authorzautrix <zautrix>2004-08-01 19:29:37 (UTC)
committer zautrix <zautrix>2004-08-01 19:29:37 (UTC)
commit062113379f93ed645d2f246183c89eb8b6814834 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent3bdbe8154381abc3fca2aaf5c055b59c2f8637a2 (diff)
sync dialog fixes
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
3 files changed, 13 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp
index 298fa82..44b1264 100644
--- a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -726,208 +726,208 @@ void MainWindow::initActions()
viewjournal_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "2leftarrowB" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Prev. month"), 200, 14);
if (p-> mShowIconBackFast) {
action = new QAction( i18n("Prev. month"), icon, i18n("Prev. month"),0 , this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( goPreviousMonth() ) );
action->addTo( iconToolBar );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "1leftarrowB" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Go backward"), 210,15);
if (p-> mShowIconBack) {
action = new QAction( i18n("Go backward"), icon, i18n("Go backward"),0 , this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( goPrevious() ) );
action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconToday)
today_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "1rightarrowB" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Go forward"), 220);
if (p-> mShowIconForward) {
action = new QAction( i18n("Go forward"), icon, i18n("Go forward"),0 , this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( goNext() ) );
action->addTo( iconToolBar );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "2rightarrowB" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Next month"), 230);
if (p-> mShowIconForwardFast) {
action = new QAction( i18n("Next month"), icon, i18n("Next month"),0 , this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( goNextMonth() ) );
action->addTo( iconToolBar );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(i18n("What's This?"), 300);
if (p-> mShowIconNewEvent)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 10, true );
if (p->mShowIconNewTodo )
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 20, true );
if (p-> mShowIconSearch)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 120, true );
if (p-> mShowIconList)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 30, true );
if (p-> mShowIconDay1)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 40, true );
if (p-> mShowIconDay5)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 50, true );
if (p-> mShowIconDay7)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 60, true );
if (p-> mShowIconMonth)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 70, true );
if (p-> mShowIconTodoview)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 80, true );
if (p-> mShowIconBackFast)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 200, true );
if (p-> mShowIconBack)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 210, true );
if (p-> mShowIconToday)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 130, true );
if (p-> mShowIconForward)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 220, true );
if (p-> mShowIconForwardFast)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 230, true );
if (p-> mShowIconNextDays)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 100, true );
if (p-> mShowIconNext)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 110, true );
if (p-> mShowIconJournal)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 90, true );
if (p-> mShowIconWhatsThis)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 300, true );
QLabel* dummy = new QLabel( iconToolBar );
dummy->setBackgroundColor( iconToolBar->backgroundColor() );
if (!p-> mShowIconStretch)
iconToolBar->setStretchableWidget ( dummy ) ;
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 5, true );
if (p-> mShowIconWhatsThis)
QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton ( iconToolBar );
connect( configureToolBarMenu, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),this, SLOT(configureToolBar( int ) ) );
configureAgenda( p->mHourSize );
connect( configureAgendaMenu, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),this, SLOT(configureAgenda( int ) ) );
void MainWindow::fillSyncMenu()
syncMenu->insertItem( i18n("Configure..."), 0 );
syncMenu->insertItem( i18n("Multiple sync"), 1 );
KConfig config ( locateLocal( "config","syncprofilesrc" ) );
- config.setGroup("SyncProfiles");
+ config.setGroup("General");
QStringList prof = config.readListEntry("SyncProfileNames");
KOPrefs::instance()->mLocalMachineName = config.readEntry("LocalMachineName","undefined");
if ( prof.count() < 3 ) {
- prof << i18n("Sharp-DTM");
- prof << i18n("Local file");
- prof << i18n("Last file");
+ prof << i18n("Sharp_DTM");
+ prof << i18n("Local_file");
+ prof << i18n("Last_file");
KSyncProfile* temp = new KSyncProfile ();
temp->setName( prof[0] );
temp->setName( prof[1] );
temp->setName( prof[2] );
- config.setGroup("SyncProfiles");
+ config.setGroup("General");
delete temp;
KOPrefs::instance()->mSyncProfileNames = prof;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < prof.count(); ++i ) {
syncMenu->insertItem( prof[i], 1000+i );
if ( i == 2 )
QDir app_dir;
if ( !app_dir.exists(QDir::homeDirPath()+"/Applications/dtm" ) ) {
syncMenu->setItemEnabled( false , 1000 );
int MainWindow::ringSync()
int syncedProfiles = 0;
int i;
QTime timer;
KConfig config ( locateLocal( "config","syncprofilesrc" ) );
QStringList syncProfileNames = KOPrefs::instance()->mSyncProfileNames;
KSyncProfile* temp = new KSyncProfile ();
KOPrefs::instance()->mAskForPreferences = false;
for ( i = 0; i < syncProfileNames.count(); ++i ) {
mCurrentSyncProfile = i;
if ( temp->getIncludeInRingSync() && ( i < 1 || i > 2 )) {
setCaption(i18n("Profile ")+syncProfileNames[mCurrentSyncProfile]+ i18n(" is synced ... "));
// KOPrefs::instance()->mAskForPreferences = temp->getAskForPreferences();
KOPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackFile = temp->getWriteBackFile();
KOPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackExistingOnly = temp->getWriteBackExisting();
KOPrefs::instance()->mShowSyncSummary = false;
mView->setSyncDevice(syncProfileNames[i] );
mView->setSyncName( KOPrefs::instance()->mLocalMachineName );
if ( i == 0 ) {
} else {
if ( temp->getIsLocalFileSync() ) {
if ( syncWithFile( temp->getRemoteFileName( ), true ) )
KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSyncedLocalFile = temp->getRemoteFileName();
} else {
syncRemote( temp, false );
setCaption(i18n("Multiple sync in progress ... please wait!") );
while ( timer.elapsed () < 2000 ) {
#ifndef _WIN32_
sleep (1);
delete temp;
return syncedProfiles;
void MainWindow::multiSync( bool askforPrefs )
if (mBlockSaveFlag)
mBlockSaveFlag = true;
QString question = i18n("Do you really want\nto multiple sync\nwith all checked profiles?\nSyncing takes some\ntime - all profiles\nare synced twice!");
if ( QMessageBox::information( this, i18n("KO/Pi Sync"),
i18n("Yes"), i18n("No"),
0, 0 ) != 0 ) {
mBlockSaveFlag = false;
setCaption(i18n("Aborted! Nothing synced!"));
mView->setSyncDevice(i18n("Multiple profiles") );
KOPrefs::instance()->mSyncAlgoPrefs = KOPrefs::instance()->mRingSyncAlgoPrefs;
if ( askforPrefs ) {
KOPrefs::instance()->mRingSyncAlgoPrefs = KOPrefs::instance()->mSyncAlgoPrefs;
setCaption(i18n("Multiple sync started.") );
int num = ringSync() ;
if ( num > 1 )
mBlockSaveFlag = false;
if ( num )
if ( num )
diff --git a/libkdepim/ksyncprefsdialog.cpp b/libkdepim/ksyncprefsdialog.cpp
index 2f38c83..59c8418 100644
--- a/libkdepim/ksyncprefsdialog.cpp
+++ b/libkdepim/ksyncprefsdialog.cpp
@@ -450,166 +450,165 @@ void KSyncPrefsDialog::saveProfile()
KSyncProfile* prof;
if ( currentSelection >= 0 ) {
prof = ;
prof->setPreSyncCommand( mRemotePrecommand->text());
prof->setPostSyncCommand( mRemotePostcommand->text() );
prof->setLocalTempFile( mLocalTempFile->text());
prof->setRemoteFileName( mRemoteFile->text() );
prof->setPreSyncCommandAB( mRemotePrecommandAB->text());
prof->setPostSyncCommandAB( mRemotePostcommandAB->text() );
prof->setLocalTempFileAB( mLocalTempFileAB->text());
prof->setRemoteFileNameAB( mRemoteFileAB->text() );
prof->setShowSummaryAfterSync( mShowSummaryAfterSync->isChecked() );
prof->setAskForPreferences( mAskForPreferences->isChecked());
prof->setWriteBackExisting(mWriteBackExisting->isChecked() );
prof->setWriteBackFile( mWriteBackFile->isChecked());
prof->setIncludeInRingSync( mIncludeInRing->isChecked() );
prof->setIncludeInRingSyncAB( mIncludeInRingAB->isChecked() );
int syncprefs = rem->isChecked()*1+newest->isChecked()*2+ ask->isChecked()*3+ f_loc->isChecked()*4+ f_rem->isChecked()*5 ;//+ both->isChecked()*6 ;
prof->setSyncPrefs( syncprefs);
prof->setIsLocalFileSync( mIsLocal->isChecked() );
prof->setIsPhoneSync( mIsPhone->isChecked() );
prof->setPhoneDevice( mPhoneDevice->text() );
prof->setPhoneConnection( mPhoneConnection->text() );
prof->setPhoneModel( mPhoneModel->text() );
void KSyncPrefsDialog::insertProfiles()
int curItem = mProfileBox->currentItem();
mProfileBox->blockSignals( true );
mProfileBox->insertStringList (mSyncProfileNames );
int item = mSyncProfileNames.count() -1;
if ( curItem >= 0 && mSyncProfileNames.count() > 0 && curItem < mSyncProfileNames.count() )
mProfileBox->setCurrentItem( curItem );
else if ( item >= 0 ) {
mProfileBox->setCurrentItem( item );
currentSelection = -1;
if ( mSyncProfileNames.count() > 0 ) {
//qDebug(" profileChanged( mProfileBox->currentItem() ");
profileChanged( mProfileBox->currentItem() );
currentSelection = mProfileBox->currentItem();
mProfileBox->blockSignals( false );
void KSyncPrefsDialog::addProfile ( KSyncProfile* temp )
mSyncProfiles.append( temp );
mSyncProfileNames << temp->getName();
int last = mProfileBox->count() -1;
mProfileBox->blockSignals( true );
mProfileBox->setCurrentItem( last );
mProfileBox->blockSignals( false );
void KSyncPrefsDialog::newProfile()
addProfile ( new KSyncProfile () );
void KSyncPrefsDialog::cloneProfile()
if ( currentSelection >= 0 )
addProfile (>clone()) ;
void KSyncPrefsDialog::setLocalMachineName ( const QString& name )
mMyMachineName->setText( name );
QString KSyncPrefsDialog::getLocalMachineName ( )
return mMyMachineName->text();
QStringList KSyncPrefsDialog::getSyncProfileNames()
return mSyncProfileNames;
void KSyncPrefsDialog::usrReadConfig()
//KConfig *config = KOGlobals::config();
KConfig config ( locateLocal( "config","syncprofilesrc" ) );
- config.setGroup("SyncProfiles");
+ config.setGroup("General");
mSyncProfileNames =config.readListEntry("SyncProfileNames");
int i;
KSyncProfile* temp ;
for ( i = 0; i < mSyncProfileNames.count();++i ) {
temp = new KSyncProfile ();
temp->setName( mSyncProfileNames[i] );
temp->readConfig( &config );
mSyncProfiles.append( temp );
//mMyMachineName->setText(KOPrefs::instance()->mLocalMachineName );
void KSyncPrefsDialog::usrWriteConfig()
if ( currentSelection >= 0 )
//KConfig *config = KOGlobals::config();
KConfig config ( locateLocal( "config","syncprofilesrc" ) );
- config.setGroup("SyncProfiles");
KSyncProfile* prof = mSyncProfiles.first();
while ( prof ) {
prof =;
//KOPrefs::instance()->mSyncProfileNames = mSyncProfileNames;
//KOPrefs::instance()->mLocalMachineName = mMyMachineName->text();
+ config.setGroup("General");
- QString name = mMyMachineName->text();
- config.writeEntry("LocalMachineName",name);
+ config.writeEntry("LocalMachineName",mMyMachineName->text());
void KSyncPrefsDialog::helpDevice()
QString hint = i18n("Insert device where\nphone is connected. E.g.:\n");
#ifdef _WIN32_
- hint += "leave empty for Irda\n"
+ hint += "Leave empty for Irda.\n"
"com1:\n(first serial port)\n"
"usb not supported\n"
"???\n(bluetooth device address)\n";
hint += "/dev/ircomm\n(Irda)\n"
"/dev/ttyS0\n(first serial port)\n"
"/dev/ttyUSB0\n(first device usb port)\n"
"???\n(bluetooth device address)\n";
KMessageBox::information(this,hint,i18n("KDE-Pim sync config"));
void KSyncPrefsDialog::helpModel()
QString hint = i18n("Leave empty or\ninsert name of phone model:\n");
hint += "E.g. for Nokia 6310i:\n6310i\nAlso possible:\nobex\nfor Obex connection";
KMessageBox::information(this,hint,i18n("KDE-Pim sync config"));
void KSyncPrefsDialog::helpConnection()
QString hint = i18n("Insert kind of connection,e.g.:\n");
hint += "irda | Nokia FBUS over infrared\n"
"irdaat | AT commands infrared\n(for Siemens/Sony-Erricsson)\n"
"irdaobex | set also model as obex\n"
"fbus | Nokia FBUS2 serial\n";
KMessageBox::information(this,hint,i18n("KDE-Pim sync config"));
diff --git a/libkdepim/ksyncprofile.cpp b/libkdepim/ksyncprofile.cpp
index 425285e..fcbb326 100644
--- a/libkdepim/ksyncprofile.cpp
+++ b/libkdepim/ksyncprofile.cpp
@@ -3,171 +3,171 @@
Copyright (c) 2004 Lutz Rogowski <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// $Id$
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "ksyncprofile.h"
KSyncProfile::KSyncProfile( const char * name): QObject (0, name )
KSyncProfile* KSyncProfile::clone()
KSyncProfile* myClone = new KSyncProfile();
myClone->setPreSyncCommand( mPreSyncCommand );
myClone->setPostSyncCommand( mPostSyncCommand );
myClone->setLocalTempFile( mLocalTempFile);
myClone->setRemoteFileName( mRemoteFileName );
myClone->setPreSyncCommandAB( mPreSyncCommandAB );
myClone->setPostSyncCommandAB( mPostSyncCommandAB );
myClone->setLocalTempFileAB( mLocalTempFileAB);
myClone->setRemoteFileNameAB( mRemoteFileNameAB );
myClone->setShowSummaryAfterSync( mShowSummaryAfterSync );
myClone->setAskForPreferences( mAskForPreferences);
myClone->setWriteBackExisting(mWriteBackExisting );
myClone->setWriteBackFile( mWriteBackFile);
myClone->setWriteBackFuture( mWriteBackFuture );
myClone->setWriteBackFutureWeeks( mWriteBackFutureWeeks );
myClone->setIncludeInRingSync( mIncludeInRingSync );
myClone->setIncludeInRingSyncAB( mIncludeInRingSyncAB );
myClone->setSyncPrefs( mSyncPrefs);
myClone->setIsLocalFileSync( mIsLocalFileSync );
myClone->setIsPhoneSync( mIsPhoneSync );
myClone->setName( "noName" );
return myClone;
void KSyncProfile::setDefault()
mName = "noName";
mPreSyncCommand = i18n("command for downloading remote file to local device");
mPostSyncCommand = i18n("command for uploading local temp file to remote device");
mLocalTempFile = "/tmp/mycalendar.ics";
mRemoteFileName = "/home/polo/kdepim/apps/korganizer/localfile.ics";
mPreSyncCommandAB = i18n("command for downloading remote file to local device");
mPostSyncCommandAB = i18n("command for uploading local temp file to remote device");
mLocalTempFileAB = "/tmp/std.vcf";
mRemoteFileNameAB = "/home/polo/kdepim/apps/kabc/localfile.vcf";
mShowSummaryAfterSync = true;
mAskForPreferences = true;
mWriteBackExisting = false;
mWriteBackFuture = false;
mWriteBackFutureWeeks = 12;
mWriteBackFile = true;
mIncludeInRingSync = false;
mIncludeInRingSyncAB = false;
mSyncPrefs = SYNC_PREF_ASK;
mIsLocalFileSync = true;
mIsPhoneSync = false;
mPhoneDevice = "/dev/ircomm";
mPhoneConnection = "irda";
mPhoneModel = "6310i";
void KSyncProfile::readConfig(KConfig *config )
- config->setGroup("SyncProfiles");
- QString prefix = "Profile_"+mName+"_";
+ config->setGroup(mName);
+ QString prefix = "";
//mName = config->readEntry( prefix+ "Name", mName );
mPreSyncCommand = config->readEntry( prefix+ "PreSyncCommand",mPreSyncCommand );
mPostSyncCommand = config->readEntry( prefix+ "PostSyncCommand", mPostSyncCommand );;
mLocalTempFile = config->readEntry( prefix+ "LocalTempFile", mLocalTempFile );
mRemoteFileName = config->readEntry( prefix+ "RemoteFileName", mRemoteFileName );
mPreSyncCommandAB = config->readEntry( prefix+ "PreSyncCommandAB",mPreSyncCommandAB );
mPostSyncCommandAB = config->readEntry( prefix+ "PostSyncCommandAB", mPostSyncCommandAB );
mLocalTempFileAB = config->readEntry( prefix+ "LocalTempFileAB", mLocalTempFileAB );
mRemoteFileNameAB = config->readEntry( prefix+ "RemoteFileNameAB", mRemoteFileNameAB );
mPhoneDevice = config->readEntry( prefix+ "PhoneDevice", mPhoneDevice );
mPhoneConnection = config->readEntry( prefix+ "PhoneConnection", mPhoneConnection );
mPhoneModel = config->readEntry( prefix+ "PhoneModel", mPhoneModel );
mIncludeInRingSync = config->readBoolEntry( prefix+ "IncludeInRingSync",mIncludeInRingSync );
mIncludeInRingSyncAB = config->readBoolEntry( prefix+ "IncludeInRingSyncAB",mIncludeInRingSyncAB );
mShowSummaryAfterSync = config->readBoolEntry( prefix+ "ShowSummaryAfterSync", mShowSummaryAfterSync );
mAskForPreferences = config->readBoolEntry( prefix+ "AskForPreferences",mAskForPreferences );
mWriteBackExisting = config->readBoolEntry( prefix+ "WriteBackExisting",mWriteBackExisting );
mWriteBackFuture = config->readBoolEntry( prefix+ "WriteBackFuture",mWriteBackFuture );
mSyncPrefs = config->readNumEntry( prefix+ "SyncPrefs", mSyncPrefs );
mWriteBackFutureWeeks = config->readNumEntry( prefix+ "WriteBackFutureWeeks", mWriteBackFutureWeeks );
mIsLocalFileSync= config->readBoolEntry( prefix+ "IsLocalFileSync", mIsLocalFileSync );
mIsPhoneSync= config->readBoolEntry( prefix+ "IsPhoneSync", mIsPhoneSync );
void KSyncProfile::writeConfig( KConfig * config )
- config->setGroup("SyncProfiles");
- QString prefix = "Profile_"+mName+"_";
+ config->setGroup(mName );
+ QString prefix = "";
// config->writeEntry( prefix+ "Name", mName );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "PreSyncCommand",mPreSyncCommand );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "PostSyncCommand", mPostSyncCommand );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "LocalTempFile", mLocalTempFile );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "RemoteFileName", mRemoteFileName );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "PreSyncCommandAB",mPreSyncCommandAB );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "PostSyncCommandAB", mPostSyncCommandAB );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "LocalTempFileAB", mLocalTempFileAB );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "RemoteFileNameAB", mRemoteFileNameAB );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "PhoneDevice", mPhoneDevice );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "PhoneConnection", mPhoneConnection );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "PhoneModel", mPhoneModel );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "IncludeInRingSync",mIncludeInRingSync );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "IncludeInRingSyncAB",mIncludeInRingSyncAB );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "ShowSummaryAfterSync", mShowSummaryAfterSync );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "AskForPreferences",mAskForPreferences );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "WriteBackExisting",mWriteBackExisting );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "WriteBackFuture",mWriteBackFuture );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "SyncPrefs", mSyncPrefs );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "WriteBackFutureWeeks", mWriteBackFutureWeeks);
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "IsLocalFileSync", mIsLocalFileSync );
config->writeEntry( prefix+ "IsPhoneSync", mIsPhoneSync );
class KPrefsItemInt : public KPrefsItem {
KPrefsItemInt(const QString &group,const QString &name,int *,int defaultValue=0);
virtual ~KPrefsItemInt() {}
void setDefault();
void readConfig(KConfig *);
void writeConfig(KConfig *);
int *mReference;
int mDefault;