authorulf69 <ulf69>2004-10-19 00:49:09 (UTC)
committer ulf69 <ulf69>2004-10-19 00:49:09 (UTC)
commitda724334d46c01ee9d4f04101dab5d048c35c833 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent9120b7e74bb928a7c148d27abb130990f8977a31 (diff)
final changes to have syncronisation in place
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 60 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.cpp
index 2a7b11d..e9906a4 100644
--- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.cpp
+++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.cpp
@@ -2421,1012 +2421,1026 @@ PwMerror PwMDoc::importText_PwM(const QString *file)
goto formatError;
// set filepointer behind version-string-line previously checked
if (getline(&ch_tmp, &ch_tmp_size, f) == -1)
goto formatError;
// skip next line containing the build-date
if (getline(&ch_tmp, &ch_tmp_size, f) == -1)
goto formatError;
// read header termination line
if (getline(&ch_tmp, &ch_tmp_size, f) == -1)
goto formatError;
if (strcmp(ch_tmp, "==============================\n"))
goto formatError;
// - read entries
do {
// find beginning of next category
do {
tmp = fgetc(f);
} while (tmp == '\n' && tmp != EOF);
if (tmp == EOF)
// decrement filepos by one
fseek(f, -1, SEEK_CUR);
// read cat-name
if (getline(&ch_tmp, &ch_tmp_size, f) == -1)
goto formatError;
// check cat-name format
if (memcmp(ch_tmp, "== Category: ", 13) != 0)
goto formatError;
if (memcmp(ch_tmp + (strlen(ch_tmp) - 1 - 3), " ==", 3) != 0)
goto formatError;
// copy cat-name
curCat.assign(ch_tmp + 13, strlen(ch_tmp) - 1 - 16);
do {
// find beginning of next entry
do {
tmp = fgetc(f);
} while (tmp == '\n' && tmp != EOF && tmp != '=');
if (tmp == EOF)
if (tmp == '=') {
fseek(f, -1, SEEK_CUR);
// decrement filepos by one
fseek(f, -1, SEEK_CUR);
// read desc-line
if (getline(&ch_tmp, &ch_tmp_size, f) == -1)
goto formatError;
// check desc-line format
if (memcmp(ch_tmp, "-- ", 3) != 0)
goto formatError;
if (memcmp(ch_tmp + (strlen(ch_tmp) - 1 - 3), " --", 3) != 0)
goto formatError;
// add desc-line
currItem.desc.assign(ch_tmp + 3, strlen(ch_tmp) - 1 - 6);
// read username-line
if ((ret = getline(&ch_tmp, &ch_tmp_size, f)) == -1)
goto formatError;
if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &
goto formatError;
// read pw-line
if ((ret = getline(&ch_tmp, &ch_tmp_size, f)) == -1)
goto formatError;
if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &
goto formatError;
// read comment-line
if ((ret = getline(&ch_tmp, &ch_tmp_size, f)) == -1)
goto formatError;
if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &currItem.comment))
goto formatError;
// read URL-line
if ((ret = getline(&ch_tmp, &ch_tmp_size, f)) == -1)
goto formatError;
if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &currItem.url))
goto formatError;
// read launcher-line
if ((ret = getline(&ch_tmp, &ch_tmp_size, f)) == -1)
goto formatError;
if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &currItem.launcher))
goto formatError;
currItem.lockStat = true;
currItem.listViewPos = -1;
addEntry(curCat.c_str(), &currItem, true);
} while (1);
} while (1);
if (!entriesRead)
goto formatError;
return e_success;
return e_fileFormat;
QFile f(file->latin1());
int tmp;
ssize_t ret;
string curCat;
unsigned int entriesRead = 0;
PwMDataItem currItem;
bool res =;
if (res == false)
return e_openFile;
unsigned int ch_tmp_size = 1024;
char *ch_tmp = (char*)malloc(ch_tmp_size);
if (!ch_tmp) {
return e_outOfMem;
// - check header
if (f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size) == -1) // skip first line.
goto formatError;
//US read fileversion first, then check if ok.
if (f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size) == -1)
goto formatError;
// check version-string and return version in "ch_tmp".
//US if (fscanf(f, "PwM v%s", ch_tmp) != 1) {
//US // header not recognized as PwM generated header
//US goto formatError;
//US }
//US set filepointer behind version-string-line previously checked
//US if (f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size) == -1)
//US goto formatError;
// skip next line containing the build-date
if (f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size) == -1)
goto formatError;
// read header termination line
if (f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size) == -1)
goto formatError;
if (strcmp(ch_tmp, "==============================\n"))
goto formatError;
// - read entries
do {
// find beginning of next category
do {
tmp = f.getch();
} while (tmp == '\n' && tmp != EOF);
if (tmp == EOF)
// decrement filepos by one;
// read cat-name
if (f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size) == -1)
goto formatError;
// check cat-name format
if (memcmp(ch_tmp, "== Category: ", 13) != 0)
goto formatError;
if (memcmp(ch_tmp + (strlen(ch_tmp) - 1 - 3), " ==", 3) != 0)
goto formatError;
// copy cat-name
curCat.assign(ch_tmp + 13, strlen(ch_tmp) - 1 - 16);
do {
// find beginning of next entry
do {
tmp = f.getch();
} while (tmp == '\n' && tmp != EOF && tmp != '=');
if (tmp == EOF)
if (tmp == '=') {;
// decrement filepos by one;
// read desc-line
if (f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size) == -1)
goto formatError;
// check desc-line format
if (memcmp(ch_tmp, "-- ", 3) != 0)
goto formatError;
if (memcmp(ch_tmp + (strlen(ch_tmp) - 1 - 3), " --", 3) != 0)
goto formatError;
// add desc-line
currItem.desc.assign(ch_tmp + 3, strlen(ch_tmp) - 1 - 6);
// read username-line
if ((ret = f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size)) == -1)
goto formatError;
if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &
goto formatError;
// read pw-line
if ((ret = f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size)) == -1)
goto formatError;
if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &
goto formatError;
// read comment-line
if ((ret = f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size)) == -1)
goto formatError;
if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &currItem.comment))
goto formatError;
// read URL-line
if ((ret = f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size)) == -1)
goto formatError;
if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &currItem.url))
goto formatError;
// read launcher-line
if ((ret = f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size)) == -1)
goto formatError;
if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &currItem.launcher))
goto formatError;
currItem.lockStat = true;
currItem.listViewPos = -1;
addEntry(curCat.c_str(), &currItem, true);
} while (1);
} while (1);
if (!entriesRead)
goto formatError;
return e_success;
return e_fileFormat;
bool PwMDoc::textExtractEntry_PwM(const char *in, ssize_t in_size, string *out)
PWM_ASSERT(in && out);
ssize_t i = 0, len = in_size - 1;
while (i < len) {
if (in[i] == ':')
i += 2;
*out = "";
out->append(in + i, in_size - i - 1);
return true;
PwMerror PwMDoc::exportToGpasman(const QString *file)
GpasmanFile gp;
int ret;
if (!unlockAll_tempoary())
return e_lock;
QString gpmPassword;
while (1) {
gpmPassword = requestNewMpw(0);
if (gpmPassword == "") {
return e_noPw;
if (gpmPassword.length() < 4) {
} else {
ret = gp.save_init(file->latin1(), gpmPassword.latin1());
if (ret != 1) {
return e_accessFile;
char *entry[4];
unsigned int numCat = numCategories(), i;
unsigned int numEntr, j;
int descLen, nameLen, pwLen, commentLen;
for (i = 0; i < numCat; ++i) {
numEntr = numEntries(i);
for (j = 0; j < numEntr; ++j) {
descLen = dti.dta[i].d[j].desc.length();
nameLen = dti.dta[i].d[j].name.length();
pwLen = dti.dta[i].d[j].pw.length();
commentLen = dti.dta[i].d[j].comment.length();
entry[0] = new char[descLen + 1];
entry[1] = new char[nameLen + 1];
entry[2] = new char[pwLen + 1];
entry[3] = new char[commentLen + 1];
strcpy(entry[0], descLen == 0 ? " " : dti.dta[i].d[j].desc.c_str());
strcpy(entry[1], nameLen == 0 ? " " : dti.dta[i].d[j].name.c_str());
strcpy(entry[2], pwLen == 0 ? " " : dti.dta[i].d[j].pw.c_str());
strcpy(entry[3], commentLen == 0 ? " " : dti.dta[i].d[j].comment.c_str());
entry[0][descLen == 0 ? descLen + 1 : descLen] = '\0';
entry[1][nameLen == 0 ? nameLen + 1 : nameLen] = '\0';
entry[2][pwLen == 0 ? pwLen + 1 : pwLen] = '\0';
entry[3][commentLen == 0 ? commentLen + 1 : commentLen] = '\0';
ret = gp.save_entry(entry);
if (ret == -1){
delete [] entry[0];
delete [] entry[1];
delete [] entry[2];
delete [] entry[3];
return e_writeFile;
delete [] entry[0];
delete [] entry[1];
delete [] entry[2];
delete [] entry[3];
if (gp.save_finalize() == -1)
return e_writeFile;
return e_success;
PwMerror PwMDoc::importFromGpasman(const QString *file)
QString pw = requestMpw(false);
if (pw == "")
return e_noPw;
GpasmanFile gp;
int ret, i;
PwMerror ret2;
char *entry[4];
PwMDataItem tmpData;
ret = gp.load_init(file->latin1(), pw.latin1());
if (ret != 1)
return e_accessFile;
do {
ret = gp.load_entry(entry);
if(ret != 1)
tmpData.desc = entry[0]; = entry[1]; = entry[2];
tmpData.comment = entry[3];
tmpData.lockStat = true;
tmpData.listViewPos = -1;
ret2 = addEntry(DEFAULT_CATEGORY, &tmpData, true);
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
if (ret2 == e_maxAllowedEntr) {
return e_maxAllowedEntr;
} while (1);
if (isDocEmpty())
return e_wrongPw; // we assume this.
return e_success;
+//US: we use the stl sort algorythm to sort all elements in the order
+//of its listViewPos (in the order 1,2,3,5,...,x,-1, -1, -1
+struct PwMDataItemListViewPosSort
+ bool operator()(PwMDataItem* rpStart, PwMDataItem* rpEnd)
+ {
+ //qDebug("pwMDoc::PwMDataItemListViewPosSort()");
+ if ((rpEnd)->listViewPos < 0)
+ return false;
+ else
+ return (rpStart)->listViewPos < (rpEnd)->listViewPos;
+ }
void PwMDoc::ensureLvp()
if (isDocEmpty())
//US ENH BUG: when using syncronizing, this way of sorting
//is not sufficient, because there might be empty spaces
- // at the beginning. But this algorythm only can add elements
- //to the end.The result are crashes because of listoverflows
+ // at the beginning. But the old algorythm only can add elements
+ //to the end.The result are crashes because of list overflows
//we need something to fill all gaps.
- vector< vector<PwMDataItem>::iterator > undefined;
- vector< vector<PwMDataItem>::iterator > sorted;
- vector< vector<PwMDataItem>::iterator >::iterator undefBegin,
- undefEnd,
- undefI;
- vector< vector<PwMDataItem>::iterator >::iterator sortedBegin,
- sortedEnd,
- sortedI;
+ vector<PwMDataItem*> sorted;
+ vector< PwMDataItem*>::iterator sortedBegin,
+ sortedEnd,
+ sortedI;
vector<PwMCategoryItem>::iterator catBegin = dti.dta.begin(),
catEnd = dti.dta.end(),
catI = catBegin;
vector<PwMDataItem>::iterator entrBegin, entrEnd, entrI;
int lvpTop, tmpLvp;
+ //qDebug("collect:");
while (catI != catEnd) {
lvpTop = -1;
- undefined.clear();
+ sorted.clear();
entrBegin = catI->d.begin();
entrEnd = catI->d.end();
entrI = entrBegin;
+ //US: we use the stl sort algorythm to sort all elements in the order
+ //of its listViewPos (in the order 1,2,2,3,5,...,x,-1, -1, -1
while (entrI != entrEnd) {
- tmpLvp = entrI->listViewPos;
- if (tmpLvp == -1)
- undefined.push_back(entrI);
- else
- sorted[tmpLvp] = entrI;
- //US else if (tmpLvp > lvpTop)
- //US lvpTop = tmpLvp;
- ++entrI;
+ //qDebug("found: %s, pos=%i", (*entrI).desc.c_str(), (*entrI).listViewPos);
+ sorted.push_back((PwMDataItem*)&(*entrI));
+ ++entrI;
- //now we have all undefied in the collection. Now insert the existing
+ sortedBegin = sorted.begin();
+ sortedEnd = sorted.end();
+ sort(sortedBegin, sortedEnd, PwMDataItemListViewPosSort());
+ // qDebug("resort:");
+ //now we have all sorted in a collection
+ //Now start with the sorted and reset listviewpos.
sortedBegin = sorted.begin();
sortedEnd = sorted.end();
sortedI = sortedBegin;
while (sortedI != sortedEnd) {
- tmpLvp = (*sortedI)->listViewPos;
- undefined[tmpLvp] = *sortedI;
- ++sortedI;
+ // qDebug("reset defined: %s, from pos=%i to pos=%i", (*sortedI)->desc.c_str(), (*sortedI)->listViewPos, lvpTop+1);
+ (*sortedI)->listViewPos = ++lvpTop;
+ ++sortedI;
- undefBegin = undefined.begin();
- undefEnd = undefined.end();
- undefI = undefBegin;
- while (undefI != undefEnd) {
- (*undefI)->listViewPos = ++lvpTop;
- ++undefI;
+ /*/debug
+ entrBegin = catI->d.begin();
+ entrEnd = catI->d.end();
+ entrI = entrBegin;
+ while (entrI != entrEnd) {
+ qDebug("check: %s, pos=%i", (*entrI).desc.c_str(), (*entrI).listViewPos);
+ ++entrI;
+ */
QString PwMDoc::getTitle()
/* NOTE: We have to ensure, that the returned title
* is unique and not reused somewhere else while
* this document is valid (open).
QString title(getFilename());
//US ENH: The whole filename on PDAs is too long. So use only the last characters
if (QApplication::desktop()->width() < 640)
if (title.length() > 30)
title = "..." + title.right(30);
if (title.isEmpty()) {
if (unnamedNum == 0) {
unnamedNum = PwMDocList::getNewUnnamedNumber();
PWM_ASSERT(unnamedNum != 0);
title += " ";
title += tostr(unnamedNum).c_str();
return title;
bool PwMDoc::tryDelete()
if (deleted)
return true;
int ret;
if (isDirty()) {
ret = dirtyAskSave(getTitle());
if (ret == 0) { // save to disk
if (!saveDocUi(this))
goto out_ignore;
} else if (ret == 1) { // don't save and delete
goto out_accept;
} else { // cancel operation
goto out_ignore;
deleted = true;
delete this;
return true;
return false;
//US ENH: this is the magic function that syncronizes the this doc with the remote doc
//US it could have been defined as static, but I did not want to.
PwMerror PwMDoc::syncronize(KSyncManager* manager, PwMDoc* syncLocal , PwMDoc* syncRemote, int mode )
int addedPasswordsLocal = 0;
int addedPasswordsRemote = 0;
int deletedPasswordsRemote = 0;
int deletedPasswordsLocal = 0;
int changedLocal = 0;
int changedRemote = 0;
PwMSyncItem* syncItemLocal;
PwMSyncItem* syncItemRemote;
QString mCurrentSyncName = manager->getCurrentSyncName();
QString mCurrentSyncDevice = manager->getCurrentSyncDevice();
bool fullDateRange = false;
int take;
// local->resetTempSyncStat();
QDateTime mLastSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
QDateTime modifiedSync = mLastSync;
unsigned int index;
//Step 1. Find syncinfo in Local file and create if not existent.
bool found = syncLocal->findSyncData(mCurrentSyncDevice, &index);
if (found == false)
PwMSyncItem newSyncItemLocal;
newSyncItemLocal.syncName = mCurrentSyncDevice;
newSyncItemLocal.lastSyncDate = mLastSync;
syncLocal->addSyncDataEntry(&newSyncItemLocal, true);
found = syncLocal->findSyncData(mCurrentSyncDevice, &index);
if (found == false) {
qDebug("PwMDoc::syncronize : newly created local sync data could not be found");
return e_syncError;
syncItemLocal = syncLocal->getSyncDataEntry(index);
qDebug("Last Sync Local %s ", syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate.toString().latin1());
//Step 2. Find syncinfo in remote file and create if not existent.
found = syncRemote->findSyncData(mCurrentSyncName, &index);
if (found == false)
qDebug("FULLDATE 1");
fullDateRange = true;
PwMSyncItem newSyncItemRemote;
newSyncItemRemote.syncName = mCurrentSyncName;
newSyncItemRemote.lastSyncDate = mLastSync;
syncRemote->addSyncDataEntry(&newSyncItemRemote, true);
found = syncRemote->findSyncData(mCurrentSyncName, &index);
if (found == false) {
qDebug("PwMDoc::syncronize : newly created remote sync data could not be found");
return e_syncError;
syncItemRemote = syncRemote->getSyncDataEntry(index);
qDebug("Last Sync Remote %s ", syncItemRemote->lastSyncDate.toString().latin1());
//and remove the found entry here. We will reenter it later again.
//US syncRemote->delSyncDataEntry(index, true);
if ( syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate == mLastSync ) {
qDebug("FULLDATE 2");
fullDateRange = true;
if ( ! fullDateRange ) {
if ( syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate != syncItemRemote->lastSyncDate ) {
- // qDebug("set fulldate to true %s %s" ,syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate.toString().latin1(), syncItemRemote->lastSyncDate.toString().latin1() );
- // qDebug("%d %d %d %d ", syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate.time().second(), addresseeLSync->dtStart().time().msec() , addresseeRSync->dtStart().time().second(), addresseeRSync->dtStart().time().msec());
fullDateRange = true;
qDebug("FULLDATE 3 %s %s", syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate.toString().latin1() , syncItemRemote->lastSyncDate.toString().latin1() );
// fullDateRange = true; // debug only!
if ( fullDateRange )
mLastSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( -100*365);
mLastSync = syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate;
qDebug("*************************** ");
qDebug("mLastSync %s ",mLastSync.toString().latin1() );
QStringList er = syncRemote->getIDEntryList();
PwMDataItem* inRemote ;//= er.first();
PwMDataItem* inLocal;
unsigned int catLocal, indexLocal;
unsigned int catRemote, indexRemote;
QString uid;
manager->showProgressBar(0, i18n("Syncing - close to abort!"), er.count());
int modulo = (er.count()/10)+1;
unsigned int incCounter = 0;
while ( incCounter < er.count()) {
if (manager->isProgressBarCanceled())
return e_syncError;
if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 )
uid = er[ incCounter ];
qDebug("sync uid %s from remote file", uid.latin1());
inLocal = syncLocal->findEntryByID( uid, &catLocal, &indexLocal );
inRemote = syncRemote->findEntryByID( uid, &catRemote, &indexRemote );
if ( inLocal != 0 ) { // maybe conflict - same uid in both files
if ( (take = takePwMDataItem( inLocal, inRemote, mLastSync, mode, fullDateRange) ) ) {
qDebug("take %d %s ", take, inLocal->desc.c_str());
if ( take == 3 )
return e_syncError;
if ( take == 1 ) {// take local
- //US syncRemote->removeAddressee( inRemote );
+ int oldlistpos = inRemote->listViewPos;
(*inRemote) = (*inLocal);
- //US syncRemote->insertAddressee( inRemote , false);
+ inRemote->listViewPos = oldlistpos;
} else { // take == 2 take remote
- //US syncLocal->removeAddressee( inLocal );
+ int oldlistpos = inLocal->listViewPos;
(*inLocal) = (*inRemote);
- //US syncLocal->insertAddressee( inLocal , false );
+ inLocal->listViewPos = oldlistpos;
} else { // no conflict
if ( inRemote->meta.update > mLastSync || mode == 5 ) {
inRemote->meta.update = modifiedSync;
//first check if we have a matching category in the local file
const string* remotecat = syncRemote->getCategory(catRemote);
//US syncRemote->insertAddressee( inRemote, false );
//US syncLocal->insertAddressee( inRemote, false );
syncLocal->addEntry(remotecat->c_str(), inRemote, true, false);
} else {
// pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeRSyncSharp, inR);
syncRemote->delEntry(catRemote, indexRemote, true);
//USsyncRemote->removeAddressee( inRemote );
QStringList el = syncLocal->getIDEntryList();
modulo = (el.count()/10)+1;
manager->showProgressBar(0, i18n("Add / remove addressees"), el.count());
incCounter = 0;
while ( incCounter < el.count()) {
if (manager->isProgressBarCanceled())
return e_syncError;
if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 )
uid = el[ incCounter ];
qDebug("sync uid %s from local file", uid.latin1());
inLocal = syncLocal->findEntryByID( uid, &catLocal, &indexLocal );
inRemote = syncRemote->findEntryByID( uid, &catRemote, &indexRemote );
if ( inRemote == 0 ) {
if ( inLocal->meta.update < mLastSync && mode != 4 ) {
// pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeLSyncSharp, inL);
syncLocal->delEntry(catLocal, indexLocal, true);
//USsyncLocal->removeAddressee( inLocal );
} else {
if ( ! manager->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) {
inLocal->meta.update = modifiedSync;
//first check if we have a matching category in the remote file
const string* localcat = syncLocal->getCategory(catLocal);
//USsyncLocal->insertAddressee( inLocal, false );
PwMDataItem newEntry;
newEntry = *inLocal;
inRemote = &newEntry;
//USsyncRemote->insertAddressee( inRemote, false );
syncRemote->addEntry(localcat->c_str(), inRemote, true, false);
// Now write the info back into the sync data space of the files
mLastSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( 1 );
// get rid of micro seconds
QTime t = mLastSync.time();
mLastSync.setTime( QTime (t.hour (), t.minute (), t.second () ) );
syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate = mLastSync;
syncItemRemote->lastSyncDate = mLastSync;
- // addresseeRSync.setRole( i18n("!Remote from: ")+mCurrentSyncName ) ;
- // addresseeLSync.setRole(i18n("!Local from: ") + mCurrentSyncName );
- //US syncRemote->addSyncDataEntry( syncItemRemote, false );
- //US syncLocal->addSyncDataEntry( syncItemLocal, false );
QString mes;
mes .sprintf( i18n("Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n"),addedPasswordsLocal, addedPasswordsRemote, changedLocal, changedRemote, deletedPasswordsLocal, deletedPasswordsRemote );
if ( manager->mShowSyncSummary ) {
KMessageBox::information(0, mes, i18n("PWM/Pi Synchronization") );
qDebug( mes );
return e_success;
int PwMDoc::takePwMDataItem( PwMDataItem* local, PwMDataItem* remote, QDateTime lastSync, int mode , bool full )
// 0 equal
// 1 take local
// 2 take remote
// 3 cancel
QDateTime localMod = local->meta.update;
QDateTime remoteMod = remote->meta.update;
//US QString mCurrentSyncDevice = syncManager->getCurrentSyncDevice();
if ( localMod == remoteMod )
return 0;
qDebug(" %d %d conflict on %s %s ", mode, full, local->desc.c_str(), remote->desc.c_str() );
//qDebug("%s %d %s %d", local->lastModified().toString().latin1() , localMod, remote->lastModified().toString().latin1(), remoteMod);
//qDebug("%d %d %d %d ", local->lastModified().time().second(), local->lastModified().time().msec(), remote->lastModified().time().second(), remote->lastModified().time().msec() );
- full = true; //debug only
+ //full = true; //debug only
if ( full ) {
bool equ = ( (*local) == (*remote) );
if ( equ ) {
- qDebug("equal ");
+ //qDebug("equal ");
return 0;
- }else //debug only
- qDebug("not equal %s %s ", local->desc.c_str(), remote->desc.c_str());
+ }//else //debug only
+ //qDebug("not equal %s %s ", local->desc.c_str(), remote->desc.c_str());
int result;
bool localIsNew;
//qDebug("%s -- %s mLastCalendarSync %s lastsync %s --- local %s remote %s ",local->summary().latin1(), remote->summary().latin1(),mLastCalendarSync.toString().latin1() ,lastSync.toString().latin1() , local->lastModified().toString().latin1() , remote->lastModified().toString().latin1() );
if ( full && mode < SYNC_PREF_NEWEST )
switch( mode ) {
if ( lastSync > remoteMod )
return 1;
if ( lastSync > localMod )
return 2;
return 1;
if ( lastSync > remoteMod )
return 1;
if ( lastSync > localMod )
return 2;
return 2;
if ( localMod > remoteMod )
return 1;
return 2;
//qDebug("lsy %s --- lo %s --- re %s ", lastSync.toString().latin1(), localMod.toString().latin1(), remoteMod.toString().latin1() );
if ( lastSync > remoteMod )
return 1;
if ( lastSync > localMod )
return 2;
localIsNew = localMod >= remoteMod;
//qDebug("conflict! ************************************** ");
PwMDataItemChooser acd ( *local,*remote, localIsNew , 0/*this*/ );
result = acd.executeD(localIsNew);
return result;
return 1;
return 2;
// SYNC_PREF_TAKE_BOTH not implemented
return 0;
//this are the overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface
bool PwMDoc::sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode)
QString mCurrentSyncDevice = manager->getCurrentSyncDevice();
//1) unlock local file first if necessary (ask for password)
if (this->isDeepLocked()) {
PwMerror ret = this->deepLock(false);
if (ret != e_success)
return false;
//2) construct and open a new doc on the stack(automatic cleanup of remote file).
PwMDoc syncTarget(this, "synctarget");
PwMDoc* pSyncTarget = &syncTarget;
PwMerror err = pSyncTarget->openDoc(&filename, 1 /*== open with all entries locked*/);
if (err == e_alreadyOpen) {
PwMDocList::listItem li;
if (getOpenDocList()->find(filename.latin1(), &li))
pSyncTarget = li.doc;
else {
qDebug("PwmDoc::sync: sync failed. Error %i while opening file %s",err, filename.latin1());
return false;
else if (err != e_success) {
qDebug("PwmDoc::sync: sync failed. Error %i while opening file %s",err, filename.latin1());
return false;
qDebug("PWM file loaded %s,sync mode %d",filename.latin1(), mode );
//3) unlock remote file first if necessary (ask for password)
if (pSyncTarget->isDeepLocked()) {
PwMerror ret = pSyncTarget->deepLock(false);
if (ret != e_success)
return false;
err = syncronize(manager, this, pSyncTarget, mode );
if (err == e_success) {
if ( manager->mWriteBackFile ) {
qDebug("Saving remote PWManager file");
err = pSyncTarget->saveDoc(conf()->confGlobCompression());
if (err != e_success) {
qDebug("PwmDoc::sync: Sync failed. Error %i while storing file %s",err, filename.latin1());
return false;
return true;
else {
return false;
bool PwMDoc::findSyncData(const QString &syncname, unsigned int *index)
vector<PwMSyncItem>::iterator i = dti.syncDta.begin(),
end = dti.syncDta.end();
while (i != end) {
if ((*i).syncName == syncname.latin1()) {
if (index) {
*index = i - dti.syncDta.begin();
return true;
return false;
/** add new syncdataentry */
PwMerror PwMDoc::addSyncDataEntry(PwMSyncItem *d, bool dontFlagDirty)
if (isDeepLocked()) {
PwMerror ret;
ret = deepLock(false);
if (ret != e_success)
return e_lock;
unsigned int index;
const QString tmp = d->syncName.c_str();
bool exists = findSyncData(d->syncName.c_str(), &index);
if (exists == true) {
// DOH! We found this entry.
return e_entryExists;
if (!dontFlagDirty)
return e_success;
/** delete syncdata entry */
bool PwMDoc::delSyncDataEntry(unsigned int index, bool dontFlagDirty)
if (isDeepLocked())
return false;
if (index > dti.syncDta.size() - 1)
return false;
// delete entry
dti.syncDta.erase(dti.syncDta.begin() + index);
if (!dontFlagDirty)
return true;
PwMDataItem* PwMDoc::findEntryByID(const QString &uid, unsigned int *category, unsigned int *index)
vector<PwMCategoryItem>::iterator catcounter = dti.dta.begin(),
catend = dti.dta.end();
vector<PwMDataItem>::iterator entrBegin, entrEnd, entrI;
while (catcounter != catend) {
entrBegin = catcounter->d.begin();
entrEnd = catcounter->d.end();
entrI = entrBegin;
while (entrI != entrEnd) {
if ((*entrI).meta.uniqueid == uid.latin1()) {
if (category)
*category = catcounter - dti.dta.begin();
if (index)
*index = entrI - entrBegin;
return &(*entrI);
return 0;
QStringList PwMDoc::getIDEntryList()
QStringList results;
vector<PwMCategoryItem>::iterator catcounter = dti.dta.begin(),
catend = dti.dta.end();
vector<PwMDataItem>::iterator entrBegin, entrEnd, entrI;
while (catcounter != catend) {
entrBegin = catcounter->d.begin();
entrEnd = catcounter->d.end();
entrI = entrBegin;
while (entrI != entrEnd) {
results.append( (*entrI).meta.uniqueid.c_str() );
return results;
#include "pwmdoc.moc"
diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.h b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.h
index 6a1dd30..535fb92 100644
--- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.h
+++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.h
@@ -1,627 +1,608 @@
* *
* copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by Michael Buesch *
* email: *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
* *
* copyright (C) 2004 by Ulf Schenk
* This file is originaly based on version 2.0 of pwmanager
* and was modified to run on embedded devices that run microkde
* $Id$
#ifndef __PWMDOC_H
#define __PWMDOC_H
#define PWM_FILE_VER (static_cast<char>(0x05))
#define PWM_HASH_SHA1 (static_cast<char>(0x01))
#define PWM_HASH_SHA256 (static_cast<char>(0x02))
#define PWM_HASH_SHA384 (static_cast<char>(0x03))
#define PWM_HASH_SHA512 (static_cast<char>(0x04))
#define PWM_HASH_MD5 (static_cast<char>(0x05))
#define PWM_HASH_RMD160 (static_cast<char>(0x06))
#define PWM_HASH_TIGER (static_cast<char>(0x07))
#define PWM_CRYPT_BLOWFISH (static_cast<char>(0x01))
#define PWM_CRYPT_AES128 (static_cast<char>(0x02))
#define PWM_CRYPT_AES192 (static_cast<char>(0x03))
#define PWM_CRYPT_AES256 (static_cast<char>(0x04))
#define PWM_CRYPT_3DES (static_cast<char>(0x05))
#define PWM_CRYPT_TWOFISH (static_cast<char>(0x06))
#define PWM_CRYPT_TWOFISH128 (static_cast<char>(0x07))
#define PWM_COMPRESS_NONE (static_cast<char>(0x00))
#define PWM_COMPRESS_GZIP (static_cast<char>(0x01))
#define PWM_COMPRESS_BZIP2 (static_cast<char>(0x02))
#define DEFAULT_MAX_ENTRIES (~(static_cast<unsigned int>(0)))
#include "pwmexception.h"
#include "pwmdocui.h"
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include "configuration.h"
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <ksyncmanager.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using std::pair;
/* used in findEntry() function */
#define SEARCH_IN_DESC (1)
#define SEARCH_IN_NAME (1 << 1)
#define SEARCH_IN_PW (1 << 2)
#define SEARCH_IN_COMMENT (1 << 3)
#define SEARCH_IN_URL (1 << 4)
#define SEARCH_IN_LAUNCHER (1 << 5)
/** document deeplocked. Data is out for lunch to disk */
/** encrypted document on disk is dirty. data has to go to disk. */
#define DOC_STAT_DISK_DIRTY (1 << 1)
/** we are using a chipcard to encrypt the data */
#define DOC_STAT_USE_CHIPCARD (1 << 2)
/** use "currentPw" to unlock. (This flag is set/unset by a timer) */
class PwMDoc;
class PwMView;
class QFile;
/* meta data for a PwMDataItem */
struct PwMMetaData
: updateInt (0)
{ }
/** creation date of the PwMDataItem to which
* this meta data belongs.
QDateTime create;
/** becomes valid on this date */
QDateTime valid;
/** expire date */
QDateTime expire;
/** update date (last updated at this date) */
QDateTime update;
/** update interval (in minutes). Time since the
* last update to remind the user to update the item.
* 0 disables.
unsigned long updateInt;
//US ENH: enhancements of the filestructure
/* each entry gets a unique id assigned */
string uniqueid;
void clear()
create = QDateTime();
expire = QDateTime();
update = QDateTime();
updateInt = 0;
uniqueid = KApplication::randomString(8);
inline bool isValid() const
if (valid.isNull())
return true;
return (valid < QDateTime::currentDateTime());
inline bool isExpired() const
if (expire.isNull())
return false;
return (expire < QDateTime::currentDateTime());
inline bool isUpdateIntOver() const
if (updateInt == 0 ||
return false;
QDateTime d(update);
return (d.addSecs(updateInt * 60) < QDateTime::currentDateTime());
struct PwMDataItem
: lockStat (true)
, listViewPos (-1)
, binary (false)
, rev (0)
{ }
/** password description */
string desc;
/** user-name */
string name;
/** the password itself */
string pw;
/** some comment */
string comment;
/** an URL string */
string url;
/** launcher. Can be executed as a system() command */
string launcher;
/** locking status. If locked (true), pw is not emitted through getEntry() */
bool lockStat;
/** position of this item in main "list-view"
* If -1, the position is not yet specified and should be appended to the list
int listViewPos;
/** does this entry contain binary data? */
bool binary;
/** meta data for this data item. */
PwMMetaData meta;
/** data revision counter. This counter can be used
* to easily, efficiently determine if this data item
* has changed since some time.
* This counter is incremented on every update.
unsigned int rev;
void clear(bool clearMeta = true)
/* NOTE: Don't use .clear() here to be
* backward compatible with gcc-2 (Debian Woody)
desc = "";
name = "";
pw = "";
comment = "";
url = "";
launcher = "";
lockStat = true;
listViewPos = -1;
binary = false;
if (clearMeta)
//US ENH: we need this operator to compare two items if we have no unique ids
//available. Generaly this happens before the first sync
bool PwMDataItem::operator==( const PwMDataItem &a ) const
- qDebug("oper==%s", a.desc.c_str());
+ //qDebug("oper==%s", a.desc.c_str());
if ( desc != a.desc ) return false;
if ( name != ) return false;
if ( pw != ) return false;
if ( comment != a.comment ) return false;
if ( url != a.url ) return false;
if ( launcher != a.launcher ) return false;
//all other field will not be checked.
return true;
- //US ENH:this operator is used to copy an elements data during syncronization
- //Attention: listViewPos will not be copied. So the position will stay the same.
- PwMDataItem& operator = (const PwMDataItem& x)
- {
- // qDebug("oper=%s", x.desc.c_str());
- desc = x.desc;
- name =;
- pw =;
- comment = x.comment;
- url = x.url;
- launcher = x.launcher;
- lockStat = x.lockStat;
- //Do not copy listViewPos!!! listViewPos = x.listViewPos;
- binary = x.binary;
- meta = x.meta;
- rev = x.rev;
- return *this;
- }
struct PwMCategoryItem
/** all PwMDataItems (all passwords) within this category */
vector<PwMDataItem> d;
/** category name/description */
string name;
void clear()
name = "";
struct PwMSyncItem
string syncName;
QDateTime lastSyncDate;
void clear()
lastSyncDate = QDateTime();
syncName = "";
struct PwMItem
vector<PwMCategoryItem> dta;
vector<PwMSyncItem> syncDta;
void clear()
/** "Function Object" for sort()ing PwMDataItem::listViewPos */
class dta_lvp_greater
bool operator() (const pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> &d1,
const pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> &d2)
return d1.second > d2.second;
/** list of PwMDoc documents and it's IDs */
class PwMDocList
struct listItem
/** document filename (known as ID, here) */
string docId;
/** pointer to the document class */
PwMDoc *doc;
PwMDocList() {}
/** add a new item to the list */
void add(PwMDoc *doc, const string &id);
/** changes the contents of an existing item */
void edit(PwMDoc *doc, const string &newId);
/** remove the given item */
void del(PwMDoc *doc);
/** get the item at index */
listItem getAt(int index)
{ return docList[index]; }
/** find an entry with this id */
bool find(const string &id, listItem *ret = 0);
/** returns a copy of the list */
const vector<listItem>* getList() const
{ return &docList; }
/** returns a new unique number to extend the name of
* an unnamed document.
static unsigned int getNewUnnamedNumber()
{ return unnamedDocCnt++; }
/* Hm, I think we shouldn't really use a "list" here, should we?
* So I decided to actually use a vector.
vector<listItem> docList;
/** This value is used to get a new number for yet unnamed
* documents. It is incremented on every request. So it's
* theoretically possible to overflow it, but... :)
static unsigned int unnamedDocCnt;
/** implements timers for the document */
class DocTimer : public QObject
enum TimerIDs
DocTimer(PwMDoc *_doc);
/** start the timer */
void start(TimerIDs timer);
/** stop the timer */
void stop(TimerIDs timer);
/** get the lock for a timer.
* This lock is a recursive lock. When a lock is
* held, the timer will be stopped and timeout is
* guaranteed to not happen
void getLock(TimerIDs timer);
/** put a recursive timer lock */
void putLock(TimerIDs timer);
protected slots:
/** timeout slot for the mpw timer */
void mpwTimeout();
/** timeout slot for the autoLock timer */
void autoLockTimeout();
/** timeout slot for the metaCheck timer */
void metaCheckTimeout();
/** pointer to the document associated with this timer. */
PwMDoc *doc;
/** timer object for mpw timer */
QTimer *mpwTimer;
/** timer object for the autoLock timer */
QTimer *autoLockTimer;
/** timer object for the metaCheck timer */
QTimer *metaCheckTimer;
/** lock counter for the mpw timer */
unsigned int mpwLock;
/** lock counter for the autoLock timer */
unsigned int autoLockLock;
/** lock counter for the metaCheck timer */
unsigned int metaCheckLock;
/** Document class for PwM */
//US ENH: derived from KSyncInterfaces, to get called by PwM when a sync is required.
// But PwMDoc is handling the sync by itself.
class PwMDoc : public PwMDocUi, public KSyncInterface
friend class DocTimer;
/** construtor */
PwMDoc(QObject* parent = 0, const char *name = 0);
/** destructor */
/** returns a pointer to a list of all open documents */
static PwMDocList* getOpenDocList()
{ return &openDocList; }
/** flag document dirty. dta changed */
void flagDirty()
/** modified? */
bool isDirty()
{ return getDocStatFlag(DOC_STAT_DISK_DIRTY); }
/** save document to disk */
PwMerror saveDoc(char compress, const QString *file = 0);
/** read document from file.
* "openLocked is must be set to either of these values:
* 0 == open with all entries unlocked
* 1 == open with all entries locked
* 2 == open deep-locked
PwMerror openDoc(const QString *file, int openLocked);
/** export document to ascii-textfile */
PwMerror exportToText(const QString *file);
/** export document to gpasman / kpasman file */
PwMerror exportToGpasman(const QString *file);
/** import document from ascii-textfile */
PwMerror importFromText(const QString *file, int format = -1);
/** import document from gpasman / kpasman file */
PwMerror importFromGpasman(const QString *file);
/** add new entry */
PwMerror addEntry(const QString &category, PwMDataItem *d,
bool dontFlagDirty = false, bool updateMeta = true);
/** add new category. This function doesn't flag the document dirty! */
PwMerror addCategory(const QString &category, unsigned int *categoryIndex,
bool checkIfExist = true);
/** rename an existing category */
bool renameCategory(const QString &category, const QString &newName);
/** rename an existing category */
bool renameCategory(unsigned int category, const QString &newName,
bool dontFlagDirty = false);
/** delete an existing category */
bool delCategory(const QString &category);
/** delete an existing category */
bool delCategory(unsigned int category, bool dontFlagDirty = false);
/** returns a list of all category-names */
void getCategoryList(vector<string> *list);
/** returns a list of all category-names */
void getCategoryList(QStringList *list);
/** returns a list of all entry-descs in the given category */
void getEntryList(const QString &category, QStringList *list);
/** returns a list of all entry-descs in the given category */
void getEntryList(const QString &category, vector<string> *list);
/** returns a list of all entry-descs in the given category */
void getEntryList(unsigned int category, vector<string> *list);
/** returns a list of all entry-descs in the given category */
void getEntryList(unsigned int category, QStringList *list);
/** delete entry */
bool delEntry(const QString &category, unsigned int index, bool dontFlagDirty = false);
/** delete entry */
bool delEntry(unsigned int category, unsigned int index, bool dontFlagDirty = false);
/** edit entry */
bool editEntry(const QString &oldCategory, const QString &newCategory,
unsigned int index, PwMDataItem *d, bool updateMeta = true);
/** edit entry */
bool editEntry(unsigned int oldCategory, const QString &newCategory,
unsigned int index, PwMDataItem *d, bool updateMeta = true);
/** finds the category with the "name" and return it's index */
bool findCategory(const QString &name, unsigned int *index);
/** search for an entry "find" and check while searching only for
* the data-fields specified by "searchIn". To set the "searchIn"
* value, we may use one or more of the SEARCH_IN_* defines at
* the top of this header-file. It returns the positions of all
* matched entries in "foundPositions". If "breakAfterFound" is true,
* the function terminates after the first occurence of the entry
* and doesn't go on searching. So foundPositions->size() is never
* > 1 if breakAfterFound is true.
void findEntry(unsigned int category, PwMDataItem find, unsigned int searchIn,
vector<unsigned int> *foundPositions, bool breakAfterFound = false,
bool caseSensitive = true, bool exactWordMatch = true,
bool sortByLvp = false);
/** see the above funtion. This function allows to set the category by name. */
void findEntry(const QString &category, PwMDataItem find, unsigned int searchIn,
vector<unsigned int> *foundPositions, bool breakAfterFound = false,
bool caseSensitive = true, bool exactWordMatch = true,
bool sortByLvp = false);
/** returns number of entries */
unsigned int numEntries(const QString &category);
unsigned int numEntries(unsigned int category)
{ return dti.dta[category].d.size(); }
/** returns number of categories */
unsigned int numCategories()
{ return dti.dta.size(); }
/** returns the name of the category at "index" */
const string* getCategory(unsigned int index)
{ return (&(dti.dta[index].name)); }
/** returns the data of item at "index".
* It unlocks the entry if it's locked and unlockIfLocked is true.
* If the entry is locked, but unlockIfLocked is false, it'll not return
* the pw.
bool getEntry(const QString &category, unsigned int index,
PwMDataItem *d, bool unlockIfLocked = false);
bool getEntry(unsigned int category, unsigned int index,
PwMDataItem *d, bool unlockIfLocked = false);
/** returns the comment-string by looking at the category
* and the listViewPos
PwMerror getCommentByLvp(const QString &category, int listViewPos,
string *foundComment);
/** checks if a password is already available. (currentPw) */
bool isPwAvailable()
{ return (currentPw != ""); }
/** un/lock entry at "index". If needed, ask for password. */
bool lockAt(const QString &category, unsigned int index,
bool lock = true);
bool lockAt(unsigned int category, unsigned int index,
bool lock = true);
/** returns the lock-status at "index" */
bool isLocked(const QString &category, unsigned int index);
bool isLocked(unsigned int category, unsigned int index)
{ return dti.dta[category].d[index].lockStat; }
/** returns the deeplock status */
bool isDeepLocked()
{ return getDocStatFlag(DOC_STAT_DEEPLOCKED); }
/** (un)lock all entries */
bool lockAll(bool lock);
/** unlocks all entries tempoarly.
* 1st NOTE: Be very careful with this function! :)
* 2nd NOTE: After you have called unlockAll_Tempoary(); ,
* please DON'T forget to call unlockAll_Tempoary(true);
* _before_ the user (or someone else) is able to change
* the document!
* 3rd NOTE: Please DON'T change "dta" while the data is tempoary
* unlocked! This will cause corruption.
bool unlockAll_tempoary(bool revert = false);
/** deep-(un)locks the document.
* deep-locking writes all data to the file, deletes all data
* in memory, but doesn't close the document.
* deep-locking is only available, if the user previously saved
* the doc to a file (with a password).
* If "saveToFile" is false, it does NOT write the data to the file!
PwMerror deepLock(bool lock = true, bool saveToFile = true);
/** is unlockable without pw? */
bool unlockWoPw()
{ return getDocStatFlag(DOC_STAT_UNLOCK_WITHOUT_PW); }
/** get the "currentPassword" */
const QString& getCurrentPw()
{ return currentPw; }
/** open a window and request the user to change the mpw */
void changeCurrentPw();
/** set the "listViewPos" variable of "dta" */
void setListViewPos(const QString &category, unsigned int index,
int pos);
/** set the "listViewPos" variable of "dta" */
void setListViewPos(unsigned int category, unsigned int index,
int pos);
/** get the "listViewPos" variable of "dta" */
int getListViewPos(const QString &category, unsigned int index);
/** set the maximum number of entries allowed */
void setMaxNumEntries(unsigned int num = DEFAULT_MAX_ENTRIES)
{ maxEntries = num; }
/** get the maximum number of entries allowed */
unsigned int getMaxNumEntries()
{ return maxEntries; }
/** ensure all listViewPos of all dta items are set. (are ! -1).
* If there are some undefined entries, add them to the end of
* the listViewPos(itions). */
void ensureLvp();
/** execute the "launcher" of this entry */
bool execLauncher(const QString &category, unsigned int entryIndex);
/** see above */
bool execLauncher(unsigned int category, unsigned int entryIndex);
/** open a browser with the URL-section of the given entry */
bool goToURL(const QString &category, unsigned int entryIndex);
/** see above */
bool goToURL(unsigned int category, unsigned int entryIndex);
/** returns true if there is no entry present in the document.
* Note: The "default" Category is present everytime, so
* it's checked for it's entries.
bool isDocEmpty()
if (numCategories() > 1)
return false;
if (numEntries(0))
return false;
return true;
/** returns the filename of this doc */
const QString& getFilename()
{ return filename; }
/** returns the title of the doc */
QString getTitle();
/** sets the list-view-pointer hold in the doc */
void setListViewPointer(PwMView *_listView)
{ listView = _listView; }
/** returns the list-view-pointer */
PwMView * getListViewPointer()
{ return listView; }
/** try to delete the doc. The user may be asked to save
* the data. The user may cancel the whole operation.
* false is returned, then.
bool tryDelete();
/** is the doc deleted? (with tryDelete() ) */
bool isDeleted()
{ return deleted; }
/** returns the document timer object */
DocTimer * timer()
{ return _timer; }