authorzautrix <zautrix>2005-03-16 23:10:29 (UTC)
committer zautrix <zautrix>2005-03-16 23:10:29 (UTC)
commitd2be5ea1cd22f5222aecb0f70a2fe8657fae9698 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parentb7184073d5e552e0f04b14c5fc0c20a7bfd26d3d (diff)
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 9 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
index 55b120f..81efb6c 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
@@ -1,520 +1,523 @@
Info about the changes in new versions of KDE-Pim/Pi
********** VERSION 2.0.17 ************
Tooltips in month view were not sorted. Fixed.
Daylabel in agenda view ( for display of one day ) was too short. Fixed.
Conflict display dialog for syncing was not on top of other windows. Fixed.
+Fixed some minor problems.
+Fixed an endless loop when importing vcs file with RESOURCES entry.
********** VERSION 2.0.16 ************
Fixed the SMTP account setting the option.
Fixed something in mail sending.
Added possibility to export selected events/todos as vcal file.
********** VERSION 2.0.15 ************
Added keyboard shorcuts for
- toggling summary view (space bar)
- delete item (delete + backspace key)
- add new item ( i + n key)
Fixed length of info in the title.
Changed "ME" menu bar entry to an icon.
Fixed two minor bugs in displaying todos.
If in month view a cell is selected, the key shortcut "d" shows now that date.
Added complete info for a todo in month view as an icon left of the text.
Fixed problems of displaying data when "<" or ">" are used in summary/location/description.
Fixed problem of search dialog size when switching displays.
Cancel key now closes date picker.
Rearranged KO/Pi file menu structure.
Added to the SMTP account setting the option
"No secure connection".
You have to configure your SMTP accounts again, sorry.
Added support for importing quoted-printable.
Support was added by Peter P.. Thanks, Peter!
********** VERSION 2.0.14 ************
Made Passwordmanager PwM/Pi more userfriendly:
Rearranged some toolbar icons, optimized setting of focus, fixed layout problems and more.
Fixed bug in KO/Pi todo printing.
Made Qtopia calendar import possible on desktop .
********** VERSION 2.0.13 ************
Fixed a problem in the addressee select dialog and made it more user friendly by adding a minimize splitter.
In the search dialog you can switch now the focus from search line edit to the list view by pressing key "arrow down".
Fixed a refresh problem of outgoing/sent/sendfailed folders after sending mails.
Added missing German translation.
Added warning if path is specified in local folder settings of account config.
********** VERSION 2.0.12 ************
Fixed a bug in todo start/due date handling for non recurring todos with a start and due date.
Fixed some layout problems in the KO/Pi agenda view when there were many conflicting itmes.
Fixed several problems of the keyboard focus in the desktop versions when opening the search dialog/event viewer.
Fixed problem in pi-sync mode when wrong password was sent.
Fixed a crash when displaying mails with "Show mail as html" was checked in the config.
Added a check before displaying the mail if the mail is in html format, if "Show mail as html" is enabled.
********** VERSION 2.0.11 ************
Fixed some problems in pi-sync mode
(e.g. details of events were not synced properly)
********** VERSION 2.0.10 ************
In the desktop versions the context menu in the search dialog was broken after introducing the What'sThis info for the list view.
This is fixed.
Changed the search dialog a bit to make it more user friendly.
(E.g.: Removed message box about "no items found" and set key focus to search line edit after search).
Added config option to hide the week number in KO/Pi toolbar.
********** VERSION 2.0.9 ************
Made month view icons for multiday events a bit nicer.
Some minor fixes in KO/Pi
(e.g. go to today did not work for new week view properly).
********** VERSION 2.0.8 ************
Fixed a problem in dependency info in the ipk files for the Zaurus.
Added icon for the stealth new week view and made navigation more user friendly in monthview by adding a prev/next week button to the navigator bar.
Added a "go today" button to the datepicker.
Added "created" and "last modified" to event/todo viewer (and What'sThis viewer)
and made it configureable to show these values.
Fixed a problem for events (from external iCal files) that do have a duration but no end date.
********** VERSION 2.0.7 ************
Added global application font settings
(for all KDE-Pim/Pi apps) to the general settings.
Fixed a problem in OM/Pi when trying to login to some IMAP servers
(like the IMAP server of Apple: )
Added recurring todos to KO/Pi.
********** VERSION 2.0.6 ************
Some bugfixes in the pi-sync mode.
Added German translation for pi-sync mode.
Made the todolist using alternate background.
Other minor fixes in KO/Pi.
********** VERSION 2.0.5 ************
Bugfixes in KO/Pi.
********** VERSION 2.0.4 ************
Fixed problem loading translations for summary/location edit boxes in event/todo editor.
Added a general "select week number" to the toolbar.
Fixed some small problem of the new features introduced in version 2.0.3.
Made it possible to specify one specific category as category color,
if more than one categories are selected.
Fixed a bug in saving colors for categories with non-ascii characters.
(Like, e.g. German Umlauts).
Propably you have to set your colors again for those categories.
********** VERSION 2.0.3 ************
Added feature for changing alarm settings for many items at once:
Open list view (or search dialog), select the desired items and choose in
the popup menu: Set alarm for selected...
Added to the event/todo viewer the option to send an email to
all attendees or all selected (with RSVP) attendees.
Made the week-month mode changing in month view faster.
Made month view better useable with keyboard.
Now TAB key jumps to next cell with an event/todo.
Scroll in cell with coursor keys, scroll in time (next week) with
Shift/Control + coursorkeys.
Fixed bug that the todo view flat mode was reset after first view update.
If a todo is displayed closed in the todo view,
it is now displayed in overdue/due today color depending on the subtodos overdue/due today properties.
Added info about the numbers of years to the caption (title) information about a birthday event.
Made completion date in todo editor editable.
Added possibility to save/load templates for journals.
(Which is just a simple "save text to file" or "insert text from file".
********** VERSION 2.0.2 ************
Fixed the layout problem of the day label buttons
of the agenda view introduced in version 2.0.1.
Added WhatsThis support for the todo view and the list view.
Added a quite useful feature to the montview.
Just click on the week numbers on the left.
And in the top right corner of month view/agenda view
there is now a "week number quick selector".
(Click on the black triangle).
Made the quite difficult timezone change in KO/Pi easy.
Fixed too small icons on desktop.
Fixed non visible icons in mainwindow on Z with fastload enabled.
Added signature file setting to smtp account config.
And the signature can be edited and saved in the edit mail dialog.
That does mean:
Simply edit the signature for the selected smtp account in the
edit new mail dialog and press the "save signature" button there.
Then the signature is saved to the file specified in the smtp account settings.
If there is no file specified, it is saved automatically to the file
********** VERSION 2.0.1 ************
Oooops ... I forgot to test on the Zaurus 5500 ...
Fixed many problems of new (english) strings (and german translations)
introduced in the latest versions, where the text was not fitting on the
240x320 display of the Zaurus 5500.
Added a popup menu ( press pen and hold to get popup ) to the agenda view
with many useful items (add event/todo, show next week, two weeks, month, journal).
Added items to the todolist popup menu for:
Display all opened, all closed or all todos flat.
The "flat" view makes is possible to sort all todos after ,e.g., prio or date.
Made the reparenting of todos on the desktop possible via Drag&Drop.
Fixed several bugs in setting the completed datetime for todos.
Added info about completed datetime of todos to the todo viewer.
Now displaying a completed todo (with completed datetime set) in the agenda view
at the time of the completion. Such that now it is possible to see in the agenda view
when what todo was completed.
Fixed behaviour of automatic setting completion of todos with sub-todos/parent todos.
Now the behaviour is:
Setting a parent to complete sets all (sub)childs to complete.
Setting a parent to uncomplete does not change the childs.
Setting a child to uncomplete sets all parent to uncomplete.
Setting a child to complete does not change the parents.
Smart updating and double buffering of the daymatrix.
Showing holidays in the day matrix.
Many other small performance updates.
Made day labels in agenda clickable. By clicking a label, the day is displayed in single day mode.
Now the translation file usertranslation.txt is supposed to be in utf8 format.
If you want to translate a language from western europe, just change the germantranslation.txt file. Please read the updated Usertranslation HowTo in KO/Pi Help menu.
********** VERSION 2.0.0 ************
Stable release 2.0.0!
Fixed problem in edit dialog recreation at startup.
Made "toggle view*" menu items enabled context sensitive.
Changed agenda size menu to items 1-10.
Made it possible to change agenda size quickly by pressing mouse on timelabels in agenda view and move mouse up/down.
Usebility enhancements in the KO/Pi menus.
Birthday import now adds year to summary.
What's Next view shows age in years for birthday.
Added three info lines to display subject, from and to of selected mails.
Fixed jump bar behaviour on Zaurus.
Now KA/Pi search field supports searching for a range of starting characters.
E.g. to search for all contact beginning with b to n, type
in the search field.
********** VERSION 1.9.20 ************
Added for the "dislplay one day" agenda mode
info in the caption and in the day lables:
Now it is displayed, if the selected day is from "day before yesterday"
to "day after tomorrow".
Made it possible to delete a Todo, which has sub-todos.
Fixed two small problems in the todo view.
Added missing German translation for filter edit and print dialog.
Made search dialog closeable by cancel key.
Made it possible to select in the date picker the (ligt grey )
dates of the prev./next month with the mouse.
"Delete mail" icon in main window now deletes all selected mails.
Fixed the problem, that the state flag of imap mails was ignored.
Now mails with "FLAG_SEEN" on the imap server get no icon in the list view
to indecate that they are already seen.
Fixed the problem that the body of some mails was not displayed in the
mail viewer when fetching them from the imap server directly to read them.
Made it (configurable) possible to show the "To:" field in the list view.
Added to the mail viewer the option "View Source" to make it possible to see the raw mail data.
Added a "Download Mail" button to the mail viewer to quickly download the viewed mail to the
local storage folder (specified in account settings) of the account of the mail.
Removed some memory leaks in OM/Pi.
********** VERSION 1.9.19 ************
Added a lot of missing translations to KA/Pi,
Added some missing translations to KO/Pi and OM/Pi.
Fixed some minor problems in KA/Pi + KO/Pi.
Fixed a crash when closing PwM/Pi.
Added German translation for PwM/Pi.
Made view change and Month View update faster in KO/Pi.
********** VERSION 1.9.18 ************
FYI: The VERSION 1.9.17 was a testing release only.
Please read the changelog of VERSION 1.9.17 as well.
Cleaned up the syncing config dialog.
Added sync config options for date range for events.
Added sync config options for filters on incoming data.
Added sync config options for filters on outgoing data.
Please read the updated SyncHowTo about the new filter settings.
These filter settings make it now possible to sync with shared
calendars without writing back private or confidential data
(via the outgoing filters).
To sync only with particular parts of a shared calendar,
the incoming filter settings can be used.
An example can be found in the SyncHowTo.
Same for shared addressbooks.
Added a setting for the global kdepim data storage.
Usually the data is stored in (yourhomedir/kdepim).
Now you can set in the Global config dialog TAB, subTAB "Data storage path"
a directory where all the kdepim data is stored.
That makes it easy to save all kdepim data on a SD card on the Z, for example.
The timeedit input has a pulldown list for times.
If opened, this pulldown list should now has the right time highlighted.
Added the possibility to exclude events/todos/journals in a filter.
You should exclude journals, if you do not want them to sync with a public calendar.
Added the possibility to in/exclude public/private/confidential contacts to a filter.
If you have already defined filterrules in KA/Pi you have to adjust them all by setting the "include public/private/confidential" property manually. Sorry for that ...
Added printing of card view and details view on desktop.
Printing of list view is not working...
Added button for removing pictures in contact editor.
Parsing data fix of KA/Pi version 1.9.17.
Fixed the "parse name automatically" problem of KA/Pi version 1.9.17.
Fixed some syncing merging problems.
********** VERSION 1.9.17 ************
Fixed that tooltips were not updated after moving an item in agenda view.
Fixed a bug in sorting start date for recurring events in list view.
Changed the left button in todo viewer from "Agenda" to "Set completed".
This makes it possible to change a todo in the What's Next View quickly to the completed state without leaving the What's Next View.
Added more info in the todo viewer: Startdate, parent/sub todos.
All fields search does now actually search all the (possible) fields,
not only those listed in the contact list.
Made is possible to inline a picture in a vcard on the Z.
This was only possible on the desktop, now is it possible on the Z as well.
Fixed of missing save settings after filter configuration.
Made saving of addressbook much faster.
Fixed extension widget layout problem.
Fixed saving of default formatted name settings.
Fixed formatted name handling in edit dialog.
Added an option for changing formatted names of many contacts
(menu: File - Change - Set formatted name).
QWhatsThis was not working on the Z ( only black rectangle was shown).
This is Fixed.
Now readonly KDE resources are synced as well.
(They are not changed in KDE itself, of course).
********** VERSION 1.9.16 ************
Fixed search dialog size on Z 6000 (480x640 display).
Added setting to hide/show time in agenda items.
Added setting to hide not running todos in todo view.
Added columns for start date/time in todo view.
Replaced the solid half-hour lines in agenda view by dot lines.
Added possibility of printing the What's Next View on the desktop
(i.e. Windows and Linux).
Fixed a crash in KO/Pi when starting KO/Pi with What's Next view.
Added tooltips in month view.(Tooltips only available on desktop)
Fixed a strange problem in KO/Pi alarm applet.
Did not find the actual problem,
such that now Qtopia reboots again if deinstalling the alarm applet.
But the alarm applet should work again.
Fixed the problem, that internal pictures were not saved.
Fixed a problem in the pi-sync mode by increasing the timeout for data transfer from 20 seconds to 5 minutes.
Fixed some minor problems. (Like word wrap in help text windows).
Fixed a compiling problem in microkde/kresources.
KO/Pi is using zdbat (renamed to db2file) for syncing with Sharp DTM.
This version now includes zdbat 1.0.0 (old version was zdbat 0.2.9)
such that now syncing KO/Pi with Sharp DTM should work on the
Zaurus C 3000 model.
********** VERSION 1.9.15 ************
Usebilty enhancements in KO/Pi:
When clicking on the date in a month view cell, the day view is shown.
Old behaviour was, that the "new event" dialog popped up.
Added a one step "undo delete" in KO/Pi (Accessable in the "Action" menu).
That means, you can restore the latest
event/todo/journal you have deleted.
A journal is deleted, if you clear all the text of the journal.
Fixed the bug of the editor dialogs in KO/Pi of version 1.9.14.
KA/Pi starting in 480x640 resolution:
Hide the filter action in toolbar
and added icons for undo/delete/redo in toolbar.
Change in OM/Pi ViewMail dialog:
When clicking on the "delete" icon the mail is deleted after confirmation as usual.
But the edit dialog is not closed as before, now the next mail in the folder is shown automatically (if there is any).
Fixed a crash when deleting mail-accounts in OM/Pi.
********** VERSION 1.9.14 ************
Fixed some problems with the dialog sizes when switching
portrait/landscape mode on 640x480 PDA display.
Fixed some other small bugs in KA/Pi KO/Pi and OM/Pi and PwM/Pi.
Fixed an ugly bug in KOpieMail:
KOpieMail was not able to write files (mails) to MSDOS file system,
like on an usual preformatted SD card. That should work now.
To save your mail data on the Sd card do the following:
Create a dir on the SD card:
mkdir /mnt/card/localmail
Go to your home dir:
Go to kopiemail data storage dir:
cd kdepim/apps/kopiemail
Create a symlink to the SD card:
ls -s /mnt/card/localmail
Now KOpieMail will store all mails on the SD card.
KO/Pi Monthview:
Now "Go to Today" selects the current month from day 1-end,
not the current date + some days.
I.e. "Go to Today" shows now always
the current month with first day of month in the first row.
Added missing German translation.
Fixed icons of executeable on Wintendo.
Added a "Show next Mail" button to the OM/Pi
mail viewer such that the mail below the current mail
in the mail list view of the current folder
can be read with a single click.
********** VERSION 1.9.13 ************
Fixed nasty PwM/Pi file reading bug, when
the used hash algo of file is different then the global
hash algo.
Added KA/Pi support for opie mailit mailapplication.
Fixed some bugs in OM/Pi.
Now character conversion tables are available for the Zaurus
to make OM/Pi working properly.
To get the character conversion in OM/Pi working, please download
at the sourceforge project site the package
(or for OZ roms)
from the section "general files for KDE/Pim"
Instructions how to install this package are in a ReadMe in this file.
Fixed the orientation change problem in KA/Pi when switching
portrait/landscape mode.
French translation available for KA/Pi and OM/Pi.
Fixed some problems with categories in KO/Pi in DTM sync.
Added selection dialog for export to phone in KA/Pi.
If in KO/Pi is an attendee selected to add to a meeting and this
attendee is already in the list of attendees, this person is not added
Some menu cleanup in KA/Pi.
diff --git a/libkcal/vcalformat.cpp b/libkcal/vcalformat.cpp
index 223aa5a..62a31ae 100644
--- a/libkcal/vcalformat.cpp
+++ b/libkcal/vcalformat.cpp
@@ -1,1747 +1,1711 @@
This file is part of libkcal.
Copyright (c) 1998 Preston Brwon
Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qclipboard.h>
#include <qdialog.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include "vcc.h"
#include "vobject.h"
#include "vcaldrag.h"
#include "calendar.h"
#include "vcalformat.h"
using namespace KCal;
mCalendar = 0;
useLocalTime = false;
void VCalFormat::setLocalTime ( bool b )
useLocalTime = b;
bool VCalFormat::load(Calendar *calendar, const QString &fileName)
mCalendar = calendar;
if ( ! useLocalTime )
useLocalTime = mCalendar->isLocalTime();
VObject *vcal = 0;
// this is not necessarily only 1 vcal. Could be many vcals, or include
// a vcard...
vcal = Parse_MIME_FromFileName(const_cast<char *>(QFile::encodeName(fileName).data()));
if (!vcal) {
setException(new ErrorFormat(ErrorFormat::CalVersionUnknown));
return FALSE;
// any other top-level calendar stuff should be added/initialized here
// put all vobjects into their proper places
// clean up from vcal API stuff
return true;
bool VCalFormat::save(Calendar *calendar, const QString &fileName)
mCalendar = calendar;
if ( ! useLocalTime )
useLocalTime = mCalendar->isLocalTime();
QString tmpStr;
VObject *vcal, *vo;
vcal = newVObject(VCCalProp);
// addPropValue(vcal,VCLocationProp, "0.0");
addPropValue(vcal,VCProdIdProp, productId());
tmpStr = mCalendar->getTimeZoneStr();
//qDebug("mCalendar->getTimeZoneStr() %s",tmpStr.latin1() );
addPropValue(vcal,VCTimeZoneProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
addPropValue(vcal,VCVersionProp, _VCAL_VERSION);
QPtrList<Todo> todoList = mCalendar->rawTodos();
QPtrListIterator<Todo> qlt(todoList);
for (; qlt.current(); ++qlt) {
vo = eventToVTodo(qlt.current());
addVObjectProp(vcal, vo);
QPtrList<Event> events = mCalendar->rawEvents();
Event *ev;
for(ev=events.first();ev; {
vo = eventToVEvent(ev);
addVObjectProp(vcal, vo);
writeVObjectToFile(QFile::encodeName(fileName).data() ,vcal);
if (QFile::exists(fileName)) {
return true;
} else {
return false; // error
bool VCalFormat::fromString( Calendar *calendar, const QString &text )
// TODO: Factor out VCalFormat::fromString()
QCString data = text.utf8();
if ( !data.size() ) return false;
VObject *vcal = Parse_MIME(, data.size());
if ( !vcal ) return false;
VObjectIterator i;
VObject *curvo;
initPropIterator( &i, vcal );
// we only take the first object. TODO: parse all incidences.
do {
curvo = nextVObject( &i );
} while ( strcmp( vObjectName( curvo ), VCEventProp ) &&
strcmp( vObjectName( curvo ), VCTodoProp ) );
if ( strcmp( vObjectName( curvo ), VCEventProp ) == 0 ) {
Event *event = VEventToEvent( curvo );
calendar->addEvent( event );
} else {
qDebug("VCalFormat::fromString(): Unknown object type. ");
deleteVObject( vcal );
return false;
deleteVObject( vcal );
return true;
QString VCalFormat::eventToString( Event * event, Calendar *calendar, bool useLocal)
if ( !event ) return QString::null;
bool useL = useLocalTime;
useLocalTime = useLocal;
mCalendar = calendar;
VObject *vevent = eventToVEvent( event );
char *buf = writeMemVObject( 0, 0, vevent );
QString result( buf );
cleanVObject( vevent );
useLocalTime = useL;
return result;
QString VCalFormat::todoToString( Todo * todo, Calendar *calendar, bool useLocal )
if ( !todo ) return QString::null;
bool useL = useLocalTime;
useLocalTime = useLocal;
mCalendar = calendar;
VObject *vevent = eventToVTodo( todo );
char *buf = writeMemVObject( 0, 0, vevent );
QString result( buf );
cleanVObject( vevent );
useLocalTime = useL;
return result;
QString VCalFormat::toString( Calendar *calendar )
// TODO: Factor out VCalFormat::asString()
VObject *vcal = newVObject(VCCalProp);
addPropValue( vcal, VCProdIdProp, CalFormat::productId() );
QString tmpStr = mCalendar->getTimeZoneStr();
addPropValue( vcal, VCTimeZoneProp, tmpStr.local8Bit() );
addPropValue( vcal, VCVersionProp, _VCAL_VERSION );
// TODO: Use all data.
QPtrList<Event> events = calendar->events();
Event *event = events.first();
if ( !event ) return QString::null;
VObject *vevent = eventToVEvent( event );
addVObjectProp( vcal, vevent );
char *buf = writeMemVObject( 0, 0, vcal );
QString result( buf );
cleanVObject( vcal );
return result;
VObject *VCalFormat::eventToVTodo(const Todo *anEvent)
VObject *vtodo;
QString tmpStr;
- QStringList tmpStrList;
vtodo = newVObject(VCTodoProp);
// due date
if (anEvent->hasDueDate()) {
tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->dtDue(),
addPropValue(vtodo, VCDueProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// start date
if (anEvent->hasStartDate()) {
tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->dtStart(),
addPropValue(vtodo, VCDTstartProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// creation date
tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->created());
addPropValue(vtodo, VCDCreatedProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// unique id
addPropValue(vtodo, VCUniqueStringProp,
// revision
tmpStr.sprintf("%i", anEvent->revision());
addPropValue(vtodo, VCSequenceProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// last modification date
tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->lastModified());
addPropValue(vtodo, VCLastModifiedProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// organizer stuff
tmpStr = "MAILTO:" + anEvent->organizer();
addPropValue(vtodo, ICOrganizerProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// attendees
if (anEvent->attendeeCount() != 0) {
QPtrList<Attendee> al = anEvent->attendees();
QPtrListIterator<Attendee> ai(al);
Attendee *curAttendee;
for (; ai.current(); ++ai) {
curAttendee = ai.current();
if (!curAttendee->email().isEmpty() &&
tmpStr = "MAILTO:" + curAttendee->name() + " <" +
curAttendee->email() + ">";
else if (curAttendee->name().isEmpty())
tmpStr = "MAILTO: " + curAttendee->email();
else if (curAttendee->email().isEmpty())
tmpStr = "MAILTO: " + curAttendee->name();
else if (curAttendee->name().isEmpty() &&
kdDebug(5800) << "warning! this Event has an attendee w/o name or email!" << endl;
VObject *aProp = addPropValue(vtodo, VCAttendeeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
addPropValue(aProp, VCRoleProp, writeRole(curAttendee->role()));
addPropValue(aProp, VCRSVPProp, curAttendee->RSVP() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
addPropValue(aProp, VCStatusProp, writeStatus(curAttendee->status()));
// description BL:
if (!anEvent->description().isEmpty()) {
VObject *d = addPropValue(vtodo, VCDescriptionProp,
if (anEvent->description().find('\n') != -1)
addProp(d, VCQuotedPrintableProp);
// summary
if (!anEvent->summary().isEmpty())
addPropValue(vtodo, VCSummaryProp, anEvent->summary().local8Bit());
if (!anEvent->location().isEmpty())
addPropValue(vtodo, VCLocationProp, anEvent->location().local8Bit());
// completed
// status
// backward compatibility, KOrganizer used to interpret only these two values
addPropValue(vtodo, VCStatusProp, anEvent->isCompleted() ? "COMPLETED" :
// completion date
if (anEvent->hasCompletedDate()) {
tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->completed());
addPropValue(vtodo, VCCompletedProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// priority
addPropValue(vtodo, VCPriorityProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// related event
if (anEvent->relatedTo()) {
addPropValue(vtodo, VCRelatedToProp,
// categories
- tmpStrList = anEvent->categories();
+ QStringList tmpStrList = anEvent->categories();
tmpStr = "";
QString catStr;
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = tmpStrList.begin();
it != tmpStrList.end();
++it ) {
catStr = *it;
if (catStr[0] == ' ')
tmpStr += catStr.mid(1);
tmpStr += catStr;
// this must be a ';' character as the vCalendar specification requires!
// vcc.y has been hacked to translate the ';' to a ',' when the vcal is
// read in.
tmpStr += ";";
if (!tmpStr.isEmpty()) {
addPropValue(vtodo, VCCategoriesProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// alarm stuff
kdDebug(5800) << "vcalformat::eventToVTodo was called" << endl;
QPtrList<Alarm> alarms = anEvent->alarms();
Alarm* alarm;
for (alarm = alarms.first(); alarm; alarm = {
if (alarm->enabled()) {
VObject *a;
tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(alarm->time());
if (alarm->type() == Alarm::Audio) {
a = addProp(vtodo, VCAAlarmProp);
addPropValue(a, VCRunTimeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
addPropValue(a, VCRepeatCountProp, "1");
addPropValue(a, VCAudioContentProp, QFile::encodeName(alarm->audioFile()));
else if (alarm->type() == Alarm::Procedure) {
a = addProp(vtodo, VCPAlarmProp);
addPropValue(a, VCRunTimeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
addPropValue(a, VCRepeatCountProp, "1");
addPropValue(a, VCProcedureNameProp, QFile::encodeName(alarm->programFile()));
} else {
a = addProp(vtodo, VCDAlarmProp);
addPropValue(a, VCRunTimeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
addPropValue(a, VCRepeatCountProp, "1");
addPropValue(a, VCDisplayStringProp, "beep!");
if (anEvent->pilotId()) {
// pilot sync stuff
addPropValue(vtodo, XPilotIdProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
addPropValue(vtodo, XPilotStatusProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
return vtodo;
VObject* VCalFormat::eventToVEvent(const Event *anEvent)
VObject *vevent;
QString tmpStr;
- QStringList tmpStrList;
vevent = newVObject(VCEventProp);
// start and end time
tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->dtStart(),
addPropValue(vevent, VCDTstartProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// events that have time associated but take up no time should
// not have both DTSTART and DTEND.
if (anEvent->dtStart() != anEvent->dtEnd()) {
tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->dtEnd(),
addPropValue(vevent, VCDTendProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// creation date
tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->created());
addPropValue(vevent, VCDCreatedProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// unique id
addPropValue(vevent, VCUniqueStringProp,
// revision
tmpStr.sprintf("%i", anEvent->revision());
addPropValue(vevent, VCSequenceProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// last modification date
tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->lastModified());
addPropValue(vevent, VCLastModifiedProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// attendee and organizer stuff
tmpStr = "MAILTO:" + anEvent->organizer();
addPropValue(vevent, ICOrganizerProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
if (anEvent->attendeeCount() != 0) {
QPtrList<Attendee> al = anEvent->attendees();
QPtrListIterator<Attendee> ai(al);
Attendee *curAttendee;
// TODO: Put this functionality into Attendee class
for (; ai.current(); ++ai) {
curAttendee = ai.current();
if (!curAttendee->email().isEmpty() &&
tmpStr = "MAILTO:" + curAttendee->name() + " <" +
curAttendee->email() + ">";
else if (curAttendee->name().isEmpty())
tmpStr = "MAILTO: " + curAttendee->email();
else if (curAttendee->email().isEmpty())
tmpStr = "MAILTO: " + curAttendee->name();
else if (curAttendee->name().isEmpty() &&
kdDebug(5800) << "warning! this Event has an attendee w/o name or email!" << endl;
VObject *aProp = addPropValue(vevent, VCAttendeeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
addPropValue(aProp, VCRoleProp, writeRole(curAttendee->role()));
addPropValue(aProp, VCRSVPProp, curAttendee->RSVP() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
addPropValue(aProp, VCStatusProp, writeStatus(curAttendee->status()));
// recurrence rule stuff
if (anEvent->recurrence()->doesRecur()) {
// some more variables
QPtrList<Recurrence::rMonthPos> tmpPositions;
QPtrList<int> tmpDays;
int *tmpDay;
Recurrence::rMonthPos *tmpPos;
QString tmpStr2;
int i;
switch(anEvent->recurrence()->doesRecur()) {
case Recurrence::rDaily:
tmpStr.sprintf("D%i ",anEvent->recurrence()->frequency());
// if (anEvent->rDuration > 0)
// tmpStr += "#";
case Recurrence::rWeekly:
tmpStr.sprintf("W%i ",anEvent->recurrence()->frequency());
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
if (anEvent->recurrence()->days().testBit(i))
tmpStr += dayFromNum(i);
case Recurrence::rMonthlyPos:
tmpStr.sprintf("MP%i ", anEvent->recurrence()->frequency());
// write out all rMonthPos's
tmpPositions = anEvent->recurrence()->monthPositions();
for (tmpPos = tmpPositions.first();
tmpPos = {
tmpStr2.sprintf("%i", tmpPos->rPos);
if (tmpPos->negative)
tmpStr2 += "- ";
tmpStr2 += "+ ";
tmpStr += tmpStr2;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
if (tmpPos->rDays.testBit(i))
tmpStr += dayFromNum(i);
} // loop for all rMonthPos's
case Recurrence::rMonthlyDay:
tmpStr.sprintf("MD%i ", anEvent->recurrence()->frequency());
// write out all rMonthDays;
tmpDays = anEvent->recurrence()->monthDays();
for (tmpDay = tmpDays.first();
tmpDay = {
tmpStr2.sprintf("%i ", *tmpDay);
tmpStr += tmpStr2;
case Recurrence::rYearlyMonth:
tmpStr.sprintf("YM%i ", anEvent->recurrence()->frequency());
// write out all the rYearNums;
tmpDays = anEvent->recurrence()->yearNums();
for (tmpDay = tmpDays.first();
tmpDay = {
tmpStr2.sprintf("%i ", *tmpDay);
tmpStr += tmpStr2;
case Recurrence::rYearlyDay:
tmpStr.sprintf("YD%i ", anEvent->recurrence()->frequency());
// write out all the rYearNums;
tmpDays = anEvent->recurrence()->yearNums();
for (tmpDay = tmpDays.first();
tmpDay = {
tmpStr2.sprintf("%i ", *tmpDay);
tmpStr += tmpStr2;
kdDebug(5800) << "ERROR, it should never get here in eventToVEvent!" << endl;
} // switch
if (anEvent->recurrence()->duration() > 0) {
tmpStr += tmpStr2;
} else if (anEvent->recurrence()->duration() == -1) {
tmpStr += "#0"; // defined as repeat forever
} else {
tmpStr += qDateTimeToISO(anEvent->recurrence()->endDate(), FALSE);
addPropValue(vevent,VCRRuleProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
} // event repeats
// exceptions to recurrence
DateList dateList = anEvent->exDates();
DateList::ConstIterator it;
QString tmpStr2;
for (it = dateList.begin(); it != dateList.end(); ++it) {
tmpStr = qDateToISO(*it) + ";";
tmpStr2 += tmpStr;
if (!tmpStr2.isEmpty()) {
addPropValue(vevent, VCExpDateProp, tmpStr2.local8Bit());
// description
if (!anEvent->description().isEmpty()) {
VObject *d = addPropValue(vevent, VCDescriptionProp,
if (anEvent->description().find('\n') != -1)
addProp(d, VCQuotedPrintableProp);
// summary
if (!anEvent->summary().isEmpty())
addPropValue(vevent, VCSummaryProp, anEvent->summary().local8Bit());
if (!anEvent->location().isEmpty())
addPropValue(vevent, VCLocationProp, anEvent->location().local8Bit());
// status
// TODO: define Event status
// addPropValue(vevent, VCStatusProp, anEvent->statusStr().local8Bit());
// secrecy
const char *text = 0;
switch (anEvent->secrecy()) {
case Incidence::SecrecyPublic:
text = "PUBLIC";
case Incidence::SecrecyPrivate:
text = "PRIVATE";
case Incidence::SecrecyConfidential:
if (text) {
addPropValue(vevent, VCClassProp, text);
// categories
- tmpStrList = anEvent->categories();
+ QStringList tmpStrList = anEvent->categories();
tmpStr = "";
QString catStr;
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = tmpStrList.begin();
it != tmpStrList.end();
++it ) {
catStr = *it;
if (catStr[0] == ' ')
tmpStr += catStr.mid(1);
tmpStr += catStr;
// this must be a ';' character as the vCalendar specification requires!
// vcc.y has been hacked to translate the ';' to a ',' when the vcal is
// read in.
tmpStr += ";";
if (!tmpStr.isEmpty()) {
addPropValue(vevent, VCCategoriesProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// attachments
// TODO: handle binary attachments!
QPtrList<Attachment> attachments = anEvent->attachments();
for ( Attachment *at = attachments.first(); at; at = )
addPropValue(vevent, VCAttachProp, at->uri().local8Bit());
// resources
tmpStrList = anEvent->resources();
tmpStr = tmpStrList.join(";");
if (!tmpStr.isEmpty())
addPropValue(vevent, VCResourcesProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// alarm stuff
QPtrList<Alarm> alarms = anEvent->alarms();
Alarm* alarm;
for (alarm = alarms.first(); alarm; alarm = {
if (alarm->enabled()) {
VObject *a ;
tmpStr = qDateTimeToISO(alarm->time());
if (alarm->type() == Alarm::Audio) {
a = addProp(vevent, VCAAlarmProp);
addPropValue(a, VCRunTimeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
addPropValue(a, VCRepeatCountProp, "1");
addPropValue(a, VCAudioContentProp, QFile::encodeName(alarm->audioFile()));
if (alarm->type() == Alarm::Procedure) {
a = addProp(vevent, VCPAlarmProp);
addPropValue(a, VCRunTimeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
addPropValue(a, VCRepeatCountProp, "1");
addPropValue(a, VCProcedureNameProp, QFile::encodeName(alarm->programFile()));
} else {
a = addProp(vevent, VCDAlarmProp);
addPropValue(a, VCRunTimeProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
addPropValue(a, VCRepeatCountProp, "1");
addPropValue(a, VCDisplayStringProp, "beep!");
// priority
addPropValue(vevent, VCPriorityProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// transparency
addPropValue(vevent, VCTranspProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
// related event
if (anEvent->relatedTo()) {
addPropValue(vevent, VCRelatedToProp,
if (anEvent->pilotId()) {
// pilot sync stuff
addPropValue(vevent, XPilotIdProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
addPropValue(vevent, XPilotStatusProp, tmpStr.local8Bit());
return vevent;
Todo *VCalFormat::VTodoToEvent(VObject *vtodo)
VObject *vo;
VObjectIterator voi;
char *s;
Todo *anEvent = new Todo;
// creation date
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCDCreatedProp)) != 0) {
anEvent->setCreated(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
// unique id
vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCUniqueStringProp);
// while the UID property is preferred, it is not required. We'll use the
// default Event UID if none is given.
if (vo) {
anEvent->setUid(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)));
// last modification date
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCLastModifiedProp)) != 0) {
anEvent->setLastModified(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
// organizer
// if our extension property for the event's ORGANIZER exists, add it.
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, ICOrganizerProp)) != 0) {
anEvent->setOrganizer(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)));
} else {
// attendees.
initPropIterator(&voi, vtodo);
while (moreIteration(&voi)) {
vo = nextVObject(&voi);
if (strcmp(vObjectName(vo), VCAttendeeProp) == 0) {
Attendee *a;
VObject *vp;
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo));
QString tmpStr = QString::fromLocal8Bit(s);
tmpStr = tmpStr.simplifyWhiteSpace();
int emailPos1, emailPos2;
if ((emailPos1 = tmpStr.find('<')) > 0) {
// both email address and name
emailPos2 = tmpStr.findRev('>');
a = new Attendee(tmpStr.left(emailPos1 - 1),
tmpStr.mid(emailPos1 + 1,
emailPos2 - (emailPos1 + 1)));
} else if (tmpStr.find('@') > 0) {
// just an email address
a = new Attendee(0, tmpStr);
} else {
// just a name
// QString email = tmpStr.replace( QRegExp(" "), "." );
a = new Attendee(tmpStr,0);
// is there a Role property?
if ((vp = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCRoleProp)) != 0)
// is there an RSVP property?
if ((vp = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCRSVPProp)) != 0)
// is there a status property?
if ((vp = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCStatusProp)) != 0)
// add the attendee
// description for todo
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCDescriptionProp)) != 0) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo));
// summary
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCSummaryProp))) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo));
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCLocationProp))) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo));
// completed
// was: status
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCStatusProp)) != 0) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo));
if (strcmp(s,"COMPLETED") == 0) {
} else {
// completion date
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCCompletedProp)) != 0) {
anEvent->setCompleted(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
// priority
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCPriorityProp))) {
anEvent->setPriority(atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
// due date
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCDueProp)) != 0) {
anEvent->setDtDue(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
} else {
// start time
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCDTstartProp)) != 0) {
anEvent->setDtStart(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
// kdDebug(5800) << "s is " << // s << ", ISO is " << ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))).toString() << endl;
} else {
/* alarm stuff */
//kdDebug(5800) << "vcalformat::VTodoToEvent called" << endl;
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCDAlarmProp))) {
Alarm* alarm = anEvent->newAlarm();
VObject *a;
if ((a = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCRunTimeProp))) {
alarm->setTime(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(a))));
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCPAlarmProp))) {
if ((a = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCProcedureNameProp))) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(a));
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCAAlarmProp))) {
if ((a = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCAudioContentProp))) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(a));
// related todo
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCRelatedToProp)) != 0) {
anEvent->setRelatedToUid(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)));
// categories
- QStringList tmpStrList;
- int index1 = 0;
- int index2 = 0;
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, VCCategoriesProp)) != 0) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo));
QString categories = QString::fromLocal8Bit(s);
- //const char* category;
- QString category;
- while ((index2 = categories.find(',', index1)) != -1) {
- //category = (const char *) categories.mid(index1, (index2 - index1));
- category = categories.mid(index1, (index2 - index1));
- tmpStrList.append(category);
- index1 = index2+1;
- }
- // get last category
- category = categories.mid(index1, (categories.length()-index1));
- tmpStrList.append(category);
+ QStringList tmpStrList = QStringList::split( ';', categories );
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, XPilotIdProp))) {
anEvent->setPilotId(atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vtodo, XPilotStatusProp))) {
anEvent->setSyncStatus(atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
return anEvent;
Event* VCalFormat::VEventToEvent(VObject *vevent)
VObject *vo;
VObjectIterator voi;
char *s;
Event *anEvent = new Event;
// creation date
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDCreatedProp)) != 0) {
anEvent->setCreated(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
// unique id
vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCUniqueStringProp);
// while the UID property is preferred, it is not required. We'll use the
// default Event UID if none is given.
if (vo) {
anEvent->setUid(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)));
// revision
// again NSCAL doesn't give us much to work with, so we improvise...
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCSequenceProp)) != 0) {
anEvent->setRevision(atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
// last modification date
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCLastModifiedProp)) != 0) {
anEvent->setLastModified(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
// organizer
// if our extension property for the event's ORGANIZER exists, add it.
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, ICOrganizerProp)) != 0) {
anEvent->setOrganizer(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)));
} else {
// deal with attendees.
initPropIterator(&voi, vevent);
while (moreIteration(&voi)) {
vo = nextVObject(&voi);
if (strcmp(vObjectName(vo), VCAttendeeProp) == 0) {
Attendee *a;
VObject *vp;
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo));
QString tmpStr = QString::fromLocal8Bit(s);
tmpStr = tmpStr.simplifyWhiteSpace();
int emailPos1, emailPos2;
if ((emailPos1 = tmpStr.find('<')) > 0) {
// both email address and name
emailPos2 = tmpStr.findRev('>');
a = new Attendee(tmpStr.left(emailPos1 - 1),
tmpStr.mid(emailPos1 + 1,
emailPos2 - (emailPos1 + 1)));
} else if (tmpStr.find('@') > 0) {
// just an email address
a = new Attendee(0, tmpStr);
} else {
// just a name
//QString email = tmpStr.replace( QRegExp(" "), "." );
a = new Attendee(tmpStr,0);
// is there a Role property?
if ((vp = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCRoleProp)) != 0)
// is there an RSVP property?
if ((vp = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCRSVPProp)) != 0)
// is there a status property?
if ((vp = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCStatusProp)) != 0)
// add the attendee
// This isn't strictly true. An event that doesn't have a start time
// or an end time doesn't "float", it has an anchor in time but it doesn't
// "take up" any time.
/*if ((isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTstartProp) == 0) ||
(isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTendProp) == 0)) {
} else {
// start time
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTstartProp)) != 0) {
anEvent->setDtStart(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
// kdDebug(5800) << "s is " << // s << ", ISO is " << ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))).toString() << endl;
if (anEvent->dtStart().time().isNull())
// stop time
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTendProp)) != 0) {
anEvent->setDtEnd(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
if (anEvent->dtEnd().time().isNull())
// at this point, there should be at least a start or end time.
// fix up for events that take up no time but have a time associated
if (!(vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTstartProp)))
if (!(vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDTendProp)))
// repeat stuff
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCRRuleProp)) != 0) {
QString tmpStr = (s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)));
tmpStr = tmpStr.upper();
/********************************* DAILY ******************************/
if (tmpStr.left(1) == "D") {
int index = tmpStr.find(' ');
int rFreq = tmpStr.mid(1, (index-1)).toInt();
index = tmpStr.findRev(' ') + 1; // advance to last field
if (tmpStr.mid(index,1) == "#") index++;
if (tmpStr.find('T', index) != -1) {
QDate rEndDate = (ISOToQDateTime(tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index))).date();
anEvent->recurrence()->setDaily(rFreq, rEndDate);
} else {
int rDuration = tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index).toInt();
if (rDuration == 0) // VEvents set this to 0 forever, we use -1
anEvent->recurrence()->setDaily(rFreq, -1);
anEvent->recurrence()->setDaily(rFreq, rDuration);
/********************************* WEEKLY ******************************/
else if (tmpStr.left(1) == "W") {
int index = tmpStr.find(' ');
int last = tmpStr.findRev(' ') + 1;
int rFreq = tmpStr.mid(1, (index-1)).toInt();
index += 1; // advance to beginning of stuff after freq
QBitArray qba(7);
QString dayStr;
if( index == last ) {
// e.g. W1 #0
qba.setBit(anEvent->dtStart().date().dayOfWeek() - 1);
else {
// e.g. W1 SU #0
while (index < last) {
dayStr = tmpStr.mid(index, 3);
int dayNum = numFromDay(dayStr);
index += 3; // advance to next day, or possibly "#"
index = last; if (tmpStr.mid(index,1) == "#") index++;
if (tmpStr.find('T', index) != -1) {
QDate rEndDate = (ISOToQDateTime(tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index))).date();
anEvent->recurrence()->setWeekly(rFreq, qba, rEndDate);
} else {
int rDuration = tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index).toInt();
if (rDuration == 0)
anEvent->recurrence()->setWeekly(rFreq, qba, -1);
anEvent->recurrence()->setWeekly(rFreq, qba, rDuration);
/**************************** MONTHLY-BY-POS ***************************/
else if (tmpStr.left(2) == "MP") {
int index = tmpStr.find(' ');
int last = tmpStr.findRev(' ') + 1;
int rFreq = tmpStr.mid(2, (index-1)).toInt();
index += 1; // advance to beginning of stuff after freq
QBitArray qba(7);
short tmpPos;
if( index == last ) {
// e.g. MP1 #0
tmpPos = anEvent->dtStart().date().day()/7 + 1;
if( tmpPos == 5 )
tmpPos = -1;
qba.setBit(anEvent->dtStart().date().dayOfWeek() - 1);
anEvent->recurrence()->addMonthlyPos(tmpPos, qba);
else {
// e.g. MP1 1+ SU #0
while (index < last) {
tmpPos = tmpStr.mid(index,1).toShort();
index += 1;
if (tmpStr.mid(index,1) == "-")
// convert tmpPos to negative
tmpPos = 0 - tmpPos;
index += 2; // advance to day(s)
while (numFromDay(tmpStr.mid(index,3)) >= 0) {
int dayNum = numFromDay(tmpStr.mid(index,3));
index += 3; // advance to next day, or possibly pos or "#"
anEvent->recurrence()->addMonthlyPos(tmpPos, qba);
qba.fill(FALSE); // clear out
} // while != "#"
index = last; if (tmpStr.mid(index,1) == "#") index++;
if (tmpStr.find('T', index) != -1) {
QDate rEndDate = (ISOToQDateTime(tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length() -
anEvent->recurrence()->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyPos, rFreq, rEndDate);
} else {
int rDuration = tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index).toInt();
if (rDuration == 0)
anEvent->recurrence()->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyPos, rFreq, -1);
anEvent->recurrence()->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyPos, rFreq, rDuration);
/**************************** MONTHLY-BY-DAY ***************************/
else if (tmpStr.left(2) == "MD") {
int index = tmpStr.find(' ');
int last = tmpStr.findRev(' ') + 1;
int rFreq = tmpStr.mid(2, (index-1)).toInt();
index += 1;
short tmpDay;
if( index == last ) {
// e.g. MD1 #0
tmpDay = anEvent->dtStart().date().day();
else {
// e.g. MD1 3 #0
while (index < last) {
int index2 = tmpStr.find(' ', index);
tmpDay = tmpStr.mid(index, (index2-index)).toShort();
index = index2-1;
if (tmpStr.mid(index, 1) == "-")
tmpDay = 0 - tmpDay;
index += 2; // advance the index;
} // while != #
index = last; if (tmpStr.mid(index,1) == "#") index++;
if (tmpStr.find('T', index) != -1) {
QDate rEndDate = (ISOToQDateTime(tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index))).date();
anEvent->recurrence()->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyDay, rFreq, rEndDate);
} else {
int rDuration = tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index).toInt();
if (rDuration == 0)
anEvent->recurrence()->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyDay, rFreq, -1);
anEvent->recurrence()->setMonthly(Recurrence::rMonthlyDay, rFreq, rDuration);
/*********************** YEARLY-BY-MONTH *******************************/
else if (tmpStr.left(2) == "YM") {
// we have to set this such that recurrence accepts addYearlyNum(tmpDay);
anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyMonth, 1, -1);
int index = tmpStr.find(' ');
int last = tmpStr.findRev(' ') + 1;
int rFreq = tmpStr.mid(2, (index-1)).toInt();
index += 1;
short tmpMonth;
if( index == last ) {
// e.g. YM1 #0
tmpMonth = anEvent->dtStart().date().month();
else {
// e.g. YM1 3 #0
while (index < last) {
int index2 = tmpStr.find(' ', index);
tmpMonth = tmpStr.mid(index, (index2-index)).toShort();
index = index2+1;
} // while != #
index = last; if (tmpStr.mid(index,1) == "#") index++;
if (tmpStr.find('T', index) != -1) {
QDate rEndDate = (ISOToQDateTime(tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index))).date();
anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyMonth, rFreq, rEndDate);
} else {
int rDuration = tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index).toInt();
if (rDuration == 0)
anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyMonth, rFreq, -1);
anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyMonth, rFreq, rDuration);
/*********************** YEARLY-BY-DAY *********************************/
else if (tmpStr.left(2) == "YD") {
// we have to set this such that recurrence accepts addYearlyNum(tmpDay);
anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyDay, 1, -1);
int index = tmpStr.find(' ');
int last = tmpStr.findRev(' ') + 1;
int rFreq = tmpStr.mid(2, (index-1)).toInt();
index += 1;
short tmpDay;
if( index == last ) {
// e.g. YD1 #0
tmpDay = anEvent->dtStart().date().dayOfYear();
else {
// e.g. YD1 123 #0
while (index < last) {
int index2 = tmpStr.find(' ', index);
tmpDay = tmpStr.mid(index, (index2-index)).toShort();
index = index2+1;
} // while != #
index = last; if (tmpStr.mid(index,1) == "#") index++;
if (tmpStr.find('T', index) != -1) {
QDate rEndDate = (ISOToQDateTime(tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index))).date();
anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyDay, rFreq, rEndDate);
} else {
int rDuration = tmpStr.mid(index, tmpStr.length()-index).toInt();
if (rDuration == 0)
anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyDay, rFreq, -1);
anEvent->recurrence()->setYearly(Recurrence::rYearlyDay, rFreq, rDuration);
} else {
kdDebug(5800) << "we don't understand this type of recurrence!" << endl;
} // if
} // repeats
// recurrence exceptions
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCExpDateProp)) != 0) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo));
QStringList exDates = QStringList::split(",",s);
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
for(it = exDates.begin(); it != exDates.end(); ++it ) {
// summary
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCSummaryProp))) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo));
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCLocationProp))) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo));
// description
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDescriptionProp)) != 0) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo));
if (!anEvent->description().isEmpty()) {
anEvent->setDescription(anEvent->description() + "\n" +
} else {
// some stupid vCal exporters ignore the standard and use Description
// instead of Summary for the default field. Correct for this.
if (anEvent->summary().isEmpty() &&
!(anEvent->description().isEmpty())) {
QString tmpStr = anEvent->description().simplifyWhiteSpace();
#if 0
// status
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCStatusProp)) != 0) {
QString tmpStr(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)));
// TODO: Define Event status
// anEvent->setStatus(tmpStr);
// anEvent->setStatus("NEEDS ACTION");
// secrecy
int secrecy = Incidence::SecrecyPublic;
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCClassProp)) != 0) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo));
if (strcmp(s,"PRIVATE") == 0) {
secrecy = Incidence::SecrecyPrivate;
} else if (strcmp(s,"CONFIDENTIAL") == 0) {
secrecy = Incidence::SecrecyConfidential;
// categories
QStringList tmpStrList;
- int index1 = 0;
- int index2 = 0;
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCCategoriesProp)) != 0) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo));
QString categories = QString::fromLocal8Bit(s);
- //const char* category;
- QString category;
- while ((index2 = categories.find(',', index1)) != -1) {
- //category = (const char *) categories.mid(index1, (index2 - index1));
- category = categories.mid(index1, (index2 - index1));
- tmpStrList.append(category);
- index1 = index2+1;
- }
- // get last category
- category = categories.mid(index1, (categories.length()-index1));
- tmpStrList.append(category);
+ tmpStrList = QStringList::split( ';', categories );
// attachments
- tmpStrList.clear();
initPropIterator(&voi, vevent);
while (moreIteration(&voi)) {
vo = nextVObject(&voi);
if (strcmp(vObjectName(vo), VCAttachProp) == 0) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo));
anEvent->addAttachment(new Attachment(QString(s)));
// resources
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCResourcesProp)) != 0) {
QString resources = (s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)));
- tmpStrList.clear();
- index1 = 0;
- index2 = 0;
- QString resource;
- while ((index2 = resources.find(';', index1)) != -1) {
- resource = resources.mid(index1, (index2 - index1));
- tmpStrList.append(resource);
- index1 = index2;
- }
+ tmpStrList = QStringList::split( ';', resources );
/* alarm stuff */
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCDAlarmProp))) {
Alarm* alarm = anEvent->newAlarm();
VObject *a;
if ((a = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCRunTimeProp))) {
alarm->setTime(ISOToQDateTime(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(a))));
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCPAlarmProp))) {
if ((a = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCProcedureNameProp))) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(a));
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCAAlarmProp))) {
if ((a = isAPropertyOf(vo, VCAudioContentProp))) {
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(a));
// priority
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCPriorityProp))) {
anEvent->setPriority(atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
// transparency
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCTranspProp)) != 0) {
int i = atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)));
anEvent->setTransparency( i == 1 ? Event::Transparent : Event::Opaque );
// related event
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, VCRelatedToProp)) != 0) {
anEvent->setRelatedToUid(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo)));
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, XPilotIdProp))) {
anEvent->setPilotId(atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
if ((vo = isAPropertyOf(vevent, XPilotStatusProp))) {
anEvent->setSyncStatus(atoi(s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(vo))));
return anEvent;
QString VCalFormat::qDateToISO(const QDate &qd)
QString tmpStr;
qd.year(), qd.month(),;
return tmpStr;
QString VCalFormat::qDateTimeToISO(const QDateTime &qdt, bool zulu)
QString tmpStr;
if (zulu && !useLocalTime ) {
QDateTime tmpDT = qdt.addSecs ( -KGlobal::locale()->localTimeOffset( qdt )*60);
tmpStr.sprintf("%.2d%.2d%.2dT%.2d%.2d%.2dZ",,,, tmpDT.time().hour(),
tmpDT.time().minute(), tmpDT.time().second());
} else {
tmpStr.sprintf("%.2d%.2d%.2dT%.2d%.2d%.2d",,,, qdt.time().hour(),
qdt.time().minute(), qdt.time().second());
return tmpStr;
QDateTime VCalFormat::ISOToQDateTime(const QString & dtStr)
QDate tmpDate;
QTime tmpTime;
QString tmpStr;
int year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
tmpStr = dtStr;
year = tmpStr.left(4).toInt();
month = tmpStr.mid(4,2).toInt();
day = tmpStr.mid(6,2).toInt();
hour = tmpStr.mid(9,2).toInt();
minute = tmpStr.mid(11,2).toInt();
second = tmpStr.mid(13,2).toInt();
tmpDate.setYMD(year, month, day);
tmpTime.setHMS(hour, minute, second);
QDateTime tmpDT(tmpDate, tmpTime);
// correct for GMT if string is in Zulu format
if ( == 'Z')
tmpDT = tmpDT.addSecs (KGlobal::locale()->localTimeOffset( tmpDT )*60);
return tmpDT;
QDate VCalFormat::ISOToQDate(const QString &dateStr)
int year, month, day;
year = dateStr.left(4).toInt();
month = dateStr.mid(4,2).toInt();
day = dateStr.mid(6,2).toInt();
return(QDate(year, month, day));
// take a raw vcalendar (i.e. from a file on disk, clipboard, etc. etc.
// and break it down from it's tree-like format into the dictionary format
// that is used internally in the VCalFormat.
void VCalFormat::populate(VObject *vcal)
// this function will populate the caldict dictionary and other event
// lists. It turns vevents into Events and then inserts them.
VObjectIterator i;
VObject *curVO, *curVOProp;
Event *anEvent;
if ((curVO = isAPropertyOf(vcal, ICMethodProp)) != 0) {
char *methodType = 0;
methodType = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVO));
kdDebug() << "This calendar is an iTIP transaction of type '"
<< methodType << "'" << endl;
delete methodType;
// warn the user that we might have trouble reading non-known calendar.
if ((curVO = isAPropertyOf(vcal, VCProdIdProp)) != 0) {
char *s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVO));
if (strcmp(productId().local8Bit(), s) != 0)
kdDebug() << "This vCalendar file was not created by KOrganizer "
"or any other product we support. Loading anyway..." << endl;
mLoadedProductId = s;
// warn the user we might have trouble reading this unknown version.
if ((curVO = isAPropertyOf(vcal, VCVersionProp)) != 0) {
char *s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVO));
if (strcmp(_VCAL_VERSION, s) != 0)
kdDebug() << "This vCalendar file has version " << s
<< "We only support " << _VCAL_VERSION << endl;
// set the time zone
if ((curVO = isAPropertyOf(vcal, VCTimeZoneProp)) != 0) {
if ( vObjectUStringZValue(curVO) != 0 ) {
char *s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVO));
// Store all events with a relatedTo property in a list for post-processing
initPropIterator(&i, vcal);
// go through all the vobjects in the vcal
while (moreIteration(&i)) {
curVO = nextVObject(&i);
// now, check to see that the object is an event or todo.
if (strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCEventProp) == 0) {
if ((curVOProp = isAPropertyOf(curVO, XPilotStatusProp)) != 0) {
char *s;
s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVOProp));
// check to see if event was deleted by the kpilot conduit
if (atoi(s) == Event::SYNCDEL) {
kdDebug(5800) << "skipping pilot-deleted event" << endl;
goto SKIP;
// this code checks to see if we are trying to read in an event
// that we already find to be in the calendar. If we find this
// to be the case, we skip the event.
if ((curVOProp = isAPropertyOf(curVO, VCUniqueStringProp)) != 0) {
char *s = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(curVOProp));
QString tmpStr(s);
if (mCalendar->event(tmpStr)) {
goto SKIP;
if (mCalendar->todo(tmpStr)) {
goto SKIP;
if ((!(curVOProp = isAPropertyOf(curVO, VCDTstartProp))) &&
(!(curVOProp = isAPropertyOf(curVO, VCDTendProp)))) {
kdDebug(5800) << "found a VEvent with no DTSTART and no DTEND! Skipping..." << endl;
goto SKIP;
anEvent = VEventToEvent(curVO);
// we now use addEvent instead of insertEvent so that the
// signal/slot get connected.
if (anEvent) {
if ( !anEvent->dtStart().isValid() || !anEvent->dtEnd().isValid() ) {
kdDebug() << "VCalFormat::populate(): Event has invalid dates."
<< endl;
} else {
} else {
// some sort of error must have occurred while in translation.
goto SKIP;
} else if (strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCTodoProp) == 0) {
Todo *aTodo = VTodoToEvent(curVO);
} else if ((strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCVersionProp) == 0) ||
(strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCProdIdProp) == 0) ||
(strcmp(vObjectName(curVO), VCTimeZoneProp) == 0)) {
// do nothing, we know these properties and we want to skip them.
// we have either already processed them or are ignoring them.
} else {
kdDebug(5800) << "Ignoring unknown vObject \"" << vObjectName(curVO) << "\"" << endl;
} // while
// Post-Process list of events with relations, put Event objects in relation
Event *ev;
for ( ev=mEventsRelate.first(); ev != 0; ) {
Todo *todo;
for ( todo=mTodosRelate.first(); todo != 0; ) {
const char *VCalFormat::dayFromNum(int day)
const char *days[7] = { "MO ", "TU ", "WE ", "TH ", "FR ", "SA ", "SU " };
return days[day];
int VCalFormat::numFromDay(const QString &day)
if (day == "MO ") return 0;
if (day == "TU ") return 1;
if (day == "WE ") return 2;
if (day == "TH ") return 3;
if (day == "FR ") return 4;
if (day == "SA ") return 5;
if (day == "SU ") return 6;
return -1; // something bad happened. :)
Attendee::Role VCalFormat::readRole(const char *s) const
QString statStr = s;
statStr = statStr.upper();
Attendee::Role role = Attendee::ReqParticipant;
if ( statStr == "OWNER")
role = Attendee::Chair;
// enum Role { ReqParticipant, OptParticipant, NonParticipant, Chair };
return role;
QCString VCalFormat::writeRole(Attendee::Role role) const
if ( role == Attendee::Chair )
return "OWNER";
return "ATTENDEE";
Attendee::PartStat VCalFormat::readStatus(const char *s) const
QString statStr = s;
statStr = statStr.upper();
Attendee::PartStat status;
if (statStr == "X-ACTION")
status = Attendee::NeedsAction;
else if (statStr == "NEEDS ACTION")
status = Attendee::NeedsAction;
else if (statStr== "ACCEPTED")
status = Attendee::Accepted;
else if (statStr== "SENT")
status = Attendee::NeedsAction;
else if (statStr== "TENTATIVE")
status = Attendee::Tentative;
else if (statStr== "CONFIRMED")
status = Attendee::Accepted;
else if (statStr== "DECLINED")
status = Attendee::Declined;
else if (statStr== "COMPLETED")
status = Attendee::Completed;
else if (statStr== "DELEGATED")
status = Attendee::Delegated;
else {
kdDebug(5800) << "error setting attendee mStatus, unknown mStatus!" << endl;
status = Attendee::NeedsAction;
return status;
QCString VCalFormat::writeStatus(Attendee::PartStat status) const
switch(status) {
case Attendee::NeedsAction:
return "NEEDS ACTION";
case Attendee::Accepted:
return "ACCEPTED";
case Attendee::Declined:
return "DECLINED";
case Attendee::Tentative:
return "TENTATIVE";
case Attendee::Delegated:
return "DELEGATED";
case Attendee::Completed:
return "COMPLETED";
case Attendee::InProcess:
return "NEEDS ACTION";