author | zautrix <zautrix> | 2005-06-30 11:54:09 (UTC) |
committer | zautrix <zautrix> | 2005-06-30 11:54:09 (UTC) |
commit | 13eb32c82e736b033435e596111b7b0f3fe75608 (patch) (side-by-side diff) | |
tree | eef906423ff08d368b6a803e6d8ae4b919936ca3 | |
parent | b03b54ce54c1391db8979db0df1369e1c68656fa (diff) | |
download | kdepimpi-13eb32c82e736b033435e596111b7b0f3fe75608.tar.gz kdepimpi-13eb32c82e736b033435e596111b7b0f3fe75608.tar.bz2 |
-rw-r--r-- | bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/koeditorgeneral.cpp | 5 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kolistview.cpp | 11 |
3 files changed, 13 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt index 2977795..3daf215 100644 --- a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt +++ b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt @@ -1211,262 +1211,262 @@ { "Save as Event template","Speichere als Vorlage" }, { "Load Event template","Lade Termin Vorlage" }, { "Save as Journal template","Speichere als Journal Vorlage" }, { "Insert Journal template","Füge Journal Vorlage ein" }, { "Sub todos:<br>","Unter Todos:<br>" }, { "Parent todo:<br>","Über Todo:<br>" }, { "Set current as color category","Setze Gewählte als Farbkategorie" }, { " completed"," erledigt" }, { "(c)2004 Lutz Rogowski (\nKO/Pi is based on KOrganizer\n(c)2002,2003 Cornelius Schumacher\n( and the KDE team.\nKOrganizer/Pi is licensed under the GPL.\nKO/Pi can be compiled for\nLinux, Zaurus-PDA and Windows\ ---\nSpecial thanks to Michael and Ben\nfor intensive testing!","(c)2004 Lutz Rogowski (\nKO/Pi basiert auf KOrganizer\n(c)2002,2003 Cornelius Schumacher\n( und das KDE Team.\nKOrganizer/Pi ist lizensiert unter der GPL.\nKO/Pi kann kompiliert werden für\nLinux, Zaurus-PDA und Windows\ ---\nBesonderen Dank an Michael und Ben\nfür intensives Testen!" }, { "Syncing aborted. Nothing synced.","Syncing abgebrochen.Nichts wurde gesynct." }, { "Connected! Sending request for remote file ...","Verbunden! Sende Daten Anfrage..." }, { "Trying to connect to remote...","Versuche mit Gegenstelle zu verbinden..." }, { "Connection to remote\nhost timed out!\nDid you forgot to enable\nsyncing on remote host?","Verbindungsversuch wegen\nZeitüberschreitung gescheitert!\nWurde vergessen Pi-Sync auf\nder Gegenstelle anzuschalten?" }, { "ERROR: Receiving remote file failed.","FEHLER: Empfang der entfernten Daten fehlgeschlagen." }, { "Error","Fehler" }, { ""You entered an invalid date!\n Date changed to current date.","Ungültiges Datum eingegeben.\nSetze heutiges Datum." }, { "You entered an invalid date!\n Will use current date instead.","Ungültiges Datum eingegeben.\nSetze stattdessen heutiges Datum." }, { "Warning","Warnung" }, { "Select week number","Wähle Wochen Nummer" }, { "Februar","Februar" }, { "Click on the week number to\nshow week zoomed","Klicke auf die Wochennummer\num die Woche groß zu zeigen" }, { "W","W" }, { "Click on this to\nselect week number","Klicke hierauf um\ndie Woche auszuwählen" }, { "T: %1","T: %1" }, { "Start: ","Start: " }, { "Pi-Sync options for device: ","Pi-Sync Einstellungen für Gerät: " }, { "Password for remote access:","Passwort für fernen Zugriff:" }, { "Remote IP address:","Ferne IP Adresse:" }, { "Remote port number:","Ferne Port Nummer:" }, { "Remote file saved to temp file.","Ferne Daten in temp Datei gespeichert." }, { "Remote from: ","Fern von: " }, { "Local from: ","Lokal von: " }, { "Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n %d incoming filtered out\n %d outgoing filtered out\n","Synchronisationsübersicht:\n\n %d lokal hinzugefügt\n %d fern hinzugefügt\n %d lokal geändert\n %d fern geändert\n %d lokal gelöscht\n %d fern gelöscht\n %d eingehende ausgefiltert\n %d ausgehende ausgefiltert\n" }, { "Local calendar changed!\n","Lokaler Kalender geändert!\n" }, { "Write back","Schreibe zurück" }, { "KO/Pi Synchronization","KO/Pi Synchronisation" }, { "Pi-Sync succesful!","Pi-Sync erfolgreich!" }, { "Received sync request","Sync Anfrage erhalten" }, { "Synchronizing from remote ...\n\nDo not use this application!\n\nIf syncing fails\nyou can close this dialog.","Ferne Synchronisation ...\n\nBenutze diese Anwendung nicht!\n\nWenn das Syncen fehlschlägt kann\ndieser Dialog geschlossen werden." }, { "Saving Data to temp file ...","Speichere Daten in temp Datei..." }, { "Data saved to temp file!","Daten in temp Datei gespeichert!" }, { "Sending file...","Sende Datei..." }, { "Waiting for synced file...","Warte auf gesyncte Daten..." }, { "Receiving synced file...","Gesyncte Daten erhalten..." }, { "Received %1 bytes","%1 Bytes erhalten" }, { "Writing file to disk...","Speichere Datei..." }, { "Pi-Sync successful!","Pi-Sync erfolgreich!" }, { "Clock skew of\nsyncing devices\nis %1 seconds!","Uhrzeitunterschied der\nsyncenden Geräte\nist %1 Sekunden!" }, { "Synchronize!","Synchronisiere!" }, { "High clock skew!","Großer Uhrzeitunterschied!" }, { "ADJUST\nYOUR\nCLOCKS!","JUSTIERE\nDIE\nUHREN!" }, { "The clocks of the syncing\ndevices have a difference\nof more than 5 minutes.\nPlease adjust your clocks.\nYou may get wrong syncing results!\nPlease confirm synchronization!","Die Uhren der syncenden Geräte\nhaben einen Unterschied von\nmehr als 5 Minuten. Bitte die\nUhrzeiten anpassen. Sie können\nfalsche Sync-Resultate erhalten!\nBitte das Syncen bestätigen!" }, { "This is a %1 recurring todo.","Das ist eine %1 wiederholende Aufgabe." }, { "<p><b>Start on:</b> %1</p>","<p><b>Start am:</b> %1</p>" }, { "List week view","Listenwochenansicht" }, { "List week","Listenwochenansicht" }, { "Next Week","Nächste Woche" }, { "Previous Week","Vorherige Woche" }, { "No items were found matching\nyour search expression.\nUse the wildcard characters\n'*' and '?' where needed.","Keine Einträge gefunden die\ndem Suchausdruck entsprechen.\nBenutze Platzhalter Zeichen\n'*' und '?' wo benötigt." }, { "Show in todo/event viewer:","Zeige in Termin/Todo Anzeige:" }, { "Details","Details" }, { "Created time","Erstellt Zeit" }, { "Last modified time","Geändert Zeit" }, { "Show in What'sThis quick overview:","Zeige in What'sThis Schnellübersicht:" }, { "View Options","Anzeige Optionen" }, { "<b>Created: ","<b>Erstellt am: " }, { "<b>Last modified: ","<b>Zuletzt geändert am: " }, { "Journal: ","Journal: " }, { "yearly","jährlich" }, { "(%1) ","%1-" }, { "<p><b>K</b>: Week view in Month view syle</p>\n","<p><b>K</b>: Wochenansicht in Art der Monatsansicht</p>\n" }, { "Enable tooltips displaying summary of ev.","Titel-Tooltips anzeigen" }, { "Enable scrollbars in month view cells","Scrollbar in Zellen anzeigen" }, { "Summary/Loc.","Titel/Ort" }, { "No items found. Use '*' and '?' where needed.","Nichts gefunden. Benutze '*' and '?' wo benötigt." }, { "Week Number","Wochennummer" }, { "Import","Importiere" }, { "Export","Exportiere" }, { "Beam","Beame" }, { "Export selected","Exportiere Selektierte" }, { "As iCal (ics) file...","Als iCal (ics) Datei..." }, { "As vCal (vcs) file...","Als vCal (vcs) Datei..." }, { "Journal/Details...","Journale/Details..." }, { "Agenda View","Agenda Ansicht" }, { "Show current time","Zeige aktuelle Zeit" }, { "Edit new item","Bearbeite neuen Eintrag" }, { "Please select at least one\nof the types to search for:\n\nEvents\nTodos\nJournals","Bitte wählen Sie mindestens\neinen dieser Typen\num darin zu suchen:\n\nTermine\nTodos\nJournale" }, { "There is no next alarm.","Es gibt keinen nächsten Alarm." }, { "%1 %2 - %3 (next event/todo with alarm)","%1 %2 - %3 (nächster Termin/Todo mit Alarm)" }, { "The next alarm is in:\n","Der nächste Alarm ist in:\n" }, { "%1 days\n","%1 Tagen\n" }, { "1 day\n","1 Tag\n" }, { "%1 hours\n","%1 Stunden\n" }, { "1 hour\n","1 Stunde\n" }, { "%1 minutes\n","%1 Minuten\n" }, { "1 minute\n","1 Minute\n" }, { "Only one toolbar","Nur eine Toolbar" }, { "Print","Drucke" }, { "Print selected event / todo...","Drucke ausgewählten Termin / Todo..." }, { "There is nothing selected!","Es ist nichts ausgewählt!" }, { "\n\nDo you really want to print this item?","\n\nMöchten Sie wirklich diesen Eintrag ausdrucken? " }, { "KO/Pi Print Confirmation","KO/Pi Druckbestätigung" }, { "This prints the view as you see it.\n(With the complete content, of course.)\nYou may change the print layout by resizing the view.\nPrint unscaled may print several pages\ndepending on the amount of data.\nPrint scaled down will print all on one page.\nPrint scaled up/down will print all on one page,\nbut will scale up the text to page boundaries,\nif the text is smaller than the page.\nYou can select page geometry setup in the next dialog.\n","Dies druckt die Ansicht wie man sie sieht.\n(Mit dem kompletten Inhalt natürlich.)\nMan kann das Layout ändern durch ändern der Fenstergröße.\nDrucke unskaliert druckt ggf. mehrere Seiten\nabhängig von der Menge der Daten.\nDrucke runterskaliert um auf eine Seite zu passen\ndruckt alles auf eine Seite.\nDrucke hoch/runterskaliert um genau auf eine Seite zu passen\nvergrößert den Text gegebenenfalls.\nDas Seitenlayout kann im nächsten Dialog gewählt werden.\n" }, { "KO/Pi Printout","KO/Pi Ausdruck" }, { "Print unscaled","Drucke unskaliert" }, { "Print scaled down to fit one page","Drucke runterskaliert um auf eine Seite zu passen." }, { "Print scaled up/down to fit one page","Drucke hoch/runterskaliert um genau auf eine Seite zu passen." }, { "Printout Mode","Druck Modus" }, { "Filter menu icon","Filtermenu Icon" }, { "<p><b>A+(shift or ctrl)</b>: Show occurence of next alarm</p>\n","<p><b>A+(shift oder ctrl)</b>: Zeige Zeit bis zum nächsten Alarm</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>N</b>: Switch to next view which has a toolbar icon</p>\n","<p><b>N</b>: Wechsle zur nächsten Ansicht, die ein Icon in der Toolbar hat</p>\n" }, { "%1d","%1t" }, { "%1h","%1std" }, { "%1min","%1min" }, { "( %1 before )","( %1 vorher )" }, { "The next alarm is in\nless than one minute!","Der nächste Alarm kommt in\nweniger als einer Minute!" }, { "\nThe internal alarm notification is disabled!\n","\nDie interne Alarmbenachrichtigung ist ausgeschaltet!\n" }, { "Enable it in the settings menu, TAB alarm.","Schalten Sie sie an im Menu Einstellungen, TAB Alarm." }, { "Show Sync Events","Zeige Sync-Ereignisse" }, { "Use short date in WN+Event view","Zeige Kurzdatum in WN+Terminanzeige" }, { "Number of max.displayed todo prios:","Anzahl max.angezeigter Todo-Prios:" }, { " on "," am " }, { "On: ","Am: " }, { "<i>The recurrence is computed from the start datetime!</i>","<i>Die Wiederholung wird vom Startwert aus berechnet!</i>" }, { "Start/Stop todo...","Starte/Stoppe Todo..." }, { "Color for running todos:","Farbe für laufende Todos:" }, { "The todo\n%1\nis started.\nDo you want to set\nthe state to stopped?","Das Todo\n%1\nist gestartet.\nWollen Sie es\nauf gestoppt setzen?" }, { "Todo is started","Todo ist gestartet" }, { "Stop todo","Stoppe Todo" }, { "Todo is stopped","Todo ist gestoppt" }, { "Start todo","Starte Todo" }, { "The todo\n%1\nis stopped.\nDo you want to set\nthe state to started?","Das Todo\n%1\nist gestoppt.\nWollen Sie es auf\ngestartet setzen?" }, { "The todo\n%1\nwill be cloned!\nIt has subtodos!\nDo you want to clone\nall subtodos as well?","Das Todo\n%1\nwird geklont!\nEs hat Untertodos!\nMöchten Sie alle\nUntertodos auch klonen?" }, { "Todo has subtodos","Todo hat Untertodos" }, { "Block popup until mouse button release","Sperre Popup bis Mausknopf losgelassen" }, { "Colors","Farben" }, { "Click on new parent item","Klicke auf neues Übertodo" }, { "Reparenting aborted!","Übertodo setzen abgebrochen" }, { "Cannot move Todo to itself\nor a child of itself","Kann nicht Todo auf\nsich selbst oder\nein Untertodo verschieben" }, { "Recursive reparenting not possible!","Rekursives Verschieben nicht möglich" }, { "Delete all completed todos?\n(Completed recurring todos\nwill not be deleted!)","Entferne alle erledigten Todos?\n(Erledigte wiederholende Todos\nwerden nicht gelöscht!)" }, { "Alternating background of list views","Abwechselnder Hintergrund für Listen" }, { "times","Zeiten" }, { "The todo\n%1\nhas subtodos!\nDo you want to set\nthe categories for\nall subtodos as well?","Das Todo\n%1\nhat Untertodos!\nMöchten Sie die Kategorien\nauch für alle Untertodos setzen?" }, { "Backup enabled","Backup angeschaltet" }, { "Use standard backup dir","Standard Backupverzeichnis" }, { "Number of Backups:","Anzahl der Backups" }, { "Make backup every ","Mache ein Backup alle " }, { " days"," Tage" }, { "Creating backup ... please wait ...","Erstelle Backup ... bitte warten ..." }, { "Backup Failed!","Backup Problem!" }, { "Try again now","Versuche jetzt nochmal" }, { "Try again later","Versuche später nochmal" }, { "Try again tomorrow","Versuche morgen nochmal" }, { "Disable backup","Schalte Backup ab" }, { "<b>Backup directory does not exist: </b>","<b>Backup Verzeichnis existiert nicht: </b>" }, { "<b>The backup copy command failed!</b>","<b>Das Backup Kopierkommando is fehlgeschlagen!</b>" }, { "Choose action","Wähle Aktion" }, { "Comment for todo:","Kommentar zum Todo:" }, { "Stop+note","Stop+Notiz" }, { "Agenda view shows completed todos","Agenda Ansicht zeigt erledigte Todos" }, { "KO/Pi: Missing alarms!","KO/Pi: Verpasste Alarme!" }, { "You missed the alarms for the following events or todos:","Sie verpassten die Alarme für folgende Termine oder Todos:" }, { "Print complete list","Drucke komplette Liste" }, { "Hide all selected","Verstecke Selektierte" }, { "Add items","hinzufügen" }, { "One (or more) selected\ntodo has subtodos!\nDo you want to select\nall subtodos of all\nselected todos as well?","Ein (oder mehrere) ausgewähltes\nTodo hat Untertodos!\nMöchten Sie der Auswahlliste\nalle Untertodos von allen\nausgewählten Todos hinzufügen?" }, { "Print List View...","Drucke Listenansicht..." }, { "You can make a printout of the <b>List View</b> and the list view in the <b>Search Dialog</b>! To do this, please go to the <b>List View/Search Dialog</b>. Right click on the list. Select in the popup menu the entry <b>Print complete list</b>. That prints the list as you see it. You can remove items from the list before printing without deleting the corresponding event/todo! Simply select all items you do not want to print out. Then right click on one of the items and choose <b>Hide selected items</b>. After that you can print the list without these items.","Sie können die <b>Listenansicht</b> und die Listenansicht im <b>Suchdialog</b> ausdrucken! Um das zu machen gehen Sie bitte zur <b>Listenansicht</b> oder zum <b>Suchdialog</b>. Rechtsklicken Sie auf die Liste. Wählen Sie im Popupmenu den Eintrag <b>Drucke komplette Liste</b>. Das druckt die Liste so, wie man sie sieht. Sie können Listeneinträge entfernen ohne die korrespondierenden Ereignisse/Todos zu löschen! Selektieren sie einfach alle Einträge, die sie nicht ausdrucken möchten. Dann Rechtsklicken Sie auf einen Eintrag und wählen <b>Verstecke Selektierte</b>. Danach können Sie die Liste ohne diese Einträge ausdrucken." }, { "Configure KO/Pi...","Konfiguriere KO/Pi..." }, { "Global Settings...","Globale Einstellungen..." }, { "<p><b>R</b>: Toggle Resource View |<b>F</b>: Edit filter </p>\n","<p><b>R</b>: Zeige Resource Ansicht | <b>F</b>: Editiere Filter </p>\n" }, { "(disabled)","(abgeschaltet)" }, { "New Calendar","Neuer Kalender" }, { "Calendar","Kalender" }, { "Filter selector","Filterauswahl" }, { "Filtermenu","Filtermenu" }, { "Toggle Fullscreen","Vollbild umschalten" }, { "Toggle Resource View","Resourcenansicht umschalten" }, { "Storage HowTo...","Speicherort HowTo..." }, { "Timetracking HowTo...","Timetracking HowTo..." }, { "Juni","Juni" }, { "Juli","Juli" }, { "ToDo:","ToDo:" }, { "Set Calendar","Setze Kalender" }, { "Todo: %1","Todo: %1" }, { ": (Prio ",": (Prio " }, { "Todos","Todos" }, { "Todo Viewer","Todo Viewer" }, { "Todo ","Todo " }, { " Calendar \n Resource "," Kalender \n Resource " }, { " Color "," Farbe " }, { "The calendar <b>%1</b> is displaying file <b>%2</b>. Do you want to remove this calendar from KO/Pi? (The file is not removed!)","Der Kalender <b>%1</b> zeigt die Datei <b>%2</b>. Möchten Sie diesen Kalender aus KO/Pi entfernen? (Die Datei wird dabei nicht gelöscht!)" }, { "The calendar <b>%1</b> is displaying file <b>%2</b>","Der Kalender <b>%1</b> zeigt die Datei <b>%2</b>" }, { "Add new Calendar","Füge Kalender hinzu" }, { "<b>Name of new calendar:</b>","<b>Name des Kalenders:</b>" }, { "<b>Local ical (*.ics) file:</b>","<b>Lokale ical (*.ics) Datei:</b>" }, { "Sorry, the calendar name is empty!","Sorry, der Kalendername ist leer!" }, { "Sorry, the file name is empty!","Sorry, der Dateiname ist leer!" }, { "Error loading calendar file\n%1.","Fehler beim Laden der Kalenderdatei\n%1." }, { "The calendar <b>%1</b> is not loaded! Loading of file <b>%2</b> failed! <b>Try again to load the calendar?</b>","Der Kalender <b>%1</b> ist nicht geladen! Das Laden der Datei <b>%2</b> schlug fehl! <b>Soll erneut versucht werden den Kalender zu laden?</b>" }, { "Global application font for all apps:","Globale Schriftart:" }, { "Application Font","Applikationsschriftart" }, { "Kx/Pi","Kx/Pi" }, { "Backup","Backup" }, { "KDE-Pim Global Settings","KDE-Pim Globale Einstellungen" }, { "Sorry, the calendar name \n%1\nalready exists!\nPlease choose another name!","Sorry, der Kalendername \n%1\nist schon in Benutzung!\nBitte wählen Sie einen anderen!" }, { "Sorry, the file \n%1\nis already loaded!\nPlease choose another file!","Sorry, die Datei \n%1\nist schon geladen!\nBitte wählen Sie eine andere!" }, { "Choose Color","Wähle Farbe" }, { " OK "," OK " }, { " Cancel "," Abbrechen " }, { "Matching items will be added to list","Passende werden zur Liste hinzugefügt" }, { "Matching items will be removed from list","Passende werden von der Liste entfernt" }, { "Search on displayed list only","Suche auf der dargestellten Liste" }, { "List will be cleared before search","Liste wird vor der Suche gelöscht" }, { "<center>%1</center> <center>is not running. Do you want to set\nthe state to running?</center>","<center>%1</center> <center>ist nicht am Laufen. Möchten Sie den Zustand auf "laufend" setzen?</center>" }, { "%1\nis running!","%1\nist am Laufen!" }, { "Additional Comment:","Zusätzlicher Kommentar:" }, { "Stop and save","Stopp und Speichern" }, { "Continue running","Weiter laufen lassen" }, { "Stop - do not save","Stopp - nicht Speichern" }, { "Do you really want to set\nthe state to stopped\nwithout saving the data?","Möchten sie den Zustand\nwirklich auf gestoppt setzen\nohne die Daten abzuspeichern?" }, { "Time mismatch!","Zeiten stimmen nicht!" }, { "The start time is\nafter the end time!","Die Startzeit ist\nhinter der Endzeit!" }, { "Yes, stop todo","Ja, stoppe Todo" }, { "Todo stopped - no data saved because runtime was < 15 sec!","Todo gestoppt - nichts gespeichert da Laufzeit < 15 sec!" }, { "Todo started! Double click again to stop!","Todo gestartet! Doppelklicke um es zu stoppen!" }, { "Please choose the <b>default calendar</b> in this column. Newly created or imported items are added to the default calendar.","Bitte wählen Sie den <b>Default-Kalender</b> in dieser Spalte. Neu angelegte oder importierte Einträge werden dem Default-Kalender hinzugefügt." }, { "Spouse","Ehegatte" }, { "Notes","Notizen" }, { "Messanger","Messanger" }, { "Assistant","Assistent" }, { "Manager","Manager" }, { "Secrecy","Sichtbar" }, { "male","männlich" }, { "female","weiblich" }, { "Hide!","Verbergen!" }, { "Show!","Anzeigen!" }, { "Details","Details" }, { "Profession","Beruf" }, { "Children","Kinder" }, { "Department","Abteilung" }, { "Backup cancelled","Backup abgebrochen" }, { "Backup globally disabled","Backup global abgeschaltet" }, { "Backup succesfully finished","Backup erfolgreich beendet" }, { "(Hint: You can enable automatic backup in the global settings!)","(Hinweis: Sie können ein automatisches Backup in den globalen Einstellungen konfigurieren!)" }, { "This will <b>backup all calendar files</b> to the directory %1 %2","Das schreibt ein <b>Backup aller Kalenderdateien</b> in das Verzeichnis %1 %2" }, { "Birthdays","Geburtstage" }, { "KO/Pi import information!","KO/Pi Import Information!" }, { "Start this todo\nand stop all running","Starte dieses Todo\nund stoppe alle Laufenden" }, { "Cancel - do not start"," Abbrechen - Todo nicht starten" }, { "The timezone has changed!\nShould the calendar be reloaded\nto shift the time of the events?\nPlease read Menu: Help->FAQ:\n"How do I change the timezone?"\nas well!","Die Zeitzone wurde geändert!\nSollen die Kalender neu geladen\nwerden num die Zeiten\nder Termine zu ändern?\nBitte lesen Sie auch\nMenu: Help->FAQ:\n"How do I change the timezone?"" }, { "Reload","Neu laden" }, { "Timezone settings","Zeitzoneneinstellung" }, { "Title: ","Titel: " }, { "Journal from: ","Journal vom: " }, -{ "","" }, -{ "","" }, +{ "Journal: %1 from ","Journal: %1 vom " }, +{ "<b>Click here to edit categories: </b>","<b>Klicke hier um Kategorien zu ändern: </b>" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" },
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/korganizer/koeditorgeneral.cpp b/korganizer/koeditorgeneral.cpp index 50a04ea..5c94f62 100644 --- a/korganizer/koeditorgeneral.cpp +++ b/korganizer/koeditorgeneral.cpp @@ -1,567 +1,568 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include <qwidget.h> #include <qtooltip.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qbuttongroup.h> #include <qvgroupbox.h> #include <qwidgetstack.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kfiledialog.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <libkcal/todo.h> #include <libkcal/event.h> #include <libkdepim/categoryselectdialog.h> #include <libkdepim/kdateedit.h> #include "koprefs.h" #include "koglobals.h" #include "koeditorgeneral.h" #include "kolocationbox.h" #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #else #include <qapplication.h> #endif KOEditorGeneral::KOEditorGeneral(QObject* parent, const char* name) : QObject( parent, name) { mNextFocus = 0; } KOEditorGeneral::~KOEditorGeneral() { } void KOEditorGeneral::initHeader(QWidget *parent,QBoxLayout *topLayout) { QGridLayout *headerLayout = new QGridLayout(topLayout); #if 0 mOwnerLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Owner:"),parent); headerLayout->addMultiCellWidget(mOwnerLabel,0,0,0,1); #endif QLabel *summaryLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Summary:"),parent); headerLayout->addWidget(summaryLabel,1,0); mSummaryEdit = new KOLocationBox(TRUE,parent, 10); mSummaryEdit->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred ,QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding ,FALSE) ); //mSummaryEdit->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5 ,(QSizePolicy::SizeType)3 ,FALSE) ); //qDebug("h %d %d ", summaryLabel->sizeHint().height(),mSummaryEdit->sizeHint().height() ); int hei = (summaryLabel->sizeHint().height() + mSummaryEdit->sizeHint().height())/2; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 ) mSummaryEdit->setMaximumHeight( hei +6 ); //qDebug("%d %d %d %d %d %d ", QSizePolicy::Fixed , QSizePolicy::Minimum , QSizePolicy:: Maximum , QSizePolicy:: Preferred , QSizePolicy:: MinimumExpanding , QSizePolicy::Expanding ); // SizeType { Fixed = 0, Minimum = MayGrow, Maximum = MayShrink, Preferred = MayGrow|MayShrink, MinimumExpanding = Minimum|ExpMask, Expanding = MinimumExpanding|MayShrink } // mSummaryEdit = new QLineEdit(parent); headerLayout->addWidget(mSummaryEdit,1,1); connect ( mSummaryEdit->lineEdit(), SIGNAL ( returnPressed() ), this, SIGNAL (allAccepted () ) ); QLabel *locationLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Location:"),parent); if ( QApplication::desktop()->height() < 320 ) headerLayout->addWidget(locationLabel,1,2); else headerLayout->addWidget(locationLabel,2,0); mLocationEdit = new KOLocationBox(TRUE,parent,10); mLocationEdit->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred ,QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding ,FALSE) ); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 && QApplication::desktop()->height() > 240 ) mLocationEdit->setMaximumHeight( hei + 6); // mLocationEdit = new QLineEdit(parent); connect ( mLocationEdit->lineEdit(), SIGNAL ( returnPressed() ), this, SIGNAL (allAccepted () ) ); if ( QApplication::desktop()->height() < 320 ) { headerLayout->addWidget(mLocationEdit,1,3); headerLayout->setColStretch( 1, 10); headerLayout->setColStretch( 3, 10); } else { headerLayout->addWidget(mLocationEdit,2,1); headerLayout->setColStretch( 1, 10); } } void KOEditorGeneral::setFocusOn( int i ) { mNextFocus = i; QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT ( slotSetFocusOn() )); } void KOEditorGeneral::slotSetFocusOn() { mNextFocus; if ( mNextFocus == 1 ) { mDescriptionEdit->setFocus(); mDescriptionEdit->setCursorPosition( mDescriptionEdit->numLines (), 333); } if ( mNextFocus == 2 ) { mSummaryEdit->setFocus(); } } void KOEditorGeneral::editCategories() { // qDebug("KOEditorGeneral::editCategories() "); KPIM::CategorySelectDialog* csd = new KPIM::CategorySelectDialog( KOPrefs::instance(), 0 ); connect(csd,SIGNAL(categoriesSelected(const QString &)), this ,SLOT(setCategories(const QString &))); //KOGlobals::fitDialogToScreen( csd ); csd->setColorEnabled(); csd->setSelected( QStringList::split (",", mCategoriesLabel->text()) ); csd->exec(); delete csd; } void KOEditorGeneral::showCatPopup() { mCatPopup->clear(); QStringList checkedCategories = QStringList::split (",", mCategoriesLabel->text()); int index = 0; for (QStringList::Iterator it = KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories.begin (); it != KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories.end (); ++it) { mCatPopup->insertItem (*it, index ); //mCategory[index] = *it; if (checkedCategories.find (*it) != checkedCategories.end ()) mCatPopup->setItemChecked (index, true); ++index; } } void KOEditorGeneral::selectedCatPopup( int index ) { - qDebug("i %d c %d ", index, KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories.count()); QStringList categories = QStringList::split (",", mCategoriesLabel->text()); QString colcat = categories.first(); if (categories.find (KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories[index]) != categories.end ()) categories.remove (KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories[index]); else categories.insert (categories.end(), KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories[index]); categories.sort (); if ( !colcat.isEmpty() ) { if ( categories.find ( colcat ) != categories.end () ) { categories.remove( colcat ); categories.prepend( colcat ); } } - mCategoriesLabel->setText( categories.join(",") ); + setCategories( categories.join(",") ); } void KOEditorGeneral::initCategories(QWidget *parent, QBoxLayout *topLayout) { QBoxLayout *categoriesLayout = new QHBoxLayout( topLayout ); mCatPopup = new QPopupMenu ( parent ); mCatPopup->setCheckable (true); connect(mCatPopup,SIGNAL(aboutToShow () ), this ,SLOT(showCatPopup())); connect(mCatPopup,SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), this ,SLOT(selectedCatPopup( int ))); mCategoriesButton = new QPushButton(parent); mCategoriesButton->setText(i18n("Categories")); //connect(mCategoriesButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(editCategories() )); categoriesLayout->addWidget(mCategoriesButton); mCategoriesButton->setPopup( mCatPopup ); mCategoriesLabel = new QPushButton(parent);//new QLabel(parent); mCategoriesLabel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred ,QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding ,FALSE) ); connect(mCategoriesLabel,SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(editCategories() )); //mCategoriesLabel->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Sunken); categoriesLayout->addWidget(mCategoriesLabel,1); } void KOEditorGeneral::initSecrecy(QWidget *parent, QBoxLayout *topLayout) { QBoxLayout *secrecyLayout = new QHBoxLayout( topLayout ); QLabel *secrecyLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Access:"),parent); mCancelBox = new QCheckBox ( i18n("Cancelled"), parent); secrecyLayout->addWidget(mCancelBox); secrecyLayout->addWidget(secrecyLabel); mSecrecyCombo = new QComboBox(parent); mSecrecyCombo->insertStringList(Incidence::secrecyList()); secrecyLayout->addWidget(mSecrecyCombo); } void KOEditorGeneral::initDescription(QWidget *parent,QBoxLayout *topLayout) { mDescriptionEdit = new KTextEdit(parent); mDescriptionEdit->setFont(KOPrefs::instance()->mEditBoxFont ); mDescriptionEdit->append(""); mDescriptionEdit->setReadOnly(false); mDescriptionEdit->setOverwriteMode(false); mDescriptionEdit->setWordWrap( KTextEdit::WidgetWidth ); topLayout->addWidget(mDescriptionEdit); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( mDescriptionEdit, QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); #endif } void KOEditorGeneral::initAlarm(QWidget *parent,QBoxLayout *topLayout) { QBoxLayout *alarmLayout = new QHBoxLayout(topLayout); //mAlarmBell = new QLabel(parent); //mAlarmBell->setPixmap(SmallIcon("bell")); //alarmLayout->addWidget(mAlarmBell); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) mAlarmButton = new QCheckBox(i18n("Rem."),parent); else mAlarmButton = new QCheckBox(i18n("Reminder:"),parent); connect(mAlarmButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(enableAlarmEdit(bool))); alarmLayout->addWidget(mAlarmButton); mAlarmTimeEdit = new QSpinBox ( 0, 9999, 1, parent, "mAlarmTimeEdit " ) ; mAlarmTimeEdit->setButtonSymbols( QSpinBox::PlusMinus ); alarmLayout->addWidget(mAlarmTimeEdit); mAlarmIncrCombo = new QComboBox(false, parent); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) { mAlarmIncrCombo->insertItem(i18n("min")); mAlarmIncrCombo->insertItem(i18n("hou")); mAlarmIncrCombo->insertItem(i18n("day")); mAlarmTimeEdit->setMaximumWidth( mAlarmTimeEdit->sizeHint().width() ); mAlarmIncrCombo->setMaximumWidth( mAlarmIncrCombo->sizeHint().width() ); } else { mAlarmIncrCombo->insertItem(i18n("minute(s)")); mAlarmIncrCombo->insertItem(i18n("hour(s)")); mAlarmIncrCombo->insertItem(i18n("day(s)")); } // mAlarmIncrCombo->setMinimumHeight(20); alarmLayout->addWidget(mAlarmIncrCombo); mAlarmSoundButton = new QPushButton(parent); mAlarmSoundButton->setPixmap(SmallIcon("playsound")); mAlarmSoundButton->setToggleButton(true); QToolTip::add(mAlarmSoundButton, i18n("No sound set")); connect(mAlarmSoundButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(pickAlarmSound())); alarmLayout->addWidget(mAlarmSoundButton); mAlarmProgramButton = new QPushButton(parent); mAlarmProgramButton->setPixmap(SmallIcon("run")); mAlarmProgramButton->setToggleButton(true); QToolTip::add(mAlarmProgramButton, i18n("No program set")); connect(mAlarmProgramButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(pickAlarmProgram())); alarmLayout->addWidget(mAlarmProgramButton); mAlarmSoundButton->setMaximumWidth( mAlarmSoundButton->sizeHint().width() + 4 ); mAlarmProgramButton->setMaximumWidth(mAlarmProgramButton->sizeHint().width() + 4 ); // if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mCompactDialogs ) { // mAlarmSoundButton->hide(); // mAlarmProgramButton->hide(); // } } void KOEditorGeneral::pickAlarmSound() { //qDebug("KOEditorGeneral::pickAlarmSound() %d",mAlarmSoundButton->isOn() ); bool oldState = mAlarmSoundButton->isOn(); QString fileName(KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(mAlarmSound, i18n("*.wav|Wav Files"), 0)); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { mAlarmSound = fileName; QToolTip::remove(mAlarmSoundButton); QString dispStr = i18n("Playing '%1'").arg(fileName); QToolTip::add(mAlarmSoundButton, dispStr); mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(false); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(true); QToolTip::add(mAlarmProgramButton, i18n("No program set")); } else { mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(oldState); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(!oldState); } if (mAlarmProgramButton->isOn()) ((QWidget*)parent())->topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Proc.Al.: ") + getFittingPath(mAlarmProgram) ); if ( mAlarmSoundButton->isOn()) ((QWidget*)parent())->topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Audio Al.: ") + getFittingPath(mAlarmSound) ); } void KOEditorGeneral::pickAlarmProgram() { bool oldState = mAlarmProgramButton->isOn(); QString fileName(KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(mAlarmProgram,i18n("Procedure Alarm: ") , 0)); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { mAlarmProgram = fileName; QToolTip::remove(mAlarmProgramButton); QString dispStr = i18n("Running '%1'").arg(fileName); QToolTip::add(mAlarmProgramButton, dispStr); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(false); mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(true); QToolTip::add(mAlarmSoundButton, i18n("No sound set")); } else { mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(!oldState); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(oldState); } if (mAlarmProgramButton->isOn()) ((QWidget*)parent())->topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Proc.Al.: ") + getFittingPath(mAlarmProgram) ); if ( mAlarmSoundButton->isOn()) ((QWidget*)parent())->topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Audio Al.: ") + getFittingPath(mAlarmSound) ); } QString KOEditorGeneral::getFittingPath( const QString s ) { int maxlen = 50; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 640 ) { if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) maxlen = 22; else maxlen = 35; } if ( s.length() > maxlen ) { return "..."+s.right(maxlen -3); } return s; } void KOEditorGeneral::enableAlarmEdit(bool enable) { if ( enable ) { if (!mAlarmProgramButton->isOn() && !mAlarmSoundButton->isOn()) { mAlarmSoundButton->setOn( true ); if ( mAlarmSound.isEmpty() ) mAlarmSound = KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultAlarmFile; else { if ( ! QFile::exists( mAlarmSound ) ) mAlarmSound = KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultAlarmFile; } } } ((QWidget*)parent())->topLevelWidget()->setCaption(mAlarmMessage); mAlarmTimeEdit->setEnabled(enable); mAlarmSoundButton->setEnabled(enable); mAlarmProgramButton->setEnabled(enable); mAlarmIncrCombo->setEnabled(enable); } void KOEditorGeneral::disableAlarmEdit(bool disable) { enableAlarmEdit( !disable ); } void KOEditorGeneral::enableAlarm( bool enable ) { enableAlarmEdit( enable ); } void KOEditorGeneral::alarmDisable(bool disable) { if (!disable) { //mAlarmBell->setEnabled(true); mAlarmButton->setEnabled(true); } else { //mAlarmBell->setEnabled(false); mAlarmButton->setEnabled(false); mAlarmButton->setChecked(false); mAlarmTimeEdit->setEnabled(false); mAlarmSoundButton->setEnabled(false); mAlarmProgramButton->setEnabled(false); mAlarmIncrCombo->setEnabled(false); } } void KOEditorGeneral::setCategories(const QString &str) { + QString tt = str; + QToolTip::add( mCategoriesLabel, i18n("<b>Click here to edit categories: </b>") +"<em>"+tt.replace( QRegExp(","),", ")+"</em>"); mCategoriesLabel->setText(str); } void KOEditorGeneral::setDefaults(bool allDay) { #if 0 mOwnerLabel->setText(i18n("Owner: ") + KOPrefs::instance()->fullName()); #endif mAlarmMessage = i18n("Edit new item"); enableAlarmEdit( !allDay ); // TODO: Implement a KPrefsComboItem to solve this in a clean way. int alarmTime; int a[] = { 1,5,10,15,30,60,180, 1440 }; int index = KOPrefs::instance()->mAlarmTime; if (index < 0 || index > 7) { alarmTime = 15; } else { alarmTime = a[index]; } mAlarmButton ->setChecked( false ); mAlarmTimeEdit->setValue(alarmTime); mAlarmIncrCombo->setCurrentItem(0); enableAlarmEdit( false ); //alarmDisable (false); mSecrecyCombo->setCurrentItem(Incidence::SecrecyPublic); mCancelBox->setChecked( false ); mSummaryEdit->setEditText(""); mLocationEdit->setEditText(""); mDescriptionEdit->setText(""); mAlarmSound = KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultAlarmFile; setCategories(""); } void KOEditorGeneral::setSecrecy( int num ) { mSecrecyCombo->setCurrentItem(num); } void KOEditorGeneral::readIncidence(Incidence *event) { mAlarmMessage = event->summary(); if ( ! event->location().isEmpty() ) mAlarmMessage += " ("+event->location()+")"; mAlarmIncrCombo->setCurrentItem(0); mSummaryEdit->setEditText(event->summary()); mLocationEdit->setEditText(event->location()); mDescriptionEdit->setText(event->description()); #if 0 // organizer information mOwnerLabel->setText(i18n("Owner: ") + event->organizer()); #endif enableAlarmEdit( event->isAlarmEnabled() ); //qDebug("KOEditorGeneral::readIncidence(Incidence *event) "); if(!event->isAlarmEnabled()) { // TODO: Implement a KPrefsComboItem to solve this in a clean way. int alarmTime; int a[] = { 1,5,10,15,30,60,180, 1440 }; int index = KOPrefs::instance()->mAlarmTime; if (index < 0 || index > 7) { alarmTime = 15; } else { alarmTime = a[index]; } mAlarmTimeEdit->setValue(alarmTime); } mAlarmButton->setChecked( event->isAlarmEnabled() ); mSecrecyCombo->setCurrentItem(event->secrecy()); mCancelBox->setChecked( event->cancelled() ); mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(false); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(false); // set up alarm stuff QPtrList<Alarm> alarms = event->alarms(); Alarm* alarm; mAlarmIncrCombo->setCurrentItem(0); for ( alarm = alarms.first(); alarm; alarm = ) { int offset; if ( alarm->hasTime() ) { QDateTime t = alarm->time(); offset = event->dtStart().secsTo( t ); } else { offset = alarm->startOffset().asSeconds(); } if ( offset != 0 ) { offset = offset / -60; // make minutes if (offset % 60 == 0) { // divides evenly into hours? offset = offset / 60; mAlarmIncrCombo->setCurrentItem(1); if (offset % 24 == 0) { // divides evenly into days? offset = offset / 24; mAlarmIncrCombo->setCurrentItem(2); } } } mAlarmTimeEdit->setValue( offset ); if (alarm->type() == Alarm::Procedure) { mAlarmProgram = alarm->programFile(); mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(true); QString dispStr = i18n("Running '%1'").arg(mAlarmProgram); QToolTip::add(mAlarmProgramButton, dispStr); } else if (alarm->type() == Alarm::Audio) { mAlarmSound = alarm->audioFile(); if ( ! QFile::exists( mAlarmSound ) ) mAlarmSound = KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultAlarmFile; mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(true); QString dispStr = i18n("Playing '%1'").arg(mAlarmSound); QToolTip::add(mAlarmSoundButton, dispStr); } mAlarmButton->setChecked(alarm->enabled()); enableAlarmEdit( alarm->enabled() ); //qDebug("nableAlarmEdit( alarm->enabled() )********* "); // TODO: Deal with multiple alarms break; // For now, stop after the first alarm } setCategories(event->categoriesStr()); } void KOEditorGeneral::writeIncidence(Incidence *event) { // kdDebug() << "KOEditorGeneral::writeEvent()" << endl; mLocationEdit->save(KOLocationBox::LOCATION); event->setSummary(mSummaryEdit->currentText()); event->setLocation(mLocationEdit->currentText()); event->setDescription(mDescriptionEdit->text()); event->setCategories(mCategoriesLabel->text()); event->setSecrecy(mSecrecyCombo->currentItem()); event->setCancelled(mCancelBox->isChecked() );; // alarm stuff if (mAlarmButton->isChecked()) { if (event->alarms().count() == 0) event->newAlarm(); QPtrList<Alarm> alarms = event->alarms(); Alarm *alarm; for (alarm = alarms.first(); alarm; alarm = ) { alarm->setEnabled(true); int j = mAlarmTimeEdit->value()* -60; if (mAlarmIncrCombo->currentItem() == 1) j = j * 60; else if (mAlarmIncrCombo->currentItem() == 2) j = j * (60 * 24); alarm->setStartOffset( j ); if (!mAlarmProgram.isEmpty() && mAlarmProgramButton->isOn()) { alarm->setProcedureAlarm(mAlarmProgram); } else if (!mAlarmSound.isEmpty() && mAlarmSoundButton->isOn()) alarm->setAudioAlarm(mAlarmSound); else alarm->setType(Alarm::Invalid); //alarm->setAudioAlarm("default"); // TODO: Deal with multiple alarms break; // For now, stop after the first alarm } } else { Alarm* alarm = event->alarms().first(); if ( alarm ) { alarm->setEnabled(false); alarm->setType(Alarm::Invalid); } } } diff --git a/korganizer/kolistview.cpp b/korganizer/kolistview.cpp index 0c1ac7a..8f17e6e 100644 --- a/korganizer/kolistview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/kolistview.cpp @@ -414,528 +414,533 @@ void KOListView::setCalendar( int c ) KOListViewItem * item = getItemForEvent( incidence ); if ( item ) { ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); incidence->accept(v); } incidence =; } } QPtrList<KopiCalendarFile> calendars = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars; KopiCalendarFile * cal = calendars.first(); while ( cal ) { mCalendar->setCalendarEnabled( cal->mCalNumber,cal->isEnabled ); mCalendar->setAlarmEnabled( cal->mCalNumber, cal->isAlarmEnabled ); mCalendar->setReadOnly( cal->mCalNumber, cal->isReadOnly ); if ( cal->isStandard ) mCalendar->setDefaultCalendar( cal->mCalNumber ); cal =; } mCalendar->setSyncEventsReadOnly(); mCalendar->reInitAlarmSettings(); } void KOListView::populateCalPopup() { mCalPopup->clear(); KopiCalendarFile * kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.first(); while ( kkf ) { mCalPopup->insertItem( kkf->mName, kkf->mCalNumber); kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->; } } void KOListView::updateList() { // qDebug(" KOListView::updateList() "); } void KOListView::clearList() { clear (); } void KOListView::addCat( ) { setCategories( false ); } void KOListView::setCat() { setCategories( true ); } void KOListView::setAlarm() { KOAlarmPrefs kap( this); if ( !kap.exec() ) return; QStringList itemList; QPtrList<KOListViewItem> sel ; QListViewItem *qitem = mListView->firstChild (); while ( qitem ) { if ( qitem->isSelected() ) { Incidence* inc = ((KOListViewItem *) qitem)->data(); if ( inc->typeID() != journalID ) { if ( inc->typeID() == todoID ) { if ( ((Todo*)inc)->hasDueDate() ) sel.append(((KOListViewItem *)qitem)); } else sel.append(((KOListViewItem *)qitem)); } } qitem = qitem->nextSibling(); } int count = 0; KOListViewItem * item, *temp; item = sel.first(); Incidence* inc; while ( item ) { inc = item->data(); ++count; if (kap.mAlarmButton->isChecked()) { if (inc->alarms().count() == 0) inc->newAlarm(); QPtrList<Alarm> alarms = inc->alarms(); Alarm *alarm; for (alarm = alarms.first(); alarm; alarm = ) { alarm->setEnabled(true); int j = kap.mAlarmTimeEdit->value()* -60; if (kap.mAlarmIncrCombo->currentItem() == 1) j = j * 60; else if (kap.mAlarmIncrCombo->currentItem() == 2) j = j * (60 * 24); alarm->setStartOffset( j ); if (!kap.mAlarmProgram.isEmpty() && kap.mAlarmProgramButton->isOn()) { alarm->setProcedureAlarm(kap.mAlarmProgram); } else if (!kap.mAlarmSound.isEmpty() && kap.mAlarmSoundButton->isOn()) alarm->setAudioAlarm(kap.mAlarmSound); else alarm->setType(Alarm::Invalid); //alarm->setAudioAlarm("default"); // TODO: Deal with multiple alarms break; // For now, stop after the first alarm } } else { Alarm* alarm = inc->alarms().first(); if ( alarm ) { alarm->setEnabled(false); alarm->setType(Alarm::Invalid); } } ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); inc->accept(v); item =; } topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Changed alarm for %1 items").arg( count ) ); qDebug("KO: Set alarm for %d items", count); calendar()->reInitAlarmSettings(); QTimer::singleShot( 1, this, SLOT ( resetFocus() ) ); } void KOListView::setCategories( bool removeOld ) { KPIM::CategorySelectDialog* csd = new KPIM::CategorySelectDialog( KOPrefs::instance(), 0 ); csd->setColorEnabled(); if (! csd->exec()) { delete csd; return; } QStringList catList = csd->selectedCategories(); delete csd; // if ( catList.count() == 0 ) // return; //catList.sort(); QString categoriesStr = catList.join(","); int i; QStringList itemList; QPtrList<KOListViewItem> sel ; QListViewItem *qitem = mListView->firstChild (); while ( qitem ) { if ( qitem->isSelected() ) { sel.append(((KOListViewItem *)qitem)); } qitem = qitem->nextSibling(); } KOListViewItem * item, *temp; item = sel.first(); if( item ) { Incidence* inc = item->data() ; bool setSub = false; if( inc->typeID() == todoID && sel.count() == 1 && inc->relations().count() > 0 ) { int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, i18n("The todo\n%1\nhas subtodos!\nDo you want to set\nthe categories for\nall subtodos as well?").arg( inc->summary().left ( 25 ) ), i18n("Todo has subtodos"), i18n("Yes"), i18n("No")); if (result == KMessageBox::Cancel) item = 0; if (result == KMessageBox::Yes) setSub = true; } while ( item ) { inc = item->data(); if ( removeOld ) { inc->setCategories( catList, setSub ); } else { inc->addCategories( catList, setSub ); } ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); inc->accept(v); item =; } } QTimer::singleShot( 1, this, SLOT ( resetFocus() ) ); } void KOListView::beamSelected() { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences() ; int icount = delSel.count(); if ( icount ) { emit beamIncidenceList( delSel ); return; QString fn ; fn = QDir::homeDirPath()+"/kopitempbeamfile.vcs"; QString mes; bool createbup = true; if ( createbup ) { QString description = "\n"; CalendarLocal* cal = new CalendarLocal(); cal->setTimeZoneId(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); while ( incidence ) { Incidence *in = incidence->clone(); description += in->summary() + "\n"; cal->addIncidence( in ); incidence =; } FileStorage storage( cal, fn, new VCalFormat );; delete cal; mes = i18n("KO/Pi: Ready for beaming"); topLevelWidget()->setCaption(mes); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION Ir *ir = new Ir( this ); connect( ir, SIGNAL( done( Ir * ) ), this, SLOT( beamDone( Ir * ) ) ); ir->send( fn, description, "text/x-vCalendar" ); #endif } } } void KOListView::beamDone( Ir *ir ) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION delete ir; #endif topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("KO/Pi:Beaming done")); } void KOListView::saveDescriptionToFile() { int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Information!"), i18n("This saves the text/details of selected\nJournals and Events/Todos\nto a text file."), i18n("Continue"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { return; } QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences() ; int icount = delSel.count(); if ( icount ) { QString fn = KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile; fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fn, i18n("Save filename"), this ); if ( fn == "" ) return; QFileInfo info; info.setFile( fn ); QString mes; bool createbup = true; if ( info. exists() ) { mes = i18n("File already exists!\nOld file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n").arg (KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false ) ); int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),mes, i18n("Overwrite!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { createbup = false; } } if ( createbup ) { QString text = i18n("KO/Pi Description/Journal save file.\nSave date: ") + KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime(), false); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); icount = 0; while ( incidence ) { if ( incidence->typeID() == journalID ) { text += "\n************************************\n"; - text += i18n("Journal from: ") +incidence->dtStartDateStr( false ); + if ( !incidence->summary().isEmpty() ) + text += i18n("Journal: %1 from ").arg( incidence->summary() ) +incidence->dtStartDateStr( false ); + else + text += i18n("Journal from: ") +incidence->dtStartDateStr( false ); + if ( !incidence->location().isEmpty() ) + text +="\n(" + i18n("Location: ") + incidence->location()+ ")"; text +="\n" + i18n("Last modified: ") +KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(incidence->lastModified(), false); text +="\n" + i18n("Description: ") + "\n"+ incidence->description(); ++icount; } else { if ( !incidence->description().isEmpty() ) { text += "\n************************************\n"; if ( incidence->typeID() == todoID ) text += i18n("To-Do: "); text += incidence->summary(); + if ( !incidence->location().isEmpty() ) + text +="\n(" + i18n("Location: ") + incidence->location()+ ")"; if ( incidence->hasStartDate() ) text +="\n"+ i18n("Start Date: ") + incidence->dtStartStr( false ); text +="\n"+ i18n("Last modified: ") +KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(incidence->lastModified(), false); - if ( !incidence->location().isEmpty() ) - text += "\n" +i18n("Location: ") + incidence->location(); text += "\n" + i18n("Description: ") + "\n" + incidence->description(); ++icount; } } incidence =; } QFile file( fn ); if (! IO_WriteOnly ) ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("File open error - nothing saved!") ); return; } QTextStream ts( &file ); ts << text; file.close(); //qDebug("%s ", text.latin1()); mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Saved %1 descriptions/journals").arg(icount ); KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile = fn; topLevelWidget()->setCaption(mes); } } } void KOListView::saveToFileVCS() { writeToFile( false ); } void KOListView::saveToFile() { writeToFile( true ); } QPtrList<Incidence> KOListView::getSelectedIncidences( bool includeEvents, bool includeTodos, bool includeJournals, bool onlyDueTodos ) { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel ; bool addSubTodos = false; bool askSubTodos = true; QListViewItem *item = mListView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { Incidence* inc = ((KOListViewItem *)item)->data(); if ( ( addSubTodos && delSel.findRef( inc ) == -1) || !addSubTodos ) { if ( (inc->typeID() == todoID && includeTodos) || (inc->typeID() == eventID && includeEvents) || (inc->typeID() == journalID && includeJournals) ) { if ( inc->typeID() == todoID && onlyDueTodos ) { if ( ((Todo*)inc)->hasDueDate() ) delSel.append( inc ); } else delSel.append( inc ); } } if ( inc->typeID() == todoID ) { Todo * todo = (Todo*) inc; if ( todo->relations().count() ) { if ( askSubTodos ) { int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, i18n("One (or more) selected\ntodo has subtodos!\nDo you want to select\nall subtodos of all\nselected todos as well?"), i18n("Todo has subtodos"), i18n("Yes"), i18n("No")); if ( result == KMessageBox::Cancel ) { delSel.clear(); return delSel; } if (result == KMessageBox::Yes) addSubTodos = true; askSubTodos = false; } if ( addSubTodos ) { inc->addRelationsToList( &delSel ); } } } } item = item->nextSibling(); } return delSel; } void KOListView::writeToFile( bool iCal ) { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences(); // all inc allowed; if ( !iCal ) { bool journal = false; Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); while ( incidence ) { if ( incidence->typeID() == journalID ) { journal = true; break; } incidence =; } if ( journal ) { int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("The journal entries can not be\nexported to a vCalendar file."), i18n("Data Loss Warning"),i18n("Proceed"),i18n("Cancel"), true); if (result != KMessageBox::Continue) return; } } if ( delSel.count() ) { QString fn = KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile; QString extension; if ( iCal ) { if ( fn.right( 4 ).lower() == ".vcs" ) { fn = fn.left( fn.length() -3) + "ics"; } } else { if ( fn.right( 4 ).lower() == ".ics" ) { fn = fn.left( fn.length() -3) + "vcs"; } } fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fn, i18n("Save filename"), this ); if ( fn == "" ) return; QFileInfo info; info.setFile( fn ); QString mes; bool createbup = true; if ( info. exists() ) { mes = i18n("File already exists!\nOld file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n").arg (KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false ) ); int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),mes, i18n("Overwrite!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { createbup = false; } } if ( createbup ) { CalendarLocal cal; cal.setTimeZoneId(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); while ( incidence ) { cal.addIncidence( incidence->clone() ); incidence =; } if ( iCal ) { ICalFormat format; &cal, fn ); } else { VCalFormat format; &cal, fn ); } mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Saved %1").arg(fn ); KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile = fn; topLevelWidget()->setCaption(mes); } } QTimer::singleShot( 1, this, SLOT ( resetFocus() ) ); } void KOListView::hideAll() { QPtrList<QListViewItem> delSel ; QListViewItem *item = mListView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { delSel.append(item); } item = item->nextSibling(); } item = delSel.first() ; while ( item ) { QListViewItem * del = item; item =; delete del; } } void KOListView::printList() { mListView->printList(); } void KOListView::deleteAll() { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences(); // all inc allowed;; if ( delSel.count() ) { int icount = delSel.count(); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); Incidence *toDelete; KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); bool confirm = p->mConfirm; QString mess; mess = mess.sprintf( i18n("You have %d item(s) selected.\n"), icount ); if ( KMessageBox::Continue == KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, mess + i18n("All selected items will be\npermanently deleted.\n(Deleting items will take\nsome time on a PDA)\n"), i18n("KO/Pi Confirmation"),i18n("Delete")) ) { p->mConfirm = false; int delCounter = 0; QDialog dia ( this, "p-dialog", true ); QLabel lab (i18n("Close dialog to abort deletion!"), &dia ); QVBoxLayout lay( &dia ); lay.setMargin(7); lay.setSpacing(7); lay.addWidget( &lab); QProgressBar bar( icount, &dia ); lay.addWidget( &bar); int w = 220; int h = 50; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); dia.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); //dia.resize( 240,50 );; while ( incidence ) { bar.setProgress( delCounter ); mess = mess.sprintf( i18n("Deleting item %d ..."), ++delCounter ); dia.setCaption( mess ); qApp->processEvents(); toDelete = (incidence); incidence =; emit deleteIncidenceSignal(toDelete ); if ( dia.result() != 0 ) break; } mess = mess.sprintf( i18n("%d items remaining in list."), count() ); topLevelWidget ()->setCaption( mess ); p->mConfirm = confirm; } } } int KOListView::maxDatesHint() { return 0; } int KOListView::currentDateCount() { return 0; } QPtrList<Incidence> KOListView::selectedIncidences() { QPtrList<Incidence> eventList; QListViewItem *item = mListView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { eventList.append(((KOListViewItem *)item)->data()); } item = item->nextSibling(); } // // QListViewItem *item = mListView->selectedItem(); //if (item) eventList.append(((KOListViewItem *)item)->data()); return eventList; } DateList KOListView::selectedDates() { DateList eventList; return eventList; } |