authorzautrix <zautrix>2005-04-14 18:10:19 (UTC)
committer zautrix <zautrix>2005-04-14 18:10:19 (UTC)
commitd334d77ab00b91b9527bb5992b476c656c88b2fa (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parentbbdca90c599aaea557d31552c6bc33fc15e397cd (diff)
transl fix
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 13 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
index ca73f9b..4d44e32 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
@@ -104,49 +104,49 @@
{ "Confirm &deletes","Löschvogang bestätigen" },
{ "Couldn't load calendar\n '%1'.","Kann Kalender\n '%1' nicht laden." },
{ "Counter-event Viewer","Terminzähler Ansicht" },
{ "Daily ending hour:","Feierabend:" },
{ "Daily starting hour:","Anfangszeit:" },
{ "Daily","Täglich" },
{ "Date Format","Datums Format" },
{ "Date Format:","Datums Format:" },
{ "DateNavigator:(nr)","Datums Navigator" },
{ "Dates: ","Datum: " },
{ "Date && Time","Datum && Zeit" },
{ "Day begins at:","Der Tag beginnt um:" },
{ "Days in Next-X-Days:","Tage in Nächste-X-Tage:" },
{ "Days in What's Next:","Tage in What's Next:" },
{ "day(s)","Tag(e)" },
{ "Days to show in Next-X-Days view:","Welche Tage in Nächste-X-Tagen anzeigen:" },
{ "day","Tag" },
{ "Dec","Dez" },
{ "December","Dezember" },
{ "Default alarm time:","Standard Alarmzeit:" },
{ "Default appointment time:","Standard Termin Startzeit:" },
{ "Default event color:","Standard Terminfarbe:" },
{ "Default","Standard" },
{ "Def. duration of new app.:","Standard Termin Länge:" },
-{ "Delete all completed To-Dos?","Alle bereits erledigten Todos löschen?" },
+{ "Delete all completed ToDos?","Alle bereits erledigten Todos löschen?" },
{ "Delete All","Lösche alles" },
{ "Delete all selected","Lösche alle Selektierten" },
{ "Delete Current","Aktuellen löschen" },
{ "Delete Event...","Lösche Termin..." },
{ "Delete Event","Lösche Termin" },
{ "&Delete","Löschen" },
{ "Delete...","Löschen..." },
{ "Delete","Löschen" },
{ "Delete Todo...","Lösche Todo..." },
{ "Delete To-Do","Lösche Todo" },
{ "Deleting item %d ...","Lösche Eintrag %d..." },
{ "Descriptions","Beschreibungen" },
{ "Deselect all","Deselektiere Alle" },
{ "Details","Details" },
{ "Dinner","Abendessen" },
{ "Do you really want\nto close KO/Pi?","Möchten Sie wirklich\nKO/PI verlassen?" },
{ "Due Date","Fällig am" },
{ "Due: ","Fällig: "},
{ "Due Time","Fällig um" },
{ "Due:","Fällig:"},
{ "Duration: ","Dauer: " },
{ "Edit...","Bearbeite..." },
{ "Edit","Bearbeite" },
{ "Edit Event...","Bearbeite Termin..." },
@@ -289,49 +289,49 @@
{ "Organizer","Organisator" },
{ "Owner: ","Besitzer: " },
{ "Owner:","Besitzer:" },
{ "<p><b>Priority:</b> %2</p>","<p><b>Priorität:</b> %2</p>" },
{ "Pick a date to display","Wähle einen Tag zum anzeigen aus" },
{ "Please specify a valid due date.","Bitte gültiges Fälligkeitsdatum angeben."},
{ "Please specify a valid end date,\nfor example '%1'.","Bitte gültiges Enddatum angeben,\nz.B.'%1'." },
{ "Please specify a valid start date.","Bitte gültiges Startdatum angeben." },
{ "Please specify a valid start date,\nfor example '%1'.","Bitte gültiges Startdatum angeben,\nz.B. '%1'." },
{ "Please specify a valid start time.","Bitte gültige Startzeit angeben."},
{ "Please specify a valid start time,\nfor example '%1'.","Bitte gültige Startzeit angeben,\nz.B. '%1'." },
{ "Preferences - some settings need a restart (nr)","Einstellungen - teilweise Neustart erforderlich (bn)" },
{ "&Previous Day","Vorheriger Tag" },
{ "Previous month","Vorheriger Monat" },
{ "Previous Month","Vorheriger Monat" },
{ "&Previous Week","Vorherige Woche" },
{ "Previous year","Vorheriges Jahr" },
{ "Previous Year","Vorheriges Jahr" },
{ "Printing","Drucken" },
{ "Priority:","Priorität:" },
{ "Private","Privat" },
{ "Proceed","Weiter" },
{ "Public","Öffentlich" },
{ "Purge","Entferne" },
-{ "Purge Completed","Entferne erledigte ToDos" },
+{ "Purge Completed","Entferne erledigte Todos" },
{ "Purge To-Dos","Todos bereinigen" },
{ "read-only","schreibgeschützt" },
{ "Recur every","Wiederh. alle" },
{ "Recur in the month of","Wiederh. im Monat" },
{ "Recur on the","Wiederh. am" },
{ "Recur on this day","Wiederh. am diesen Tag" },
{ "Recurrence Range...","Wiederholungs Zeitraum..." },
{ "Recurrence Range","Wiederholungs Zeitraum" },
{ "Recurrence Rule","Wiederholungs Regel" },
{ "Recurrence","Wiederholung" },
{ "Recurs","Wiederholung" },
{ "Reminder:","Alarm:" },
{ "Rem.:","Alarm:" },
{ "Rem.","Alarm:" },
{ "Remote file:","Remote Datei:"},
{ "Remote IP:","Remote (ferne) IP:" },
{ "Remote syncing (via ssh/scp) network settings ","Remote Sync (via ssh/scp) Netzwerk Einstellungen " },
{ "Remote user:","Remote Benutzer"},
{ "&Remove","Entfe&rnen" },
{ "Remove","Entfernen" },
{ "Request response","Bemerkung anfordern" },
{ "Role:","Rolle:" },
{ "Role","Rolle" },
@@ -858,94 +858,94 @@
{ "Configure","Konfiguriere" },
{ "What's Next","What's Next" },
{ "Complete calendar...","Kompletten Kalender..." },
{ "Filtered calendar...","Gefilterten Kalender..." },
{ "Export to phone","Exportiere zum Handy" },
{ "Beam receive enabled","Beam Empfang an" },
{ "What's new?","Was ist neu?" },
{ "FAQ...","FAQ..." },
{ "Licence...","Licence..." },
{ "What's This?","What's This?" },
{ "&Edit...","&Editiere..." },
{ "Oktober","Oktober" },
{ "Title","Titel" },
{ "%1 %","%1 %" },
{ "Enable Pi-Sync","Schalte Pi-Sync an" },
{ "Import!","Importiere!" },
{ "inserting birthdays - close to abort!","Burzeltage werden eingefügt - schließe um abzubrechen!" },
{ "Export to phone options","Export ans Handy Optionen" },
{ "Please read Help-Sync Howto\nto know what settings to use.","Bitte lese Hilfe-Sync Howto\num zu erfahren welche Einstellungen\ndie richtigen sind." },
{ "I/O device: ","I/O device: " },
{ "Connection: ","Connection: " },
{ "Model(opt.): ","Model(opt.): " },
{ "Write back events in future only","Schreibe nur zukünftige Termine zurück" },
{ "Max. weeks in future: ","Max. Wochen in der Zukunft: " },
-{ "NOTE: This will remove all old\ntodo/calendar data on phone!","ACHTUNG: Das löscht alle alten\nToDo/Kalender Daten auf dem Handy!" },
+{ "NOTE: This will remove all old\ntodo/calendar data on phone!","ACHTUNG: Das löscht alle alten\nTodo/Kalender Daten auf dem Handy!" },
{ "Export to mobile phone!","Exportiere auf das Handy!" },
{ "Export complete calendar","Exportiere kompletten Kalender" },
{ "Writing to phone...","Sende Daten ans Handy..." },
{ " This may take 1-3 minutes!"," Das kann 1-3 Minuten dauern!" },
{ "Retry","Nochmal versuchen" },
{ "KDE/Pim phone access","KDE/Pim Handy Zugriff" },
{ "Error accessing device!\nPlease turn on connection\nand retry!","Fehler beim Zugriff auf das Gerät!\nBitte die Verbindung aktivieren\nund nochmal versuchen!" },
{ "Error exporting to phone!","Fehler beim Export auf das Handy!" },
{ "Export filtered calendar","Exportiere gefilterten Kalender" },
{ "Preferences","Vorlieben" },
{ "Global","Global" },
{ "Phone","Phone" },
{ "SMS","SMS" },
{ "Fax","Fax" },
{ "Pager","Pager" },
{ "SIP","SIP" },
{ "Italian","Italienisch" },
{ "24:00","24:00" },
{ "12:00am","12:00am" },
{ "24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)","24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)" },
{ "03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)","03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)" },
{ "2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)","2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)" },
{ "Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y","Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y" },
{ "Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y","Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y" },
{ "Add 30 min to selected Timezone","Addiere 30 min zur Zeitzone" },
{ "Used Mail Client","Benutzter Mail Client" },
{ "Channel:","Channel:" },
{ "Message:","Message:" },
{ "Parameters:","Parameter:" },
{ "HINT: Delimiter=; Name=%1,Email=%2","Hinweis: Begrenzer=; Name=%1,Email=%2" },
{ "extra Message:","extra Message:" },
{ "extra Parameters:","extra Parameter:" },
{ "HINT: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2","Hinweis: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2" },
{ "External Apps.","Externe Appl." },
{ "24 hours","24 Std." },
{ "3 hours","3 Std." },
{ "1 hour","1 Std." },
{ "15 minutes","15 Min." },
{ "5 minutes","5 Min." },
{ "1 minute","1 Min." },
{ "23","23" },
{ "Mon 15","Mon 15" },
{ "Configure KO","Konfiguriere KO" },
{ "Event text","Termin Text" },
-{ "ToDo","ToDo" },
+{ "ToDo","Todo" },
{ "Today","Heute" },
{ "What's Next View","What's Next Ansicht" },
{ "Allday Agenda view shows todos","Ganztag Agenda zeigt Todos" },
{ "Alarm","Alarm" },
{ "Used %1 Client","Benutzter %1 Client" },
{ "No email client installed","Kein Email Klient installiert" },
{ "Userdefined email client","Benutzerdef. Email Klient" },
{ "OM/Pi email client","OM/Pi Email Klient" },
{ "Include in multiple ","Beziehe in multiple " },
{ "calendar ","Kalender " },
{ "addressbook ","Adressbuch " },
{ "pwmanager","PWmanager" },
{ " sync"," Sync ein" },
{ "Write back synced data","Schreibe gesyncte Daten zurück" },
{ "-- Write back (on remote) existing entries only","-- Schreibe nur existierende (entfernte) Einträge zurück" },
{ "-- Write back (calendar) entries in future only","-- Schreibe nur zukünftige Kalender-Einträge zurück" },
{ "---- Max. weeks in future: ","---- Max. wochen in der Zukunft: " },
{ "Pi-Sync ( direct Kx/Pi to Kx/Pi sync )","Pi-Sync ( direktes Kx/Pi zu Kx/Pi sync )" },
{ "Mobile device (cell phone)","Mobiles Gerät (Handy)" },
{ "Help...","Hilfe..." },
{ "Local file Cal:","Lokale Datei Kal:" },
{ "Local file ABook:","Lokale Datei ABuch:" },
{ "Local file PWMgr:","Lokale Datei PWMgr:" },
{ "Addressbook file (*.vcf) is used by KA/Pi","Adressbuch Datei (*.vcf) wird von KA/Pi genutzt" },
@@ -1322,36 +1322,42 @@
{ "Filter menu icon","Filtermenu Icon" },
{ "<p><b>A+(shift or ctrl)</b>: Show occurence of next alarm</p>\n","<p><b>A+(shift oder ctrl)</b>: Zeige Zeit bis zum nächsten Alarm</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>N</b>: Switch to next view which has a toolbar icon</p>\n","<p><b>N</b>: Wechsle zur nächsten Ansicht, die ein Icon in der Toolbar hat</p>\n" },
{ "%1d","%1t" },
{ "%1h","%1std" },
{ "%1min","%1min" },
{ "( %1 before )","( %1 vorher )" },
{ "The next alarm is in\nless than one minute!","Der nächste Alarm kommt in\nweniger als einer Minute!" },
{ "\nThe internal alarm notification is disabled!\n","\nDie interne Alarmbenachrichtigung ist ausgeschaltet!\n" },
{ "Enable it in the settings menu, TAB alarm.","Schalten Sie sie an im Menu Einstellungen, TAB Alarm." },
{ "Show Sync Events in WN+Agenda","Zeige Sync-Ereignisse in WN+Agenda" },
{ "Use short date in WN+Event view","Zeige Kurzdatum in WN+Terminanzeige" },
{ "Number of max.displayed todo prios:","Anzahl max.angezeigter Todo-Prios:" },
{ " on "," am " },
{ "On: ","Am: " },
{ "<i>The recurrence is computed from the start datetime!</i>","<i>Die Wiederholung wird vom Startwert aus berechnet!</i>" },
{ "Start/Stop todo...","Starte/Stoppe Todo..." },
{ "Color for running todos:","Farbe für laufende Todos:" },
{ "The todo\n%1\nis started.\nDo you want to set\nthe state to stopped?","Das Todo\n%1\nist gestartet.\nWollen Sie es\nauf gestoppt setzen?" },
{ "Todo is started","Todo is gestarted" },
{ "Stop todo","Stoppe Todo" },
{ "Todo is stopped","Todo ist gestoppt" },
{ "Start todo","Starte Todo" },
{ "The todo\n%1\nis stopped.\nDo you want to set\nthe state to started?","Das Todo\n%1\nist gestoppt.\nWollen Sie es auf\ngestartet setzen?" },
-{ "The todo\n%1\nwill be cloned!\nIt has subtodos!\nDo you want to clone\nall subtodos as well?","Das Todo\n%1\nwird geklont!\nEs hat Untertodos!\nMöchten Sie\nalle Untertodos auch klonen?" },
+{ "The todo\n%1\nwill be cloned!\nIt has subtodos!\nDo you want to clone\nall subtodos as well?","Das Todo\n%1\nwird geklont!\nEs hat Untertodos!\nMöchten Sie alle\nUntertodos auch klonen?" },
{ "Todo has subtodos","Todo hat Untertodos" },
{ "Block popup until mouse button release","Sperre Popup bis Mausknopf losgelassen" },
{ "Alternate background","Abwechselnder Hintergrund" },
{ "Colors","Farben" },
+{ "Click on new parent item","Klicke auf neues Übertodo" },
+{ "Reparenting aborted!","Übertodo setzen abgebrochen" },
+{ "Cannot move Todo to itself\nor a child of itself","Kann nicht Todo auf\nsich selbst oder\nein Untertodo verschieben" },
+{ "Recursive reparenting not possible!","Rekursives Verschieben nicht möglich" },
+{ "","" },
+{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
diff --git a/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp b/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp
index 7817a75..dd2c081 100644
--- a/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp
@@ -140,50 +140,50 @@ void KOTodoListView::contentsDropEvent(QDropEvent *e)
if ( !ICalDrag::canDecode( e ) && !VCalDrag::canDecode( e ) &&
!QTextDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {
DndFactory factory( mCalendar );
Todo *todo = factory.createDropTodo(e);
if (todo) {
KOTodoViewItem *destination =
(KOTodoViewItem *)itemAt(contentsToViewport(e->pos()));
Todo *destinationEvent = 0;
if (destination) destinationEvent = destination->todo();
Todo *existingTodo = mCalendar->todo(todo->uid());
if(existingTodo) {
Incidence *to = destinationEvent;
while(to) {
if (to->uid() == todo->uid()) {
- i18n("Cannot move To-Do to itself\nor a child of itself"),
- i18n("Drop To-Do"));
+ i18n("Cannot move Todo to itself\nor a child of itself"),
+ i18n("Drop Todo"));
delete todo;
to = to->relatedTo();
internalDrop = true;
if ( destinationEvent )
reparentTodoSignal( destinationEvent, existingTodo );
delete todo;
} else {
emit todoDropped(todo, KOGlobals::EVENTADDED);
if ( destinationEvent )
reparentTodoSignal( destinationEvent, todo );
else {
QString text;
if (QTextDrag::decode(e,text)) {
//QListViewItem *qlvi = itemAt( contentsToViewport(e->pos()) );
KOTodoViewItem *todoi = static_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(itemAt( contentsToViewport(e->pos()) ));
qDebug("Dropped : " + text);
@@ -941,49 +941,48 @@ void KOTodoView::popupMenu(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &p,int column)
} else mPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos());
void KOTodoView::newTodo()
emit newTodoSignal();
void KOTodoView::newSubTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit newSubTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::unparentTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit unparentTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::reparentTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
- qDebug("KOTodoView::reparentTodo() ");
topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Click on new parent item"));
pendingSubtodo = mActiveItem;
void KOTodoView::editTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit editTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::cloneTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit cloneTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::cancelTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit cancelTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::moveTodo()
@@ -1141,82 +1140,80 @@ void KOTodoView::toggleRunningItem()
void KOTodoView::itemClicked(QListViewItem *item)
//qDebug("KOTodoView::itemClicked %d", item);
if (!item) {
if ( pendingSubtodo != 0 ) {
topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Reparenting aborted!"));
pendingSubtodo = 0;
KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item;
if ( pendingSubtodo != 0 ) {
bool allowReparent = true;
QListViewItem *par = item;
while ( par ) {
if ( par == pendingSubtodo ) {
allowReparent = false;
par = par->parent();
if ( !allowReparent ) {
topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Recursive reparenting not possible!"));
- qDebug("Recursive reparenting not possible ");
pendingSubtodo = 0;
} else {
Todo* newParent = todoItem->todo();
Todo* newSub = pendingSubtodo->todo();
pendingSubtodo = 0;
emit reparentTodoSignal( newParent,newSub );
#if 0
// handled by the item itself
bool completed = todoItem->todo()->isCompleted(); // Completed or not?
qDebug("com %d ",completed );
qDebug("itemclicked ");
if (todoItem->isOn()) {
qDebug("on ");
if (!completed) {
qDebug("set true ");
} else {
qDebug("not on ");
if (completed) {
qDebug("set false ");
void KOTodoView::setDocumentId( const QString &id )
- kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::setDocumentId()" << endl;
mDocPrefs->setDoc( id );
void KOTodoView::itemStateChanged( QListViewItem *item )
if (!item) return;
KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item;
// kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::itemStateChanged(): " << todoItem->todo()->summary() << endl;
if( mDocPrefs ) mDocPrefs->writeEntry( todoItem->todo()->uid(), todoItem->isOpen() );
void KOTodoView::saveLayout(KConfig *config, const QString &group) const
void KOTodoView::restoreLayout(KConfig *config, const QString &group)