1; //### there's only one mouse, but this is a bit risky
+class KDRubberBand: public QFrame
+ KDRubberBand( QWidget *parent, const char * name, WFlags f ) :QFrame ( parent, name, f ) {;}
+ virtual void mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * )
+ {
+ close();
+ };
KDGanttSplitterHandle::KDGanttSplitterHandle( Qt::Orientation o,
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter *parent, const char * name )
: QWidget( parent, name ), _activeButton( 0 ), _collapsed( false )
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 && QApplication::desktop()->width() < 650 ) {
mSizeHint = QSize(7,7);
mUseOffset = true;
} else {
mSizeHint = QSize(6,6);
mUseOffset = false;
s = parent;
setMouseTracking( true );
mMouseDown = false;
//setMaximumHeight( 5 ); // test only
QSize KDGanttSplitterHandle::sizeHint() const
return mSizeHint;
void KDGanttSplitterHandle::setOrientation( Qt::Orientation o )
orient = o;
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
if ( o == KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Horizontal )
setCursor( splitHCursor );
setCursor( splitVCursor );
void KDGanttSplitterHandle::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
updateCursor( e->pos() );
if ( !(e->state()&LeftButton) )
if ( _activeButton != 0)
QCOORD pos = s->pick(parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()))
- mouseOffset;
if ( opaque() ) {
s->moveSplitter( pos, id() );
} else {
int min = pos; int max = pos;
s->getRange( id(), &min, &max );
s->setRubberband( QMAX( min, QMIN(max, pos )));
_collapsed = false;
void KDGanttSplitterHandle::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
if ( e->button() == LeftButton ) {
_activeButton = onButton( e->pos() );
mouseOffset = s->pick(e->pos());
mMouseDown = true;
updateCursor( e->pos() );
void KDGanttSplitterHandle::updateCursor( const QPoint& p)
if ( onButton( p ) != 0 ) {
setCursor( arrowCursor );
else {
if ( orient == KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Horizontal )
setCursor( splitHCursor );
setCursor( splitVCursor );
void KDGanttSplitterHandle::toggle()
int pos;
int min, max;
if ( !_collapsed ) {
s->expandPos( id(), &min, &max );
if ( s->minimizeDirection() == KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Left
|| s->minimizeDirection() == KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Up ) {
pos = min;
else {
pos = max;
_origPos = s->pick(mapToParent( QPoint( 0,0 ) ));
s->moveSplitter( pos, id() );
_collapsed = true;
else {
s->moveSplitter( _origPos, id() );
_collapsed = false;
void KDGanttSplitterHandle::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
mMouseDown = false;
if ( _activeButton != 0 ) {
if ( onButton( e->pos() ) == _activeButton )
_activeButton = 0;
updateCursor( e->pos() );
else {
if ( !opaque() && e->button() == LeftButton ) {
QCOORD pos = s->pick(parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()))
- mouseOffset;
s->setRubberband( -1 );
s->moveSplitter( pos, id() );
- if ( s->rubberBand() )
- s->rubberBand()->hide();
+ if ( s->rubberBand() ) {
+ //qDebug("hide rubberband ");
+ s->rubberBand()->close();
+ }
int KDGanttSplitterHandle::onButton( const QPoint& p )
QValueList<QPointArray> list = buttonRegions();
int index = 1;
int add = 12;
for( QValueList<QPointArray>::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
QRect rect = (*it).boundingRect();
rect.setLeft( rect.left()- add );
rect.setRight( rect.right() + add);
rect.setTop( add );
rect.setBottom( rect.bottom() + add);
if ( rect.contains( p ) ) {
return index;
return 0;
QValueList<QPointArray> KDGanttSplitterHandle::buttonRegions()
QValueList<QPointArray> list;
int sw = 8;
int yyy = 1;
int xxx = 1;
int voffset[] = { (int) -sw*3, (int) sw*3 };
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
QPointArray arr;
if ( !_collapsed && s->minimizeDirection() == KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Right ||
_collapsed && s->minimizeDirection() == KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Left) {
int mid = height()/2 + voffset[i];
arr.setPoints( 3,
1-xxx, mid - sw + 4,
sw-3-xxx, mid,
1-xxx, mid + sw -4);
else if ( !_collapsed && s->minimizeDirection() == KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Left ||
_collapsed && s->minimizeDirection() == KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Right ) {
int mid = height()/2 + voffset[i];
arr.setPoints( 3,
sw-4, mid - sw + 4,
0, mid,
sw-4, mid + sw - 4);
else if ( !_collapsed && s->minimizeDirection() == KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Up ||
_collapsed && s->minimizeDirection() == KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Down) {
int mid = width()/2 + voffset[i];
arr.setPoints( 3,
mid - sw + 4, sw-4,
mid, 0,
mid + sw - 4, sw-4 );
else if ( !_collapsed && s->minimizeDirection() == KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Down ||
_collapsed && s->minimizeDirection() == KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Up ) {
int mid = width()/2 + voffset[i];
arr.setPoints( 3,
mid - sw + 4, 1-yyy,
mid, sw-3-yyy,
mid + sw -4, 1-yyy);
list.append( arr );
return list;
void KDGanttSplitterHandle::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
QPixmap buffer( size() );
QPainter p( &buffer );
// Draw the splitter rectangle
p.setBrush( colorGroup().background() );
p.setPen( colorGroup().foreground() );
//p.drawRect( rect() );
if ( mMouseDown && ! _activeButton)
buffer.fill( colorGroup().background().dark() );
buffer.fill( colorGroup().background() );
//buffer.fill( backgroundColor() );
// parentWidget()->style().drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Panel, &p, rect(), parentWidget()->colorGroup());
int sw = 8; // Hardcoded, given I didn't use styles anymore, I didn't like to use their size
// arrow color
QColor col;
if ( _activeButton )
col = colorGroup().background().dark( 250 );
else {
if ( mMouseDown )
col = Qt::white;
col = colorGroup().background().dark( 150 );
//QColor col = backgroundColor().dark( 130 );
p.setBrush( col );
p.setPen( col );
QValueList<QPointArray> list = buttonRegions();
int index = 1;
if ( mUseOffset )
p.translate( 0, 1 );
for ( QValueList<QPointArray>::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
if ( index == _activeButton ) {
if ( ! _collapsed ) {;
// p.translate( parentWidget()->style().pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal ),
// parentWidget()->style().pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_ButtonShiftVertical ) );
p.translate( -1, 0 );
p.drawPolygon( *it, true );
p.restore(); } else
p.drawPolygon( *it, true );
else {
if ( ! _collapsed ) {;
@@ -556,257 +571,257 @@ void KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * )
Inserts the widget \a w at the end (or at the beginning if \a first
is TRUE) of the splitter's list of widgets.
It is the responsibility of the caller of this function to make sure
that \a w is not already in the splitter and to call recalcId if
needed. (If \a first is TRUE, then recalcId is very probably
QSplitterLayoutStruct *KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::addWidget( QWidget *w, bool first )
QSplitterLayoutStruct *s;
KDGanttSplitterHandle *newHandle = 0;
if ( data->list.count() > 0 ) {
s = new QSplitterLayoutStruct;
s->mode = KeepSize;
QString tmp = "qt_splithandle_";
tmp += w->name();
newHandle = new KDGanttSplitterHandle( orientation(), this, tmp.latin1() );
if ( ! mFirstHandle )
mFirstHandle = newHandle;
s->wid = newHandle;
s->isSplitter = TRUE;
s->sizer = pick( newHandle->sizeHint() );
if ( first )
data->list.insert( 0, s );
data->list.append( s );
s = new QSplitterLayoutStruct;
s->mode = Stretch;
s->wid = w;
if ( !testWState( WState_Resized ) && w->sizeHint().isValid() )
s->sizer = pick( w->sizeHint() );
s->sizer = pick( w->size() );
s->isSplitter = FALSE;
if ( first )
data->list.insert( 0, s );
data->list.append( s );
if ( newHandle && isVisible() )
newHandle->show(); //will trigger sending of post events
return s;
Tells the splitter that a child widget has been inserted or removed.
The event is passed in \a c.
void KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::childEvent( QChildEvent *c )
if ( c->type() == QEvent::ChildInserted ) {
if ( !c->child()->isWidgetType() )
if ( ((QWidget*)c->child())->testWFlags( WType_TopLevel ) )
QSplitterLayoutStruct *s = data->list.first();
while ( s ) {
if ( s->wid == c->child() )
s = data->;
addWidget( (QWidget*)c->child() );
recalc( isVisible() );
} else if ( c->type() == QEvent::ChildRemoved ) {
QSplitterLayoutStruct *p = 0;
if ( data->list.count() > 1 )
p = data->; //remove handle _after_ first widget.
QSplitterLayoutStruct *s = data->list.first();
while ( s ) {
if ( s->wid == c->child() ) {
data->list.removeRef( s );
delete s;
if ( p && p->isSplitter ) {
data->list.removeRef( p );
delete p->wid; //will call childEvent
delete p;
p = s;
s = data->;
Shows a rubber band at position \a p. If \a p is negative, the
rubber band is removed.
void KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::setRubberband( int p )
QPainter paint( this );
paint.setPen( gray );
paint.setBrush( gray );
paint.setRasterOp( XorROP );
QRect r = contentsRect();
const int rBord = 3; //Themable????
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
int sw = style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_SplitterWidth, this);
int sw = style().splitterWidth();
if ( orient == Horizontal ) {
if ( opaqueOldPos >= 0 )
paint.drawRect( opaqueOldPos + sw/2 - rBord , r.y(),
2*rBord, r.height() );
if ( p >= 0 )
paint.drawRect( p + sw/2 - rBord, r.y(), 2*rBord, r.height() );
} else {
if ( opaqueOldPos >= 0 )
paint.drawRect( r.x(), opaqueOldPos + sw/2 - rBord,
r.width(), 2*rBord );
if ( p >= 0 )
paint.drawRect( r.x(), p + sw/2 - rBord, r.width(), 2*rBord );
opaqueOldPos = p;
if ( !mRubberBand ) {
- mRubberBand = new QFrame( 0, "rubber", WStyle_NoBorder | WStyle_Customize | WStyle_StaysOnTop);
+ mRubberBand = new KDRubberBand( 0, "rubber", WStyle_NoBorder | WStyle_Customize | WStyle_StaysOnTop);
mRubberBand->setFrameStyle( Box | Raised );
//mRubberBand->setPalette( QPalette ( Qt::red.light(),Qt::red.dark() ) );
mRubberBand->setPalette( QPalette ( colorGroup().background().light(), colorGroup().background().dark() ));
QRect r = contentsRect();
static int rBord = 0; //Themable????
if ( !rBord ) {
if (QApplication::desktop()->width() <= 320 )
rBord = 3;
rBord = 4;
int sw = style().splitterWidth();
if ( orient == Horizontal ) {
if ( p >= 0 ) {
QPoint geo = mapToGlobal (QPoint ( p + sw/2 - rBord, r.y()));
mRubberBand->setGeometry( geo.x(), geo.y(), 2*rBord, r.height() );
} else {
if ( p >= 0 ) {
QPoint geo = mapToGlobal (QPoint ( r.x(), p + sw/2 - rBord));
mRubberBand->setGeometry( geo.x(), geo.y(), r.width(), 2*rBord);
opaqueOldPos = p;
if ( ! mRubberBand->isVisible() ) {
/*! \reimp */
bool KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::event( QEvent *e )
if ( e->type() == QEvent::LayoutHint || ( e->type() == QEvent::Show && data->firstShow ) ) {
recalc( isVisible() );
if ( e->type() == QEvent::Show )
data->firstShow = FALSE;
return QWidget::event( e );
Draws the splitter handle in the rectangle described by \a x, \a y,
\a w, \a h using painter \a p.
\sa QStyle::drawPrimitive()
void KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::drawSplitter( QPainter *p,
#if 0
// LR
style().drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Splitter, p, QRect(x, y, w, h), colorGroup(),
(orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ?
QStyle::Style_Horizontal : 0));
Returns the id of the splitter to the right of or below the widget \a w,
or 0 if there is no such splitter
(i.e. it is either not in this KDGanttMinimizeSplitter or it is at the end).
int KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::idAfter( QWidget* w ) const
QSplitterLayoutStruct *s = data->list.first();
bool seen_w = FALSE;
while ( s ) {
if ( s->isSplitter && seen_w )
return data->;
if ( !s->isSplitter && s->wid == w )
seen_w = TRUE;
s = data->;
return 0;
Moves the left/top edge of the splitter handle with id \a id as
close as possible to position \a p, which is the distance from the
left (or top) edge of the widget.
For Arabic and Hebrew the layout is reversed, and using this
function to set the position of the splitter might lead to
unexpected results, since in Arabic and Hebrew the position of
splitter one is to the left of the position of splitter zero.
\sa idAfter()
void KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::moveSplitter( QCOORD p, int id )
p = adjustPos( p, id );
QSplitterLayoutStruct *s = data->;
int oldP = orient == Horizontal ? s->wid->x() : s->wid->y();
bool upLeft;
if ( false && orient == Horizontal ) {
p += s->wid->width();
upLeft = p > oldP;
} else
upLeft = p < oldP;
moveAfter( p, id, upLeft );
moveBefore( p-1, id-1, upLeft );
void KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::setG( QWidget *w, int p, int s, bool isSplitter )
if ( orient == Horizontal ) {
if ( false && orient == Horizontal && !isSplitter )
p = contentsRect().width() - p - s;
w->setGeometry( p, contentsRect().y(), s, contentsRect().height() );
} else
w->setGeometry( contentsRect().x(), p, contentsRect().width(), s );
Places the right/bottom edge of the widget at \a id at position \a pos.
diff --git a/microkde/KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.h b/microkde/KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.h
index 585298d..3042e0a 100644
--- a/microkde/KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.h
+++ b/microkde/KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.h
@@ -1,191 +1,192 @@
/* -*- Mode: C++ -*-
** Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the KDGantt library.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid commercial KDGantt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the KDGantt Commercial License Agreement provided with
** the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for
** information about KDGantt Commercial License Agreements.
** Contact if any conditions of this
** licensing are not clear to you.
** As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
** with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
** without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#ifndef QT_H
#include "qframe.h"
#include "qvaluelist.h"
#endif // QT_H
#ifndef QT_NO_SPLITTER___
class QSplitterData;
class QSplitterLayoutStruct;
class KDGanttSplitterHandle;
+class KDRubberBand;
class KDGanttMinimizeSplitter : public QFrame
// Q_ENUMS( Direction )
// Q_PROPERTY( Orientation orientation READ orientation WRITE setOrientation )
// Q_PROPERTY( Direction minimizeDirection READ minimizeDirection WRITE setMinimizeDirection )
enum ResizeMode { Stretch, KeepSize, FollowSizeHint };
enum Direction { Left, Right, Up, Down };
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0 );
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Orientation, QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0 );
virtual void setOrientation( Orientation );
Orientation orientation() const { return orient; }
void setMinimizeDirection( Direction );
Direction minimizeDirection() const;
#if QT_VERSION >= 232
virtual void setResizeMode( QWidget *w, ResizeMode );
virtual void setOpaqueResize( bool = TRUE );
bool opaqueResize() const;
void moveToFirst( QWidget * );
void moveToLast( QWidget * );
void refresh() { recalc( TRUE ); }
QSize sizeHint() const;
QSize minimumSizeHint() const;
QValueList<int> sizes() const;
void setSizes( QValueList<int> );
KDGanttSplitterHandle* firstHandle(){ return mFirstHandle;}
void expandPos( int id, int* min, int* max );
- QFrame* rubberBand() { return mRubberBand ;}
+ KDRubberBand* rubberBand() { return mRubberBand ;}
public slots:
void toggle();
void childEvent( QChildEvent * );
bool event( QEvent * );
void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * );
int idAfter( QWidget* ) const;
void moveSplitter( QCOORD pos, int id );
virtual void drawSplitter( QPainter*, QCOORD x, QCOORD y,
void styleChange( QStyle& );
int adjustPos( int , int );
virtual void setRubberband( int );
void getRange( int id, int*, int* );
- QFrame* mRubberBand;
+ KDRubberBand* mRubberBand;
void init();
void recalc( bool update = FALSE );
void doResize();
void storeSizes();
void processChildEvents();
QSplitterLayoutStruct *addWidget( QWidget*, bool first = FALSE );
void recalcId();
void moveBefore( int pos, int id, bool upLeft );
void moveAfter( int pos, int id, bool upLeft );
void setG( QWidget *w, int p, int s, bool isSplitter = FALSE );
QCOORD pick( const QPoint &p ) const
{ return orient == Horizontal ? p.x() : p.y(); }
QCOORD pick( const QSize &s ) const
{ return orient == Horizontal ? s.width() : s.height(); }
QCOORD trans( const QPoint &p ) const
{ return orient == Vertical ? p.x() : p.y(); }
QCOORD trans( const QSize &s ) const
{ return orient == Vertical ? s.width() : s.height(); }
KDGanttSplitterHandle* mFirstHandle;
QSplitterData *data;
Orientation orient;
Direction _direction;
friend class KDGanttSplitterHandle;
private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
#if defined(Q_DISABLE_COPY)
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( const KDGanttMinimizeSplitter & );
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter& operator=( const KDGanttMinimizeSplitter & );
// This class was continued from a verbatim copy of the
// QSplitterHandle pertaining to the Qt Enterprise License and the
// GPL. It has only been renamed to KDGanttSplitterHandler in order to
// avoid a symbol clash on some platforms.
class KDGanttSplitterHandle : public QWidget
#if QT_VERSION >= 232
KDGanttSplitterHandle( Qt::Orientation o,
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter *parent, const char* name=0 );
void setOrientation( Qt::Orientation o );
Qt::Orientation orientation() const { return orient; }
bool opaque() const { return s->opaqueResize(); }
QSize sizeHint() const;
void toggle();
int id() const { return myId; } // data->>wid == this
void setId( int i ) { myId = i; }
QValueList<QPointArray> buttonRegions();
void paintEvent( QPaintEvent * );
void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * );
void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * );
void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * );
int onButton( const QPoint& p );
void updateCursor( const QPoint& p );
bool mMouseDown;
QSize mSizeHint;
bool mUseOffset;
Qt::Orientation orient;
bool opaq;
int myId;
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter *s;
int _activeButton;
bool _collapsed;
int _origPos;
#endif // QT_NO_SPLITTER